

辐射中的辅助能力每3级获得一次(带有技艺精湛特征需要4级),第一次在3(4)级可用。当最高等级设置为21时,玩家理论上可以从总共53个辅助能力中选择7个(带有该特征5个)。 实际上,如果没有大量的刷任务,21级是无法达到的,辅助能力的数量通常是5 - 6个(带有上述特征4个)。

有些辅助能力有多个等级,还有叠加收益(所有收益都按等级列出)。 玩家可以通过在选择菜单前使用临时的属性改善药物来获得玩家角色不符合奖励标准的辅助能力(例如拥有4智力的角色可以使用敏达去选择知识份子辅助能力,而这本来需要6智力)。


在开发的后期GURPS许可证被放弃后,切换到SPECIAL,极大地影响了辅助能力的功能。在53项辅助能力中,只有12项是以功能性收益的方式实现的。像警觉(详细的战斗信息)或额外开火速度/快速徒手攻击(减少攻击的AP消耗)这样的辅助能力对游戏玩法有很大的影响,就像行动派男孩/女孩、额外的出手机会、更多的暴击/爆击强化、快速翻找、躲避者以及 强悍过人等全局有用的辅助能力一样。

由于SPECIAL和游戏平衡的系统性问题,其余43个辅助能力具有边际效应,最明显的是等级限制。有限的经验值和任意级别的限制使辅助能力专注于提高经验获得率(Swift Learner),提供每级福利(Lifegiver),或消耗特权槽来改变特征选择(突变!)。他们还将Slayer或Sniper等辅助能力降低为珍品,因为如果不进行大量磨练,它们就无法使用。





名称 需要等级 其它要求 辅助能力等级 收益 注释
行动派男孩 12 AG 5 3 +1 AP per rank
Animal Friend 9 IN 5, Outdoorsman 25% 1 Animals will not attack on sight Does not apply to deathclaws, centaurs or floaters
Awareness 3 PE 5 1 Examining a target shows hitpoints, weapon and ammunition count
Better Criticals 9 PE 6, AG 4, LK 6 1 20% bonus to critical hit damage
Bonus HtH Attacks 6 AG 6 1 Hand-to-hand and melee attacks cost 1 AP less to perform
Bonus HtH Damage 3 ST 6, AG 6 3 +2 points of damage for hand-to-hand and melee attacks Marginal bonus
Bonus Move 6 AG 5 3 +2 AP per turn that can be only be used for movement
Bonus Ranged Damage 6 AG 6, LK 6 2 +2 points of damage for ranged weapons attacks Marginal bonus
Bonus Rate of Fire 9 PE 6, IN 6, AG 7 1 Ranged weapon attacks cost 1 AP less to perform
Dodger 9 AG 4 2 +5 Armor Class
Earlier Sequence 3 PE 6 3 +2 to attack sequence Only affects initial combat turn if NPCs initiate combat
Friendly Foe 6 PE 4 1 In-combat characters on your team are highlighted green, instead of red Reimplemented in Fallout 2 as a core part of the interface
Heave Ho! 6 3 +2 to Strength when determining range of a thrown weapon Does not have any effect unless the player character's strength is less than 4
More Criticals 6 LK 6 3 +5% chance of critical hits
Night Vision 3 PE 6 3 10% reduction in darkness level Limited impact due to the underlying chance to hit calculation that prioritizes weapon skills
Rad Resistance 6 EN 6, IN 4 3 +10% to Radiation Resistance Only floaters deal radiation damage; radiation is not a concern, except for the Glow
Sharpshooter 6 PE 7, IN 6 2 +2 to Perception when determining range modifiers Limited impact due to the underlying chance to hit calculation that prioritizes weapon skills
Slayer 18 ST 8, AG 8, Unarmed 80% 1 All HtH attacks are critical hits
Snakeater 6 EN 3 1 +25% to Poison Resistance Few creatures can poison the player character and the damage is minimal
Sniper 18 PE 8, AG 8, Small Guns 80% 1 Increased chance to score a critical hit with ranged weapons
Toughness 3 EN 6, LK 6 3 +10% to damage resistance

Stealth perks[]

Design of stealth and theft is simplistic. There are no indications whether the player character is successfully sneaking. If a sneaking character is detected, they will be ejected or immediately attacked with little warning, while failing to steal consistently causes targets (and usually the whole map) to turn permanently hostile, requiring reloads or killing off the whole map.

Name Level req Other requirements Ranks Benefit
Ghost 6 Sneak 60% 1 +20% to Sneak in dark conditions
Pickpocket 9 AG 8, Sneak 80% 1 Size and facing modifiers are ignored when stealing from someone
Silent Death 18 AG 10, Sneak 80% 1 When sneaking HtH attacks from behind do double damage
Silent Running 6 AG 6, Sneak 50% 1 Able to sneak and run at the same time

World map perks[]

The limited variety of world map encounters and the reliance of special encounters on raw Luck make these perks have marginal uses.

Name Level req Other requirements Ranks Benefit Notes
Explorer 9 1 Higher chance of finding special places and people in random encounters Marginal, if any, chance of finding special encounters.
Fortune Finder 6 LK 8 1 Additional money is found during random encounters Marginal impact: Money spawns in minor amounts in random encounters
Mysterious Stranger 6 LK 7 1 Chance for the Mysterious Stranger to appear The Stranger is lightly armed and will not appear again if killed
Pathfinder 6 EN 6, Outdoorsman 40% 2 25% reduction in travel time on the world map Travel time has no impact on the game, as the initial time limit is generous and the 500 day invasion limit was removed
Ranger 6 PE 6 3 Chance of hostile random encounters is lowered Effectively reduces the amount of experience and loot that can be gained from random encounters.
Scout 3 PE 8 1 Exploration is increased by 1 square in every direction on the world map World map vision is not a factor in the game
Scrounger 9 LK 8 1 Doubles the amount of ammo found in random encounters Marginal impact: Ammunition is abundant throughout the game
Survivalist 3 EN 6, IN 6, Outdoorsman 40% 3 +20% bonus to Outdoorsman for survival checks Survival checks deal minimal damage and are always absorbed by equipped armor.

Skill perks[]

Each level-up provides enough skill points to eliminate the need to pick any of the following perks. Unlike later games, these perks do not unlock any additional dialogue options either. Although Master Trader is billed as improving Barter, all items sold by the player in Fallout are sold at full price regardless of their Barter skill.

Name Level req Other requirements Ranks Benefit
Educated 6 IN 6 3 +2 skill points at level up
Master Thief 12 1 +10% to skills: Sneak, Lockpick, Steal, and Traps
Master Trader 9 CH 7, Barter 60% 1 +25% to Barter skill, hidden[1]
Medic 12 1 +20% to skills: First Aid and Doctor
Mr. Fixit 12 1 +20% to skills: Repair and Science
Speaker 12 1 +20% to skills: Speech and Barter
Tag! 12 1 Pick an additional Tag Skill

Dialogue perks[]

Name Level req Other requirements Ranks Benefit Notes
Cult of Personality 12 CH 10 1 People will always view you favorably, regardless of your reputation or their alignment It's virtually impossible for characters to react negatively to the player character.
Empathy 6 PE 7, IN 5 1 Reaction levels are shown when in an indepth converstaion
Presence 3 CH 6 3 +10% to initial reaction of NPCs
Smooth Talker 3 IN 4 3 +1 to Intelligence for the purposes of dialogue Intelligence has a marginal effect on the success of speech checks, as the game prioritizes the Speech skill; Mentats also provide the same benefit.

Miscellaneous perks[]

Name Level req Other requirements Ranks Benefit Notes
Faster Healing 3 EN 6 3 +1 bonus to your healing rate Stimpaks are readily available and chem addiction has a very limited duration
Flower Child 9 EN 5 1 50% less likely to be addicted to chems, and withdrawal time is halved
Healer 3 PE 7, IN 5, AG 6, First Aid 40% 3 2-5 more hit points healed when using First Aid or Doctor skills
Lifegiver 12 EN 4 3 +4 HP per level Marginal benefit due to the level limit
Mental Block 15 1 Resistance to Master's psychic attacks Psychic nullifier is readily available
Mutate! 9 1 Change one of your traits
Strong Back 3 ST 6, EN 6 3 Carry an additional 50 lbs. of equipment Party members have an infinite carry capacity
Swift Learner 3 IN 4 3 +5% bonus whenever XP is earned

Weapon perks[]

These are hidden perks that apply whenever the Vault Dweller has a particular weapon equipped, providing additional bonuses.

Name Effect Weapons using the perk
Weapon Accurate +20% hit chance at all ranges
Weapon Knockback Knocks back the target (1 hex per 5 points of damage)
  • Sledgehammers
Weapon Long Range Range penalties start applying at twice the normal distance: 4*(Perception - 2) hexes
Weapon Penetrate -80% target Damage Threshold

Armor perks[]

These are hidden perks that apply whenever the Vault Dweller wears a particular armor, providing additional bonuses.

Name Effect Armors using the perk
Combat Armor +20% Radiation Resistance
Powered Armor +3 Strength

+30% Radiation Resistance


