

布奇·德洛里亚(英文名:Butch DeLoria)是2277年间101号避难所的居民。他领导着被称为隧道蛇的当地帮派,并且可能是獨行者同伴


布奇在101号避难所长大,成为一名居民恶霸,同时受到酗酒的母亲艾伦的照顾,后者忽视了布奇在做什么。[Non-game 1]布奇和他的母亲一起住在一间最小的公寓房间里。他的父亲不为人知,101号避难所中没有人认领布奇。





Perk nociception regulator color
Paving the Way
FO76 ui icon quest
Icon severed ear color


  • 快速成长: 布奇参加了独行者的十岁生日派对。他试图欺负他们,试图从他们那里得到面包卷,这可能会导致两个孩子为此而争吵。
  • 不完美的未来: 布奇和他的朋友们骚扰艾瑪塔。此时,独行者可以选择:与布奇和他的帮派打架,嘲笑阿玛塔的体重,告诉布奇艾瑪塔的父亲会惩罚他们,说服沃利让其他人和他一起离开,告诉他他"只是一个追随者",或者忽略他们并继续去教室。
  • 快逃!: 布奇请求独行者拯救他的母亲艾伦,她正受到辐射蟑螂的攻击。他们可以选择攻击他,帮助他,或者忽略并离开他。布奇也可以被说服要么自己救他的母亲,要么逃离并抛弃她,导致他的死亡。前者要求要么给他独行者的BB枪(在他们的房间里发现)或通过口才检查,而后者需要通过另一次口才检查。帮助他的母亲导致布奇给了独行者一套隧道蛇套装.
  • 家门口的麻烦: 如果在快逃!中布奇没有被杀,他将站在艾瑪塔的叛军一边。如果独行者决定打开或摧毁101号避难所,布奇希望离开避难所以便他可以做出自己的人生选择,并想在废土中建立一个新的帮派。


  • 如果通过打开或摧毁101号避难所来完成家门口的麻烦,则可以在鉚釘城泥泞的舵酒吧中找到布奇。他可以被独行浪招募为同伴,但需要他们具有中立的业报才能这样做。一旦被雇用,即使独行者的业报低于或高于中立,布奇仍将是一名追随者。


  • 布奇可以在家门口的麻烦期间给独行浪者理发,如果后来被招募,也可以在他们旅行期间的任何时候给他们理发。


服装 武器 其他 物品
隧道蛇套装 10mm手枪
Butch's switchblade*


FoS Butch DeLoria套装
Tunnel Snakes' outfit


  • 布奇穿着"隧道蛇"发型。
  • 布奇是"辐射3"中的两个同伴之一,要求独行者的业报保持中立才能被招募,另一个是RL-3 中士
  • 试图招募业报低于中立的布奇导致他评论独行者“太紧张”和“精神病”。[8]
  • 布奇在快逃!期间被问时向独行者坦承害怕辐射蟑螂。[9]
  • 在他拒绝加入独行者的旅行之后,在泥泞的舵酒吧杀死布奇并不会让酒吧的居住者产生敌意。
  • 与所有其他追随者不同,布奇的库存中必须至少有一轮10毫米弹药才能使用他的默认武器。但是,他在发射武器时实际上不会耗尽弹药。
  • 布奇偶尔会提到需要一些太阳镜,而空闲时或与独行者一起四处走动。[10]即使在他收到并配备太阳镜之后,他仍会继续说这句话。
  • 尽管想组建帮派,但在有现任同伴的情况下试图招募他时,他会抱怨“拥挤”。[11]
  • BB枪,在快速成长期间由父亲詹姆斯送给独行者,是用布奇弹簧刀的弹簧固定的。[12]
  • 如果女性独行者跟布奇讨论应该跟多近,布奇就会跟她调情。[13]
  • 106号避难所中,与生还者的战斗中也会出现布奇的幻觉。






  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果玩家角色有福克斯作为同伴并进入泥泞的舵酒吧,福克斯和布奇将立即相互敌对。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 当玩家角色进入87号避难所的测试实验室,同时有布奇作为活跃伙伴时,他不会跟着进去而死。哪怕让他在门外的任何地方等待;他仍然会死亡或消失。[验证逾期]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Mrs. Palmer said I didn't have to share. Since it's my birthday..."
    Butch DeLoria: "Mrs. Palmer said I didn't have to share... Who's talking about sharing, moron? I want the whole thing. Now are you going to give me that sweetroll, or am I going to give you a knuckle sandwich?"
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue) Note: The "script notes" for the last line is "tough-guy 10 year old".
  2. Butch DeLoria: "My mom made me come to your stupid party, but don't expect me to hang out with you. Get lost, loser."
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  3. Butch DeLoria: "So what do you think we should call our gang? It's got to be totally killer, though."
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  4. Paul Hannon Jr.: "Hey, how about the Vault Dwellers? Get it?"
    Butch DeLoria: "Who wants to go around all day being called a 'Vault Dweller'? Sometimes I think you really are as dumb as you look."
    (Paul Hannon Jr. and Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  5. Butch DeLoria: "Amata's not fat, she's just 5 feet too short."
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  6. Butch DeLoria: "I can show you a real tunnel snake, Amata."
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  7. Mr. Brotch: "You've surprised me, Butch. I didn't think you had it in you. Hairdresser! Who would have thunk it?"
    (Edwin Brotch's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Ride with me, and we can rampage across the Wasteland."
    Butch DeLoria: "Whoa, hey, that's cool and all, but you're just a little too... intense, y'know? I mean, Butch is down for action, but you... You're a psycho!"
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you need my help, anyway? Afraid of a few Radroaches?"
    Butch DeLoria: "Well... yeah, so I hate Radroaches. So what? I tried to go back in to help her, I swear I did! But I just can't do it! So I'm begging you, please help her. I don't know what I'd do without my mom."
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  10. Butch DeLoria: "I need some shades or something..."
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "Come along with me, and we'll make an awesome gang."
    Butch DeLoria: "I really wish I could, man, but three's a crowd, you know? I'll just stay here for now. Tunnel snakes rule!"
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "What kind of surprise?"
    James: "The Overseer gave you your Pip-Boy, and you're old enough to do some work. So I figure you’re old enough for this. Your own BB gun! It's a little old, but it should work perfectly. Jonas found it down here. It was in pretty rough shape -- took us a good three months to find the parts to get it working again. You know how tough it is to find a spring that small? Good thing Butch "misplaced" that switchblade of his. Ha ha ha! So, what do you think? Want to give it a try?"
    (James' dialogue)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "Let's talk about how close you're following me."
    Butch DeLoria: "If you wanna get closer to me, that's all you gotta say, girl."
    (Butch DeLoria's dialogue) Note: This line is only available to a female Lone Wanderer.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.64: "Butch DeLoria
    Vault 101's resident bully and leader of the Tunnel Snakes, Butch masks his fear and sense of inadequacy about not having a father and having an alcoholic mother by becoming boorish and overbearing. Masking his shortfalls has stunted his secret desire to become a hairdresser."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Morrowind class quiz, question 9: "While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted, you take it into an alley to enjoy only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it.