安娜貝爾内置了导向系统,使其精度比装了配件的普通版更高。它的力量需求比普通版少,重量更轻,耐久度更高,导弹砸中目标的伤害有150点,AP消耗也要少一些。With no disadvantages, this is a great alternative to use over the standard missile launcher.
The drawings and text printed on the weapon are apparently rendered in phosphorescent paint, as they glow in the dark.
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 3Has platform::Xbox 360 If you kill the nightkin sniper and don't get this weapon from him it will not be there if you come back at a later date. This includes entering one of the nearby buildings, loading a save or leaving the area. The body of the nightkin sniper somehow falls through the catwalk, and appears under the radio tower. [已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 3Has platform::Xbox 360 Sometimes it will fire a second time without reloading. This will continue until you bring up your Pip-Boy, switch weapons, and then exit out of the Pip-Boy. [已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 3 Occasionally, for some unknown reason, it will appear in Torres' inventory in full condition. [已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Xbox 360 Sometimes, when left in a follower's inventory for too long, it will disappear and can never be reacquired, unless you use Console commands on the PC. [已验证]
Has platform::PC If you enter the storage building and repair Rhonda without engaging the nightkin sniper, upon exiting and meeting Tabitha the sniper and Annabelle will be gone.[已验证]