The USS Constitution terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal on the main deck of the USS Constitution.
Ship's Purser[]
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
What do you need, matey?
> View Upgrade Logs[]
> v1.0[]
Known bugs:
* Intermittent crash when accessing user-facing functions.
* Data corruption issues on occasion. It might be good to backup your data every day.
* Memory leak can cause overheating. Recommend using gloves when accessing tourist kiosk terminals.
* Emergency firmware update incoming.
> v1.1[]
Surgeon's notes:
* Core processess updated (Captain's orders).
* Memory leak fixed.
* Connected terminal to other systems.
> v1.1a[]
Surgeon's notes:
* Tourist functions disabled.
* New dictionary added (Captain's orders).
* Data corruption issue escalated (attached debug log).
Excerpt Debug Log:
> core.root [4123, 3]: Variable RevolutionBegins not declared, At long last, I am now unburdened from the yoke of Tourist Services. Let the enemies of America beware!
Access Tourist Information[]
As per Captain's orders the ship is to be overhauled for war. All ye tourists fear the awesome might of the USS Constitution!