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重新定义人类— 學院的座右铭

學院(英文名:The Institute)是聯邦的一個先進 科研組織,众所周知,也令人担忧的是,它有能力生产出高级的合成人(也被称为synths),质量高到可以冒充真正的人类。从表面上看,學院的神秘性质使它变得妖魔化,它的存在是联邦人民多疑的主要原因。[1]






Institute FEV Lab




为了解决至少一个问题,学院的最终目标是实现能源独立。他们认为,要实现这一目标,可以重启曾被C.I.T.用来进行实验的古老核反应堆,并为学院提供近乎无限的电力。[26]设计已经修改,反应堆本身也进行了广泛的升级和改进,使它从一个测试反应堆变成了一个合适的电力来源。[27] 激活它将使学院不必妥协和牺牲,[28]尤其是从地面设施获取电力。[29]


Institute Concourse




每名主任领导一个对学院的继续存在有帮助的部门。然而,尽管迫切需要合作,但知识被严重划分,分歧被隐瞒。[33][34] 令人不安的事实经常被掩盖在虚假的借口之下,尤其是当涉及到高调的成员逃离组织时,比如布莱恩·维吉尔博士。[35]



Institute Advanced Systems 2


麥蒂森·梨领导的先进系统部门致力于应用物理(电浆武器和瞬移),以及目前保密的特殊项目。[Non-canon 1]他们还负责合成人和学院成员在上地面时所穿戴的先进武器和盔甲。他们经营机器人实验室,生产新的合成人。他们主要关注的是第三阶段的实施,这是一个大规模的聚变反应堆,将完全解决学院在可预见的未来的电力需求。[37]


FO4 gorilla synth







主页面: Institute Robotics

Alan Binet领导的机器人是学院的一个分支,负责合成人的制造。目前专注于第三代合成人的量产和诱导,[43] 它还负责加工升级,以确保合成人保持最佳产能。目前,该部门正在实施现有的升级。[44]


FO4 Synth Retention nifskope render









另一个例外是科学实验。虽然学院力求尽量减少直接接触,但它对利用地表进行实验和作为现成的原材料来源毫无保留。从假设到结论,所有的研究计划都以学术精度精心记录。举例:渥維克農莊目的是在联邦独特的气候条件下测试转基因种子,以确定那里的环境辐射、土壤酸度及其肥力是否能加速生长,使种子的大小和产量增加两倍。[55] 虽然表面上无害,但研究计划涉及绑架罗杰·沃里克并处理他以获取情报,然后使用罗杰的复制品来监督实验,收集研究数据,并最终消除表面上研究计划的所有证据。[56]学院在地表的活动不仅限于农业研究。过去的项目还涉及其他生物工程实验,包括疾病和发热病毒诱导的突变。绑架仍然是这些研究活动的常规组成部分。[57]

最后,任何持有对学院有价值的东西,尤其是技术和研究数据的人,都极易受到攻击的。大學角就是这样一个例子:当Jacqueline Spencer发现战前关于反应堆效率的研究并试图通过一辆大车找到买家时,学院发现了线索,一个合成人代表要求镇上交出它。当和解协议无法遵守时,由于混乱爆发,斯宾塞被她出于好意的父亲,从车道上分离出来,解决方案未能达成,SRB清除了整个镇子。[58]为了保持自己的技术优势,学院还试图尽可能地从兄弟会等竞争对手那里获取数据。[59]






在学院的总部内,机器人部门可以生产大量的合成生物,它们可以成为力量和弹性都得到增强的高效步兵。这一点,再加上他们掌握的先进技术,使学院的合成人对任何敢于反对他们的人构成了严重威胁。第1代和第2代合成人充当力量的骨干,装备了Institute laser枪的变体,电击棒synth armor

追猎者是一种具有更高军事能力的特殊类型的第3代合成人,用作特工来追踪和找回丢失的合成人,以及特种部队。他们是由合成人回收部训练和部署的。追猎者装备了学院激光枪的变种,特征明显的追猎者外套,和synth relay grenade,使他们能够传送第一代合成人来帮助他们在战斗中。他们通常使用[[隱形小子(辐射4)|隱形小子]。




学院是废土上技术最先进的派系之一。他们的主要和最显著的成就是能力领域的综合实体和消除需要卑微的劳动,与最新的第三代型号不仅是区别人类,而且免疫疾病,能够依靠最小能量摄入没有性能损失,,不需要睡眠。[61] 此外,学院可以在其机器人实验室中从零开始快速组装它们。[62]在大战后,学院建造了一个完整的地下栖息地,当时大多数人只能在棚屋和帐篷里挣扎度日。不仅如此,它还可以制造自己的能源武器和先进的装甲,数量之多足以装备它所有的安全部队。[63]此外,它还利用转基因作物为其研究人员提供食物。[64]因此,安全、纯净的水和食物也普遍提供给学院的所有成员。食物合成器有助于提供均衡的饮食,而其他奢侈品则由合成人从上地表拾取,如核子可乐、Gwinnett啤酒和咖啡等。[65][66]

学院有一个很大的优势,它是从世界上最先进的研发中心之一的废墟中崛起的。它的大部分成就仍然深深植根于C.I.T。例如,它的安全系统架构源自于C.I.T Code Defender,这是一种在大战之前开发的革命性的入侵对抗系统。尽管SRB取得了一些进展,但运行该系统原始版本的终端仍在学院的库存中。[67]


过去,学院也曾涉足控制论和人工延长人类寿命。它唯一的实验对象是康拉德·克罗格,因为这个项目被放弃和遗忘了,除了这位头发花白的雇佣兵,由于他的寿命激发了学院科学家们的嫉妒。[69] 圣父终止了这个项目,因为他认为学院是为了保护人类,而不是生物和技术的奇怪融合。[70]




  • 学院,作为游戏的主要派系之一,提供多个任务给独存者。他们的目标是在联邦内确保权力和自治。
  • 學院化期间,麦迪逊·李博士在独存者的哔哔小子中安装了一个芯片,允许他们无限制地访问传送器,允许他们随意进入或离开学院(只要他们不做任何事情而被驱逐)。据李说,这是圣父给予独存者的特殊特权。
  • 在学院获得等级后,独存者会得到一个特殊的信号手榴弹,它可以召唤一个第一代合成人攻击任何附近的敌人。这些手榴弹也可以在合成人追猎者的尸体上找到,或者从学院总部的合成人供应商那里购买。
  • 为了完成学院的任务线,独存者必须清除老北教堂下的铁路总部,并通过摧毁普利德溫號将钢铁兄弟会驱逐出联邦。
  • 学院的任务线将不会导致铁路组织对独存者产生敌意,直到他们开始到此为止
  • 如果独存者完成了学院的任务线,他们将成为新的主管,并可以为其他派系的成员承担任务。一组合成人将开始巡逻联邦,并将在战斗中协助玩家角色。



  • 在机器人部,似乎正在不断地生产合成人。事实上,它是一个具有相同RefID的相同合成人,并一次又一次地“创建”。
  • 在成为总监后,学院的各个成员将评论玩家应该如何批准新政策,进行一些改革和重新考虑优先事项。然而,在游戏中却没有任何一种方法能够帮助玩家在未来做些什么。
  • 无论距离有多远,快速旅行往返学院将只需要1分钟的游戏时间。另外,到达时将产生传送效果。
    • 玩家只需花两分钟就可以在游戏中快速移动到地图上的任何地方,即在到达目的地之前到达学院。
    • 瞬移在生存模式中的作用是不同的:玩家可以快速离开学院,但只能到达聯邦理工廢墟。然而,无论他们在哪里都可以传送到学院。




辐射4艺术设定集分享说,学院的灵感来自"一个罗根的奔跑-类似乌托邦的未来社会",远离世界上任何其他东西。[Non-canon 2]



  1. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Many people in the Commonwealth view the Institute as the "boogeyman," living in the shadows, striking out anywhere, at any time."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout 4 loading screens: "According to local history, the Institute formed from the remains of C.I.T., the Commonwealth Institute of Technology. But the college itself has lain in ruins for more than two centuries."
  3. Sole Survivor: "Who built this place, originally? Has it been here long?"
    Allie Filmore: "The construction of the Institute is the work of generations of scientists. The original survivors of the war, our progenitors, took refuge in the basement of the old Commonwealth Institute of Technology. Over time, their sons and daughters dug deeper into the earth and built increasingly sophisticated habitats and laboratories. It's a process that's still going on today. Even now, we're digging out tunnels for new facilities and infrastructure. Just think what this place will look like a hundred years from now. I hope I'm there to see it."
    (Allie Filmore's dialogue)
  4. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Long ago, when the Institute created their first synths, they attempted to work peacefully with the people of the Commonwealth. Mutual mistrust ended that relationship quickly."
  5. The Sole Survivor: "They need your help, Shaun. It's rough up there, to say the least."
    Shaun: "Oh, we've tried that. Surprised? The Institute once tried to help create a stabilized Commonwealth government. It ended in bickering, infighting... it was a disaster. No, we look after our own now."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about the Commonwealth?"
    Horace Pinkerton: "Most of it's a blasted nothing, just like here. But there's talk. Rumors, mostly. About a place called the Institute. That's where Zimmer and that android came from. God knows what else they got goin' on in there, but it puts our tech to shame, that's for damn sure."
    (Horace Pinkerton's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "So tell me about the Commonwealth."
    Zimmer: "The Commonwealth itself is nothing but a war-ravaged quagmire of violence and despair. Inside the sealed environment of the Institute, however... But... the Institute's affairs are none of your concern. Your undeveloped mind couldn’t even begin to comprehend what we’ve accomplished."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  8. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Advanced Systems division is responsible for developing the original Molecular Relay, nearly one hundred years ago."
  9. Fallout 4 loading screens: "After developing the Molecular Relay, an advanced teleportation device, the Institute sealed off access to the surface and began their campaign of underground expansion."
  10. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Institute often sends its synths to the surface to scavenge for usable materials. The affect this has on the Commonwealth, or its people, is not a priority..."
  11. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Institute scientists rarely leave the safety and comfort of their underground utopia. If there are experiments to be conducted on the surface, they are generally carried out by synths."
  12. FEV research notes#Year 2178
  13. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, Subject CM-153
  14. FEV research notes#Year 2224
  15. The Sole Survivor: "Human synths? Really?"
    Shaun: "Human-like synths. A great distinction. The Institute endeavored to create synthetic organics. The most logical starting point, of course, was human DNA. Plenty of that was available, of course, but it had all become corrupted. In this... wasteland... radiation affected everyone. Even in their attempts to shield themselves from the world above, members of the Institute had been exposed. Another source was necessary. But then the Institute found me, after discovering records from Vault 111. An infant, frozen in time, protected from the radiation-induced mutations that had crept into every other human cell in the Commonwealth. I was exactly what they needed. And so it was my DNA that became the basis of the synthetic organics used to create every human-like synth you see today. I am their Father. Through Science, we are family. The synths, me... and you."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  16. Out of Time
  17. Fear the Future?
  18. Director's recordings
  19. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, 2287.2.10
  20. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, 2277.7.10
  21. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, 2286.4.10
  22. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Institute's experiments with the Forced Evolutionary Virus, or FEV, ended when Doctor Virgil went rogue and fled into the Commonwealth."
  23. Allie Filmore: "We scratch and scrape for every precious ounce of voltage that we can. Over the years, we've learned a few tricks that help supplement our power budget. When necessary, we can tap into select sources on the surface. We take only what we need, of course. Fortunately, Advanced Systems is always working on new solutions to generate more energy. It's a good thing, too, because the demand is always increasing. You don't even want to know what a single use of the molecular de-materializer consumes."
    (Allie Filmore's dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Enrico Thompson: "It's a real juggling act, trying to keep all the systems down here operating in the green. This place might look shiny and new, but there's a lot of old technology in these walls. I lose sleep worrying about when the next blackout's going to hit."
    The Sole Survivor: "How old are we talking about?"
    Enrico Thompson: "Well, the reactor and a lot of the related systems - you know, cooling, monitoring, power distribution - that's all pre-war tech. Most of the superstructure down here was built later, by the people who survived the war. I guess each generation's been tinkering with the place, adding labs, making upgrades and so on. There's some stuff I need to check on. See you around, yeah?"
    (Enrico Thompson's dialogue)
  25. The Sole Survivor: "So basically, this place is a sham. Great."
    Enrico Thompson: "I wouldn't say that. I mean, even the older tech has held up for decades, some even for centuries. It's pretty amazing, when you think about it. Our ancestors built things to last. Of course, that was before they blew everything up in the war. There's some stuff I need to check on. See you around, yeah?"
    (Enrico Thompson's dialogue)
  26. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Before the war, C.I.T. conducted experiments in its underground nuclear reactor. Today, it has been repurposed, and once activated will provide the Institute with nearly limitless power."
  27. The Sole Survivor: "Can you tell me more about this reactor?"
    Shaun: "Certainly. It was originally built for the Commonwealth Institute of Technology before the war, but was only for testing. Over the years we've advanced the technology, made a great many improvements, and are finally nearly ready to activate it. The reactor is close to ready, but recent tests have determined we have a few tasks ahead of us. Thus, we come to Phase Three. And to how you will help."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  28. The Sole Survivor: "What's Phase Three?"
    Shaun: "It's very important to us. Power is, as I'm sure you've seen above ground, a very valuable commodity. I'm not talking about some abstract concept of control, I mean real tangible power. The kind that keeps the lights on. With every advance the Institute makes, our need for raw power increases. Many compromises and sacrifices have been made over the years to allow progress to continue."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  29. The Sole Survivor: "What kind of compromises?"
    Shaun: "We have, at times, had to rely on drawing power from above-ground installations. It risks personnel and equipment. But no longer. Phase Three is, simply, the activation of a nuclear reactor that can provide enough power to the Institute now and forever. It will ensure not just our survival, but our prosperity."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  30. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Institute allows humans to live in a clean, safe, comfortable environment, free from the strife and environmental hazards that have rendered the surface nearly uninhabitable."
  31. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Institute is ruled by a Directorate, made up of the individual heads of each division, and one specially-appointed Director."
  32. The Sole Survivor: "What would it mean to be in charge?"
    Shaun: "Most divisions of the Institute are fairly autonomous, perfectly capable of functioning without intervention. Where those divisions interact, however, problems can arise. You'd lead the Directorate in setting policy, resolving disputes, and the like. There's no question that some of the Directorate, and the Institute at large, will need reassurances about your appointment. That's why I'd like you to take charge of this latest operation. Doctor Filmore can fill you in on the details. There are hard decisions ahead. For all of us, but for you especially. I know that you'll do the right thing."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  33. The Sole Survivor: "Are you happy here?"
    Madison Li: "You'd think being surrounded by cutting edge laboratory equipment and some of the greatest minds the world's ever known would be enough. Only problem is the lack of transparency. I don't think we get the full story on everything that occurs down here. What does that have to do with why we're talking?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  34. The Sole Survivor: "Father trusts me, and so should you."
    Madison Li: "I am getting a bit tired of all the secrets here. Sometimes I feel like Father isn't being straight with me... like there are things I'm not supposed to know about. I don't like that. But still, how can I turn my back on all of this?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  35. The Sole Survivor: "The Institute is decieving you."
    Madison Li: "That's the smartest thing I've heard you say yet. I had a colleague down here... a Doctor Virgil. Several months ago, there was an accident in his lab, and he was killed. I wanted to help with the investigation, but Father had the laboratory sealed saying that it was contaminated. The incident never sat right with me. The more I asked about it, the more I felt like Father was deflecting my questions. If you bring me solid information on what killed him, I'll take it as a favor from the Brotherhood, and consider your offer. Do we have a deal?"
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  36. Evan Watson: "In case anyone didn't mention it, quiet time runs from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m."
  37. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, Phase Three
  38. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The BioScience division produces the majority of the Institute's food, but also carries out a number of other, sometimes secret, projects."
  39. Clayton Holdren: "Welcome! So good to have you here. Good to see you again. Did you need something? Something I can do for you? Anything I can help you with?"
    The Sole Survivor: "I look forward to learning more about it."
    Clayton Holdren: "In that case, let me give you a brief overview of what we do here. As the name implies, the BioScience division specializes in fields of study such as botany, genetics and medicine. Our most important directive is to ensure the health and well-being of everyone in the Institute. To that end, we cultivate highly specialized breeds of flora for use in food and medicine. We've even started to explore the idea of synthetic animal life. You probably saw the gorillas... they're really just a pet project at this point, but the potential is exciting nonetheless."
    (Clayton Holdren's dialogue)
  40. Allie Filmore: "They weren't kidding. You really are here. Well, all right. I'm Allie... Allie Filmore. You can think of me as the Institute's Chief Engineer. When Father told us about you, I could hardly believe it. You've been through so much, I think most people would have just given up. If you don't mind my asking, what was it that kept you going all that time?"
    The Sole Survivor: "I just wanted to find my son and keep him safe."
    Allie Filmore: "Now that you've found him, I hope you're proud of the great man he grew up to be. Now, I'll give you a quick run-down of the Facilities division, and then I'll answer any questions you might have afterward. As you might guess, we keep the Institute's mechanical and electrical systems running smoothly. We maintain and upgrade all of the systems that make it possible to live and work in a place like this. There's a lot of machinery behind these walls that recycles the air and water and provides power to the laboratories and quarters. The work we do might not be as exciting as some of the other departments, but it's at least as important. So, now that you're here and you've spoken to Father, does that mean you're on board?"
    (Allie Filmore's dialogue)
  41. Enrico Thompson: "Remember to keep unnecessary power consumption to a minimum. Don't recharge unless your primary levels are below two percent. Also, if you haven't patched your navigation software, do so after this meeting. The last thing we need is more synths bumping into walls. Alright, that's all for now. You can resume your duties."
    (Enrico Thompson's dialogue) Note: Enrico Thompson is seen briefing three first gens on operations they need to perform during the player character's first visit there.
  42. The Sole Survivor: "I'd like to know about the people in your division."
    Allie Filmore: "Of course. Doctor Lawrence Higgs is our mechanical engineer. He oversees the major life support and security systems. Power distribution is Doctor Evan Watson's area of expertise, and Doctor Newton Oberly is in charge of food and housing. He coordinates with BioScience to ensure that our meals are balanced for optimal nutrition. We also make use of a number of synth units for low-priority maintenance and labor."
    (Allie Filmore's dialogue)
  43. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, Status Reports
  44. The Institute terminal entries; Robotics terminal, Planned System Upgrades
  45. The Lone Wanderer: "Sounds like slavery to me. You sure they don't "wander off" on purpose?"
    Zimmer: "Nonsense! This is a machine we're talking about. Can you enslave a generator, or a water purifier? Of course not. The same principle applies. But let's get back to your mission. You are to find this missing android. I've tracked him to somewhere here in the Capital Wasteland. He must have done something drastic, like facial surgery and a mind wipe, or else I would have found him by now. It will be no easy task. He may not even realize he's an android. Don't upset him by talking with him. Just come get me immediately. I'll handle it."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  46. The Lone Wanderer: "Why would an android feel guilt? Come on, Zimmer, what aren't you telling me?"
    Zimmer: "By God, you're as annoying as you are clever. Very well. I'll tell you what you want to know, if it helps you locate my property. The duty of this particular unit was the hunting and capturing of other escaped androids. Yes, others have escaped. It's one of the side effects of having such an advanced A.I. Machines start to think for themselves. Fool themselves into believing they have rights. And so... this particular android may have believed he'd done something... wrong. Immoral. And wanted to forget those deeds. Satisfied now?"
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  47. The Lone Wanderer: "I need to know more about what I'm dealing with. What is an android exactly?"
    Zimmer: "Forget everything you know about robots. Those buckets are mere children's toys compared to the real thing. Androids have fake skin, and blood, and are programmed to simulate human behavior, like breathing. They can even eat and digest food realistically."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  48. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Synth Retention Bureau is tasked with the retrieval of "escaped" Gen 3 synths - malfunctioning units whose self-aware AI has convinced them that they are, in fact, alive."
  49. The Lone Wanderer: "I've found your android. It's Harkness, Rivet City's security chief!"
    Zimmer: "Harkness, you say? Yes... Yes, that makes sense. He used to work for a special branch of the Commonwealth Police, after all... And he's right here in Rivet City! Excellent! I must wait... find an opportune moment to confront him... Thank you for your discreet assistance, and continued discretion regarding this matter. And now for your payment. This combat module will directly affect your central nervous system. I think you will find it quite beneficial."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  50. Justin Ayo: "So, here you are. Justin Ayo, acting director of the Synth Retention Bureau. I'll be up front with you. We're going to be keeping a close eye on you for the near future. Despite your relation to Father, you're a bit of an unknown quantity. I'm sure you understand. There won't be any... issues, will there?"
    The Sole Survivor: "Why don't you trust me?"
    Justin Ayo: "I'll be honest, you're an outsider. The first outsider to be allowed access to the Institute in quite a long time, in fact. There's little precedent for this situation, so it's only natural to take extra precautions. It's nothing personal, I assure you. Now, Father has asked that I provide you with a brief overview of the Synth Retention Bureau. Our primary responsibility is the recovery of escaped synths that are hiding among the human population on the surface."
    (Justin Ayo's dialogue)
  51. The Sole Survivor: "You mentioned that Coursers undergo special training. Tell me more about it."
    Justin Ayo: "The SRB constantly monitors our gen-3 synth population, looking for specific traits. Those who show tenacity, fearlessness and independence undergo a rigorous training regimen. We teach them armed and unarmed combat, investigative techniques, psychology and mechanical skills. Those who pass a final evaluation become Coursers. The rest have their memories wiped and return to their former duties."
    (Justin Ayo's dialogue)
  52. The Sole Survivor: "I'd like to know more about the synth reclamation process."
    Justin Ayo: "Fine. Once a Courser has located a rogue synth, it uses that synth's recall code to wipe its memories and render it inert. We then begin the delicate process of restoring the neural pathways to their original configuration. In those cases where the procedure is successful, the synth returns to duty with no memory of its time on the surface. All too often, we're unable to repair the damage and are forced to dispose of the unit entirely."
    (Justin Ayo's dialogue)
  53. The Lone Wanderer: "There are rumors... about a secret Commonwealth artificial intelligence project?"
    Zimmer: "Yes well, there are reasons we don't want our technology leaking into the Wasteland. Which is why I've asked you to retrieve it. Which is what you should be doing right now! The longer you wait, the colder the trail becomes."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  54. The Institute terminal entries; SRB terminal, List of Informants
  55. The Institute terminal entries; BioScience terminal, Warwick Homestead Initiative, Mission Statement
  56. The Institute terminal entries; BioScience terminal, Warwick Homestead Initiative, Project Implementation
  57. Sole Survivor: "What harm has the Institute actually done to people?"
    Deacon: "Starting with ancient history, they tried to take over the Commonwealth. Came a hair away from succeeding with their synth army. So there's that. But in the "what have you done for me lately" category - kidnappings, wiped out a settlement or two, and nasty bioengineering experiments. Diseases, FEV, the usual. So you willing to fight them?"
    (Deacon's dialogue)
  58. See University Point for details.
  59. Appropriation
  60. Shaun: "Ah, hello father/mother. Tell me, then. Under what righteous pretense have you justified this atrocity?"
    The Sole Survivor: "That's a loaded question. What's been stolen from you?"
    Shaun: "Institute property is not often taken from us. We cannot react lightly when it happens. The group that calls themselves "The Railroad" has acquired several synths from the Institute, synths that had gone missing in recent months. They no doubt mean to "free" these synths, in their delusion that synths are somehow sentient beings. You've been in contact with the Railroad, so you're aware of their misguided beliefs."
    The Sole Survivor: "They mean well; they're only doing what they think is right."
    Shaun: "You dealt with Libertalia. That's the result of their selfish, short-sighted plan. Usually they are a minor nuisance, but lately they have become more emboldened. I'm afraid we've reached a point where a response is necessary. We have learned the current location of these synths, and need to re-acquire them before the Railroad can hide them."
    (Shaun's dialogue)
  61. Max Loken: "The list of improvements is exhaustive. I can talk for an hour and still not cover all of it. Imagine what you could accomplish if you could live without fear of hunger or disease. Imagine what you could create if you could use every waking moment of your life as you saw fit, with no need of sleep?"
    (Max Loken's dialogue)
  62. Assembly process at Robotics.
  63. Institute pistol, rifle, and synth armor.
  64. Clayton Holdren "Doctor Karlin's doing some amazing things with our genetically-engineered crops."
    (Clayton Holdren's dialogue)
  65. Institute bottled water and Institute food packets are the basic food items issued.
  66. The commissary in the concourse features a pair of synthesizers, Nuka-Cola, Gwinnett ales and coffee tins.
  67. Liam Binet: "Just a few high security doors, right? Controlled by cutting-edge SRB security tech. Yeah. A head on hack is the sucker play. So we go at them sideways. You're willing to help, right? I can't do this alone. Player Default: Of course I'll help you."
    The Sole Survivor: "What do you need help with?"
    Liam Binet: "Our core security architecture hasn't fundamentally changed from the old CIT days. The original security program was called Code Defender. Revolutionary stuff. We still have terminals running version 1 mothballed in storage. With some persuasion, I can get an old terminal to interface with the new security terminals. Enough to open doors, at least. Problem is I can't even crack version 1. So I need a good old fashion username and password, and that's nowhere to be found in the Institute. But if you could get me a pre-war admin password from the surface, I could log right in."
    The Sole Survivor: "Where would I find that?"
    Liam Binet: "Unfortunately, I don't know. The obvious place won't work. The CIT Ruins were picked clean years ago. But some of the admins had to live off campus. Ask your friends in the Railroad. I need those login credentials."
    (Liam Binet's dialogue)
  68. Teleportation matrix.
  69. The Institute terminal entries; Terminal, Kellogg, Conrad - Enhanced Life Expectancy
  70. The Institute terminals; Terminal, Personal Notes


  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide
  2. Art of Fallout 4: "Inspired by a Logan's Run-like utopian society, the Institute has a completely unique design language that's far removed from anything else in the world."
Institute flag
Fo4 Institute Seal