
The Auto-Docs within Vault City can brew synthetic substitutes for otherwise-addictive substances. As I understand it, these synthetics were used as placebos for chem addicts before the war.

The Parlor Room bartender is the bartender at the Parlor Room in Vault City in 2241.


A tall man in an elegant suit, the bartender has a fixed stare, professional demeanor, and appears completely detached from the reality around him.[1] He is a servant, but unlike many others, he appreciates his fate, as he has been educated and taught many useful skills.[2]

Before becoming assigned to the Parlor Room he was the servant of Doctor Troy for a few months. It was there that he learned the origins of the synthetic alcohols and became fluent with the city's medical database.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
  • Drink your weight in Alcohol-Z

Applied after buying a total of 100 Alcohol-Z shots:

With low luck it will apply negative effects:

FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 卖: Water ($5)
Alcohol-Z ($20)


Drink your weight in Alcohol-Z: The bartender in Vault City can sell you all sorts of synthetic alcohol.

Effects of player's actions[]

The Alcohol-Z brew is particularly popular, because loaded travelers can often get random Hit Point bonuses:


服装 武器 其他 物品


When speaking with this bartender and gaining one of the Alcohol raised or lowered hit point perks the Chosen One breaks the fourth wall.[4][5]


The Parlor Room bartender appears only in Fallout 2.


  1. Bartender: "{100}{}{You see a bartender.}"
    "{101}{}{You see a tall man in an elegant suit. He is staring straight ahead and paying no attention to the patrons around him.}"
    "{102}{}{You see a bartender.}"
    "{103}{}{This man looks stone-faced. If he notices you, he shows no sign.}"
  2. The Chosen One: "{215}{}{Can you tell me a little about the slavery here in Vault City?}"
    Bartender: "{232}{}{Oh, no, no...it's not slavery. Those people you seeing working in the city are servants...myself included. We are treated very well here, taught to read and write, and given medical care, homes and food.}"
  3. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{What's on tap?}"
    Bartender: "{136}{}{"On tap?" How... quaint.}"
    "{137}{}{We have mineral water, distilled water, and sparkling water. We also have several synthesized alcohols.}"
    The Chosen One: "{138}{}{Um... what synthesized alcohols do you have?}"
    Bartender: "{153}{}{We have synthetic derivatives H and T, and we recently brewed an extremely popular mixture, "Alcohol-Z," which has a rich pseudo micro-brewery flavor. Each is modestly priced at twenty dollars a glass.}"
    The Chosen One: "{173}{}{How do you manufacture these synthesized alcohols?}"
    Bartender: "{176}{}{The Auto-Docs within Vault City can brew synthetic substitutes for otherwise-addictive substances. As I understand it, these synthetics were used as placebos for chem addicts before the war.}"
    The Chosen One: "{177}{}{You seem to know a great deal about these synthetics.}"
    Bartender: "{183}{}{I was a servant to Dr. Troy for a few months before being re-assigned here. He required that I be fluent with the Vault City medical database.}"
    The Chosen One: "{185}{}{Medical database?}"
    Bartender: "{192}{}{Yes, several of the computers on the first floor of the Vault contain a vast array of medical information. It's all quite fascinating, though the jargon can be confusing if you don't have medical training.}"
  4. Bartender: "{166}{}{Are you okay, sir? Drinking all that "alcohol-Z" looks like it has had some sort of effect on you. Are you sure you want more?}"
    The Chosen One: "{169}{}{I don't feel so good...I'm just going to pop out of dialogue for a second and check my max hit points.}"
  5. Bartender: "{167}{}{Are you okay, sir? Drinking all that "alcohol-Z" looks like it has had some sort of effect on you. Are you sure you want more?}"
    The Chosen One: "{170}{}{No, no, I feel great! I'm just going to pop out of dialogue for a second and check my max hit points.}"
FO2 VC sign