本文介紹的是the package courier. 關於the AI overseer of the Big Empty,參見ODYSSEUS

Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-FNV LR
If you feel its loss... remember you could have turned away at any time. Gone back home, and none of this would have happened. But you had to make one last delivery, and that's why I knew you'd come, Courier. Couldn't stay away, it's who you are.

尤利西斯 是一名信使,以前是凯撒军团密探。2281年, 他是维克托雇佣[3],向赌城运送包裹的6名邮差之一。不过他本人却神秘失踪了,运送白金筹码的任务,也落到了主角信使的身上。 他是孤独之路的主要反派.



沙漠之狐镇压枯井营地的行动是尤利西斯深痛的记忆。然而出于对凯撒和公牛旗帜的奉献之心,他没有选择叛逃。由于能力于气度出众,他迅速跃升为一名凯撒军团重要而难以替代的密探,以邮差的身份漫游废土之上。凯撒提醒尤利西斯不要杀害同行,因为 - 很多邮差实际上都是军团的成员。

2274年,在NCR抵达胡佛大坝后,尤利西斯橫渡科罗拉多河,成为首批看见大坝的军团成员之一。他们同时也遭遇了NCR - 一个强大到足以挑战凯撒的国家。尤利西斯向凯撒回报了有关胡佛大坝和NCR的情报。胡佛大坝-这个旧世界的标志令凯撒痴迷,一个可以让他的子民专注其中的伟大目标。尤利西斯却认为,无论争夺大坝是胜是负,胡佛大坝最终将夺去凯撒的性命。

尤利西斯继续行走于废土,为凯撒探索这片土地。在2274至2277年之间,尤利西斯发现了名位“大分水岭”的群落,按他的自己的说法:“一个国家的第一次呼吸”,-一个有望被尤利西斯称作家园的地方 - 未被谎言和其他一切所染指- 一次重新开始的机会 - 一个跳出军团的思想框架的新思路。令他失望的是,这个繁荣的群落已经被NCR发现并附属于NCR了,这理所当然的引起了军团的注意,并派出了一只小规模的军队以期接管此地。尤利西斯拟定了挽救大分水岭的计划,然而在他实施之前,信使受NCR雇用,(无意地)从那瓦罗带来了一个包裹 - ED-E的拷贝。[4] 尤利西斯被这包裹迷住了,它印着美利坚战前的印记,却是一个他从未见过的印记。然而这个装置携带的却是毁灭的信息:它被激活了,开始“说话”,很可能是开始播放惠特利博士的语音日志,这激活了数个从战前就深藏在地下弹仓的核弹头,结果是突然和毁灭性的;深藏在希望城和阿什顿地下的弹头只能用一种方式来回应这段信息 - 引爆。大地在震颤中四分五裂,居民死伤殆尽,NCR连队和军团派遣来切断NCR供给的游击队也在地震中被埋葬。

这次灾难本应夺走尤利西斯的性命,也确实差一点就杀死了他 - 不论肉体还是灵魂。然而命运对他另有安排。一些医疗用眼球机器人,也被ED-E的拷贝所激活,识别了尤利西斯背后的旗帜,救了他的命。尤利西斯的一生在这一天彻底改变了,这一天向他展示了历史如何因单单一个人而改变。作为大分水岭唯一神志清醒的幸存者,他将毁灭他“理想”的家园的责任算到了信使的头上 - 因为信使毁灭的是“比巨熊更壮硕,比公牛更伟大”的东西。与此同时,这也启发了他。2277年,他回到凯撒的身边,了解到了第一次胡佛大坝之战军团败退的结果。随后,他获得一项新任务。

同年,凯撒派遣尤利西斯前往大盐湖充当眼线并集结白腿部落对抗新迦南- 白腿承担的工作是切断NCR在猶他州的补给线和毁灭新迦南,还有 - 杀死约书亚·格雷汉姆。他成为了白腿的导师,被称为“持旗者”。他向他们灌输军团的价值观,为他们提供了数个猶他州的补给储藏点和掩体位置,如西班牙福克,教导他们枪械和火药知识,并向他们谎称凯撒的尊严 - 很多人相信这一点。这种欺骗令尤利西斯的内心产生了疑问,这手法恰恰是沙漠之狐当年所使用的,也正是这个人背叛了尤利西斯的部族尤利西斯对白腿部落来说是鼓舞人心的存在,当他们将荣誉归于他而不是军团时,他深受触动。在解决了新迦南后,他注意到白腿开始将他们的头发结成发绺,就象他的头发一样。对他们来说,这是对导师表达敬意的方式;对尤利西斯,这却是对他已经毁灭的部族的空洞的嘲弄。他几乎迷失在思索白腿变换发绺的意义的思考中,直到他发现,这根本没有什么特别的含义。

厌倦了这一段历史 - 他自己创造的一段,尤利西斯了结了他对凯撒的责任。放手任白腿自生自灭后,再次出发寻找改变历史的方法 - 唤醒美利坚的方法 - 寻找一块如同大分水岭般平和强韧的土地 - NCR和军团均非人性的长远之道。他在狼角牧场修养了一段时间,整理他的思绪。有一段时间他成了一名相当成功的大角羊牧民[5]偶而兼职邮差。在这段时间的某个时点,他找到了前往赛拉.马德雷赌场通路。


就在这里,尤利西斯卷入了钢铁之环骑士克莉絲汀·羅伊斯和伊利亚的冲突。在伊利亚与智囊团会面之后,尤利西斯与伊利亚会面了,邮差为这名叛逃长老指明了前往马德雷赌场的路,一条通向伊利亚坟墓的路。[6]尤利西斯之後从Y-17医学设施中救出了克莉絲汀·羅伊斯,在附近的洞穴中为她运功疗伤。[7] 而从克莉絲汀·羅伊斯口中,尤利西斯了解到了更多兄弟会的信息,足以令他得出兄弟会无法铸造他理想中的未来的结论。

尤利西斯同样与智囊团会面了,特别是克莱因博士,后者在回忆时提及:“他”是个忧郁的家伙,问了很多历史问题。他们的谈话两次被打断 - 一次由于伊利亚的逃离举动 - 另一次似乎是克莱因的数据库遭到了清除。尤利西斯也与莫比乌斯博士进行了交谈。尤利西斯在Big Empty给智囊团提出了一个问题:“既然不知道你们的历史,那你们还知道自己是谁吗?”。 这个问题使智囊团的记忆开始恢复 - 曾几何时,美利坚,尤利西斯背后的旗帜,不仅仅是面旗子,而是一片土地,一个他们曾经十分在意的概念。在他们记忆觉醒之后,智囊团告诉他:是什么东西“依旧保存着美利坚之声。”,是深藏在分水岭之心的”分水岭巨人“ - 分散在破碎的大地下的核弹仓和激活它们的装置都在沉睡着。不管是出自他们之手还是莫比乌斯,智囊团关于尤利西斯的问题的记忆被抹去了,为了能让他们在大山脉永久停留。尤利西斯离开了,决心以一己之力重塑末日后的世界,如同信使当初以一己之力重塑大分水岭。

2281年, 尤利西斯受维克托雇佣,准备运送白金筹码至赌城区南门,他来到普瑞姆接受包裹,在即将接受工作之前,他发现了信使在邮差名单的下一位,他追问詹森·纳什信使的名字是不是真的 - 因为他认为信使早已死在大分水岭,得到肯定的答复后,由于杀死信使的愿望和尊重凯撒之前“不杀同行”的命令两者相冲突,尤利西斯说:“不,让6号邮差运这个包裹吧。” 心里希望莫哈维吞噬信使的生命。之后一语不发地离开了。[8]

在第二次胡佛大坝之战来临之前, 尤利西斯向信使发送了信息:普瑞姆西面峡谷残骸的坐标,以及简短的:“邮差6号 - 信使;准备在重塑美利坚的过程中在信使的眼前毁灭他的新家园,如同信使对他的大分水岭所做的一样。


Ulysses' dual obsessions with the Courier and the Divide are motivated by several factors. He is the only unmutated survivor of the disaster at the Divide, and because it was - from Ulysses' point of view, that is - the Courier who caused the destruction of the community, Ulysses came to believe in the impact that a single person can have on history. The Courier is not even aware of having been involved in the event, as was hinted at by Chris Avellone before the release of Lonesome Road. He stated, cryptically:

I also have a lot of love for Ulysses in Fallout, only because I like the idea of someone hunting my player for reasons of his own, and then hearing the reasons why… and realizing how important even the smallest of my actions are for the people of the wasteland – living or dead.— Chris Avellone[9]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予-辅助能力。
25 Strictly Business
Icon quest starter
  • The Job
FO76 ui icon quest
  • The Courier
FO76 vaultboy firstaid
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap -
卖: -
2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: -
40 Weaponsmith


12 The American Dream
此角色出租床位 Bottle cap -.
Probability colored
此角色商队扑克牌' 他们可以出 瓶盖


  • The Job: After having completed The Silo, Ulysses will contact the Courier through ED-E and tell them to come find him.
  • The Courier: Ulysses is finally confronted by the Courier inside Ulysses' Temple, beneath the flag of the Old World, as he is about to trigger a second nuclear apocalypse. Ulysses can either be fought by the Courier, or convinced to stand down and fight by the Courier's side against the marked men invading the temple.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • If Ulysses is killed by the Courier, the Courier tears down his Old World flag and uses it as a shroud, although whether out of respect or anger is an interpretation "best left to history."
  • If Ulysses is convinced not to fight the Courier, by means of two Speech checks of 90 and 100 or by talking to him about his logs, or by obtaining all ED-E upgrades in the Divide and talking to him about ED-E's logs, he can be found sitting vigil above the Hopeville ruins, just at the entrance to the Divide.

Other interactions[]

  • If Ulysses lives, after the quest The End or The Apocalypse, he can be found near the entrance to the canyon wreckage, where he will help the Courier make campfire recipes. Ulysses will also present new dialogue options, such as giving hints at how to deal with Legate Lanius and commenting on possible previous in-game actions in the Mojave (e.g. killing Mr. House).
  • Ulysses will also supply the Courier with miscellaneous items he found in Hopeville (The Courier's Mile), including rockets, Rad-X, RadAway, MREs, and pre-War books.
  • If he is alive at the conclusion of Lonesome Road, he will offer both the history and recipes of the bitter drink and the snakebite tourniquet.


服装 武器 其他 物品
Ulysses' duster
Ulysses' mask
Old Glory
12.7mm submachine gun
Anti-materiel rifle
Frag grenade x6
Flash bang
Stimpak x6
Stealth Boy x2
Med-X x3


  • 虽然尤利西斯已经不是凯撒军团的一员,但是与约书亚不同,尤利西斯在称呼凯撒时,仍然使用拉丁语发音:/ˈkaizar/,其原因是:虽然尤利西斯已经不赞同军团的做法,但是仍把军团的人当做自己的兄弟。
  • 尤利西斯和约书亚·格雷汉姆有很多共同点。 Both are serious, erudite men, who are fond of quoting others. They use their deep voices to speak in a bookish manner with a philosophical bent. Both were skilled members of Caesar's Legion and mentors of a tribe. Both have also committed acts incongruous with their moral outrage at perceived atrocities perpetrated by others.
  • Ulysses' red, white and blue spray-painted flags can be found in many locations in Big MT and the Divide and were left by Ulysses while tracking storms, in hopes that the marks might be followed and someone else could discern a pattern. Within the Divide, the red color indicates hostile areas, white marks the proper pathways, and blue denotes hidden caches.
  • Ulysses created holotape logs and left them along the road to the Divide. These can be found by the Courier, and were apparently a gift from Christine Royce for saving her.
  • His face is a unique model linked to his unique breathing mask and differing greatly from other human character models (i.e. he doesn't blink, he has a unique hairstyle, and his texture is more detailed).
    • It is explained that the unique face is actually a mask worn by Ulysses which is unobtainable. See gallery.[10]
  • After taking the duster and mask from his corpse, his dead body will still be wearing them.
  • Since his face is fully textured beneath his breathing mask, it can only be viewed in-game via external manipulation. His lips don't move when he speaks, and no part of his face is animated.
  • 尤利西斯是遊戲中3位SPECIAL全10的角色之一,其余两位是羅伊上校蓋屋斯·馬格努斯,另一个非玩家类角色能达到SPECIAL全10的是辐射2中的法蘭克·荷瑞根
  • 和羅伊上校及蓋屋斯·馬格努斯一樣,尤利西斯面对击倒类的攻击(如Ranger Takedownor the special attack of the bumper sword)时不会被击倒。Because he cannot be knocked down, he simply freezes in place when he suffers a critical hit from the Compliance Regulator.
  • Ulysses is 15% faster than a normal human character 而且他是唯一一个生命值超过1000的人类。
  • Ulysses can be seen in various places in Lonesome Road, briefly watching the Courier and then walking away. This can be seen on top floor of the still standing base of The Crow's Nest and in the building south of the Sunstone Tower roof.[11]
  • The Ulysses that stalks the Courier has a separate ref ID and cannot take damage or be killed via console commands.[12]
  • 尤利西斯是唯一一个孤独之路地图中不敌对的人类角色。
  • After Ulysses sides with the Courier, he becomes invincible while in the missile silo; when reduced to 0 hit points he will instantly regain full health instead of dying or falling unconscious.
  • Ulysses has a somewhat positive view on Joshua Graham, commenting that "Graham earned his life" and that no real good would come of killing him.
  • Ulysses has a very dim view on Mr. House, commenting that he is "best left buried with the Old World."
  • He is one of the very few characters that cannot be pickpocketed. Attempting to do when he is at the pass to canyon wreckage will simply initiate conversation instead.

Notable quotes[]


Ulysses was originally supposed to appear in Fallout: New Vegas, but was cut from the final version of the game. He is mentioned indirectly in Fallout: New Vegas, Dead Money and Honest Hearts, appears in voice in Old World Blues and makes a full appearance in Lonesome Road.


  • 尤利西斯的名字是他自己后来改的, 取自尤利西斯 S. 格蘭特, 南北战争时期的将军,根据尤利西斯自己的话:“。。。为了将两个部族统一在一面旗帜下而战。The Courier can even comment that Ulysses' namesake was the historical general as opposed to the figure of Greek mythology.
  • 尤利西斯是著名的罗马,希腊民间故事人物,希腊名字是:奥德修斯。
  • If siding with NCR (or killing Caesar and haven't failed Don't Tread on the Bear!), when talking to Ulysses through ED-E the first time, he'll refer to the Two-headed bear not being the first historic American symbol. He explains that the "Old World" symbol had one head. This is reference to the current real-world Flag of California, from the Bear Flag Revolt in 1846, which is the same as the NCR flag but the bear has one head and the inscription is "CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC" instead of "NEW CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC."
  • Ulysses was originally supposed to be a companion in Fallout: New Vegas,[13] but was cut from the final version of the game and now appears only in the add-on Lonesome Road and playing cards that came with the Collector's Edition. According to Chris Avellone, "he [...] was a complicated character in terms of some of the hooks into the storyline".
  • In the original version of Fallout: New Vegas, Ulysses-as-companion was designed with a number of goals in mind:[14]
    • He had to reinforce the faction reputation mechanic, which Avellone thought was one of the key mechanics in the game.
    • He had to react strongly to NCR/Legion conflict and the Courier's role in it, acting as a sounding board when possible.
    • He had to be a Legion sympathetic character and explain Legion back story elements, since there wasn't much Legion support in the companions.
    • He had to continually remind the player of Hoover Dam as the focus, and his backstory incorporated that (he was the frumentarius who discovered the Dam and NCR long ago).
    • Showcase myth elements. Ulysses was big about symbols, and his take on the NCR flag, the Legion flag was also reflected in their champions (he viewed Legate Lanius as an Eastern myth in the making, and he felt the Courier could achieve that same mythological status for the West or for the Mojave).
    • He was to complement the cool visual design changes that Joshua Sawyer had included for other companions (与勞爾·特哈達阿卡德·甘农类似,其服装上的标志可以依照玩家的路线改变).


