↑The Chosen One: "{128}{}{What's the history of the place?}" Ken Lee: "{149}{}{We were the survivors from the wreck of a submarine. When we ran aground, we stripped the metal from the submarine to create the Palace. Some do not believe this.} The Chosen One: "{150}{}{Hm. It sounds almost as if you're berating someone.}" Ken Lee: "{178}{}{Berating someone? Any fool who had done their research can see that the very basis of Shi-town is the wreckage of this submarine. It seems fruitless to argue with those who would say there is no submarine.} (Fckenlee.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{175}{}{Tell me about this place.}" Fung: "{178}{}{You have come to the right person. Would you like long history or short?}" The Chosen One: "{180}{}{Short.}" Fung: "{182}{}{Our people landed here on the submarine Shih-huang-ti, when the missiles exploded over the world. With the aid of a cult, we, the Shi, rebuilt San Francisco. That is the short version.}" The Chosen One: "{183}{}{How about the long version?}" Fung: "{186}{}{The long version is this: We are here because our people are the descendants of the crew of a nuclear submarine, called the Shih-huang-ti. When the missiles fell in the Great Deluge, the systems aboard the submarine failed and we drifted in the dark for many days.}" Fung: "{188}{}{At last, we drifted ashore. We found ourselves near the ruins of San Francisco. Most of the city was devastated in the war. We had to recreate society based on the few survivors who had crept back to the city.}" Fung: "{190}{}{We rebuilt with what we could find, and we have scientists and technology the world must envy. We are rebuilding civilization, but not as that horrid Master creature did.}" (Fcdrfung.msg)
↑Ken Lee: "{197}{}{You have proven yourself to be a friend to the Shi. I believe I can trust you with our secrets. In the back room, you will find the forcefield to the large computer has been turned off. Enter the password "CSPDMSHR-Shih-huang-ti-X9372" and you will find yourself connected to the Emperor Computer. I hope this will prove useful to you.}" (Fckenlee.msg)
↑Absence of San Francisco in most dialogue and lack of interference in the politics of the wasteland.
↑The Chosen One: "{110}{}{I am in need of fuel.}" Ken Lee: "{183}{}{You are certainly a worthy recipient of our fuel. I believe I can trust you with our secrets. In the back room, you will find the forcefield to the large computer has been turned off. Enter the password "CSPDMSHR-Shih-huang-ti-X9372" and you will find yourself connected to the Emperor Computer. The Emperor will be able to direct our fuel to where you need it.}" The Chosen One: "{198}{}{The Emperor is a COMPUTER?}" Ken Lee: "{200}{}{Yes. It stores our history, our research, and projects possibilities for the future. It is far better than any fallible human- yet we temper its suggestions with our own knowledge of human nature.}" The Chosen One: "{201}{}{I ... see. Well, thanks for your time. I have a village to rescue.}" (Fckenlee.msg)
↑Ken Lee: "{202}{}{Our spies report that you have given the vertibird plans to the Hubologists. Steal them for us and you shall be rewarded.}" (Fckenlee.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "" Ken Lee: "{170}{}{You must complete a second test: the Hubologists are our enemies. Their leader, AHS-9, has been abducting and brainwashing our children. Kill him for the good of the Shi and I shall tell you how to speak to the Emperor.}" (Fckenlee.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{138}{}{Tell me about the Shi.}" Marc: "{151}{}{They're a good sort, as far as they go. They're a little untrusting of outsiders, but then, that's not always such a bad attitude to take in these times. They've got some weird customs and they talk funny, but they're all right.}" (Fcmarc.msg)
↑Shi Emperor and Physics station: "{210}{}{(After wading through the introduction and the mathematics, you discover that the Shi are learning to develop nuclear power again, rebuilding the space travel theories of the ancients - and they mock the Hubologists while doing so - and harnessing the energy of the sun, wind, and sea. At least, that's what the notes read like.)}"
↑Shi Emperor and Chemistry station: "{190}{}{(After sifting through the complex chemical formulae and lab notes, you come to the conclusion that the Shi have created a kind of fuel from plant extracts and sealife. Apparently, they have hooked into previously existing pipelines so they can transport fuel to a wide variety of destinations)}"
↑Shi Emperor and Chemistry station: "{195}{}{(Once you have waded past the symbology and technical discussion, you discover that the Shi are working on a new kind of polymeric combat armor that is resistant to both flame and penetration. It is still years from completion. You also see mention of new weaponry and construction capabilities. Apparently the Shi have some plans for the future.)}"
↑Shi Emperor: "{208}{}{"We are still preparing a working model of an aerial vehicle. None of the designs we have created have proven to be safe or aerodynamic. Perhaps if we had access to the plans of the ancients..." -Dr. Wong}"
↑Shi Emperor and Physics station: "{205}{}{"With recent acquisition of vertibird plans, the possibility of creating a practical flying machine has taken a quantum leap forward. We expect to have a working prototype by the end of the year, and the ability to mass-produce such vehicles within two years." -Dr. Wong}"
↑Physics station: "{110}{}{Exploration...}" "{121}{}{"We are still preparing a working model of an aerial vehicle. None of the designs we have created have proven to be safe or aerodynamic. Perhaps if we had access to the plans of the ancients..."-Dr. Wong}"
↑Shi Emperor: "{174}{}{(After about twenty minutes, you discover this: Initial results of botanical radiation disruption prove unpromising. Dr. Sheng develops radiation resistant plant-life - unpleasant side-effects follow. Resultant plant life deemed too dangerous. Sheng insists on pursuing line and mixing it with genetic program.)}"
↑Biology station: "{110}{}{Botany program.}" "{120}{}{(after about twenty minutes, you discover this: Initial results of botanical radiation disruption prove unpromising. Dr. Sheng develops radiation resistant plant-life - unpleasant side-effects follow. Resultant plant life deemed too dangerous. Sheng insists on pursuing line and mixing it with genetic program.)}"
↑Shi Emperor: "{178}{}{(After about twenty minutes you piece together this information: Using the basics of the FEV virus, Dr. Long Wang is convinced of success in creating mutant soldiers. He creates a serum providing interesting results with rodent experiments. He injects himself and dissolves into a puddle of goo. Dr. Sheng disables line of inquiry. With the death of Dr. Long, Dr. Sheng is in charge. Sheng demands focus on radiation-consuming plant life.)}"
↑Biology station: "{121}{}{Genetic program.}" "{125}{}{(after about twenty minutes you piece together this information: Using the basics of FEV virus, Dr. Long Wang is convinced of success in creating mutant soldiers. He creates a serum providing interesting results with rodent experiments. He injects himself and dissolves into a puddle of goo. Dr. Sheng disables line of inquiry. With the death of Dr. Long, Dr. Sheng is in charge. Sheng demands focus on radiation-consuming plant life.)}"
The tanker needs fuel ·The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work ·You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer ·Kill the Shi Emperor ·The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro ·Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi ·The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship ·Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub ·Kill the AHS-9 ·The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro ·Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists ·Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship ·The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan - hand to hand ·Lo Pan wants you to take out the Dragon - hand to hand, if possible ·Get Chip's spleen ·Get some hardened power armor from Crockett ·Get the vertibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel