弗蕾学士长(英文名:Head Scribe Vree)是兄弟会的学士团的负责人,也是2161年的首席研究员。
互动 | ||
此角色有一个面部特写。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
此角色与以下组织结盟。 |
消灭变种人领袖: 在与玩家角色会面之前,弗蕾对超级变种人的尸体进行了尸检,并推断出这些变种人都是不育的,如弗蕾的尸检报告中所记录。如果这只磁盘被玩家角色获得,他们就有机会说服主教变种人作为主种族不可避免地不如人类,从而外交解决了这个任务。
弗蕾的告诉我关于 | |
提问 | 回答 |
兄弟会 | "这个饱受折磨的星球及其人民唯一的救赎。没有我们,人类肯定会灭亡。" |
大教堂之子教会, 中樞市, 出埃及记, 新兵, 骑士, 商人, 圣骑士, 学士 | "请与其他学士之一交谈。我正在努力完成其他长老的报告。" |
芯片 | "我不知道。问问制造部门。" |
磁盘, 全息 | "它们是高密度、激光可读的人造晶体存储设备。每一个都拥有超过4,000 GB的信息。" |
长老 | "他确保兄弟会继续走正义之路。" |
主教 | "谁? 等等,这个名字好耳熟。也许他是一些变种人的领袖。" |
倫巴斯 | "他执行最高长老的愿望。必要时动用武力。" |
战争 | "我猜你指的是上一次核战争。兄弟会在
尽其所能恢复失去的东西。" |
- ↑ Fallout Official Survival Guide p.100: "Vree: Master Scribe of the Brotherhood
As Head Scribe, Vree is in charge of knowledge gathering and preservation within the Brotherhood. She is intelligent, kind, and patient, happy with her work, and more than willing to help the player out-especially if you can provide her with more of the knowledge she seeks. She can be an excellent source of information about the Brotherhood, the mutants, modern technology, or about the history of the war. She may also give the player some anti-radiation drugs, as a reward for service or if you ask how to approach a radiation source, and may offer you a newly designed laser pistol. She will also help the player develop computer skills, which you can use with the PIPBoy 2000.
Be respectful, and ask her about everything you can. The Brotherhood is an excellent means for the player to improve his or her skills and to acquire weapons and equipment, and Vree is the best person to know to get everything possible. Make an enemy of her or the Brotherhood, and you will have added some tough and resourceful foes to your enemies list.
Your best bet for getting what you need from Vree is to start out on the right foot the first time you meet her. A high charisma and a good reputation are you best guarantees!" - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{325}{}{You don't consider the Brotherhood's weaponry to be important?}"
Sophia: "{337}{}{Vree seems to think that the research of new weaponry and the information gathered from Mutant autopsies is more important than our history. She has forgotten that our history is a vital part of our lives. It has gotten so bad that many of the new initiates don't even know who Roger Maxson is or what exactly he did for us.}"