完成死錢之後,一百馬德雷賭場籌碼和一張價值1000籌碼的禮券會出現在投物箱里.箱子里每三天會出現新的100籌碼和一張禮券,伊利亞的房間里也有一台售貨機,可以提供玩家有代碼的物品,例如治療針、醫療包、武器修理箱和其他東西,香煙和戰前服裝也可以用籌碼換到。Also, the 1000 chip voucher is only redeemable if the player has won at least 7,500 chips from gambling in the Sierra Madre casino.
Has platform::Xbox 360 出地堡的艙蓋或許會提示需要鑰匙才能回到廢土(導致地堡變成監獄),即使完成了死錢也可能發生.解決辦法是從硬碟里刪除系統緩存然後啟動遊戲,在彈出升級選項之後,選擇取消然後繼續,讀取存檔之後你就可以出去了。一旦你重新升級,將無法再進入地堡,因為會需要鑰匙,你會從此永遠被鎖在外面。 [已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 3 (may be due to lasted update) everything in the abandoned BoS bunker or any items from Dead Money are no where to be found, including stationary objects found like the old fashioned radio, Elijah's bed/vending machine, or obtained items like the automatic rifle and police pistol. This was caused by the localization of DLC, as a person in Canada Needs French/English Canadian version, and with the pre-order DLC packs, the French version is required. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 When the DLC is not installed, companions will sometimes fall out of the game upon entering the bunker. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 Sometimes when saving while directly in front of the door that questions you about whether you want to start the DLC, loading that save will not load the door and instead have a gaping hole after it. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 When trying to enter the abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker it will be locked and require a key but there is no key and reloading a recent save will not fix the problem. De- and reinstalling Dead Money or Old World Blues will fix this problem. [已验证]
Villa ·Medical district (Villa clinic) ·Puesta del Sol (Puesta del Sol switching station ·Ruined building ·Ruined cafe ·Ruined store ·Service route) ·Residential District ·Salida del Sol (Campanas del Sol ·Salida del Sol courtyard) ·Villa ·Villa police station
大山脉 ·Big MT east tunnel ·Big MT north tunnel ·Big MT west tunnel ·Construction site ·Elijah's Watch ·Forbidden Zone dome entrance ·Hazmat testing ground ·Higgs Village ·Little Yangtze ·Loading station ·Magnetohydraulics complex ·Mojave Drive-in ·Mysterious cave ·Saturnite alloy research facility ·Securitron de-construction plant ·Signal Hills Transmitter ·The Cuckoo's Nest ·The Sink ·The Think Tank ·Waste disintegration platform ·X-2 transmitter antenna array ·X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch ·X-7b "Boom Town" target zone ·X-8 research center ·X-12 research center ·X-13 research facility ·X-17 meteorological station ·X-22 botanical garden ·X-66 Hexcrete archipelago ·Y-0 research center ·Y-17 medical facility ·Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab ·Z-14 Pepsinae DNA splicing lab ·Z-38 lightwave dynamics research ·Z-43 innovative toxins plant ·Ulysses' Point
Ashton silo control station ·Boxwood Hotel roof ·Cave of the Abaddon ·Collapsed overpass tunnel entrance ·Junction 7 rest stop ·High Road ·Hopeville armory ·Hopeville men's barracks ·Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters ·Hopeville Missile Base - East entrance ·Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station ·Hopeville Missile Base - West entrance ·Hopeville silo bunker entrance ·Hopeville women's barracks ·Marked men camp ·Marked men base ·Marked men guard outpost ·Marked men supply outpost ·Pass to canyon wreckage ·Path to the Courier's Mile ·Ruined highway interchange ·Sunstone Tower roof ·The Courier's Mile ·The Crow's Nest ·Third Street Municipal Building ·Ulysses' Temple ·Waste disposal station ·Wastewater treatment plant
Calada ·Corn Creek Dunes ·Devil Peak ·Dry Lake ·East Las Vegas ·Elephant Hill ·Floyd Lamb State Park ·Garnet ·Gomorrah 3rd floor ·Las Vegas Academy ·Las Vegas Bay Campground ·Las Vegas Dunes ·Malpais Legionnaire Camp ·Mountain Springs ·Mt. Perkins ·Mummy Mountain ·Northwest sewers ·Pahrump ·Piute Point ·Ripley ·Sandy Valley ·Southwest sewers ·Spring Mountains Recreation Area ·Summerlin ·Sunrise Mountain ·Underpass ·Valley of Fire ·Wheaton Springs · Vault 24 · Vault 74