Has platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One 在快速到达定居点后,居民可能会出现在某些建筑物的屋顶上,尤其是带有车间的建筑物的屋顶上,从而使对话变得困难,甚至无法进行。可以通过再次快速旅行(有时需要2到3次才能解决),等待他们走路并从屋顶掉下来,通过楼梯爬上屋顶,或者如果玩家角色 已经达到41级,用改进的背包喷气式动力装甲到达房顶。[已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 4 有时,在快速前往庇護山丘时,定居点上方会出现一只单独的垂直飛行機,徘徊片刻。然后,它会突然失去控制并坠毁,如果独存者离撞击区域太近,则会对其造成损害。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One 检查玩家的哔哔小子定居点数据时,庇護山丘的数据可能会显示错误,例如0防御,0床位和/或0水。这不会以任何方式影响定居点,并且统计数据应通过快速返回庇護山丘而重置为正常状态,但幸福感可能会下降(尤其是如果独存者不在很长一段时间,而且没有注意到哔哔小子故障的情况下)。 该统计数据将需要一些时间才能重新建立。[已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 4 在黄房子后面的北角,有一棵看不见的枫树,在蓝房子北面有一个地下室。无法正常看到它,但是在构造模式下,轮廓以黄色突出显示。 可以废弃变作木头。[已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 4 有时,在快速前往庇護山丘时,定居者可能会怀有敌意。 简单地重新加载保存似乎可以解决此问题。[已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 4有时在快速前往庇護山丘时,垃圾桶卡拉的婆罗门可能会被卡在包含工坊,武器工作台和动力装甲工作台的房子里。不过,她的商业服务不会受到影响。
↑Sole Survivor: "You met Codsworth? What did he say?" Vault-Tec rep: "Welcome to our happy home, sir. Can I get you a drink? Cheerio! Just like that, over and over again. He was the only one still alive that I could talk to. A year went by before I couldn't take it anymore!" (VaultTecRepGoodneighbor.txt)
↑Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p. 258: "[1.02] SANCTUARY Growing from the ruins of Sanctuary Hills, the prewar neighborhood your family used to call home, is a new settlement, a beacon of hope for the downtrodden and the new base of operations for the Minutemen." (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
↑Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.265: "This small island suburb, consisting of merely fourteen prefabricated homes in the northwest Concord area, was largely populated by residents who had gained a place in Vault 111. The location is accessible via a bridge towards the town of Concord or from the direction of Vault 111 itself, over another bridge at the back of the island. When the Great War started, most of the individuals living here retreated to their local Vault to safety, however, due to tardiness or not having access, many remained outside and were killed or turned into ghouls by the effects of the nuclear blast."
小島 ·阿卡迪亚 ·Aldersea Day Spa ·原子之神泉水 ·Beaver Creek Lanes ·Briney's Bait and Tackle ·Brooke's Head Lighthouse ·Children of Atom shrine ·Cliff's Edge Hotel ·Cranberry Island Bog ·Cranberry Island Docks ·Cranberry Island supply shed ·Dalton farm ·DiMA's cache ·Eagle's Cove Tannery ·Eden Meadows Cinemas ·Echo Lake Lumber ·匕港鎮 ·Fringe Cove docks ·Glowing Grove ·Haddock Cove ·Harbor Grand Hotel ·Horizon Flight 1207 ·Huntress Island ·Kitteredge Pass ·Longfellow's cabin ·MS Azalea ·Nakano residence ·National Park campground ·National Park visitor's center ·National Park HQ ·Northwood Ridge Quarry ·Oceanarium ·Old Pond House ·Pine Crest Cavern ·Radiant crest shrine ·Rayburn Point ·Red Death Island ·Rock Point Camp ·Ruined church ·Southwest Harbor ·The Nucleus ·The Vessel ·Vault 118 ·Vim! Pop factory ·Waves Crest Orphanage ·Wind farm maintenance ·Zephyr Ridge Camp