
"City of the Dead"
尼普頓是個邪惡、下賤、腐敗的地方。他們對待任何來者的態度完全決定於對方給的錢。這裡的人完全不在乎到底是揮霍的士兵、炸藥幫還是像我一樣的軍團人。這是個婊子之鎮。為了一點小錢,這個鎮子同意把他們之前保護的人引到一個陷阱里。只有在我出現的時候,他們才知道他們也自投羅網了。Vulpes Inculta


Ranger Ghost, an NCR sniper found on the roof of the compound at the Mojave Outpost, may ask the Courier to investigate the lack of traffic from their direction, but the smoke could already be seen from a distance by anyone.


凱撒軍團屠殺之前,在鎮長Joseph B. Steyn的領導下,鎮上充斥著賭鬼,小偷和妓女,該鎮晚上與NCR交易,白天和炸藥幫交易。在軍團小利收買下,鎮長把一些NCR軍人和炸藥幫成員引到軍團埋伏圈裡,但沃爾普斯·伊庫塔異想天開的決定給這些人一個機會,彩票。他規定一等獎活命,二等獎打斷腿,三等獎為奴隸,鼓勵獎--「幸運倒霉蛋」可以來個痛快—砍頭。鎮長被放在一堆輪胎上點天燈。其他人全部釘十字架。


從大路向東過來的話,到鎮子口的時候,一等獎得主,前火藥幫小弟奧利弗·斯旺克會在那裡歡迎你,其實他已經瘋了。如果碰巧你先到了市政廳那裡,則會碰到沃爾普斯·伊庫塔 。你可以看到鎮子里街道兩邊有不少十字架,上邊都有人。鎮上許多房屋都燒成白地了,還有許多仍然冒著黑煙。

市政廳門口豎立著十字架,郵箱上放著骷髏頭,還有一堆堆點燃的垃圾。伊庫塔就在這裡等你,他會要你幫凱撒軍團傳話。這也是個任務「冷酷的心」。Alternatively, if the Courier is clothed in NCR faction armor, Vulpes and the other legionnaries will be hostile and attack on sight.市政廳裡面又許多軍團混種狗,殺了不影響軍團聲望。




A campfire can be found in the trailer area, proceeding south by south-east of the Nipton General Store.


  • 尼普頓雜貨店
  • 尼普頓市政廳
  • 尼普頓旅館
  • 尼普頓民房



主页面: Nipton Hall
  • 磨損的鑰匙 - 市政廳地下室的鑰匙。一進大門右手的櫃檯後面,當心地雷。
  • Big Book of Science - 在三樓市長辦公室的桌上。
  • 勝利型核口可樂 - 市長辦公桌後面的門裡


  • 一份筆記名為關於無上至寶的聲明 - 一個瘋子聲稱保護自己寶物的聲明,這個瘋子屋子裡設置了眾多機關用來保護他的寶物。This note can be found in the tool cabinet in the kitchen.


  • 夕陽沙士星星瓶蓋 - 一個在雜貨鋪里正南芳的小木屋裡,卧室梳妝台上。另一個在出了鎮子向東,沿著大路走,過了鐵路有輛翻倒的拖車,裡面的沙士箱子上。


  • 對於釘上十字架的人,唯一的解救辦法是殺了他,除非你學會遊騎兵搏擊術特技。不過殺了沒任何影響。
  • 有些夥伴會對十字架上的人發表意見,比如卡斯會問「要不要放他們下來?
  • 勇氣先生家的箱子不會刷新,是個不錯的落腳點,裡面有2個碗櫥一個保險櫃,一個工作台。
  • 機器人勇氣先生會在很長時間後刷新,如果你碰巧在它家存了點東西,祝你好運。
  • The background music is City of the Dead which had been originally used for Necropolis in Fallout and Navarro or Vault 15 in Fallout 2.
  • A scorpion may randomly spawn upon returning via fast travel. If the crucified powder gangers are alive, the scorpion may approach each one of them, and 'sting' them by attacking the post. The powder ganger will then fall to the ground.
  • Legion mongrels may respawn, but will be friendly.
  • 根據沃爾普斯說法,鎮上的人沒有抵抗過。但其實鎮上許多地方都有軍團士兵的屍體,在拖車營地,一個死去的居民身邊放著一把激光步槍,不遠處是一堆被激光燒成的灰燼,那是個軍團士兵的殘骸,裡面只剩一件軍團士兵護甲了。
  • Gabban appears if Vulpes is killed before the player enters Nipton,




  • 真實的尼普頓是個非建制的加州小鎮。位置就在加州和內華達邊界的西邊。在遊戲中你可以找到邊界的標識牌。 The Legion Lottery may also be a reference to the fact that 真實的尼普頓小鎮的確曾有一次獲得了加州彩票銷售冠軍, due to the fact that the Nevada constitution prohibits state lotteries, before a new office opened up just outside of the real world equivalent of Primm.
  • 尼普頓正南的路上有兩個牌子,一個牌子向西寫著「歡迎來內華達」,另一個牌子向東寫著「加州歡迎你」。這完全是出於對現實小鎮地理位置的重現。
  • 凱撒軍團在尼普頓的所作所為和雪莉-傑克森的小說「彩票」有些吻合。在小說中,大獎贏家被鎮民幹掉了,這一點凱撒軍團的小隊也提到了,斯泰恩市長辦公室也證實了,還有就是市政廳里遍地的彩票也說明了問題。11號避難所的社會陰謀試驗也和瓊斯小說有諸多印證。
  • 如果你有「狂野荒原」這個天賦,當你從東北方向進入鎮子的時候,會在一個燒毀的民宅前發現兩具燒焦的骷髏,分別叫「歐文」和「貝魯」。這一場景是向著名電影《星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現》致敬,電影中,天行者盧克回家後發現叔叔和嬸嬸被帝國風暴兵燒成兩具骷髏。
  • 陷阱小屋的「護寶宣言」應該是對電影《奇愛博士》的一個惡搞。在電影里,傑克-瑞博總是揚言要保衛自己的「珍貴的體液」和 "Purity of Essence." Admittedly, in the film he spoke of his essence as though he were referring to his own vigor "in the bedroom."


  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 There's a glitch that prevents you from being able to speak with Vulpes Inculta, even when he triggers the conversation. The camera will zoom in on him like it would usually do when initiating conversation, but will then quickly retract, bringing the player back into control. Reloading doesn't seem to fix this issue. To Fix this issue you must go back to an earlier save. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Boone or ED-E will not enter the Town Hall (First Floor) but will teleport to the Assembly Floor when the Courier enters that floor. This can take place after killing all the legion personnel outside the hall. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, when fast traveling to Nipton, you may find a crucified prospector instead of a Powder Ganger. He can't be removed from the cross but he can be interacted with. He will most likely be killed by the bark scorpions by the next time you travel there. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Standing near the entrance of the Town Hall may trigger an attack from a Jackal Gang Member. It is unknown whether or not this attack was scripted or if the member had simply walked close enough to detect the character. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC The people on the crosses can be removed from them in the event that you enter and suddenly exit the Nipton Town Hall. They will not walk but just stand there in front of their crosses. Some can be interacted with and some can be pickpocketed. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC A generalized version of the above: the game may freeze or crash upon leaving Nipton in any direction, either on foot or by fast traveling. This tends to happen after a prolonged period of play, like an hour or more. Supposedly Nipton is heavy on memory, and the engine is so "optimized" it uses raw pointers to moveable or even freed heap chunks, causing all sorts of corruption after a disk swap. This issue is not specific to Nipton, it's just very prominent here.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the Courier activates the mine in Nipton Hall, the worn key may glitch and get to an inaccessible place. This can be fixed using an explosive on the counter, resetting the worn key position.[已验证]

