這裡是莫哈維最顯眼的地標, 幸運38賭場是座戰前建成至今的建築,也代表著豪斯先生對拉斯維加斯的願景:奢華而不頹廢,精緻而不精英(主義),(有)品味而不歧視。But to assume that it was just a casino is erroneous, as in the years leading up to the war, Robert House thoroughly modified the building in preparation for the upcoming nuclear war. Accurate long range laser cannons linked to the massive processing centers inside were installed on top of the tower to defend the Mojave against nuclear warheads. A massive underground storage facility for securitrons was built into the foundations. But the greatest marvel was the reason behind Mr. House's withdrawal from society: a preservation chamber built into the core of the penthouse floor, where the potentate sacrificed his mortal shell in return for immortality. Wired into the Lucky 38's mainframe and its power core, House was ready to face the coming apocalypse, save for one last item: an OS upgrade for the Lucky 38 contained on the platinum chip.
The chip never arrived. Forced to work with an inferior OS, Mr. House nevertheless managed to destroy a majority of the warheads aimed at the Mojave, but eventually suffered a critical system crash and was forced into a coma. The Lucky 38 fell silent and for nearly two centuries lay dormant amidst Vegas ruins. Only the odd securitron, controlled by Mr. House after he awoke in 2130, left the premises occasionally to survey the wasteland and bring news of the developments.
The tower came to life in 2274, as securitron agents detected NCR scouts at Hoover Dam. An army of securitrons poured out of the Lucky 38, quickly destroying hostile tribals on the Strip and securing the location. Mr. House then struck a deal with the three largest tribes, providing them with clothes, tools and supplies from stockpiles in the Lucky 38 in return for renovating the city and preparing for the arrival of the NCR. The Lucky 38 once again became a symbol of New Vegas, as the domain of its mysterious leader. No one has set foot inside the tower ever since.
As of 2281, the Lucky 38 remains closed to the public. No one knows what is inside.
雞尾酒大廳在大樓的頂部,在緊靠頂層的下一層。隊友們是上不來的,他們會在一樓賭場那裡等。這層有許多空桌,收銀機,老美元,破爛賭博機等等。那個50點的保險櫃里有些物品。還有個75的手提箱。里有C4炸藥,遙控起爆器,無聲手槍,¡La Fantoma!雜誌以及彈藥。這些東西應該是戰前一次針對這裡的陰謀,可能是要炸掉這裡。
和雞尾酒大廳不同,這層最核心的控制中心部分被一堵牆隔開了,不能隨便進入。開啟裝置在豪斯大屏幕左邊的一面牆上。需要道具才可以開啟:要麼有貴賓通行卡,要麼有白金磁碟外加75的科技。而且,一旦開啟,所有機器人立刻敵對,However, upon exiting the room (taking the elevator downstairs and upstairs) the Securitrons will be non-hostile towards the Courier.
- 金色拳擊手套 - 底層賭場酒吧里
- 雪景球 - 核試驗場 - 雞尾酒大廳收銀機邊上。
- Jake Juice – 威士忌,總統套房裡有2瓶。
- 維克托會告訴你,隊友不得進入頂樓。即使豪斯先生被滅掉或者被剝奪控制權,這點也不會改變。雞尾酒大廳也是一樣。兄弟們可以在賭場或者總統套房等候。他們會自動處於等候狀態,需要手動命令他們跟隨,他們才會跟你走。
- 遊戲片頭中出現了幸運38在2025年時候的海報,而在遊戲中卻沒有出現,這也許是設計者的疏忽。
- 幸運38的樓頂上安裝了激光防禦裝置,用來擊落大戰中來襲的擁有核彈頭的彈道導彈。
- 大樓里的設備很強大,可以把信號送達堡壘山,進而控制那裡的地下機器人工廠。
- 把屏幕顯示效果設為:None或者 Bloom,賭場和總統套房也許會變得很黑,選擇HDR選項可以改善。
- 賭場里的大部分東西都可以隨便拿。
- 賭場的設計決定了只有一部電梯出入。
- The whole casino can be used as player housing as all storage containers on all levels are safe.
- When the doors of the Lucky 38 are shot at, it makes the same noise when shooting glass.
- Upon leaving the Lucky 38 for the first time, all non-player characters in the Strip will be looking at the Courier and will comment on how they were the first to be seen coming out from it. This also results in increased fame on the strip.
- The Lucky 38 sign appears to have graffiti on parts of it. The second "V" in revolving appears to be crossed out and replaced with a "T," so it says "revolting cocktail lounge" instead of "revolving cocktail lounge."
- If the player uses the Complimentary voucher bug to climb the front of the Lucky 38 above where the player enters, it is possible to go under the 38 and a computer will be present, named "Tops Radio," with only introductory and leaving dialog.
- The other doors in the casino are not able to be opened.
- The basement is only accessible when Mr. House or Yes-Man demonstrates the securitron upgrades.
- In the Presidential Suite, there is a pool table with 5 pool balls in the shape of an arrow. The ball numbers add up to 38, and the arrow points to a Lucky 38 poster.
- If the securitrons are killed, Mr. House's screen will say "connection lost."
- The Lucky 38 is the tallest structure in the Mojave Wasteland and can be seen from long distances.
- The Lucky 38 entrance door is different within the interior, which appears to be a wooden door.
- The interior of the Lucky 38 is the only casino not to have background music, such as The Tops or the Vikki and Vance Casinos have. Instead, the Lucky 38 only has ambient music.
- The Lucky 38 appears to be much farther away from Freeside than it actually is.
幸運38賭場僅出現在輻射:新維加斯,並在輻射4的嗶嗶小子遊戲Atomic Command被提及。
- 「幸運38」這個名字來自於輪盤賭的38個數字。而門口的招牌正像一張立起來的輪盤桌,大樓的樓頂則像是輪盤。Pre-War posters for the lucky 38 have the slogan; "Take her for a spin!".
- 這個大樓參考了現實拉斯維加斯的同溫層酒店,西雅圖的空針塔,還有已經拆毀的拉斯維加斯「地標賭場酒店」。
- James Garcia created the 3D model of the Lucky 38 neon sign.[1]
- If you try talking to Victor, he does nothing. Getting a follower, bringing them into the Lucky 38 and saying "Time to part ways" should get Victor to speak. [已验证]
- Upon exiting the Lucky 38, the game freezes or crashes - not only that, but the auto-save file becomes corrupted. This may be worked around by using the movetoqt command to bypass using the casino door and teleport to the target of the quest marker.[已验证]