

山嶺軍事基地(英文名:Sierra Army Depot[1]位于新里诺的西北部,从市区徒步大约需要两到三天。新加州的定居者已基本忘记了它的存在,如果不是一群探险家意外重新发现了它,并随后在2241年向新里诺的赖特家族报告了它的位置,它可能已经消失了。




在军队缩减规模和军械处置的浪潮中,山嶺軍事基地于1992年被重新利用,并被设定为以环保的方式退役过时或其他不可接受的军械。在美国陆军工业作战司令部 (IOC)的控制下,其活动由环境保护署(EPA)监督,[3]基地继续以这种身份运作了五十八年,直到军事思想再次改变。











2241年,Sam Pritchard和他的远征队员偶然发现了山嶺軍事基地,并将这一发现报告给了新里诺的暴民首领欧维尔 赖特。在为赖特绘制了一张前往基地的地图后不久,Pritchard在可疑的情况下死亡,并立即被安葬在墓地,随后派往基地的团队遭遇了不幸的命运。获选者在解决了理查德 赖特过量用药的问题后,代替他通常的手下承担了这项任务,然后他们可以潜入基地并获得一具尸体供天网下载进去,然后将作为永久同伴加入。[5]




F02 SAD Outside


主入口,除了通往基地地下部分的结构外,旁边还有一个爆炸物弹药库(一个field station,就像用来隐藏失落山丘的出入电梯的那个),基地的发电机(有一个小房间,下面有电源开关)和一个维修站。


Fo2 Sierra Army Depot Living Quarters



Fo2 Sierra Army Depot Robotic Repair Bay and Storerooms



Fo2 Sierra Army Depot Computer Core and Command



Fo2 Sierra Army Depot Medical Research


低温储存的内容包括各种大脑和其他身体部位(很久以前就变成汤了),私人Dobbs(关于生物医学凝胶的生物修复特性的实验)和低温冷冻病毒标本,例如炭疽病黑死病(菌株238), 天花 (菌株1025), 埃博拉病毒汉坦病毒(菌株304).[6]在生物储藏室附属的房间里可以找到一个大型圆头生物的骨骼。









  1. Sign on the building
  2. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.172: "The Sierra Army Depot
    The Sierra Army Depot was once a regional storage area for the military's arms and munitions. Although a significant amount of its holdings was depleted in the War, there are still gems—of prebomb hardware—to be found here. However, the base is not easy to find, and its automated defenses are still fully functional."
    "The Path of the Chosen One
    It's possible to complete the game without visiting the Sierra Army Depot. However the arms found here, including all plasma weapons, will make your future tasks that much easier. You can also build yourself a loyal and useful companion here—the Robobrain.
    If you learned about the location of the Sierra Army Depot from Mr. Wright in New Reno, you'll be able to accumulate an additional reward from him if you make certain that the Depot is left open and available to his men. The weapons that he can glean here will almost certainly turn the tide—in his family's favor—in the battle for control of New Reno."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sierra mission statement
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Fallout Bible 6: "X. I've read all the updates and still I'm curious about one thing. Why the Sierra Army Depot is not mentioned at all? I think the Sierra Army Depot is not an insignificant part of the game's plot. Just on the contrary I believe that it has something to do with the F.E.V. experiments or with development of futuristic weapons and armor. It doesn't look like it's just a weapons storage facility. Otherwise why was it inserted into the game if it has no particular reason?(or a place where one can find some stuff to sell and gain an NPC(probably one of the best)) So my question is: What is the role of the Sierra Army Depot in Fallout and what it has to do with the F.E.V. experiments and weaponry development or maybe some kind of an artificial intelligence development?"
    "First of all, the Sierra Army Depot was intended to be a bonus location for the game, just a place to adventure that wasn't tied to the main plot (kind of like the EPA, Abbey, and the Primitive Village were supposed to be), except it made it in (as did Modoc, New Reno, and to an extent, the Military Base, which, while it helps support the plot, isn't critical path)."
    "The Sierra Army Depot was used for the following (primarily taken from Sierra Mission Statement Holodisk):"
    "1. From 1942 - 1991, it was responsible for storing various military munitions. This is true."
    "2. From 1992 - 2050, it was responsible for disposing much of the obsolete munitions in storage. This is true."
    "3. From 2050 - 2076 is when the place started getting creepy. It became a classified facility for robotic research and development, and biological and conventional weapon testing. Skynet (constructed primarily for research purposes) went on line in 2050, and it is possible that the intelligence arranged all of this, but unlikely."
    "Again, Skynet is not its real name."
    "Robotic Research: Skynet is the first machine intelligence to be developed in the Depot, and it was conceived in 2050 (it didn't actually become aware until 2075, and it really started cranking on developing a cybernetic brain to help it gain mobility). In July of 2077, Skynet was "copied," creating two versions, one to run the defenses and the other one to sit in the lab and wait for the researchers to come back and help it finish the fucking cybernetic brain it had spent so long developing."
    "BTW, the dates that Skynet lists for its awareness and "final instructions" in Fallout 2 are incorrect. It became self-aware in 2075, and it was abandoned sometime in late July to early October in 2077. It is believed that the dates and other numerical data within the facility may be suffering from some damage or numeric decay in the base's internal clock."

    "Biological Research: In addition to biological weapons and drug testing, the Sierra Army Depot performed many illegal experimentations on prisoners of war and military prisoners (especially U.S. military prisoners and deserters – the ones that weren't used to "stock" robobrains, however), attempting to enhance their intelligence and fighting skills, but the chemical cocktails that the Sierra Depot crew were feeding their subjects had nothing to do with the FEV research taking place in West Tek and the Mariposa facility. Many of the brains extracted in the Sierra Army Depot found their way into Robobrains throughout the U.S. military."
    "Furthermore, the Sierra Army Depot kept many prisoners and soldiers in stasis, most likely for medical or testing purposes (such as Private Dobbs)."
    "4. 2077 is when Skynet was made into a "multiple personality" in order to oversee defense of the Sierra Depot as General Clifton and his command pulled out of the base. It has been sitting there in the darkness ever since, illuminated by tiny blinking red diodes and the whirring of magnetic tape reels."

  5. Fallout Bible 6[需要澄清]
  6. Bio storage control terminal: "{125}{}{Virus Menu
    Black Plague (Strain 238)
    Small Pox (Strain 1025)
    Hantavirus (Strain 304)}"
