

安娜·霍特(英文名:Anna Holt)是植物学家和科学家团队成员,在麦迪逊·黎博士指导下与珍妮丝·卡普林斯基一起在2277年间进行便携式聚变动力和水培实验。


霍特在铆钉城科学实验室任职期间负责天然食品的孕育,她在受人尊敬的麦迪逊·黎博士手下工作。[Non-game 1]然而,她近些年变得萎靡不振,因为勉强勉强维持了这么久,变得完全沮丧,不得不不断地清理垃圾来维持工作的基本必需品。[2]此外,访客对她工作的干扰当然不会帮助她不那么愉快的性格,[3]尤其是在席默博士的不断纠缠他的android的情况下。[4]

詹姆斯112号避难所回来并知道如何成功完成净水计划时,她高兴地和实验室的其他工作人员一起离开了家,把她的研究带到杰佛逊纪念堂。小队顺利重启项目后,她和其他科学家一起被入侵的英克雷扣为人质。虽然大多数科学家在争吵后不久就逃脱了,但霍特被英克雷绑架并被囚禁在雷文岩[Non-game 1]她对英克雷拥有的技术和制造能力感到惊讶,她公开告诉他们有关人员、项目甚至如何改进现有设计的一切,以确保其在英克雷控制下的完成和功能。[5]她毫无歉意地顺从了逮捕她的人,[6]完全相信为英克雷工作是她让世界变得更美好的最好机会[2]并且英克雷真的想帮助人们,让废土变得更美好。[6]

她非常努力地获得了英克雷的信任,并获得了进入他们实验室的机会。[7]她内心的实用主义者很清楚,如果她放弃这个机会,她就再也无法在这样的环境中工作了。[6]她拒绝将自己的所作所为视为背叛了她多年的朋友,更关心如果他们发现她与独行者交谈,英克雷会怎么想。[8][9]她幸存的同龄人很可能认为她已经死了。[Non-game 1]



FO76 ui icon quest


  • 生命之水:霍特是搬迁到杰佛逊纪念堂的科学家之一。
  • 美国梦:她可以在乌鸦岩基地里被看到,并且已经开始为英克雷工作。把她干掉会损失道德点,但是把她留在乌鸦岩一同炸毁就没关系。


服装 武器 其他 物品
Lab technician outfit - 食物


  • 独行者在第一次来到铆钉城实验室的时候,玩家可以看见霍特和席默博士关于他那丢失的合成人起了争执。她告诉席默博士说黎博士有重要得多的事情要做。这段对话可以看作是触发任务重获新生的提示。
  • 尽管她为了英克雷背叛纯水计划,但在乌鸦岩杀死她仍然会导致业报减少。





  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Can I get a drink around here? Preferably somewhere clean."
    Anna Holt: "The Weatherly Hotel is a good choice. It's on the upper deck."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Why would you abandon everything you worked for with Doctor Li?"
    Anna Holt: "Look, it's not personal. Really, it's not. But Doctor Li... She's scraping by. She's scavenging for parts in the Wastes. The Enclave has everything it needs. They're light-years ahead of anything Doctor Li could accomplish. Working here is my best chance to help make the world a better place."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm looking for my father. Have you seen him?"
    Anna Holt: "Look, some of us are trying to get work done here. There have been enough disruptions recently. Anybody coming through here would have to talk to Doctor Li; why don't you go bother her about it?"
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about Zimmer?"
    Anna Holt: "He's from up north. He was bragging about how great it is up there. Yeah... great. They can't even keep tabs on their robots."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "Wait a minute. What are you doing here?"
    Anna Holt: "They... they captured me. Brought me here from Project Purity. I didn't want to help them at first, but... The technology they have here. It's so far advanced from anything I've worked with."
    The Lone Wanderer: "What have you told them?"
    Anna Holt: "They wanted information. About Doctor Li, about Project Purity. They want to know how to start it up, and why it wouldn't work. I told them everything I could. About the G.E.C.K., about the damage caused by the explosions... All of it."
    The Lone Wanderer: "How much did you tell them?"
    Anna Holt: "Everything they needed to know to improve on the original design, and to make sure it's actually completed."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Lone Wanderer: "You've been helping them?!"
    Anna Holt: "Of course! You've seen the kind of technology these people have. They want to help people. They want to change the Wasteland. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to work in an environment like this."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "Get out of here while you can! They'll be here any second!"
    Anna Holt: "Get out? Why on earth would I want to do that? I've worked hard to fit in here. I've done everything they've asked of me. I'm not about to leave now, when I finally have access to their labs."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "You've betrayed Doctor Li, and my father."
    Anna Holt: "I'm sorry you see it that way. What are you going to do, kill me over it? You should go. It sounds like you're in enough trouble as it is, and honestly I don't want anyone to see me talking to you."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "Do you know how to get out of here?"
    Anna Holt: "I'm afraid I'm not able to help you with that. You should go. I don't want anyone seeing me talking to you."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.60: "Anna Holt
    Anna was responsible for the gestation of naturally occurring foodstuffs during her tenure under the watchful eye of Doctor Li. Soon kidnapped by the Enclave, Anna Holt is "forced" to help the Enclave in their experiments at Raven Rock. Her current whereabouts are unknown, and she's presumed dead."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)