
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FO3 TP
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FO3 TP

Slaves are victims of slavery in the Capital Wasteland in 2277.


Slaves are unlucky wastelanders that have been captured by slavers working at Paradise Falls.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Mesmetron icon

Effects of player's actions[]

  • In the random encounter "Slavers Escort," three slaves are being escorted by slavers. The slaves will beg the Lone Wanderer to set them free if spoken to. Disabling their collars results in positive Karma, providing the Wanderer is successful, however, the slavers will turn hostile.
  • In the random encounter "Escaping Slaves," two to three slaves will attempt to escape from slavers. The Lone Wanderer cannot speak with the slaves if they manage to escape the slavers who will fire at them. Instead, the slave(s) will continue fleeing indefinitely.
  • If the random encounter "Looking for the Temple of the Union" occurs, three slaves on the run will ask the Lone Wanderer for the location of the Temple of the Union. They can be dismissed, helped, or lied to.
  • Three slaves can be freed from Evergreen Mills. If they are freed, they will stay at Evergreen Mills.
  • During Into The Pitt, a few slaves can be found at the train tunnel from which the Lone Wanderer has access The Pitt. Their clothes are required to continue in the quest.


服装 武器 其他 物品
Wasteland wanderer outfit or
Brahmin-skin outfit or
Wasteland settler outfit
Slave collar
none Slave map


  • Slaves freed by the Lone Wanderer in "Slavers Escort" will not move after they have been freed, nor will they offer any dialogue options.
  • A high Science skill is required to successfully deactivate a slave collar from a slave every time. Otherwise, there is a chance that it could detonate by accident.


Slaves appear in Fallout 3.


The different models of slaves present in the game:
