









在废土上,许多奴隶制制度已经结合在一起,尽管很少有制度能够维持下去。奴隶制是一种各种形式的残忍和掠夺性的反人类罪行,它是利用权力在经济上或物质上剥削陷入困境的人。[Non-game 1]例如,内城区管理者使用高级武器和野蛮手段掠夺利刃帮。一旦弥补了火力差距,利刃帮可以有效地反击。[12][13]



有组织治理的破坏对东海岸的影响尤为明显,其人口稠密的城市遭到核灾的破坏。虽然奴隶贩子仍然试图伪装成商队来掩盖他们的行动,但许多战前的幸存者仍然坚持自由和自由的理想。[11] 匹兹堡,现在被称为匹堡,是一个主要的例外。在这里,奴隶贩子试图剥削在战争中幸存下来的工厂基础设施。拒绝在有毒环境下工作的工人发现自己在枪口下被奴役。[14]Union的成立是为了对抗混乱的奴隶贩子,但当Fanatics作为一支有组织的掠夺者军队出现时,情况发生了翻天覆地的变化。[15]随之而来的是一连串的恐怖事件,他们几乎俘虏了城市里的所有人,并折磨那些反抗的人。到2104年,他们的要塞Sanctum已成为臭名昭著的暴力中心,充斥着酷刑和虐待,并成为狂热分子项目的一次性劳动力来源。[16]任何被狂热分子抓住的人都将受到残酷的虐待,以击垮他们,[17] 持续的抵抗会受到可怕的惩罚,包括饥饿、电刑、肢解和活埋。[18]这导致了奴隶的高流失率,特别是当狂热领袖决定用他们作为铸造厂制造的新武器的练习目标时。[19]奴隶也经常被用作有战斗力的狂热分子的奖励,[20]达到指标的奴隶可以有机会加入折磨他们的人。[21]

阿帕拉契亚南方地区,奴隶制在辐尸病毒之前并不常见。在一个例子中,掠夺者将奴隶困在提加特淨水廠的空水箱中。[22][Non-game 2]人类大小的笼子是Gourmands营地的常见特征,但他们注定要死去的俘虏不会被留下来做交易。

当人类在2103年辐尸病毒被控制后返回阿帕拉契亚时,弹坑掠夺者成为该地区的主要掠夺者,并禁止在其组成群体中实行奴隶制。来自首都废土的掠夺者军阀Sargento瓦托加市民中心变成了一个残酷的竞技场和奴隶贸易中心,在那里他将人类的痛苦和死亡商业化。[23][24]执行纪律的是那些过于热心的警卫的殴打或处决。[25]大约有一半的战士被奴役。(例如Hal GleesonMaximum MaddieDeathklaus),其他人则是希望通过壮观的暴力来发家致富的自由战士。[26]这些比赛通常是在人类之间进行的,尽管生物也被迫战斗。

在接下来的两个世纪里,奴隶制不断扩大。由于大陆另一边没有像新加州共和国这样的大型政府,奴隶贩子得以肆无忌惮地扩张,为整个东海岸的客户提供廉价劳动力。已知最大的奴隶贸易中心是沉落天堂,在2277年,它的联系人遍及整个东海岸,一直延伸到联邦,甚至接受了學院的间接合同。[27]人类生命的残酷交易吸引了废土上最残忍的人,只有最残忍的人才能生存。沉落天堂就是一个典型的例子,它的最新统治者尤罗基·琼斯通过暗杀前任领导人来巩固自己的地位,并通过恐吓建立了严厉的统治,而他仅仅通过控制要塞内的性交易就掌握了很多秘密,这使得他的统治更加容易。[Non-game 3]许多沉落天堂的奴隶贩子都是第二代或更新一代的奴隶贩子,带来的所有伤害,[Non-game 4]家庭暴力的受害者,[Non-game 5]或者一般的精神病患者。[Non-game 6]奴役表现不佳的奴隶者的做法进一步放大了这种消极选择。[28]

首都地区的奴隶贸易与西海岸的奴隶贩子公会相比,缺乏组织性和极端性。逃跑更常见,[Non-game 7]有些人偶尔会设法通过技术工作"买到自由"。[Non-game 8]奴隶贩子甚至可以和被解放的废奴主义者做"生意",只要他们得到适当的补偿。[29]一些老人和尸鬼奴隶在没有引起注意的情况下,住在拥挤的奴隶围栏里,从强迫劳动中找到安慰。[Non-game 9][Non-game 10]

尽管拥有资源和基础设施,但奴隶们不受重视,在任何主要聚落都不受欢迎。以前的奴隶贩子或他们的同伙可能会试图埋葬他们过去的罪行,希望开始新的生活。[30][Non-game 11]


  • 匹堡: 在联邦和狂热分子之间的战争结束150多年后,匹堡仍然是一个混乱、暴力的地方。在2255年左右由星光圣骑士歐文·里昂斯执行消灭祸害扫除了困扰它的大部分恐怖,让伊斯梅尔·阿什尔在废墟中建立了一个新的国家。在匹堡工业的支持下,包括能够生产新武器和弹药的自动化工厂,[31]它将能够成为废土上的新力量。然而,由于有毒的环境和猖獗的TDC,阿什尔的新生帝国无法依靠自然的人口增长,迫使他依靠改革后的掠夺者和奴隶来恢复城市,直到找到解决方案。为了强调这种安排的临时性质,阿舒尔选择将掠夺者和奴隶称为士兵和工人,希望一旦找到治疗方法就能废除奴隶制。[32]不管他的计划如何,匹堡在二十多年的时间里不断壮大,奴隶贩子为其提供了大量劳动力,包括整个社区的奴隶,如岩石城[33]
  • 核彈鎮: 虽然这个小镇不喜欢奴隶贩子,[30]科林·莫里亚蒂实际上是戈布的所有者。虽然他把他从奴隶贩子手中买了下来,而且似乎从技术上讲已经释放了他,[34]他拒绝让戈布离开,直到他还清债务(这并不是因为他承担了食宿费用;这被认为是债务奴役,奴隶制的一种形式)。[35]
  • 特佩尼大厦: 阿利斯泰尔·特佩尼众所周知,他拥有奴隶。[Non-game 12]
  • 學院: 學院可以被认为是废土上奴隶经济最突出的例子之一,尽管有一个主要的区别: 學院没有奴役人类,而是制造和利用复杂的合成人,他们可能表现出与人类一样的感知和自我意识。虽然这被鐵路組織视为奴隶制,但學院的人类成员基本上不理会这些担忧,认为合成人只是复杂的机器,不能被他们的本性所奴役。[36]第三代合成人普遍表现出智慧、个性和自由意志,这是创造他们的科学家意想不到的。
  • 核子世界: 核子世界的掠夺者是奴隶贩子。








大部分的奴隶贸易都集中在新加州最大的有组织的奴隶企业奴隶贩子公会,它自称是"废土上最好也是唯一的奴隶供应商"。[47]它在奴隶主麦塔则的领导下,在丹恩城运作。[48]这是个全男性的行动,[49]暴力和不妥协。所有的奴隶贩子都要在额头上纹身,以确保对队伍的忠诚,并专注于奴役周围地区的部落和游牧民族(表现不佳的奴隶理论上甚至可以加入队伍)。[50] 奴隶贩子以小组为单位行动,其中两名专门训练制服和"标记"目标,另一名负责保护。公会最初试图尽可能多地抓人,但由于破坏反抗人类的问题,麦塔则最终下令杀死任何反抗者。奴隶贩子的报酬是根据捕获物的大小,如果有奴隶在野外被杀,就会受到惩罚。[51]公会只抓成年人,把这种做法称为"务农",而不依赖出生为奴隶的人来获取贸易对象。[52]仅仅是看到纹身就足以让当地部落居民感到恐惧,[53]尽管抵抗是常见的,许多人为了保护他们的朋友和家人而战斗到死。[54]



  • 破碎丘: 人类至上主义者密谋反对马库斯和超级变种人的目标之一,就是在消灭更大型的变种人之后,把尸鬼当作奴隶。[60]
  • 英克雷: 战前的法西斯美国残部在许多大陆活动中依赖奴隶,在废土上大量贩卖奴隶。[61]
    • 智慧死亡爪被故意创造为奴隶战士种族,尽管研究人员失败了: 死亡爪远比他们计划的要聪明得多,他们意识到了自己的地位。[62]
  • 新里诺: 奴隶制在新里诺很普遍,最大的买家是莫丁诺家族[63]该家族由两名前奴隶经营,[64]大耶稣莫丁诺小耶稣莫丁诺[56]这是他们经济的三大支柱之一,另外两个是毒品和卖淫(事实上,许多妓女是被奴役的妇女,被迫在街上出卖自己)。[65].[66]大多数奴隶被用于药物研究,成群结队地被杀在马厩里。[67][68][69]即使在测试之外,他们也经常被殴打和杀害,莫丁诺的追随者们喜欢暴力。每隔一天的殴打和谋杀并不罕见。[70]其中一些实验包括被奴役的儿童,他们受到同样的命运。[71]
    • 任何落入莫丁诺魔爪的人都会遭受比死亡更可怕的折磨。由于缺乏基本卫生而导致的疾病很常见,受害者身上沾满了血、尿和粪便。在残忍的药物开发人员手中遭受的痛苦破坏了他们的身体,导致广泛的皮疹,皮肤脱落,昆虫侵扰和自残。最终,他们的思想也崩溃了,许多人陷入了冷漠或紧张症的状态。在麦朗和莫丁诺的手下遭受虐待,再加上频繁的鞭打,[72]导致那些仍有战斗意志的人自杀[73]以及试图逃跑。捕获的奴隶会被当场枪决。[74]死亡人数令人震惊:捷特最初版本的开发仅夺去了100人的生命。[75]
    • 虽然他们杀死了一打奴隶,但他们并不宽容,也不会惩罚让奴隶逃跑的人。拉米雷斯因为放了四个人逃跑而被他的老板判了死刑。[76]
    • 彼希家族也交易奴隶,从丹恩城的公会购买。[77]许多家族成员认为奴隶等同于婆罗门。[78]
    • 金球奖利用被奴役的人类制作色情作品。[79]同样地,新里诺武装依靠一个被奴役的智障Algernon为暴民提供廉价的武器升级。[80]
    • 萨尔瓦多家族也贩卖奴隶。[81]
    • 事实上,只有怀特家族明确反对奴隶制。[82]任何有这个标记的人都会受到冷淡的欢迎[83]或直接的攻击。[84][85]主要原因显然是他们失去了一个家族成员成为了奴隶。[86]尽管如此,怀特家族的孩子们还是经常扮演"部落和奴隶"。[87]
    • 捷特的流行特别严重,许多瘾君子准备把自己或自己的孩子卖为奴隶,以换取一剂毒品。[88]
  • 瑞丁: 大瓦那明球矿坑依靠奴隶劳动挖掘其丰富的金矿。当瓦那明球攻击矿场时,这一政策适得其反,被奴役的劳工利用混乱逃跑:他们炸毁炸药仓库以阻止瓦那明球,然后逃跑,重获自由。矿产公司很快就停止了运营,剩下的矿工成了镇上的自由劳工。[89]
  • 地下掩體都市: 新加州这个高科技的聚落也实行着该地区最阴险的奴隶制度。人口被严重划分为享有特权的精英,市民,被剥削的外乡人生活在城市的外围地区并为特权付出高昂的代价,而被奴役的工人为城市提供劳动力,被称为仆人。所有的仆人都属于国家,根据需要被分配到需要完成的任务,或者根据他们的需要每天分配给个人公民。这座城市压制一切与奴隶制的比较,[90]相信以牺牲奴隶的自由为代价为他们提供体面的生活质量是一种公平的交易。[91][92]由于奴隶的主要来源要么是躲避掠夺者袭击的难民,要么是在服刑期间工作的"合同囚犯",公民们相信这个制度是公平的。[93]此外,如果一个外来者因犯罪而被捕,并同意成为"合同囚犯"来完成他们的刑期,而他们的家庭没有足够的资金支付他们在院子里的住宿,他们可能会自愿被城市奴役。[94]然而,这座城市对从奴隶贩子手中购买奴隶并不陌生,立即将他们进行医学测试和改造,任何抵抗都使用镇静剂处理。[95]
    • 许多奴隶认为他们的命运比自由生活更好,因为他们接受基本教育(至少确保基本识字)、医疗、住房和食物。[96]他们还受到强烈的宣传,被告知工作本身就是回报,他们有一天可能有资格获得公民身份,或者他们的工作可以解放公民去做更重要的事情。恐吓也是一个因素,因为仆人们很清楚,他们可能会在邪恶的新里诺作为测试对象,受到持续的监视,如果他们做了一些被禁止的事情,比如与外人说话,就会受到惩罚。[97]这根大棒附带着一根胡萝卜:勤恳的服务会得到额外的食物配给奖励。因此,仆人们在很大程度上习惯了他们的命运,甚至与家人和孩子分开。事实上,生活在北方部落中特别艰苦,这对他们来说是一种享受 - 以至于整个部落一度自愿成为奴隶。[98]
    • 尽管奴隶在经济中扮演着至关重要的角色,但很少有市民承认他们在城市建设中的作用,[99]而且普遍对奴隶持蔑视态度。这也造成了一个盲点,因为市民认为仆人不会得到任何重要的东西,导致警卫在搜查进入城市的人时跳过他们。[100]仆人们所受到的苛刻条件使他们对任何公民都恭恭敬敬,并自动承担任何错误甚至缺乏注意力的责任。[101]
    • 蜥蜴城的尸鬼生活在地下掩體都市安全部队的阴影下,他们担心如果他们的核电站产生多余的能量,这座城市可能会决定奴役他们,把蜥蜴城变成一个奴隶营地,为城市的扩张提供动力。[102][103]
    • 瑞丁也面临着成为劳改营的风险,因为地下掩體都市的精英主义政策将引入尖锐的阶级划分,并将每个非公民都降低为劳动者。晨星矿业的负责人希望与新里诺结成联盟,以确保瑞丁的独立,因为这将使该镇能够让家庭相互对抗,并确保其自治权。[104]
    • 毕索普雇佣兵很清楚地下掩體都市的奴隶政策。有些人甚至认为琳娜特是一个漂亮的女人,"以一种贵族、霸道、提倡奴隶的方式"。[105]







鉚釘城拒绝在运营中使用不免费的劳动力,尽管这并不能阻止尤罗基·琼斯试图进入沉落天堂并创造一个市场。[107]事实上,铆钉城对奴隶十分敌视;华盛顿的奴隶活动增加的报告促使其安全部队重新接受训练。[108]然而,在没有主要支持者的情况下,废奴主义者仍然是一个主要由自我解放的奴隶组成的基层运动。这些团体中最大的是由汉尼拔•哈姆林领导的聯盟聖殿。解救逃跑的奴隶,[Non-game 13]购买并释放它们,[Non-game 14]从奴隶出身的掠夺者中招募,[Non-game 15][Non-game 16]哈姆林希望建立一个社区,这个社区将成为主要废奴运动的核心,最终导致废土上奴隶制的毁灭。[Non-game 17]虽然这个组织规模很小,但琼斯的捕奴者Leroy Walker认为,如果他们占领林肯纪念堂,他们可能会成为一个象征。然而,如果交易金额合适,他也不会无视自己的观点。[Non-game 18]




新加州共和国于2241年在其领土内明确禁止奴隶制,其常备警察部队致力于逮捕其境内的任何奴隶,就像任何入侵者,食人族或无法无天的变种人一样。奴隶贩子被正式拒绝,NCR亦宣称零容忍政策,[110] 坦蒂总统采取了务实的方法,并与新里诺协商,同意在彼希家族领导下将其纳入NCR,以和平方式扩大NCR在新加州的势力范围。坦蒂不喜欢和彼希家族一起工作,但认为这是一种必要的邪恶。她的主要反对者是婆罗门男爵,他们关心的不是里诺奴隶的困境,而是里诺所谓的偷牛行为对经济的影响。[111]








史力克的背景故事与奴隶制有关[125]预示着英克雷对奴隶劳工的持续使用。[126]丹恩城的经济主要围绕着奴隶公会,释放伊克是与他们打交道贸易的必要条件(作为主要情节的一部分)。获选者可以通过前额纹身加入奴隶贩子公会,这使他们有机会为公会进行有利可图的奴隶掠夺。然而,接受纹身会极大地改变NPC对玩家的反应。假如他们身上有这个纹身,有些追随者会拒绝参加获选者的队伍,包括史力克[127] 莱尼,[128]约翰·卡西迪.[129]如果获选者获得纹身,而这些角色中的任何一个已经是队伍的一部分,他们将离开。

玩家可能背叛自己的队友,将他们卖为奴隶。麦塔则 (丹恩城), 大耶稣莫迪诺 (新里诺),和Barkus (地下掩體都市)是潜在的买家。





辐射3沉落天堂作为首都废土奴隶贩子的总部。他们由尤罗基·琼斯领导。他们有限的客户包括掠夺者匹堡掠夺者阿利斯泰尔·特佩尼[Non-game 19]


首都废土汉尼拔•哈姆林,一个前奴隶,领导着一个被称为废奴主义者的组织。他们居住在聯盟聖殿,他们的目标是废除所有地方的奴隶制,尽管他们在沉落天堂的工作上遇到了麻烦。[Non-game 1]


莫哈韋廢土凯撒军团被认为是奴隶制的同义词,因为它的经济和军事力量是建立在奴役部落和精选定居人口的基础上的。前者被称为军团军,被迫为凯撒而战,直到他们死去,后者被用来支持凯撒的征服运动: 提供食物、劳动力和医疗服务。奴隶在军团中没有任何权利:他们可以被自由地剥削、破坏和虐待,而不会对他们的主人产生任何影响。任何不服从的奴隶,包括抵抗性虐待,都会受到严厉的惩罚,甚至被钉死在十字架上或被诅咒在竞技场与挑战者决一死战。

虽然军团的主要奴隶来源是部落,但它也通过Officiorum ab Famulatus从第三方购买俘虏。潜在的卖家不需要亲自运送他们的受害者,仅仅教唆俘虏就足以被视为一种销售。这就是诺瓦克珍妮·梅·克劳馥克雷格·布恩的妻子Carla和他们未出生的孩子一起卖给军团的情况。[134][135]


除了这两个大国,奴隶制继续以各种形式存在于莫哈韦。在新维加斯自由经济区羅伯特·豪斯黑手党的行为视而不见。暴民般的赌城家族经常使用免费药品迫使性工作者负债或依赖他人,她们只能通过黑手党工作来偿还或维持债务。[Non-game 20]黑手党家族还继续以溢价供应毒品,导致债务螺旋式上升或"针头奴役"。 [138]其他个人包括德莫特圣詹姆斯,他们经常绑架NCR难民,妇女和儿童,从航太科技商办园区卖给惡魔幫,被虐待和杀害。[139]


大约在2287年,奴隶制在联邦是一个罕见的景象,尽管它仍然被一些个人和团体所实行。槍手可能会深入这个行业,因为枪手子弹表达了对购买尸鬼孩子比利·皮博迪的兴趣。[140]一个潜在的伴侣,凱特,提到被父母卖为奴隶。[141] 鐵路組織认为學院使用合成人是一种奴役。铁路組織试图帮助他们认为被奴役的合成人,[142]偶尔也会帮助其他被奴役的人类,尽管他们的重点是合成人。[143]


核子世界核子世界 掠夺者普遍实行奴隶制。大多数奴隶都是在被帮派征服之前居住在美国核子城的商人。有些人还从当地的小了聚落被绑架,而其他人则是被引诱到核子城的废土旅行者。大多数奴隶被他们的领主用作劳工和商人,在Nuka-Town market及其周围工作。有些人被关在笼子里,被狼帮强迫与动物搏斗以取乐,而另一些人则被the Disciples折磨和肢解,这是他们扭曲习惯的一部分。所有的奴隶都用电击项圈来控制,使他们很容易被认出。





奴隶制出现在辐射, 辐射2, 辐射:钢铁兄弟会, 辐射3和它的扩展包匹堡, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4和它的扩展包核子世界辐射76。它还将出现在被取消的范布倫上。


不,有时候你需要杀几个人来救很多人。牺牲土地。此外,他们是奴隶贩子;他们不是真的人类。— 废奴主义者
  • 辐射2本来应该随机遭遇到一个在新加州北部游荡的废奴主义者,去杀死奴隶贩子并解放奴隶。消息文件和脚本,ECABOLST.MSGECABOLST.SSL,仍然在游戏中,但WORLDMAP.TXT没有使用脚本( script: 504)的条目。



  1. Fallout intro
  2. Communist sympathizer: "Capitalism is slavery! These shackles will be broken!"
    (Communist sympathizer's dialogue)
  3. Sons of Dane compound terminal entries; Dane Roger's terminal, A New Start
  4. Little Yangtze terminals; Little Yangtze log terminal, log entry 03
  5. Eastern Regional Penitentiary terminal entries; guard terminal, Prisoner collars
  6. Eastern Regional Penitentiary terminal entries; security system terminal, Inmate incident
  7. Eastern Regional Penitentiary terminal entries; Warden Brennan's terminal, Transcript: D-Block Recording
  8. The modus operandi of Big MT.
  9. This is how the production of Robobrains were carried out. See the terminal entries within United States of America Robotics Technology Facility RB-2851.
  10. [需要澄清]Leila Rahmani: "More than once we discovered that slavers had been using the guise of a caravan to collect and transport people. Blue Ridge using a dark corner like this for their operations only raises my suspicions. I cannot overlook the similarities."
    (Leila Rahmani's dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 A Vault Dweller: "What made you suspicious of Blue Ridge?"
    Leila Rahmani: "I've made several attempts to contact the Blue Ridge Caravan Company, in hopes of trading supplies. They turned me down. Every time. I understand that the Brotherhood can be an intimidating presence, and the West Virginia chapter didn't exactly leave behind a shining legacy... But I think we've shown we have Appalachia's safety and security at heart. Yet, they remain unwilling to even speak. I find it suspicious. During our travels, we found that a "caravan group" was just as often a cover for slavers and Raiders. A friendly guise for rolling through towns. I didn't suspect Blue Ridge of such at first, but their repeated refusal to talk, Mr. Knapp's story, and this letter are simply too much to ignore."
    (Leila Rahmani's dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{What's the story with the Fenced area to the south?}"
    Razor: "{114}{}{That's Adytum. It's a slave labor camp run by a group called the Regulators, but they tell everyone it's a 'town'. They come here and take our people to work them until they die. Then they come and take more of us.}"
    (Razor's dialogue)
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Vault Dweller: "{124}{}{Defend yourselves from who?}"
    Razor: "{137}{}{The Regulators . They are the ones that really run Adytum. Not Zimmerman. They come here and drag our people back to Adytum as slaves. They kill us when we try to fight them off. Sometimes they just come and kill a couple of us to bring to Zimmerman , so they can say we tried to break into their town, or some other ridiculous story. Those sons of bitches even killed Zimmerman's son!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{138}{}{Zimmerman's son? Why would the they want to kill him?}"
    Razor: "{143}{}{Josh lived here with me... a... I...I mean us. He knew the truth behind what was going on. The Regulators told him if he ever tried to contact his father or return to Adytum that they would kill him.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{144}{}{They killed him? What did he do?}"
    Razor: "{146}{}{Late one night he tried to sneak into town to tell his father what was really going on. I was monitoring the Regulators radio transmissions the night that .. they.. he got ...caught. [She looks down and shakes her head slowly.] Here, it's all on this holodisk.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{147}{}{Why haven't you given this to Josh's Father?}"
    Razor: "{148}{}{It's not like any of us can even get close to Adytum. We'd be shot dead before we even reached the gates.}"
    (Razor's dialogue)
  14. Elsie's story
  15. Vault 76 Dweller: "Can you tell me more about the Fanatics?"
    Hex: "The Fanatics think they own this place, and everyone in it. They're raiders, tyrants, and more. Used to be just a bunch of small gangs who couldn't do any real damage by themselves. Until some 'great leader' showed up and united them. Life in the Pitt's never been the same since."
    (Hex's dialogue)
  16. The Sanctum terminal entries; Foreman's terminal
  17. Few more days
  18. Test results
  19. Warden's note
  20. Chemist's orders
  21. Foreman: "Here to offer you a little reminder that if one of you worms goes above and beyond today, we might give you a chance to become one of us. The Fanatics. Rulers of the Pitt! (triumphant laugh)"
  22. Tygart water treatment terminal entries; Tygart water treatment control terminal, Please Read!
  23. A Vault Dweller: "Watoga's pretty big. Where do we find Hal?"
    Johnny Weston: "These guys run a deadly arena competition out of the old civic center. Meg asked me to scope it out and find out what their deal was. See if maybe we could get them to join us. It was clear these weren't the type of people we wanted in our crew. Slavery's a big no-no with Meg, and these folks are all about it. But, while I was betting on one of the matches, I spotted Hal waiting on people hand and foot in one of the arena's luxury boxes."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  24. The player character infiltrates Sargento's arena in the Raider main quest The Ol' Weston Shuffle in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.
  25. Watoga raider guard: "You act like I haven't had to discipline a slave with bullets before!"
  26. A Vault Dweller: "Okay, let's hear this plan."
    Johnny Weston: "Alright, I knew you'd be on board! So, these guys run an arena, in what used to be the Watoga Civic Center. People fight for riches, food, supplies, whatever they're willing to bet. Half the competitors are slaves, and their masters are betting on them. Others are just people trying to make their fortune."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  27. Assignment from the Commonwealth
  28. Slave collar instructions
  29. The Lone Wanderer: "How about I buy all the Temple of the Union slaves from you?"
    Leroy Walker: "I bet you just want to set them all free. Still, business is business. You'd have to reimburse me for my efforts to recapture them. You can have them all for 2500 caps."
    (Leroy Walker's dialogue)
  30. 30.0 30.1 Megaton terminal entries; Moriarty's terminal, Doc Church
  31. Ammo mill instructions
  32. The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you keep workers in The Pitt?"
    Ishmael Ashur: "I wish it wasn't necessary, but we need the labor to keep the city functioning. We don't have the leisure of laziness. Soldiers fight Trogs and get food from outside of town. Workers need to supply them with ammo and gear. Everyone has to do their part, or we all die. Until we have a cure for The Pitt, the city has no children. People die, so we need new people. And sometimes, that means buying them."
    (Ishmael Ashur's dialogue)
  33. Rollings -- We're done
  34. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did he come from?"
    Nova: "He don't talk about it much but apparently, there's a whole city of Ghouls somewhere down in DC. He's mentioned his mother a couple of times, but other than that, he won't really say. He's been here for... I guess about fifteen years now. Ever since Moriarty bought him off of those Slavers."
    (Nova's dialogue)
  35. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you come from?"
    Gob: "A place called Underworld. It's a Ghoul city down in D.C. I set off up here to find adventure and fortune. And... well... I found this place. I'm sort of stuck here. Colin says that I can't leave until I pay off my debt to him. Of course, he charges me room and board too. If you ever get to Underworld, tell Carol that I said hi."
    (Gob's dialogue)
  36. The Lone Wanderer: "Sounds like slavery to me. You sure they don't 'wander off' on purpose?"
    Dr. Zimmer: "Nonsense! This is a machine we're talking about. Can you enslave a generator, or a water purifier? Of course not. The same principle applies. But let's get back to your mission. You are to find this missing android. I've tracked him to somewhere here in the Capital Wasteland. He must have done something drastic, like facial surgery and a mind wipe, or else I would have found him by now. It will be no easy task. He may not even realize he's an android. Don't upset him by talking with him. Just come get me immediately. I'll handle it."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)
  37. The Vault Dweller: "{123}{}{The Blades.}"
    Sammael: "{129}{}{The Blades are a pretty sorry sight for a group of people. They get by though, and some of them end up here in Adytum if they agree to what the Regulators offer them to do.}"
  38. The Vault Dweller: "{105}{}{I'm getting to know the people of Adytum.}"
    Chuck: "{112}{}{I'm called Chuck. Welcome to Adytum. I'm afraid that most of the people here aren't too forthcoming with strangers, though.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{Yeah, I noticed.}"
    Chuck: "{149}{}{The people of Adytum have much to do in a normal day. They do not want their work to be found wanting at the end of the day.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{135}{}{Things do seem a little quite around here.}"
    Chuck: "{137}{}{The Regulators make sure of that. The people of Adytum sometimes suffer because of their strict rules.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{139}{}{And you're okay with this?}"
    Chuck: "{140}{}{Since I wish to stay here, I accept the Regulators as part of that which is Adytum. However, I do what I can to lighten their lives.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{141}{}{You do not seem to agree with what they do.}"
    Chuck: "{143}{}{The Regulators protect their own interests, and I must respect that.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{145}{}{I don't necessarily agree with that view, but can understand it.}"
  39. Vault Dweller: "{163}{}{What's this place used for?}"
    Dane: "{170}{}{This is the baptismal. They make Servitors here. When acolytes have been indoctrinated, they bring them here and they go through the process. A few of them survive . . .}
    {171}{}{Most lose their minds, but they're still useful. They throw them downstairs, rant at them about the Master and walk around in a stupor. You've seen the zombies. Great slave labor -- and soldiers . . .}
    {172}{}{John Brown's body is molderin' in the Grave. John Brown's body is molderin' in the Grave, John Brown's body is a-molderin' in the Grave, and the Master's screwing us overrrrr . . .}"
    (Dane's dialogue)
  40. Dane's dialogue
  41. Garl: "{150}{}{You think a man such as I believes in the afterlife? This world is dying, and I shall take what I want! You will never realize the strength required to make such a decision!}"
  42. RAIDMAP.MSG: "{100}{}{You gain }
    {103}{}{ experience points for the rescue of a slave.}"
  43. Garl: "{181}{}{The Raiders only accept the meanest and toughest SOBs around. You have to be bloodthirsty, violent, extreme. I don't think you can handle that. Can you?}"
    Vault Dweller: "{182}{}{Yes.}"
    Garl: "{185}{}{I grow tired of these women. Kill them.}"
    (player kills the two enslaved women)
    Garl: "{191}{}{Ha! I like your style. A little sloppy, but it works. Consider yourself a friend of the Raiders. Leave my sight now.}"
  44. WORLDMAP.TXT, [Encounter: DMRV_Caravan]
  45. WORLDMAP.TXT, [Encounter: DNRV_Den_Caravan]
  46. WORLDMAP.TXT, [Encounter: DEN_Slaves]
  47. 47.0 47.1 Bulletin board: "# 2. Slaver's Guild"
    "{225}{}{The Slavers's Guild is the best and only supplier of slaves in the wastes.}"
    "# 3. Slaver's - Continue"
    "{250}{}{For employment opportunities, buying or selling of slaves, see Slave Master Metzger.}"
    "# 4. Slaver's - Directions"
    "{275}{}{The Slaver's Guild is located on the east side of town, past Becky's and Frankie's.}"
    "# 5. Slaver's - Not selling"
    "{300}{}{They are currently not selling slaves to the general public, due to increased demand.} "
  48. Metzger: "{150}{}{Metzger's the head of the Slaver's Guild.} "
  49. Aidan: "{243}{}{I never thought I would see that tat on woman. It looks good though. Surprised Metzger... fuck it. So what do ya need?}"
    "{271}{}{Metzger's never had a bitch slaver, but if you're really that bloodthirsty, check with him. He's right through that door.}"
    "{380}{}{Ya look like ya might fit in, but Metzger's never hired a woman. Not sure why, but I doubt he's gonna start now.}"
    {381}{}{Ya don't look the type. Hell, Metzger's never hired a woman before. Not sure why, but I doubt he's starting now.} # Error intentional, please do not remove."
  50. Metzger: "{300}{}{Oh, here and there. We mainly collect primitives and nomads when we run across them.} "
    Chosen One: "{301}{}{Sounds like fun. How can I get in on that?} "
    Metzger: "{270}{}{You think you can cut it? I don't take in just anyone... What the hell. If you fuck up, I'll sell you off. You'll have to get a tattoo on your forehead identifying you as a slaver to everyone. It's permanent, so no second thoughts.}"
  51. Metzger: "{320}{}{Two of my men will get you fairly close to your targets. Your pay will be based on the number of the slaves you return, but watch each other's backs. If anyone gets killed, your pay will be severely cut.}"
    Chosen One: "{327}{}{Okay.} "
    Metzger: "{340}{}{Just kill all the hostile ones. If they attack you, kill them. I don't want to deal with them anymore, too big of a fucking hassle. Once you're done, the other slavers will round up and tag the rest.}"
    Chosen One: "{341}{}{Okay.} "
    Metzger: "{350}{}{Once they start tagging the slaves, you can head back if you like. It takes special training, so don't try to subdue the others yourself. You can do whatever you want just as long as you don't damage the goods.}"
    Chosen One: "{351}{}{All right.} "
  52. Metzger: "{321}{}{Damn, we're all farmed out. Have to wait for some primitives to move back into the area. Maybe we should start breeding them.}"
  53. Nomad: "{350}{}{Run for your lives!}"
    Nomad: "{351}{}{Don't let them catch you!}"
    Nomad: "{352}{}{Slavers! Run for it!}"
    Nomad: "{353}{}{Help, someone! Please!}"
    Nomad: "{354}{}{Run for it, Marty!}"
    Nomad: "{355}{}{Ahhh!}"
    Nomad: "{356}{}{Stop the insanity!}"
    Nomad: "{357}{}{We didn't do anything! Leave us alone!}"
    Nomad: "{358}{}{I recognize that tattoo!}"
    Nomad: "{359}{}{No, please!}"
    Nomad: "{360}{}{Please don't kill me!}"
    Nomad: "{361}{}{I won't fight; don't kill me!}"
    Nomad: "{362}{}{Please, I don't want to die!}"
    Nomad: "{363}{}{You're slavers aren't you? Oh god.} "
  54. Nomad: "{350}{}{You're not going to take my family, slaver!}"
    Nomad: "{351}{}{Die, slaving scum!}"
    Nomad: "{352}{}{You'll pay, you bastard!}"
    Nomad: "{353}{}{I'll fight to the death for my family!}"
    Nomad: "{354}{}{You won't get away with this!}"
    Nomad: "{355}{}{You're not leaving here with my friends!}"
    Nomad: "{356}{}{I'm going to get you for this!}"
    Nomad: "{357}{}{God damn slavers!}"
    Nomad: "{358}{}{You'll pay for this!} "
  55. Den slave: "# 0. Look Primitive"
    {100}{}{You see a big, primitive-looking man.}"
    {125}{}{He has cuts and bruises all over his body.}"
    {150}{}{You see a slender, primitive woman.}"
    {175}{}{She looks like she's been beaten.}"
    # 1. Look Nomad"
    {200}{}{You see a ragged-looking man.}"
    {225}{}{He doesn't look very healthy.}"
    {250}{}{You see a woman captive.}"
    {275}{}{She's filthy and seems to be malnourished.} "
  56. 56.0 56.1 Fallout 2 endings: "Metzger's business in the slave trade soon fades with the removal of the Mordino family. The Den continues to attract criminals, and Metzger's business practices delve further into drugs and prostitution. The Den soon becomes a rallying point and a safe haven for raiders in the region."
  57. Myron: "{880}{myn127}{Well, not on purpose. I mean, slaves are expensive. Still, we made the money back in the first few months, so the Mordino Family wasn't too pissed at me.}"
    Chosen One: "{884}{}{Tell me about it. Slave prices keep going up. If humans only bred faster. Anyway, I had some other questions…} "
  58. Slave: "# 11. [BEATEN SLAVE vs. SLAVER] "
    {260}{}{Yes, I am already owned. My master has the papers.}
    {261}{}{Please leave me be. I am already owned by someone else.}
    {262}{}{I beg you: have you seen two children, dark-hair…? They were taken by other slavers two years ago and sold North.}
    {263}{}{Please…I am not allowed to speak to anyone.}
    {264}{}{Please…let me be. My master will be back soon.}
    {265}{}{If my master catches me talking to a slaver, I will be beaten.}
    {266}{}{I already have a master. She will not be happy if you continue to talk to me.}
    {267}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have duties.}
    {268}{}{If I am caught speaking to a slaver, they will start testing the chems on me.}
    {269}{}{Please go away, slaver. I don't want any trouble.}
    {270}{}{Escape? I…have never tried to escape from here. I would not dare disobey my master.}
  59. Stables slave: "# 12. [BEATEN AND/OR GENERIC SLAVE]"
    {280}{}{If they catch me talking to you, they will start testing chems on me.}
    {281}{}{I used to work with this other slave, but he died of an overdose a few days ago.}
    {282}{}{They test new chems on us. Some are poisonous.}
    {283}{}{My master is...good to me.}
    {284}{}{My master said not to speak to others.}
    {285}{}{Please…I am not allowed to speak to you.}
    {286}{}{Please let me be. My master will be back soon.}
    {287}{}{If my master catches me talking to you, he will beat me.}
    {288}{}{My master is good. He does not beat me often.}
    {289}{}{I do not miss my family. My master is kind.}
    {290}{}{I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much…better here.}
    {291}{}{I was first captured in the Den.}
    {292}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have work to do.}
    {293}{}{I must finish my duties before my master returns.}
    {294}{}{Speaking is against the rules.}
    {295}{}{Please go away. I beg you. You're only going to get me in trouble.}
    {296}{}{Escape? There is nowhere to escape TO. The Wastes are filled with horrible monsters that will eat runaways alive.}
    {297}{}{Slaves who become sick are usually killed.}
    {298}{}{I was one of the slaves who made it to New Reno. Two others got sick during the trip, so the slavers shot them.}
    {299}{}{Yes? How can I help you?}
    {300}{}{I hear rumors of an underground railroad, but I don't know anyone who escaped.}
    {301}{}{Julia escaped, but they caught her in Golgotha the next day. They tied her to a wheel and let her starve to death.}
    {302}{}{Runaway slaves are caught and left to die in Golgotha.}
    {303}{}{No, I don't know where my family is now. I still think about them sometimes, but not so often anymore.}
    {304}{}{New Reno is…well, it is not as bad as the Den. In some ways.}
    {305}{}{::Turns away, frightened.::}
    {306}{}{::Ignores you, frightened.::}
    {307}{}{Once you learn your new master's needs, the beatings become less…frequent.}
    {308}{}{I was captured by slavers long ago. I barely remember it.}
    {309}{}{I used to have two children, but they were shipped northwards. I hope they ended up somewhere better than here.}
    {310}{}{I'm sorry, but I don't have time to talk.}
    {311}{}{My master recently has become upset with me. He says he will sell me to the stables if I anger him again.}
    {312}{}{Runaway slaves die on Golgotha or are shipped to the Stables for testing.}
  60. Chosen One: "{109}{}{I want to kill something. What’s around?} "
    Liz: "{131}{}{What’d you have in mind for killing?} "
    Chosen One: "{133}{}{Oh, the occasional humanoid.} "
    Liz: "{143}{}{Humanoids, eh? Any humanoids in particular?} "
    Chosen One: "{145}{}{Ghouls.} "
    Liz: "{159}{}{Ghouls are useful slaves. They ain’t got enough minds of their own to be people, but they ain’t worth killin’, either. I don’t support the killin’ of ghouls.}"
  61. Chosen One: "{128}{}{Sounds interesting. What have you learned?}"
    Matt: "{129}{}{We have found that the Enclave deals heavily in chems, weapons, and slaves. However, these are simply trivial pursuits leading up to some higher purpose, which we have failed to uncover. We are still watching them.}"
  62. Xarn: "{120}{}{(Xarn stares at you intently for a moment) Very well. The Enclave created my people as a slave warrior race. They enhanced our intellect hoping we could better understand their commands, and yet not recognize our status as slaves. They failed; we are much more intelligent than they suspect.}
    {121}{}{We decided to play the fool until we could gain our freedom. Our chance arrived when the Enclave decided to test us outside their control, here on the mainland. Doctor Schreber opposed their decision, but he was overruled.}
    {122}{}{Not accepting the Enclave decision, he chose exile to this base, captured me, and has been performing experiments to determine my true nature. He has been successful. When he reports his findings to the Enclave my people will be hunted down and slain. I must escape and warn my people.}"
  63. Jules: "{201}{}{Go see the Mordinos, slaver. They're the market for most o' the slaves that come to New Reno.}"
  64. Jules: "{615}{}{There's the father, Big Jesus Mordino, and the son, Lil' Jesus, and both are the meanest sons of bitches you ever met. Used to be slaves here, but they turned the tables years ago and carved out their own lil' empire.}"
  65. Pimp: "{238}{}{These ain't slaves, these are professionals, hear what I'm saying?}
    {481}{}{You got any stock, slaver? I need some new blood.}
    {488}{}{I ain't looking to buy any slaves, but I might be looking to sell some a lil' later.}"
  66. Father Tully: "{730}{}{Th'Mordinos? (Holds up three fingers.) Therez two o' them. (Holds hand up high.) Big Jeezus… (Holds hand down low.) …an' Leetle Jeezus. The Father n' the Son. They control th' chems and the whoa-men in Reno.}"
    Chosen One: "{731}{}{Tell me about Big Jesus.}"
    Father Tully: "{740}{}{Jesus? He's one bad muthuh…(Takes a swig, swishes it around in cheeks.) Deals in slavez, Jet, n' whores. Only person worse'n him is hiz filthy son.}"
    Chosen One: "{741}{}{His son?}"
    Father Tully: "{750}{}{Leetle Jezus? Bastard! He's like a prairie tick, sucking blood from hiz Dad's work. Be trouble for alla Reno if he took charge. Couldn't hold it toogether, chemz, whorez...all fall down.}"
  67. Father Tully: "{790}{}{Mordinos havva…farm…ousside of town. Keep slaves there. Test…Jet…on them. Killz them in drovez. (Shudders.) Only th' Mordinos know where th' Stables are.}"
    Chosen One: "{794}{}{The Mordinos are testing Jet on slaves, huh? Interesting. Thanks, Father.}"
  68. Jules: "{840}{}{Slaves, pretty much. Keep 'em in stalls in the stables, like brahmin. }"
    {841}{}{Mordinos buy a bunch from slavers that pass through. }"
    {842}{}{Mordinos buy a bunch from slavers like you that pass through New Reno. }"
    {843}{}{They buy a helluva lot, too, cause the slaves keep getting sick, running away…or die. Mostly die.} "
  69. Mordino man: "# 34. CLICK [SLAVER]"
    {420}{}{Naw, I ain't the guy to talk to about slaves…you should talk to Lil' Jesus.}
    {421}{}{When are you going be bringing down some good-looking slaves? Sorry crop last season, slaver. Shabby.}
    {422}{}{Mordinos don't need no slaves to get it on. Course if you got any you need to unload…}
    {423}{}{I ain't the person to talk to about dealing with slaves.}
    {424}{}{You're doin' the right thing, brushing up with the Mordinos. We're going places.}
    {425}{}{How's things at the Den, eh?} "
  70. Myron’s guard: "{350}{}{You escape from your stall, slave? Maybe you better get your ass back upstairs before we put you in one of the cages.}"
    Myron guard: "{360}{}{(Readies weapon.) I'm gonna enjoy this. I ain't beaten a slave for at least an hour…}
    {361}{}{(Readies weapon.) I'm gonna enjoy this. I ain't killed no one for two days…} "
  71. Marjorie Reed: "{240}{}{Myron, sir, if you have a moment...I think the next test group should include at least three children, sir.}"
  72. Stables slave: "# EXAMINES"
    {150}{}{You see a broken looking man. His eyes dart around the area, as if following some invisible insect.}
    {151}{}{You see a sickly slave. He looks terribly frightened, and his eyes seem unable to focus on you.}
    {152}{}{You see a sickly slave. His clothes are in tatters, and his skin hangs loosely on his flesh.}
    {153}{}{You see a sickly slave. He is coughing violently, and his tattered shirt has blood stains on the front of it.}
    {154}{}{You see a sickly slave. The smell of dried urine and feces emanates from him.}
    {155}{}{You see a sickly slave. His teeth have fallen out, and his eyes are bloodshot.}
    {156}{}{You see a sickly slave. Some sort of rash covers his face and neck, and he scratches occasionally.}
    {160}{}{You see a broken looking woman. She is staring at the ground intently, as if afraid to look up.}
    {161}{}{You see a sickly slave. She looks terribly frightened, and her eyes seem unable to focus on you.}
    {162}{}{You see a sickly slave. She doesn't seem to notice the bloodflies that land on her face and arms.}
    {163}{}{You see a sickly slave. Her clothes are in tatters, and her skin hangs loosely on her flesh.}
    {164}{}{You see a sickly slave. She is wheezing with every breath, and streams of mucus run from her nose.}
    {165}{}{You see a sickly slave. The smell of dried urine and feces emanates from her.}
    {166}{}{You see a sickly slave. She is scratching at some sort of rash that covers her face and neck.}
    {167}{}{You see a sickly slave. She looks like she is trying to cry, but no tears will come.}
    {170}{}{You see a sluggish looking man. He is staring straight ahead with a vacant expression.}
    {171}{}{You see a chemmed slave. His eyes dart around the area, never focusing on any one thing.}
    {172}{}{You see a chemmed slave. As you watch, he bites his forearm and peels back some skin with his teeth, slowly chewing it.}
    {173}{}{You see a chemmed slave. He has a faint smile on his face, but his eyes are glazed and vacant.}
    {174}{}{You see a chemmed slave. He is gazing vacantly out into space, drool coming from his lips.}
    {175}{}{You see a chemmed slave. As he sees you, he winces and gives a painful smile, as if you are too bright to look at.}
    {180}{}{You see a shivering woman. She is staring at the ground, as if afraid it will go away if she stops looking at it.}
    {181}{}{You see a chemmed slave. She is giggling to herself, and there are traces of blood on the corners of her mouth.}
    {182}{}{You see a chemmed slave. There are track marks on her arm intermixed with bruises and lash marks.}
    {183}{}{You see a chemmed slave. She blinks rapidly, as if her eyes are dry.}
    {184}{}{You see a chemmed slave. She is scratching the back her hands, so much so that the skin is tearing off.}
    {185}{}{You see a chemmed slave. Vomit stains cover the front of her shirt, and she smells faintly of turpentine.}
    {190}{}{You see a thin man. Lash marks cover his body, and he stares meekly at the ground, as if waiting for orders.}
    {191}{}{You see a beaten slave.}
    {192}{}{You see a thin slave. Lash marks cover his body, and he stares meekly at the ground, as if waiting for orders.}
    {195}{}{You see a shivering woman. Her body is covered with lash marks, and her clothes are in tatters.}
    {196}{}{You see a female slave.}
    {197}{}{You see a female slave. She is shivering slightly, and her body is covered with lash marks.}
  73. Marjorie Reed: "{227}{}{Why did the slave in the control group kill herself? We weren't even testing her!}"
  74. Marjorie Reed: "{245}{}{Myron, bad news, sir. We had to shoot one slave for trying to escape. What a waste.}"
  75. Chosen One: "{863}{}{How much testing exactly?} "
    Myron: "{870}{myn126}{Hmmm...about a hundred slaves? Mostly heart attacks, cerebral hemorrhages, psychotic episodes...that sort of thing.}"
    Chosen One: "{871}{}{Are you insane? You killed a hundred human beings just for chem testing?!}"
    Myron: "{880}{myn127}{Well, not on purpose. I mean, slaves are expensive. Still, we made the money back in the first few months, so the Mordino Family wasn't too pissed at me.}"
    Chosen One: "{883}{}{Myron, you killed over a hundred humans beings for the sake of chem testing? Did you get your conscience lobotomized when you were a kid?}"
    Myron: "{890}{myn128}{You getting bent at me over a bunch of slaves? Hey, we had to make sure Jet wouldn't kill our customers.} "
  76. Big Jesus Mordino: "{790}{}{Ramirez let... four slaves escape last month. (Shakes his head slightly.) That is not good. Within the hour, the Jet you gave Ramirez will stop his... heart. It is PUNISHMENT.}"
  77. Leslie Anne Bishop: "{285}{}{There really is nothing to say about the Bishop 'Family.' Oh…there is the extended family of hired thugs, mercenaries, whores, pushers, and slaves, but that is really all that the Bishop 'family' amounts to.}"
  78. Bishop man: "{420}{}{How are things up in the Den?}"
    {421}{}{That slaver brand hurt when you got it?}"
    {422}{}{I thought about becoming a slaver, but I hate all the traveling.}"
    {423}{}{You looking for the stables? That's where they keep most of the slaves.}"
    {424}{}{Being in the Bishop Family's a good gig.}"
    {425}{}{You bring a new crop of slaves in, or are you caravaning some out?}"
    {426}{}{You guys need to find some new stock… that last batch of slaves was piss-poor.}"
    {427}{}{You guys catch any more tribal slaves?}"
    {428}{}{What's the going rate for slaves nowadays?}"
    {429}{}{Slaves, brahmin, same thing.} "
  79. Corsican Brothers: "# 8. SLAVER (WTG)
    {270}{}{We're all stocked up, slaver.}
    {271}{}{These slaves are mine, slaver. Watch those eyes.}"
  80. Eldridge: "{301}{}{Uh…sure, sure. (Looks at you critically.) You remind me of my slave, Al. You want to see what we got in stock, friend?}"
    Chosen One: "{302}{}{Yuh}"
  81. Salvatore man: "# 26. [SLAVER, IF BAD REACTION]
    {345}{}{I'm not the person to talk to about dealing slaves. Talk to Mason.}
    {346}{}{Salvatores already got all the slaves we need.}
    {355}{}{If you're looking to deal some slaves, talk to the boss.}"
    {356}{}{Don't think the boss is looking for any more slaves, but you might want to try him anyway.} "
  82. Keith Wright: "{356}{}{Naw...we don't traffic with slaver trash like the other families. }"
  83. Ethyl Wright: "{430}{}{(Squints at you, then her gaze travels to your slaver brand. Her tone becomes glacial.) }"
    Chosen One: "{431}{}{Yes?}"
    Ethyl Wright: "{432}{}{You again. We have NOTHING to talk about.}"
  84. Chris Wright: "{315}{}{(The young man turns to you, looks you up and down. His eyes stop at the mark on your forehead.) Well, now. (He sneers, then spits on your feet.) Why don't you make yourself useful and lick that up, slaver?}
    {316}{}{(The young man turns to you, looks you up and down.) Well, now. (He sneers, then spits on your feet.) Why don't you make yourself useful and lick that up, you piece of [FA] dogshit?}"
  85. Keith Wright: "{250}{}{Slaver, you done come to the wrong side of town. If you don't start explain' yourself, yer gonna be in a whole mess of trouble.}"
  86. Jules: "{961}{}{Almost twenty or more true-blooded Wrights, and they don't take kindly to people in your line of work. Word is, they lost a sister way back when to a slaver, and they ain't liked slavers ever since.}"
  87. Wright child: "{939}{}{Wanna play tribals and slavers?}"
  88. Junkie: "{350}{}{Give me some Jet, and I can tell where you can find some easy catches around here, slaver.}
    {351}{}{You can have my children, slaver, if you have some Jet to pay for them…}
    {352}{}{Just a few chips, and I'll be your slave…just let me go get some Jet first.}
    {353}{}{I'll be your slave, if you can give me some Jet.}
    {354}{}{You can sell me into slavery if you give me some Jet.}
    {355}{}{No, man, I'm off chems. Uh…why? You buying?}
  89. The Chosen One: "{177}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{179}{}{Well, there's some stuff in there that the owners of the Morningstar and the Kokoweef mines here in town would sure pay a pretty penny for.}"
    The Chosen One: "{180}{}{What kind of stuff?}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{182}{}{Well, ya see, mines used to be dug out by big machines. Heck, those machines are built to last. Both mines got big diggers. But - an' here's the money question - the dang little control chips weren't made so tough. Neither mine's got a chip that works. Heh-hee.}"
    The Chosen One: "{183}{}{I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at here.}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{185}{}{Well, what I'm saying is that either mine owner would pay for one of these digger-control-chips. Heck, if they had a workin' machine and the other mine doesn't, they'd shut the other mine down - or buy 'em out - in no time.}"
    The Chosen One: "{186}{}{Too bad nobody knows where to get one of those chips, then.}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{188}{}{Squee-gee out your dang ears! I told you where to look for the damn chip. Ain't you been listening to a word I said? The Wanamingo mine had machines, and they were workin' 'til the time the mine got shut down. Prolly still chips down there. Jist waitin' fer someone to come along an' take 'em.}"
    The Chosen One: "{190}{}{Tell me about those Want-to-mangles, then.}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{192}{}{Well you see - here's the god's honest truth - I know someone who saw one up close-like, it was…(time passes)…With huge fangs that it uses to…(more time passes)…}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{193}{}{I had a friend once that I was workin' a claim with and one day…(time passes)…big as a brahmin and it smelled worse…(more time passes)…}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{194}{}{You're jist gonna fall asleep anyhow, but here goes nuthin.' It was late at night, see, and so…(time passes)…tracks like a cross 'tween a Radscorpion and a Gecko…(more time passes)… See, I told you you'd fall asleep.}"
    The Chosen One: "{195}{}{Huh, wha? (your head snaps up; you must have been dozing).}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{197}{}{…So, now you know. The slaves that used to work the mine blew up the dynamite stores and escaped, rather than face those Wanamingos. Shut down the mine right after and nobody went back.}"
    The Chosen One: "{198}{}{Where did you say the Great Wanamingo Mine is?}"
    Athabaska Dick: "{200}{}{Jist west of town. But I heard that some of the Wanamingos been coming into town late at night. So mebbe' you won't have to go out there to see 'em. Heh-hee.}"
    (Athabaska Dick's dialogue)
  90. Chosen One: "{174}{}{Can you tell me about the slavery in Vault City?} "
    Lydia: "{192}{}{Look, first thing I have to say is that you better not call it 'slavery' around here or you're going to get yourself in a whole mess of trouble. They're called 'servants,' not slaves. Just a word of advice.}"
    Chosen One: "{193}{}{Point taken. Say, I wanted to know something else...} "
  91. Chosen One: "{406}{}{Why is it you condone slavery?} "
    Lynette: "{607}{lyn096}{Why do we condone slavery? The system has been in place for many years, and it works quite well. Both parties benefit from the institution.}"
    Chosen One: "{609}{}{I'm sure your slaves would disagree.} "
    Lynette: "{613}{lyn097}{They are not slaves, they are our 'servants.' We have given them homes, food, clothing, and a purpose. We have given them a life.}"
    Chosen One: "{614}{}{Sure. Why be free when they could be laboring for you?}"
  92. Barkus: "{133}{}{Citizens who need help with menial tasks come here to have a Servant assigned to them for the day.}"
    Chosen One: "{134}{}{That sounds a lot like slavery.} "
    Barkus: "{142}{}{I'd watch that kind of talk if I were you. It is NOT slavery. We take care of these refugees, and they have a good life...better than they would get in the wastes.}"
  93. Barkus: "{149}{}{Our Servants are usually refugees from raider attacks or contractual prisoners who wish to work off their sentence in a productive manner.}"
    Chosen One: "{151}{}{At the cost of their freedom, eh?}"
  94. Amanda: "{129}{}{I don't have much money left, and we'll have to leave soon if we can't afford to pay the guards for protection. They said if we want to stay with Joshua, then they could make us Servants, too...}"
    Chosen One: "{130}{}{That sounds like a solution. They treat Servants pretty well in Vault City, don't they?}"
    Amanda: "{134}{}{I don't want my son to be raised as a slave! We came to Vault City because we heard it was a free city...but we get here...and there's all these laws, and payments to the guards and...it's nothing like what we were told.}"
    Chosen One: "{135}{}{Let me see what I can do, okay? Maybe I can talk to someone at the Allocation Center.} "
  95. Barkus: "{257}{}{Excellent. Here is your money. I will have her shipped off for medical tests and processing. }"
    {258}{}{Excellent. Here is your money. I will have him shipped off for medical tests and processing. }"
    {259}{}{Excellent. Here is your money. I will have the tribal shipped off for medical tests and processing.
    {260}{}{Excellent. Here is your money. I will have the old man shipped off for medical tests and processing. }
    {263}{}{Very well. Your Servant has been relocated for medical testing and re-conditioning. Curious...the Servant seemed quite surprised by the whole affair. It took a few tranquilizer darts to smooth things over. I put everything the Servant was carrying in the box in my office.}"
    Chosen One: "{264}{}{Well, Servants will be Servants. I had some other questions I wanted to ask you…}"
  96. Chosen One: "{215}{}{Can you tell me a little about the slavery here in Vault City?}"
    Tap Room bartender: "{232}{}{Oh, no, no...it's not slavery. Those people you seeing working in the city are servants...myself included. We are treated very well here, taught to read and write, and given medical care, homes and food.}"
    Chosen One: "{233}{}{Everything except your freedom, huh?} "
  97. Vault City Servant: "{132}{}{If a Citizen catches me talking to a slaver, I will be punished.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{133}{}{The guards will report me if you continue to talk to me.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{134}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have duties.}"
  98. Vault City Servant: "{137}{}{The Citizens told me that if I work hard enough, one day * I* could become a Citizen.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{138}{}{The Citizens teach us that work is its own reward.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{139}{}{The Citizens tell us that our service allows them time for more important matters.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{140}{}{I was lucky that Vault City had need of servants. I could have ended up in New Reno.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{141}{}{Vault City rewards servants who work diligently with extra rations.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{142}{}{I hear they do horrible things to the slaves in New Reno.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{143}{}{The Citizens brought my entire tribe inside the City to serve as servants. }"
    Vault City Servant: "{144}{}{The Citizens brought me in out of the wastes and taught me to read.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{145}{}{The Citizens treat me very well. The food here is excellent.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{146}{}{I am not permitted to speak with Outsiders.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{147}{}{I missed my family at first, but it has been many years since I saw them.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{148}{}{I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much better here.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{149}{}{I was first captured in the Den. Fortunately, I ended up here.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{150}{}{I hear the First Citizen occasionally loses her temper with her servants.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{151}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have work to do.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{152}{}{I must finish my duties within the hour.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{153}{}{Speaking to Outsiders is against the rules.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{154}{}{Escape? Why?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{155}{}{Yes? Can I help you?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{156}{}{I was captured by slavers long ago. I barely remember it.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{157}{}{I used to have two children, but they were shipped northwards. I hope they make their way here someday.}\"
    Vault City Servant: "{158}{}{I'm sorry, but I don't have time to talk.} "
  99. Lynette: "{604}{lyn095}{Vault City was built through the hard work and suffering of many Citizens. The outside world should look to our example and follow it, not sit outside our walls and beg for handouts.}"
  100. Chosen One: "{148}{}{What else could I do to beat customs other than becoming a Citizen?}"
    Skeev : "{150}{}{Hide the goods on your slaves...your 'Servants.' You see, Vault City mentality is this: They don't seem to catch on that anyone would let Servants carry anything important... or questionable. Go figure.} "
  101. Vault City Servant: "{110}{}{Yes, Captain?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{111}{}{Captain?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{112}{}{Is there something you wanted me to do, Captain?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{113}{}{Did you have a task for me, Captain?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{114}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try and work harder.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{115}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try to be more attentive.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{116}{}{Yes, Citizen?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{117}{}{Citizen?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{118}{}{Is there something you wanted me to do, Citizen?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{119}{}{Did you have a task for me, Citizen?}"
    Vault City Servant: "{120}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try and work harder.}"
    Vault City Servant: "{121}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try to be more attentive.}"
  102. Harold: "{202}{hld31}{Well, I sure hope not. Those idjits in Vault City hate ghouls. They’d cut off our ore shipments from Broken Hills in a white-hot minute. Then they’d set the terms. Wouldn’t be long until Gecko’d be a slave camp.}"
  103. Fallout 2 endings: "Optimizing Gecko's reactor creates a power surplus in Gecko. The Vault City council, unable to expand because of their limited power supply, yields to internal pressure and is forced to take over Gecko to control the reactor. The peaceful ghouls of Gecko become slaves and spend the rest of their lives serving Vault City."
  104. Dangerous Dan McGrew: "{131}{}{Vault City? (he laughs) Those bigots would turn Redding into a slave-labor camp. They don't see anyone who's not one of their precious Citizens as being worth a warm bucket of spit. Spending my life bowing and scraping to those bigots isn't my idea of any kind of life.}"
  105. Bishop mercenaries: "{263}{}{Lynette's a good-looking woman. Well, in a aristocratic, domineering, slave-advocating kind of way.}""
  106. Fallout: New Vegas intro
  107. Seagrave's incriminating letter
  108. Rivet City terminal entries, Council Meeting Minutes: "* Rumors of increased slave, raider, and Super Mutant activities in DC have prompted Danvers to renew combat training for city guards."
  109. Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{This may be your land, but I am not your slave.}0"
    Paladin: "{142}{}{How dare you accuse me of such a thing! The Brotherhood of Steel has never forced anyuone to serve us against their will. That goes against everything we believe in. Get out of my sight!}"
    (Randomly-encountered paladin's dialogue)
  110. NCR history holodisk
  111. Tandi: "{201}{tand18}{New Reno? A damn bucket of brahmin spit. Got every vice there is. We've gotta be tough with them if we're going to unify this land. Congress has got to understand that.}"
    Chosen One: "{205}{}{What about the Bishops?}"
    Tandi: "{208}{tand19}{Well, I'll talk to a snake, but don't expect me to hug him. If you see 'em, you can tell 'em that too.}"
    Chosen One: "{211}{}{Rumor has it that the NCR is making a deal with the Bishops.}"
    Tandi: "{213}{tand20}{No point trying to keep secrets around here. We're negotiating with New Reno for membership in the NCR. They should have some pull with places like Vault City.}"
    Chosen One: "{215}{}{All right.}"
    Tandi: "{216}{tand21}{Most figure we've got to work with New Reno one way or another. But folks like Westin and the ranchers blame New Reno for rustling the cattle drives between here and Redding.}"
    Chosen One: "{220}{}{Who is this Westin person?}"
    Tandi: "{221}{tand22}{Congressman Westin? One of the biggest brahmin ranchers around. His spreads on the west side of town. Just don't bring up New Reno if you talk to him - it gets him going. If you're looking for a steady job... but you aren't that type, are you?}"
  112. Elise: "{157}{}{Simple. We believe slavery is wrong and we'll do what we must to fight it. In NCR, we got a lot of friends in high places. Thanks to them we've already banned slavery down south, but now we're hoping to spread the word north.}"
    Chosen One: "{158}{}{The Rangers sound like a group I'd be proud to join. Sign me up.}"
  113. Chosen One: "{144}{}{No way. I'm don't want to make any trouble here.}"
    Elise: "{146}{}{That's the kind of attitude that allows the atrocity of slavery to exist in the first place. I'm sorry, but there is no place for you in our organization.}"
  114. Elise: "{178}{}{We've got agents and sympathizers in some of the towns up north. We're spreading the word and hitting slavers wherever we can.}"
  115. Vortis: "{124}{}{Work? Well...there might be something. You ever hear of the New California Rangers?}"
    The Chosen One: "{126}{}{No.}"
    Vortis: "{150}{}{Let me tell you, then. These Rangers have got it in their heads to wipe out slavery and slavers - by force. They've been creating a lot of trouble for hard working folks.}"
    The Chosen One: "{154}{}{And?}"
    Vortis: "{151}{}{They work in secret, especially up north.}"
    The Chosen One: "{154}{}{And?}"
    Vortis: "{152}{}{Jeez, I got to spell this out for you? They raid slavers, drive off the stock, and smuggle 'em down south to NCR lands where slavery's illegal. So you interested?}"
    The Chosen One: "{155}{}{So what you want me to do?}"
    Vortis: "{147}{}{Well then, you should know some folks see them as a potential problem. It would be extremely useful if we had a map of their safe houses through the north - New Reno, Klamath, wherever. I'd be willing to pay, oh say, $500 for something like that. You think you could get that for me?}"
    The Chosen One: "{157}{}{Where am I going to find a map?}"
    Vortis: "{160}{}{How the hell should I know!? If I knew, I'd have it, wouldn't I? Look, there's supposed to be a cell in town. Find them and see what you can do.}"
  116. The Courier: "Okay, what are you supposed to be doing?"
    Hanlon: "To protect against all forms of tyranny. As simple as that. Thirty, forty years ago, the wasteland was full of despots. Slavers. Raiders. Tough-talking hoodlums with gangs who liked to kick around towns. Back then the NCR military was still young. Couldn't cover much ground. It took groups like ours to tip the balance back to the good guys."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  117. Random encounter Ranger description: "{100}{}{You see a group of well-armed travelers.}
    {101}{}{They're still well-armed strangers.}
    {102}{}{They have clean, well-polished weapons and are wearing some kind of badge on their chests.}"
  118. Random encounter Ranger: "{103}{}{We're looking for slaver patrols. Seen any, stranger?}"
    {104}{}{Greetings stranger. Sure hope you're not a slaver - for your own sake.}"
    {105}{}{Nice meeting you, stranger. Don't mind us and there won't be any trouble.}"
    {106}{}{We're the NCR Rangers - we make the world a better place. Just thought you'd like to know.}"
    {107}{}{We're Rangers. Killing slavers is our business.}"
    {108}{}{Damn, slave-lover. You're gonna die hard!} "
  119. Ezekiel: "{118}{}{I see you got a tattoo there -- the mark of the slavers. You wouldn't be a slaver now, would You?}"
    Chosen One: "{119}{}{Yes.}"
    Ezekiel: "{121}{}{Too bad - for you. We're NCR Rangers. Ever heard of us? We kill slavers.} "
  120. Slave overseer: "{144}{}{Me, I'm always on the lookout - problem is, nobody ever wants to hire a slaver anymore. Vortis, my boss, has got something hush-hush. And in town the ranchers at the Stockmen's Association are always hiring plus Dorothy can always use a hand at the powerplant if you got skills. Word is even President Tandi's looking for a specialist.}"
  121. Vortis: "{106}{}{This place is my place and I, Vortis, run an honest and legitimate busines no matter what anybody in NCR tells you. Since NCR doesn't allow slaves inside the gates, I mind them for folks who've got business inside.}"
  122. Vortis: "{107}{}{What are you, dense? This is a slave pen. I got licenses for it.}"
  123. Vortis: "{138}{}{Somebody steered you wrong. I don't have no trouble with nobody - especially not no Rangers. I'm all legal, so there ain't nothing on me.}"
  124. Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers
  125. Sulik: "{116}{slk5a}{Ah, shit, fren. Slavers took our sister. We went drinking, then went breaking. Now paying off Maida. When that done, we go find sis.}
    {117}{slk5b}{Now we be getting ready to leave. Go look for sis. She snatched by slavers.}"
  126. Sulik: "{910}{slk69}{One survivor. Dude was in bad shape. Said evil warriors came with magic torches. Fire would lick tribe warriors and they'd go to the spirit.}"
    Chosen One: "{911}{}{What about your sis?}"
    Sulik: "{912}{slk69a}{The evil warriors tied up the rest and took off. Sis with 'em. Fren, we be finding her or dying trying.}"
    Chosen One: "{913}{}{Sounds like slavers to me. Have you found anything out about them?}"(KCSULIK.MSG)
  127. Sulik: "{107}{slk2a}{Oh, no. Don't be talking at us. One of you took our sis. Bad karma... for you.}
    {108}{slk2b}{Oh, no. We and I don't talk to no slave owner.}"
  128. Lenny: "{3003}{}{I don't want anything to do with a slaver. Goodbye.}"
  129. Cassidy: "{158}{}{Naw, I don't travel with slavers. They have a nasty habit o' selling you when they get low on cash. No offense.}"
  130. Fallout 2 endings
  131. Orville Wright: "{301}{}{No SHIT? (Sneers.) Well, pleased to meet you, SLAVER. Glad you stopped by, damn neighborly of you. (Sneer crumbles into a scowl.) We don't deal with your kind, you hear? Now, get out!}"
  132. Chosen One: "{378}{}{I'd like to play the role of 'Herk,' a nubile young slave stolen from his village by a band of lusty female slavers. Here's the catch…he can only communicate using his BODY.}
    {379}{}{I'd like to play the role of 'Zena,' a nubile young slave stolen from her village by a band of slavers. Here's the catch…she can only communicate using her BODY.}"
  133. The Lone Wanderer: "Where do your people come from?"
    Wernher: "Some of us are native to The Pitt, most of us are, really. People sometimes have kids before the sickness takes them. But the need for slaves has gotten bigger. Ashur's started importing them. Ever wonder why there are so many Slavers, but you hardly see any slaves? The Slaver operation in this area has been supplying The Pitt."
    (Wernher's dialogue)
  134. Bill of sale
  135. Events of One for My Baby.
  136. Dawes: "This? This is - or was - the big house. The New California Republic Correctional Facility. Not much 'correcting' went on here, just slave labor. One day, us prisoners decided to liberate ourselves. Killed the warden, killed the guards, took over the whole damn territory."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  137. See NCRCF prison break for references.
  138. The Courier: "Wouldn't you make more money working on the Strip?"
    Sweetie: "I got my start at the Gomorrah, good money, but I saw how those Omertas hook girls on free Jet or Med-X - then start charging. Slavery through a needle is what that is. I earn less out here, but I keep more."
    (Sweetie's dialogue)
  139. Events of The Coyotes.
  140. Bullet: "Cute kid. Is he for sale?"
    (Bullet's dialogue)
  141. Cait: "It all starts with two wastes of humanity I suppose you could call me parents. I'm convinced I was a mistake, because I can't remember a single moment that they treated me like their daughter. I was yelled at and beaten. Everythin' I did was wrong. Nothin' but a nuisance in their eyes. The whole time I was tellin' meself that they had to love me, even if it was just the tiniest bit, because they never kicked me out. Then me eighteenth birthday arrived, and I found out why they kept me around. They slapped a shock collar around me neck and sold me to slavers. They didn't even care enough about me to say goodbye. Eighteen years of sufferin' through that shite and all I was worth to them was a pocketful of caps."
    (Cait's dialogue)
  142. Desdemona: "The Institute treats synths as property. As tools."
    The Sole Survivor: "That sounds like slavery."
    Desdemona: "Exactly. So we seek to free the synths from their bondage. Give them a chance at a real life."
    (Desdemona's dialogue)
  143. The Lone Wanderer: "What about human slaves? Don't you try to help them, too?"
    Victoria Watts: "Yes, if we are able. But there are others in the Wasteland who assist in the plight of human slaves. Our android brethren have only us."
    (Victoria Watts' dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Slaves (Abolitionists)
    Slaves are not so much a faction as a collection of victims. No one is safe from slavery in the Wasteland. If you are weak or vulnerable you may be taken as a slave.
    There is a band of abolitionist slaves deep in the Wasteland. They are all escaped slaves, seeking to end slavery for all time. You can learn more about them in Miscellaneous Quest: Head of State."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  2. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.323: "55. TYGART WATER TREATMENT
    This compact and excellent defensive location features a river to the west and a high barbed-wire fence surrounding the facility. Most of the fencing is still intact, and getting into the plant's vat walkways can be tough, as the control hut's doors are locked from the inside. Either jump from the Raider-built platform, across the top of the barbed-wire fence near the blown-out wall terminal and sandbags, or head in via the lower drainage pipe by the river. Once inside the control hut, use the interior wall terminal to open all doors."
    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.72: "Eulogy Jones
    Eulogy Jones is a unique 45-year-old individual. He dresses as smoothly as possible for a Wasteland Dweller and leads by persuasion and intelligence, getting others to do his dirty work. But the man is definitely dangerous; if you mess with his slaving operation, he'll be the first one to put a bullet in your brain. Eulogy got to where he is exactly as you'd expect: by being the craziest thug in a town full of crazy thugs. He'll tell you that he did it the old-fashioned way: hard work. In truth, he used his slaves as prostitutes, and consequently, Eulogy knew nearly every secret in the camp. Eventually, he killed the former leader and took over. Every plot against his life has failed, and every Slaver in the camp has learned to back off when Eulogy loses his temper. Eulogy rules by fear."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  4. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.75: "Grouse
    He has been with the Slavers since he was a teenager (he is now 30). His father was the former leader before Eulogy usurped him and rose to power, and Grouse has a legacy to live up to. He isn't fond of Eulogy, but he knows that if he moves against him, most of the Slavers would turn on him. He sits at the checkpoint entrance wearing a permanent scowl."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  5. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.65: "Carolina Red
    Perhaps the least pleasant Slaver in camp, Red is a stern-faced psychopath who was abused and tortured all through her life. Even her fellow Slavers give her a wide berth. Red loves to tell stories about her father, who once cut the legs off a man just to watch and laugh as he attempted to crawl away before crushing his skull with a rock. You know, childhood memories."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  6. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.73: "Forty
    Eulogy's second in command earned his nickname from the fact that, throughout his life, he's killed 40 men. When you first meet this 55-year-old nasty piece of work, he warns you not to do anything stupid; he doesn't want to have to change his name...again (however, culling slaves is something Forty considers 'sport' and doesn't count toward his total). Forty is loud, dirty, and vile."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  7. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.64: "Caleb Smith
    Caleb is 32 and was born a slave. He escaped eight years ago and joined a Raider band. When he heard about Hannibal and the Temple of the Union, he promptly left the Raiders and joined Hannibal. He is the first of Hannibal's followers and has some experience as a stonecutter. Caleb prefers to use melee weapons but knows his way around guns."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  8. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.67: "Cutter
    Forty-one-year-old Cutter was born in the pens, a slave. She spent her youth learning Wasteland medicine from her mother. When her mother passed away, Cutter took over caretaker duties for the slaves but slowly grew bitter and frustrated with the slaves' inability to fight back against the Slavers. Spending nearly a decade trading her services, she earned enough Caps to buy her freedom. Since Paradise Falls needed a skilled medic, she stayed, taking wealthy Slavers for all she could. Find her at the clinic."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  9. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.85: "Miss Jeanette
    Miss Jeanette is quiet, confused, and obsequious. She's long since accepted her role as a slave. The only problem is, most customers have no use for a Ghoul slave. She's been in the pens forever and isn't expecting to leave any time soon."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  10. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.63: "Breadbox
    Breadbox is the oldest slave in the camp by far. Old slaves don't sell well, and at this point, they can't even give Breadbox away. Most of the time, the Slavers just ignore him."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  11. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.72: "Flak
    Flack, 50, is pretty gruff, but he's completely reformed from his early days of being a Slaver and is an upstanding citizen of Rivet City. He spends his days in the shop with Shrapnel, occasionally taking a break to drink down at the Muddy Rudder. Flak still has a bit of the tough guy in his speech, but he's not as aggressive as Shrapnel. He really tries to tone it down when he's at the shop. He's the target of Slavers in Miscellaneous Quest: Strictly Business."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  12. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.84: "Mei Wong
    Quiet and guarded, 30-year-old Mei doesn't like to talk. Mei was a slave owned by Allistair Tenpenny, but she recently escaped and is in hiding out here. Harkness knows her story and has promised her she's safe while she's in town. She's a good source of information about Slavers and was once held at Paradise Falls. Mei Wong suspects that Sister is a Slaver but can't prove it. She is terrified of him. Fortunately for her, he does not recognize her at all."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  13. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 62: "Bill is 54 years old and was a slave for most of his life. He would never have run away if he hadn't accidentally killed his master's daughter. Hannibal found him within hours of the incident. If not for Hannibal, Bill would have been recaptured within the day or fallen pray to the Wasteland's dangers. Bill isn't that skilled and has no military training. He's been relegated to cooking and cleaning, and he's an awful cook. His other principle job is to take care of the Brahmin and Four Score the dog. Bill has spent his whole life afraid and subservient. Even though he is free now, those habits are hard to break."
  14. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 59: "Alejandra was an historian and a tinkerer, and she was a slave for 4 of her 22 years. Hannibal bought her just over a year ago, and promptly freed her. She is quiet and smart, and has the best understanding of science and machinery of anyone in the Temple of the Union, which isn't saying much."
  15. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 97: "Simone is 26 and was a Raider before Slavers took her. She was a slave for only seven months before escaping. As a former Raider, she is very comfortable with weapons and fighting. She is the most combat skilled of all Hannibal's followers. She is a rough and tough person, with a total lack of respect for almost anyone except Hannibal."
  16. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 64: "Caleb is 32 and was born a slave. He escaped eight years ago and joined a Raider band. When he heard about Hannibal and the Temple of the Union, he promptly left the Raiders and joined Hannibal. He is the first of Hannibal's followers and has some experience as a stonecutter. Caleb prefers to use melee weapons but knows his way around guns."
  17. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 76: "Hamlin is a fanatical Abolitionist, stemming from his 23 years as a slave before he fled his captors. He has spent the last 6 of his 37 years doing everything in his power to help escaped slaves and fight the scourge of slavery. Three years ago, he found Lincoln's head and established the community of Temple of the Union. Each day, Hamlin delivers antislavery speeches to the people of Temple of the Union."
  18. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 81: "Leroy is a strident believer that 'might makes right.' Weaklings deserve what they get in life and should serve at the whim of the more powerful. He is a rarity among Slavers. He's not in it for the money; he genuinely believes that this is the natural law of the universe. Leroy is the Slaver in charge of handling runaways. Currently there is no bigger issue for him than the Temple of the Union. In his eyes, if they succeed in making the Lincoln Memorial into a shrine for Abolitionists and runaway slaves, Paradise Falls and the Slavers will be severely hurt."
  19. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game Of The Year Edition pp. 42-43: "Slavers
    The Slavers of the Capital Wasteland are headquartered at the compound of Paradise Falls and led by the charismatic and ruthless Eulogy Jones. Slavery has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with the subjugation of the weak for profit. The Slavers have a pretty limited clientele, and sell mostly to their return customers, the Raiders. Other customers are residents of the Wasteland, including Allistair Tenpenny, creator of Tenpenny Tower."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  20. The prostitutes controlled by the Omertas are slaves, right?
    Joshua Sawyer: It is unlikely that the powers of the Strip would recognize them as actual property. However, many of them are slaves in the socioeconomic sense (like many prostitutes).
    (Joshua Sawyer Formspring answers)