本页列出所有 random encounter 在 辐射2. |
Random encounters in Fallout 2 are, as the name suggests, extraordinary occurrences the Chosen One may stumble upon during their travels through the wastelands.
Frequency and variety[]
Type | Encounter chance |
Forced | 100% |
Frequent | 38% |
Common | 22% |
Uncommon | 12% |
Rare | 4% |
None | 0% |
Encounters are determined by the player character's location on the world map, his level and global variables governing it and finally, the chances of encountering one, stored in WORLDMAP.TXT. They can be everything, from a number of molerats foraging in the area or merchant caravans.
Frequency is determined on a per-tile basis: each tile on the map has an assigned "Frequency" used to determine if the player does stumble upon a random encounter. Then, the game rolls to determine the actual encounter, picking from encounter tables assigned to a particular area.
Simultaneously, the game calculates if the player character can choose to avoid it. The chance is directly based on the Outdoorsman skill and caps at 95%, meaning there is no need to raise it above 95% or 75% if one carries the motion sensor. The experience received for avoiding an encounter is calculated thus: 100 XP + encounter zone difficulty (0-70).
List of generic encounters[]
The generic (repeatable) encounters are grouped by area and sorted by name. Rows include information on the map used (desert, mountains, city or coast), characters, creatures, and items found and other relevant information. Maps accompanying the sections show tiles where a particular encounter table is used. Colors denote terrain type: red stands for mountains, yellow for deserts, blue for coast/ocean, and green for urban areas. In cases where the game uses different encounter tables for different types of terrain, they are listed separately.
Encounters in the vicinity of Arroyo. The game uses the same encounter tables for both mountain and desert tiles.
Title | Chance | Overview | Details |
Tribal war party | 9% | 2-4 hostile tribals | Male hunter w/ sharpened spear (30%) Female hunter w/ sharpened spear (20%) |
Cannibals | 9% | 2-4 hostile tribals Dead tribal hunter |
Male cannibal w/ knife (30%) Female cannibal w/ knife (30%) |
Silver geckos hiding among spore plants | 9% | 2-4 spore plants 1-2 silver geckos Minor loot (dead body, plants) |
Spore plants (100%)
Silver gecko (90%) Tough silver gecko (10%) Broc flower (10%) Xander root (10%) Dead tribal (5%) |
Silver geckos | 12% | 1-4 silver geckos | Silver gecko (90%)
Tough silver gecko (10%) |
Spore plants | 12% | 3-6 spore plants Minor loot (dead body, plants) |
Some small radscorpions | 12% | 3-6 scorpions Minor loot (dead bodies) |
Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Some small radscorpions | 12% | 3-6 scorpions Minor loot (dead bodies) |
Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Some pigrats | 12% | 4-8 pigrats Minor loot (herbs) |
Some rats ¹ | 12% | 6-10 rats Minor loot (herbs) |
Rat (95%)
Pigrat (5%) Xander root (10%) |
Hunting party fighting cannibals | 2% | 2-4 hunters 3-4 cannibals |
Male hunter w/ sharpened spear (leader) Male hunter w/ spear (60%) Female hunter w/ spear (40%) Dead silver gecko |
Giant ants | 3% | 6-9 giant ants | Ants (100%) |
Hunting party hunting scorpions | 2% | 2-4 hunters 3-6 radscorpions |
Male hunter w/ sharpened spear (leader) Male hunter w/ spear (60%) Female hunter w/ spear (40%) Small radscorpion (100%) Dead silver gecko Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Some pigrats | 3% | 2-4 pigrats Minor loot (herbs) |
Some small radscorpions | 4% | 2-4 scorpions Minor loot (dead bodies) |
Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Giant ants | 4% | 5-8 giant ants | Ants (100%) |
Hunting party | 5% | 3-6 hunters | Male hunter w/ sharpened spear (leader) Male hunter w/ spear (60%) Female hunter w/ spear (40%) Dead silver gecko |
Nomads | 5% | 3-5 nomads | Male nomad w/ antidote, meat jerky and spear (50%) Female nomad w/ healing powder and knife (50%) Male orphan (10%) Female orphan (5%) |
- ¹ Perception check determines player placement
Arroyo - Klamath trade route[]
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Nomads | 6% | 2-4 nomads | Male nomad w/ antidote, meat jerky and spear (50%) Female nomad w/ healing powder and knife (50%) Male orphan (10%)
Female orphan (5%) |
Outcasts | 10% | 2-5 cannibals | Male cannibal (60%)
Female cannibal (20%) Male cannibal w/ knife (10%) Female cannibal w/ knife (10%) |
Holy people | 10% | 3-5 holy people | Holy man w/ spear (70%)
Holy woman w/ knife (30%) Minor trade possible. |
Silver geckos hiding among spore plants | 10% | 2-4 spore plants 1-2 silver geckos Minor loot (dead body, plants) |
Spore plants (100%)
Silver gecko (90%) Tough silver gecko (10%) Broc flower (10%) Xander root (10%) Dead tribal (5%) |
Geckos | 10% | 1-4 geckos Minor loot |
Tough silver gecko (85%)
Golden gecko (15%) Dead primitive male w/ spear (100%) Sharpened pole (100%) |
Small radscorpions hiding among spore plants | 9% | 2-4 spore plants 3-6 small radscorpions Minor loot (dead body, plants) |
Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Spore plants (100%)
Small radscorpions (100%) Tough silver gecko (10%) Broc flower (10%) Xander root (10%) Dead tribal (5%) |
Spore plants | 10% | 3-5 spore plants Minor loot (dead body, plants) |
Some small radscorpions | 12% | 4-7 scorpions Minor loot (dead bodies) |
Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Mole rats | 10% | 2-4 molerats | Molerat (85%)
Greater molerat (15%) Dead silver gecko (15%) |
Holy people defending against a tribal war party | 3% | 4-6 holy people 2-4 tribals |
Holy people: Holy man w/ spear (70%) Holy woman w/ knife (30%) War party: Male hunter w/ sharpened spear (30%) Female hunter w/ sharpened spear (20%) |
Nomads | 6% | 2-4 nomads | Male nomad w/ antidote, meat jerky and spear (50%) Female nomad w/ healing powder and knife (50%) Male orphan (10%)
Female orphan (5%) |
Klamath trappers | 7% | 2-4 trappers | Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%)
Male trapper w/ club (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) |
Bandits fighting golden geckos | 2% | 3-5 bandits 2-4 golden geckos |
Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%)
Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Klamath trappers hunting geckos | 7% | 3-5 trappers 2-3 golden geckos |
Male trapper w/ club (33%)
Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Farmers | 7% | 2-4 farmers | Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%)
Male child (4%) Dead dog |
Farmers fighting golden geckos | 7% | 2-4 farmers 2-4 golden geckos |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%)
Male child (4%) Dead dog Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Farmers fighting pigrats | 2% | 2-3 farmers 3-6 pigrats |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) |
Farmers fighting radscorpions | 2% | 2-5 farmers 3-4 radscorpions |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) Female child w/ fruit (4%)
Male child (4%) Dead dog Small radscorpion (100%) |
Farmers fighting geckos | 0% | 2-4 farmers 3-5 geckos |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%)
Male child (4%) Dead dog Tough silver gecko (85%) Golden gecko (15%) Dead primitive male w/ spear (100%) Sharpened pole (100%) |
Trappers fighting bandits | 0% | 2-4 trappers 3-6 bandits |
Trappers: Male trapper w/ club (33%) Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Bandits: Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%)
Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Bandit (female) w/ spear (25%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard |
Trappers hunting geckos | 0% | 4-6 trappers 3-6 geckos |
Male trapper w/ club (33%)
Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Tough silver gecko (85%) Golden gecko (15%) Dead primitive male w/ spear (100%) Sharpened pole (100%) |
Trappers hunting radscorpions | 0% | 3-5 trappers 4-7 radscorpions |
Male trapper w/ club (33%)
Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Trappers hunting pigrats | 2% | 2-4 trappers 3-6 pigrats |
Homeless people attacking some farmers | 3% | 3-5 homeless 2-4 farmers |
Homeless: Strong peasant female w/ club (33%) Strong peasant male w/ brass knuckles (33%) Weak peasant male w/ sharpened pole (15%) Weak peasant female w/ knife (15%) Male loser (4%) Female child (100%) Male child (100%) Dead dog Farmers: Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%) Male child (4%) |
Bandits attacking farmers: | 3% | 3-6 bandits 2-4 farmers |
Bandits: Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%) Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Bandit (female) w/ spear (25%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard Farmers: Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%) Male child (4%) |
Bandits attacking homeless people: | 0% | 3-6 bandits 2-5 homeless |
Bandits: Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%) Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Bandit (female) w/ spear (25%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard Homeless: Strong peasant female w/ club (33%) Strong peasant male w/ brass knuckles (33%) Weak peasant male w/ sharpened pole (15%) Weak peasant female w/ knife (15%) Male loser (4%) Female child (100%) Male child (100%) Dead dog |
Areas around Klamath.
Title | Chance | Overview | Details |
Golden geckos and radscorpions | 0% | 4-8 golden geckos 3-6 radscorpions |
Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Bandits | 10% | 3-6 bandits | Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%)
Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard |
Homeless people: | 10% | 4-8 homeless | Strong peasant female w/ club (33%) Strong peasant male w/ brass knuckles (33%) Weak peasant male w/ sharpened pole (15%) Weak peasant female w/ knife (15%) Male loser (4%) Female child (100%) Male child (100%) Dead dog |
Some small radscorpions | 10% | 6-8 scorpions Minor loot (dead bodies) |
Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Golden geckos | 10% | 4-8 golden geckos | Golden gecko (85%)
Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) |
Spore plants | 10% | 6-10 spore plants Minor loot (dead body, plants) |
Klamath trappers | 8% | 4-7 trappers | Male trapper w/ club (33%)
Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) |
Bandits fighting golden geckos | 2% | 3-5 bandits 2-4 golden geckos |
Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%)
Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Klamath trappers hunting geckos | 2% | 4-6 trappers 3-6 golden geckos |
Male trapper w/ club (33%)
Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Farmers | 7% | 2-4 farmers | Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%) Male child (4%) Dead dog |
Farmers fighting golden geckos | 0% | 2-4 farmers 3-5 golden geckos |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%)
Male child (4%) Dead dog Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Farmers fighting pigrats | 2% | 2-3 farmers 3-6 pigrats |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) |
Farmers fighting radscorpions | 0% | 2-5 farmers 3-4 radscorpions |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%) Male child (4%) Dead dog Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Farmers fighting golden geckos | 0% | 2-4 farmers 2-4 golden geckos |
Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%)
Male child (4%) Dead dog Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Trappers fighting bandits | 0% | 2-4 trappers 3-6 bandits |
Trappers: Male trapper w/ club (33%) Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Bandits: Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%)
Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Bandit (female) w/ spear (25%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard |
Trappers hunting radscorpions | 0% | 3-5 trappers 4-7 radscorpions |
Male trapper w/ club (33%)
Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Small radscorpion (100%) Dead primitive male with spear (10%) Dead primitive female with healing powder (10%) |
Trappers hunting pigrats | 2% | 2-4 trappers 3-6 pigrats |
Homeless people attacking some farmers | 3% | 3-5 homeless 2-4 farmers |
Homeless: Strong peasant female w/ club (33%) Strong peasant male w/ brass knuckles (33%) Weak peasant male w/ sharpened pole (15%) Weak peasant female w/ knife (15%) Male loser (4%) Female child (100%) Male child (100%) Dead dog Farmers: Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%) Male child (4%) |
Bandits attacking farmers: | 3% | 3-6 bandits 2-4 farmers |
Bandits: Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%) Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Bandit (female) w/ spear (25%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard Farmers: Average peasant male w/ 10mm SMG and fruit (67%) Average peasant female w/ hunting rifle and fruit (25%) Female child w/ fruit (4%) Male child (4%) |
Bandits attacking homeless people: | 0% | 3-6 bandits 2-5 homeless |
Bandits: Melee thug (bandit leader) w/ sledgehammer, stim, healing powder (100%) Weak melee guard (male) w/ crowbar (33%) Bandit (male) w/ knife (33%) Bandit (female) w/ club (33%) Bandit (female) w/ spear (25%) Dead bad merchant Dead male weak gun guard Dead female weak gun guard Homeless: Strong peasant female w/ club (33%) Strong peasant male w/ brass knuckles (33%) Weak peasant male w/ sharpened pole (15%) Weak peasant female w/ knife (15%) Male loser (4%) Female child (100%) Male child (100%) Dead dog |
Trappers hunting geckos | 0% | 4-6 trappers 3-6 geckos |
Male trapper w/ club (33%)
Male trapper w/ sharpened spear (33%) Female trapper w/ spear (17%) Female trapper w/ knife (17%) Golden gecko (85%) Tough silver gecko (15%) Tough golden gecko (10%) Dead male trapper w/ antidote |
Klamath - Den trade route[]
Area between Klamath and the Den.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some trappers. | 5% | A small group of 4-7 trappers |
4-7 characters:
Some bandits attacking a merchant party. | 3% | A combat encounter between 4 caravaneers and 3 bandits | Caravan (4-5 characters):
Bandits (3-6 characters):
Some bandits ambushing some trappers. | 0% | Some bandits attacking a group of trappers | Bandits (4-8 characters):
Trappers (3-6 characters):
A family of radscorpions attacking a merchant party. | 3% | A caravan fighting a group of scorpions. | Caravan (4-5 characters):
Scorpions (4-8 critters):
Some trappers trying to catch radscorpions. | 3% | A group of trappers fighting a group of scorpions. | Trappers (4-6 characters):
Scorpions (4-9 critters):
A group of radscorpions. | 9% | A group of scorpions ambushes the player | Scorpions (4-8 critters):
A family of molerats. | 9% | A group of mole and pig rats ambushes the player | Rats (5-9 critters):
Some bandits. | 9% | 5-8 bandits ambush the player | Bandits (5-8 characters):
A band of trappers trying to catch some golden geckos. | 2% | A group of trappers on a hunt. | Trappers (3-5 characters):
Geckos (3-5 critters):
Some scorpions fighting some golden geckos. | 0% | A group of critters duking it out. | Scorpions (4-7 critters):
Geckos (4-8 critters):
Some scorpions attacking some molerats and pig rats. | 0% | A group of critters that collaborate to attack the player. | Scorpions (4-7 critters):
Rats (5-9 critters):
Some trappers and a merchant party fending off bandits. | 3% | A large combat encounter between a group of trappers and caravaneers and a significant bandit force. |
Trappers (3-6 characters):
Caravan (4-5 characters):
Bandits (8-12 characters):
Some golden geckos. | 10% | A group of golden gecko want to gnaw on the player's knees. | Geckos (6-10 critters):
Some trappers fighting some molerats and pig rats. | 0% | Self-explanatory. |
Rats (6-8 critters):
Trappers (3-5 characters):
A merchant party fending off some molerats and pig rats. | 0% | Self-explanatory. |
Rats (6-10 critters):
Caravan (4-5 characters):
Areas around the Den.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A group of slavers and slaves. | 8% | 4-9 Slavers and Slaves |
Male Slaver w/ Desert Eagle and Stimpak (20%)
A group of highwaymen. | 8% | A group of 3-5 (3-6 in mountain sectors). Highwaymen ambushing the player. |
Tough Male Thug w/ Hunting Rifle, Stimpak, and Jet
A band of robbers. | 8% | A group of 2-5(3-5 in mountain sectors) Robbers ambushing the player. |
Tough Female Thug w/ Hunting Rifle, Stimpak, and Jet
Some golden geckos hiding amongst a large number of spore plants. | 8% | Group of 2-4 Golden Geckos hiding among 4-8(3-6 in mountain sectors) Spore Plants. | Golden Geckos:
A pack of radscorpions. | 8% | Group of 4-7(3-5 in mountain sectors) Scorpions attacking the player. | Large Radscorpions (100%)
A group of molerats. | 8% | Group of 4-7(3-5 in mountain sectors) Pigrats and Molerats attacking the player. |
A pack of radscorpions and some molerats. | 2% | Herd of 2-4 Radscorpions as well as 4-8 Pigrats and Molerats attack the player. | Radscorpions:
A band of robbers ambushing a group of highwaymen. | 2% | Group of 3-5 Robbers fighting 4-6 Highwaymen. | Robbers:
A group of slavers attempting to enslave some people. | 4% | Group of 3-5 Slavers attempting to capture 3-6(3-5 in mountain sectors) people. | Slavers:
A group of slavers and slaves fending off some robbers. | 1% | 4-6 Slavers and Slaves fending off a group of 3-6(3-5 in mountain sectors) Robbers. | Slavers and Slaves:
Some slavers and slaves fending off some golden geckos. | 1% | 4-6(6-8 in mountain sectors) Slavers and Slaves fending off 3-5(3-6 in mountain sectors) Golden Geckos. | Slavers and Slaves:
Male Slaver w/ Desert Eagle and Stimpak (20%)
Den - Modoc - Vault City - Redding Trade Route[]
Trade Route between the Den, Modoc, Vault City, and Redding.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of highwaymen. | 7% | A group of 2-5 Highwaymen ambushing the player. |
A band of robbers. | 7% | A group of 2-5 Robbers ambushing the player. |
A band of robbers and highwaymen. | 2% | A group of 2-4 Robbers and 2-4 Highwaymen ambushing the player. |
A family of golden geckos. | 7% | A group of 3-5(3-6 in mountain sectors) Golden Geckos ambushing the player. |
Golden Geckos:
A large group of radscorpions. | 7% | A group of 3-5 scorpions attacking the player. |
Some golden geckos and some radscorpions. | 7% | A group of 3-6 Golden Geckos and 3-6 Scorpions attacking the player. |
Golden Geckos (3-6 critters):
A large infestation of spore plants. | 7% | A group of 6-10(5-8 in mountain sectors) spore plants. |
Spore plants (100%)
A band of robbers contesting a group of highwaymen. | 2% | A group of 3-5 Robbers fighting a group of 3-5 Highwaymen(5-8 for both sides in mountain sectors) |
A merchant with some guards. | 25% | A travelling caravan of 6-8 people. |
A merchant party fending off some highwaymen. | 2% | A caravan of 3-6 people fighting off 3-7 Highwaymen |
A merchant party fending off some robbers. | 2% | A caravan of 3-6 people fighting off 4-7 Robbers |
A merchant party fending off some radscorpions. | 2% | A caravan of 3-6 people fighting off 4-7 Scorpions |
A group of golden geckos battling some radscorpions. | 2% | A group of 5-8 Golden Geckos fighting 5-8 scorpions |
Golden Geckos:
A family of molerats. | 7% | A group of 3-6 Pig Rats and Mole Rats attack the player. |
Bandits Pass[]
An area along the DMRV where bandits prey upon passing people.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some highwaymen. | 10% | Group of 2-5 highwaymen. |
Some robbers. | 15% | Group of 2-4 robbers. |
Some highwaymen and robbers. | 5% | Group of 2-4 robbers. |
A family of golden geckos. | 10% | A group of 3-5 Golden Geckos ambushing the player. |
Some radscorpions hiding in the spore plants. | 10% | Group of 3-5 radscorpions hiding among 3-6 Spore Plants. | Radscorpions:
Some robbers fighting some radscorpions. | 2% | A group of 3-5 robbers fighting 3-6 Radscorpions. |
A merchant party. | 10% | A travelling caravan of 4-5 people. |
A merchant party attacked by highwaymen. | 3% | A caravan of 4-5 people fighting off 3-5 Highwaymen |
A merchant party ambushed by robbers. | 4% | A caravan of 4-5 people fighting off 3-5 Robbers |
Some highwaymen attacked by some spore plants. | 2% | 3-6 Highwaymen attacked by 6-12 spore plants. |
Areas around Modoc.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some highwaymen. | 7% | Group of 3-5 highwaymen. |
Some robbers. | 7% | Group of 2-4 robbers. |
Some homeless people. | 7% | 4-8 homeless | Strong peasant female w/ club (33%)
Some golden geckos and mantis. | 2% | 4-7 golden geckos and 6-12 mantises. |
Golden Geckos:
Some wild brahmin. | 6% | 4-8 wild brahamin. |
Some radscorpions. | 6% | Pack of 5-7 radscorpions. |
Some moonshiners. | 7% | 4-6 Moonshiners. |
Some farmers. | 7% | 3-5 farmers |
Some moonshiners attacked by some highwaymen. | 3% | A group of 3-4 moonshiners attacked by 2-4 Highwaymen. |
Some highwaymen attacking some homeless people. | 2% | A group of 6-9 Highwaymen attacking 3-6 homeless people. |
Some moonshiners and farmers. | 2% | A group of 3-4 Moonshiners attacking 3-5 farmers. |
Some mantis attacking some farmers. | 3% | A group of 5-8 Manti attacking 3-5 farmers. |
Some moonshiners battling some farmers. | 2% | A group of 3-5 moonshiners attacking 3-6 farmers. |
Some brahmin fending off some mantis. | 4% | 5-8 wild brahmin fending off a group of 4-7 Manti. |
Wild brahmin:
Some mantis attacking some molerats. | 2% | 5-9 Manti fighting 3-6 molerats and pigrats. |
Den - Vault City - Modoc[]
Den - Vault City - Modoc Trade Route.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details
Some highwaymen tracking with wild dogs. | 8% | 3-6 Highwaymen and 2-5 wild dogs. |
Some robbers searching with wild dogs. | 8% | 2-5 robbers and 3-6 wild dogs. |
A band of highwaymen. | 8% | 3-6 Highwaymen |
A band of robbers. | 8% | 3-6 robbers |
A swarm of mantis. | 8% | 6-10 Manti |
A swarm of mantis infesting some spore plants. | 1% | 5-8 Manti and 2-5 spore plants. |
A pack of wild dogs amongst some spore plants. | 7% | 3-5 wild dogs and 6-8 spore plants. |
Wild Dogs:
A pack of wild dogs. | 8% | 4-8 wild dogs. |
A caravan. | 10% | 6-8 people in a caravan. |
Some robbers fending off some wild dogs. | 1% | 2-4 robbers fighting 3-6 wild dogs. |
A caravan attacked by wild dogs. | 3% | 6-8 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 wild dogs. |
A caravan ambushed by robbers. | 3% | 6-8 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 robbers. |
A caravan ambushed by robbers. | 3% | 6-8 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 highwaymen. |
Wilderness 1[]
Wilderness North of Modoc
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some golden geckos. | 10% | 4-7 Golden Geckos |
A swarm of mantis. | 10% | 6-8 Manti |
Some radscorpions. | 10% | 4-8 Radscorpions |
Some wild brahmin. | 10% | 4-8 wild brahamin. |
A trader and guards. | 10% | 3-6 trader and guards. |
A trader and guards fighting golden geckos. | 1% | 3-5 trader and guards fighting 3-6 golden geckos. |
Trader and guards:
A swarm of mantis massacring a trading band. | 1% | 6-10 Manti attacking 3-5 trader and guards. |
A swarm of mantis fighting wild brahmin. | 2% | 6-8 Manti attacking 5-8 wild brahamin. |
Some radscorpions feasting on mantis. | 2% | 3-6 radscorpions fighting 6-10 manti. |
Some radscorpions butchering some wild brahmin. | 2% | 6-10 radscorpions fighting 6-8 brahmin. |
Wilderness 2[]
Wilderness North of Vault City
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some mutated molerats. | 10% | 2-4 molerats |
Mutated Molerats (90%)
Some mutated pig rats. | 10% | 3-6 pigrats |
Mutated Pig Rat (70%)
Some spore plants. | 10% | 4-8 spore plants |
Spore Plant w/ Spikes (100%)
A hermit. | 5% | 1-2 hermits |
Holy Man w/ combat knife and Healing Powder (100%) |
A hermit and some dogs fighting mutated molerats. | 10% | 3-5 wild dogs and 1-2 hermits fighting 5-8 molerats. |
Wild dogs:
A hermit fending off some wild dogs. | 1% | 1-2 hermits fighting 3-5 wild dogs |
Wild dogs:
A hermit fending off some mutated pig rats. | 1% | 1-2 hermits fighting 3-5 pig rats. |
A hermit with some dogs fighting mutated molerats. | 1% | 1-2 hermits and 3-5 wild dogs fighting 3-6 molerats |
Wild dogs:
Some mutated molerats fighting some mutated pig rats. | 2% | 3-5 molerats fighting 4-6 pigrats. |
Some mutated molerats fighting some spore plants. | 2% | 5-9 molerats fighting 6-12 spore plants. |
Some mutated pig rats fighting some wild dogs. | 2% | 3-5 pigrats fighting 5-8 wild dogs. |
Vault City[]
Areas around Vault City.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of slavers. | 10% | 4-7 slavers |
Strong Male Slaver w/ 10mm SMG and Molotov Cocktail (25%)
Some golden geckos. | 10% | 4-8 golden geckos |
Tough Golden Gecko (20%)
A pack of wild dogs. | 10% | 5-8 wild dogs |
Wild Dog (80%)
A band of slavers and some dogs. | 10% | 3-6 slavers and 3-4 wild dogs |
Slavers: Strong Male Slaver w/ 10mm SMG and Molotov Cocktail (25%)
A patrol unit. | 10% | 5-8 patrolmen |
Vault City Male Patrol w/ Assault Rifle and Stimpak (25%)
A patrol unit and dogs subduing slavers. | 5% | 3-6 patrolmen and 2-4 wild dogs fighting 6-8 slavers |
A band of slavers fending off some golden geckos. | 1% | 4-7 slavers fighting 5-8 golden geckos |
Slavers: Strong Male Slaver w/ 10mm SMG and Molotov Cocktail (25%)
A patrol unit fighting some slavers. | 10% | 5-8 patrolmen fighting 4-6 slavers |
A patrol unit battling some golden geckos. | 1% | 3-5 patrolmen fighting 5-8 golden geckos |
A patrol unit fending off wild dogs. | 1% | 3-5 patrolmen fighting 6-10 wild dogs |
Areas around Gecko.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A slew of scavengers. | 10% | 5-8 scavengers |
Scavenger w/ 10mm SMG (15%)
Some ghoul scavengers. | 10% | 6-10 ghoul scavengers |
Scavenger w/ 10mmm Pistol (25%)
A bunch of crazies. | 10% | 4-8 crazies |
Crazy w/ Shotgun (25%)
Some ghoul crazies. | 10% | 5-8 ghoul crazies |
Crazy w/ Sawed off shotgun and Sharpened spear (35%)
Some geckos. | 5% | 5-9 geckos |
Tough Silver Gecko (30%)
A pack of wild dogs. | 5% | 6-10 wild dogs |
Wild Dog (80%)
A family of radscorpions. | 5% | 6-10 radscorpions |
Large Radscorpion (100%)
A bunch of mutated pig rats. | 5% | 6-8 pigrats |
Mutated Pig Rat (70%)
A pack of mutated rats. | 5% | 10-15 mutated rats |
Mutated Rats (100%) |
Some scavengers battling a bunch of crazies. | 1% | 6-9 scavengers fighting 5-8 crazies |
Some ghoul scavengers fending off some crazies. | 1% | 5-9 ghoul scavengers fighting 6-10 crazies |
Some geckos fighting some crazies. | 1% | 7-12 geckos fighting 3-6 crazies |
Some mutated rats infesting some ghoul scavengers. | 1% | 5-9 pigrats fighting 2-5 ghoul scavengers |
North Coastal regions[]
Coastal regions of the North near Arroyo.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some cannibals. | 10% | 4-7 cannibals |
Male cannibal w/ knife (30%)
Some wilders. | 10% | 5-7 cannibals |
Male Wilder (70%)
A war party. | 10% | 4-8 hostile war party members |
Male hunter w/ sharpened spear (30%)
Some outcasts. | 10% | 4-8 outcasts |
Male Cannibal (60%)
A family of radscorpions. | 10% | 3-6 radscorpions |
Large Radscorpion (100%)
Some molerats. | 10% | 4-7 molerats |
Greater Molerats (60%)
Some fishermen. | 10% | 3-6 fishermen |
Male Fisherman (70%)
Some fishermen fending off some cannibals. | 10% | 3-5 fishermen fighting 3-6 cannibals |
Some cannibals battling some wilders. | 2% | 4-7 cannibals fighting 3-5 wilders |
Some radscorpions attacking some wilders. | 1% | 4-8 radscorpions fighting 3-6 wilders |
Primitive Tribe[]
Regions around where the Primitive Trive would be were it not cut.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some cannibals. | 7% | 4-8 cannibals |
Male cannibal w/ knife (30%)
Some outcasts. | 7% | 3-6 outcasts |
Male cannibal (60%)
Some wilders. | 8% | 4-6 wilders |
Male Wilder (70%)
A war party. | 8% | 4-6 war party members |
Male hunter w/ sharpened spear (30%)
Some geckos. | 7% | 4-8 golden geckos |
Golden Gecko (85%)
Some geckos hiding in some spore plants. | 7% | 2-4 golden geckos and 3-6 spore plants |
Geckos: Golden Gecko (85%)
Some geckos and some radscorpions. | 2% | 2-5 golden geckos and 3-5 small radscorpions |
Geckos: Golden Gecko (85%)
Some radscorpions. | 7% | 4-9 small radscorpions |
Small Radscorpions (100%)
Some radscorpions hiding in some spore plants. | 7% | 4-8 radscorpions and 2-4 spore plants |
A hermit. | 10% | 1-2 hermits |
Holy Man w/ combat knife and Healing Powder (100%) |
Some geckos attacking some outcasts. | 1% | 3-5 golden geckos fighting 2-4 outcasts |
Geckos: Golden Gecko (85%)
Some geckos fighting some wilders. | 1% | 3-5 golden geckos fighting 3-5 wilders |
Geckos: Golden Gecko (85%)
Some radscorpions fighting some cannibals. | 7% | 4-8 radscorpions fighting 3-6 cannibals |
Male cannibal w/ knife (30%)
Some radscorpions attacking a hermit. | 7% | 3-6 small radscorpions fighting 1-2 hermits |
Small Radscorpions (100%)
Den - New Reno - Redding - Vault City[]
Den - New Reno - Redding - Vault City trade route.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A Den caravan. | 10% | 5-8 people in a caravan |
Bad Merchant Male
Some highwaymen. | 10% | 6-9 highwaymen |
Tough Male Thug w/ .44 Magnum revolver and stimpak (30%)
Some robbers. | 10% | 6-9 robbers |
Tough Male Thug w/ Shotgun and shells (10%)
Some highwaymen and robbers. | 10% | 2-4 highwaymen and 2-4 robbers |
A Vault City caravan. | 5% | 6-8 people in a caravan |
Average Merchant Male
A Den caravan. | 7% | 4-8 people in a caravan |
Bad Merchant Male
A Redding caravan fending off highwaymen. | 3% | 4-7 people in a caravan fighting 4-7 highwaymen | Caravan:
A New Reno caravan fending off robbers. | 5% | 4-8 people in a caravan fighting 4-7 robbers | Caravan:
A Den caravan fending off highwaymen. | 5% | 4-8 people in a caravan fighting 4-7 highwaymen | Caravan:
Some robbers ambushing a caravan. | 10% | 4-7 people in a caravan fighting 2-5 robbers | Caravan:
A Den caravan attacking a Vault City caravan. | 1% | 4-8 people in a Den caravan fighting 4-8 people in a Vault City Caravan | Den Caravan:
Some highwaymen fighting some robbers. | 2% | 6-8 highwaymen fighting 6-10 robbers |
Areas around Redding.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some claim jumpers. | 10% | 4-6 claim jumpers |
Gun Thug male w/ Combat Shotgun (25%)
Some wolves. | 10% | 6-10 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
Some golden geckos. | 10% | 4-8 golden geckos |
Tough Golden Gecko (20%)
Some golden geckos and some wolves. | 10% | 4-8 golden geckos and 4-6 wolves |
Golden Gecko:
Some bootleggers. | 7% | 4-6 bootleggers |
Bootlegger male w/ Super Sledgehammer
Some trappers. | 7% | 4-6 trappers |
Some prospectors. | 7% | 3-6 prospectors |
Prospector male w/ Sledge
Some prospectors fighting some claim jumpers. (if player level > 9) | 2% | 3-6 prospectors fighting 2-4 claim jumpers |
Prospector male w/ Sledge
Some trappers fighting some golden geckos. | 10% | 4-6 trappers fighting 2-4 golden geckos | Trappers:
Some bootleggers fighting some wolves. | 1% | 2-4 bootleggers fighting 5-8 wolves | Bootlegger:
Some homesteaders fighting some claim jumpers. (if player level > 9) | 1% | 2-4 homesteaders fighting 6-8 claim jumpers | Homesteaders:
Some homesteaders fending off some wolves. | 5% | 4-6 homesteaders fighting 4-8 wolves | Homesteaders:
Wilderness 3[]
Wilderness area between Redding and the Raiders.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A pack of wolves. | 10% | 6-8 wolves | Wild Dog (100%) |
A pack of mutated molerats. | 10% | 5-10 molerats | Mutated Molerats (90%)
Dead Tough Male Guard (10%) |
A pack of radscorpions. | 10% | 7-10 radscorpions | Large radscorpion (100%)
Small dead radscorpion |
A pack of golden geckos. | 10% | 4-8 golden geckos | Golden Gecko (80%)
Tough Golden Gecko (20%) |
A pack of wolves and some molerats. | 1% | 3-6 wolves and 3-6 molerats | Wolves:
Some radscorpions and some wolves. | 2% | 5-10 radscorpions and 5-10 wolves | Radscorpions:
Some mutated molerats and some radscorpions. | 2% | 4-9 molerats and 6-10 radscorpions | Radscorpions:
A pack of wolves and some golden geckos. | 2% | 7-12 wolves fighting 5-8 golden geckos | Wolves:
Some mutated molerats fighting some golden geckos. | 2% | 4-9 molerats fighting 7-12 golden geckos | Molerats:
Some molerats fighting some radscorpions. | 2% | 5-9 molerats fighting 6-9 radscorpions | Molerats:
Vault City - New Reno - Gecko - Broken Hills[]
Vault City - New Reno - Gecko - Broken Hills trade route.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of raiders. | 25% | 4-6 raiders |
Raider male w/ Assault Rifle (35%)
Some wolves. | 15% | 6-8 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
A caravan. | 6% | 6-10 people in a caravan |
Average Merchant Male
A caravan. | 6% | 6-10 people in a caravan |
Average Merchant Female
A caravan. | 6% | 6-10 people in a caravan |
Master Trader female w/ H&K CAWS
A caravan. | 6% | 6-10 people in a caravan |
Generic Ghoul w/ Shotgun (Caravan Leader)
A caravan fending off some raiders. | 5% | 6-10 people in a caravan fighting 6-8 raiders |
A caravan fending off some raiders. | 5% | 4-8 people in a caravan fighting 6-8 raiders |
Caravan: Average Merchant Female
A caravan fending off some raiders. | 3% | 6-8 people in a caravan fighting 6-8 raiders |
A caravan fending off some raiders. | 9% | 6-10 people in a caravan fighting 6-8 raiders |
Area patrolled by Raiders.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of raiders. | 30% | 6-10 raiders |
Raider male w/ Assault Rifle (35%)
A pack of wolves. | 15% | 6-10 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
A pack of radscorpions. | 15% | 7-10 radscorpions |
Large Radscorpion (100%)
A band of raiders leading some wolves. | 15% | 3-6 raiders and 4-7 wolves |
Some spore plants and some wolves. | 15% | 4-10 spore plants and 5-10 wolves |
Spore Plants:
A pack of wolves fighting some raiders. | 1% | 4-6 raiders fighting 5-10 wolves |
Areas around Navarro.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Enclave patrol | 100% | 4-7 Enclave patrolmen | Enclave male patrolman w/ Avenger minigun random (10%)
Areas around where the EPA would be were it not cut.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some aliens and deathclaws. | 4% | 3-6 aliens and 2-4 deathclaws |
Tough Alien:
An army of floaters and centaurs. | 12% | 6-8 floaters and centaurs |
Centaur (20%)
Some fire geckos. | 12% | 5-7 fire geckos |
Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath (40%)
A large pack of aliens. | 12% | 5-8 aliens |
Alien (30%)
Some deathclaws. | 12% | 4-6 deathclaws |
Sm. Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 1 (70%)
Some fire geckos. | 12% | 6-9 fire geckos |
Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath (100%) |
Some aliens. | 12% | 6-9 aliens |
Alien (100%) |
A pack of centaurs. | 12% | 6-8 centaurs |
Centaur (40%)
A swarm of floaters. | 12% | 6-10 floaters |
Floater (40%)
Wilderness 4[]
Wilderness between the EPA and Coast.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A pack of fire geckos. | 40% | 6-9 fire geckos |
Fire gecko w/ flame breath (100%) |
A pack of fire geckos. | 40% | 8-10 fire geckos |
Fire gecko w/ flame breath (40%)
A large pack of golden geckos. | 20% | 6-12 golden geckos |
Tough golden gecko (20%)
San Francisco - NCR - Redding - Reno Trade route[]
San Francisco - NCR - Redding - Reno Trade route trade route.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A pack of deathclaws. | 10% | 4-6 deathclaws |
Sm. Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 1 (70%)
A pack of fire geckos. | 15% | 5-8 fire geckos |
Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath (100%) |
A caravan. | 10% | 6-10 people in a caravan |
Grand Master Trader male w/ Sniper Rifle
A caravan. | 20% | 5-8 people in a caravan |
Master Merchant Female
A caravan. | 15% | 6-9 people in a caravan |
Average Merchant Female
A caravan. | 13% | 7-11 people in a caravan |
Master Trader female w/ Needler Pistol
A caravan fending off deathclaws | 3% | 6-9 people in a caravan fighting 3-5 deathclaws |
A caravan fending off deathclaws | 3% | 6-10 people in a caravan fighting 4-7 deathclaws |
Caravan: Grand Master Trader male w/ Sniper Rifle
A caravan fending off fire geckos. | 8% | 5-8 people in a caravan fighting 4-6 fire geckos |
A caravan fending off fire geckos. | 8% | 7-11 people in a caravan fighting 4-7 fire geckos |
New Reno[]
Areas around New Reno.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Some yakuza. | 15% | 4-8 yakuza members |
Yakuza w/ Tommy Gun (50%)
A gang. | 15% | 4-7 gang members |
Gun Thug male w/ Combat Shotgun (25%)
Some mobsters. | 20% | 4-8 mobsters |
Mobster w/ Tommy Gun
A traveler. | 10% | Lone traveler |
Female Homesteader w/ Combat Knife |
A pack of wolves. | 10% | 7-10 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
Some mobsters fighting some yakuza. | 5% | 4-8 mobsters fighting 3-6 yakuza |
Some mobsters fighting a gang. | 5% | 4-8 mobsters fighting 3-6 gangsters. |
Broken Hills[]
Areas around Broken Hills.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of rogues. | 20% | 4-8 rogues. |
Gun Thug male w/ Needler Pistol (25%)
A pack of wolves. | 10% | 6-10 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
A pack of radscorpions. | 10% | 6-12 radscorpions. |
Large Radscorpion (100%)
A forest of spore plants. | 10% | 8-12 spore plants. |
Spore Plant w/ Spikes (100%)
A band of rogues and some wolves. | 10% | 2-6 rogues and 3-5 wolves |
Rogues: Gun Thug male w/ Needler Pistol (25%)
Wild Dog (100%) |
A Unity patrol. | 20% | 8-10 Unity patrolmen |
Nightkin w/ Minigun (20%)
A Unity patrol fighting some rogues. | 5% | 6-10 Unity patrolmen fighting 3-6 rogues |
Unity patrol:
A Unity patrol fighting some wolves. | 5% | 5-8 Unity patrolmen fighting 8-12 wolves. |
Unity patrol:
Wild Dog (100%)
San Francisco[]
Areas around San Francisco.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of mercenaries. | 15% | 4-9 mercenaries |
Mercenary male w/ Plasma Pistol (25%)
A press gang. | 15% | 7-10 press gangsters |
Press Gang male w/ Power Fist (25%)
A herd of deathclaws. | 7% | 4-7 deathclaws |
Sm. Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 1 (70%)
A batch of fire geckos. | 7% | 6-10 fire geckos |
Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath (40%)
A slew of aliens. | 7% | 10-12 tough aliens |
Alien (30%)
Hubologists. | 20% | 4-8 Hubologists |
Elronologist Male w/ Power Fist (25%)
Hubologists fighting mercenaries. | 10% | 5-8 Hubologists fighting 3-6 mercenaries |
Hubologists: Elronologist Male w/ Power Fist (25%)
Mercenary male w/ Plasma Pistol (25%)
Hubologists fending off a press gang. | 10% | 5-8 Hubologists fighting 3-6 press gangsters |
Hubologists: Elronologist Male w/ Power Fist (25%)
San Francisco - Redding[]
San Francisco - Redding Trade Route.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of mercenaries. | 10% | 4-9 mercenaries |
Mercenary male w/ Plasma Pistol (25%)
A pack of deathclaws. | 10% | 5-9 deathclaws |
Sm. Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 1 (70%)
A batch of fire geckos. | 10% | 8-12 fire geckos |
Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath (40%)
A slew of aliens. | 10% | 8-12 tough aliens |
Alien (30%)
A caravan. | 10% | 4-8 people in a caravan |
Grand Master Trader male w/ Needler Pistol
A caravan. | 10% | 6-8 people in a caravan |
Master Merchant Female
A caravan fending off mercenaries. | 10% | 4-8 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 mercenaries |
Caravan: Grand Master Trader male w/ Needler Pistol
Mercenaries: Mercenary male w/ Plasma Pistol (25%)
A caravan fending off mercenaries. | 10% | 6-8 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 mercenaries |
Mercenary male w/ Plasma Pistol (25%)
A caravan fending off fire geckos. | 10% | 4-8 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 fire geckos |
Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath (40%)
A caravan fending off aliens. | 10% | 6-8 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 aliens |
Wilderness 5[]
Wilderness between San Francisco and NCR.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
An Enclave patrol. | 2% | 5-8 Enclave patrolmen |
Enclave male patrolman w/ Avenger minigun random (10%)
Remnants of the Master's army. | 20% | 4-9 remnant members of the Master's Army |
Tough Nightkin w/ Laser Rifle(25%)
A pack of Deathclaws. | 20% | 3-6 Deathclaws |
Sm. Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 1 (70%)
A swarm of mantis. | 35% | 8-12 Manti |
Medium Mantis (80%)
NCR - New Reno - Redding[]
NCR - New Reno - Redding trade route.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A caravan. | 13% | 6-10 people in a caravan. |
Master Merchant Female
A caravan. | 13% | 6-10 people in a caravan. |
Average Merchant Female
A caravan. | 13% | 6-10 people in a caravan. |
Master Trader female w/ Needler Pistol
A caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army. | 3% | 6-10 people in a caravan fighting 4-8 remnant members of the Master's Army. |
A caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army. | 3% | 6-10 people in a caravan fighting 4-8 remnant members of the Master's Army. |
A caravan fending off some deathclaws. | 1% | 6-10 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 deathclaws |
Wilderness 6[]
Wilderness between NCR and New Reno.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A pack of wolves. | 33% | 8-12 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
A swarm of mantis. | 33% | 8-12 manti |
Medium Mantis (80%)
A family of radscorpions. | 33% | 8-12 radscorpions |
Large Radscorpion(100%)
Vault 15 - New Reno - NCR - Broken Hills[]
Vault 15 - New Reno - NCR - Broken Hills trade route.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A band of marauders. | 20% | 6-10 marauders |
Maurader male w/ H&K CAWS (25%)
A pack of wolves. | 10% | 8-10 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
A pack of radscorpions. | 10% | 7-10 radscorpions |
Large Radscorpion (100%)
A caravan. | 5% | 5-9 people in a caravan |
Master Trader female w/ H&K CAWS
A caravan. | 5% | 6-9 people in a caravan |
Average Merchant Female
A caravan. | 5% | 5-10 people in a caravan |
Master Trader female w/ Needler Pistol
A caravan. | 5% | 4-8 people in a caravan |
Master Trader female w/ Grease Gun
A traveler. | 8% | 1-2 travellers |
Female Homesteader w/ Combat Knife |
A caravan fending off marauders. | 3% | 5-9 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 marauders |
A caravan fending off marauders. | 3% | 6-9 people in a caravan fighting 3-6 marauders |
A caravan fending off wolves. | 1% | 5-10 people in a caravan fighting 4-8 wolves |
Wild Dog (100%) |
A caravan fending off radscorpions. | 2% | 4-8 people in a caravan fighting 4-9 radscorpions |
Caravan: Master Trader female w/ Grease Gun
Areas around NCR.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
A detachment of the Master's armies. | 10% | 5-7 remnant members of the Master's Army. |
Tough Nightkin w/ Laser Rifle(25%)
A detachment of NCR Rangers. | 20% | 6-10 NCR Rangers |
NCR Ranger male w/ Combat Shotgun (25%)
Some farmers. | 10% | 3-5 farmers |
Average Peasant Male w/ 10mm SMG and Fruit (67%)
A band of marauders. | 15% | 6-10 marauders |
Maurader male w/ H&K CAWS (25%)
Some Rangers fending off a squad of the Master's armies. | 2% | 5-9 Rangers fighting 4-6 remnant members of the Master's Army |
Some Rangers fighting some marauders. | 10% | 5-10 Rangers fighting 4-9 marauders. |
Some farmers fending off parts of the Master's armies. | 2% | 2-6 Farmers fighting 5-9 remnant members of the Master's Army. |
Some farmers fending off marauders. | 10% | 3-6 Farmers fighting 6-9 marauders |
Vault 15[]
Areas around Vault 15.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Details |
Remnants of the Master's armies. | 8% | 4-8 remnant members of the Master's army. |
A pack of mutated molerats. | 20% | 4-8 molerats. |
Remnants of the Master's army fighting mutated molerats. | 2% | 5-9 remnant members of the Master's army fighting 8-12 molerats. |
Master's Army Remnants:
A swarm of mantis. | 20% | 8-12 manti. |
A pack of radscorpions. | 20% | 6-12 radscorpions. |
Special encounters[]
All of the following are unique, one-time occurrences.
Title | Frequency | Overview | Notes |
A lone surviving dog | 2% + Luck (stat check) | A lone surviving dog | Player level 5, only in the deserts |
Mad Brahmins | 2% + Luck (stat check) | A herd of exploding brahmin | Player level 7, only in the deserts |
Crashed whale | 1% + Luck (stat check) | Remains of a whale and a pot of daisies | Player level 5 or more, only in the deserts |
Café of Broken Dreams | 1% + Luck (stat check) | Some Fallout characters meet here | Player level 5 or more, only in the deserts |
Sacred head of the Vault Dweller | 1% + Luck (stat check) | A mysterious sculpture | Player level 9 or more, only in the deserts |
Bridge Keeper | 1% + Luck (stat check) | A strange, hooded figure guarding a bridge over the abyss | Player level 9 or more, only in the mountains |
Toxic waste dump | 2% + Luck (stat check) | A dump for toxic waste, filled with geckos | Player level 5, only in deserts |
Federation Crash Site | 1% + Luck (stat check) | Mysterious wreckage | Player level 5 or more, only in the deserts |
Guardian of Forever | 1% + Luck (stat check) | A mysterious ruin in the middle of the desert | Player level 7 or more, only in the deserts |
Tin Man | 1% + Luck (stat check) | A mysterious metal figure standing in the middle of the desert | Player level 5 or more, only in the deserts |
Unwashed Villagers | 1% + Luck (stat check) | A strange conflict involving a spammer | Player level 5 or more, only in the deserts |
King Arthur's Knights | 1% + Luck (stat check) | An odd expedition with horses! | Player level 5 or more, only in the deserts |
See also[]
- Fallout 2 special encounters