
奧默塔斯(The Omertas)是新維加斯三大家族之一。在三大家族形成之前,奧默塔斯被称为滑溜家族(The Slither Kin),然而,他们在豪斯先生手下的工作要求他们脱掉旧部落的皮肤,换上旧世界黑手党的风格。



奧默塔斯是一个高度有组织的致命黑帮,他们控制着蛾摩拉赌场,这是一个肮脏的堕落场所,在賭城霓虹灯的光彩和魅力之下,体现了无情的剥削。[Non-game 1]他们利用赌场作为进行肮脏骗局和敲诈勒索的中心。他们还控制着赌场周围的所有卖淫活动。[1]

在被豪斯先生聘用之前,奧默塔斯是一个废土部落,起源于避难所的居民,后来被称为滑溜家族。[Non-game 2]这个部落以将毫无戒心的旅行者引诱到他们的营地,然后给他们下药,然后谋杀或奴役他们的做法而闻名。他们过着游牧的生活,并以自己的手艺为荣。粘滑族的邪恶吸引了豪斯,让他想起了战前在拉斯维加斯活动的某些犯罪分子。[2]



顾名思义,他们不会轻易透露信息,也不会深入了解家族与非家族成员的交易细节。奧默塔斯只有一条规矩永远不要背叛家族。其他的都是允许的。[Non-game 1]打破这种沉默的准则会被迅速而严厉地处理。为了展示实力,他们雇佣了各种各样的暴徒爪牙









  • 通过主要的故事情节,我们可以了解到奧默塔斯。对于不同的组织,信使被要求与奧默塔斯联系。任务开始于一群人接近玩家角色,好奇他们为什么要干涉他们的事务。一名家族成员(卡奇诺)走上前来,问他们为什么一直在询问有关他的问题。要想从他嘴里套出信息,就必须进入他的房间,从他的书桌上偷走他的日记,或者扒窃他的日记。在这一点上,有几种方法可以继续进行知之甚少任务线。
  • 奧默塔斯是在接收两星(★★)新维加斯挑战的一端,增加了军火贩的武器库扩展包Nyah! See?,使用冲锋枪、轻机枪或旋转机枪杀死10个敌人可获得500 XP。




  • 奧默塔斯是西西里/意大利黑手党等犯罪组织的沉默准则,也被称为La Cosa Nostra准则。
  • 奧默塔斯喜欢一种战前美国禁酒时期黑帮流行的正装风格。
  • 当被问及为什么奧默塔斯没有汤普森冲锋枪时,Joshua Sawyer回答说他"不想让拉斯维加斯赌城变成另一个新里诺。不管你喜欢还是讨厌新里诺,他们绝对有汤普森冲锋枪的黑帮风格。"[9]


Has platform::PCPC 如果奧默塔斯因为轻微的犯罪或非法侵入而变得敌对,即使在游戏中等待三天,他们也不会再次变得和平。此问题的一个可能解决方案可以通过在控制台输入resetquest 1164bfresetquest 10c721来实现。 [已验证]


  1. The Courier: "What's the Omertas' role in Gomorrah?"
    Joana: "They run the place as a center for all their dirty scams and extortions. Gambling, sex, drugs, they'll use whatever works to exploit your weaknesses. Hooker, customer, it doesn't matter. Everyone here's a pawn to the Omertas, playing and dying by their rules."
    (Joana's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "You recruited the Omertas as one of the Three Families?"
    Robert House: "Yes, though at the time they called themselves the "Slither Kin." A vicious clan, not that that's changed, exactly. They were nomads, capable fighters, but their specialty was betrayal. They'd invite travelers into their yurts, drug them, murder or enslave them. They took pride in their craft. I don't think Omertas saw other people as people at all. Everyone else was just... prey. They reminded me of a certain criminal element Vegas used to attract. I told them some stories, gave them some clothes - and they ran with it."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What was Cachino's role in the plan?"
    Nero: "Cachino was my Man Friday. He took care of what needed to be taken care of. Had no idea what a dumb son of a bitch he was."
    (Nero's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Wouldn't you make more money working on the Strip?"
    Sweetie: "I got my start at the Gomorrah, good money, but I saw how those Omertas hook girls on free Jet or Med-X - then start charging. Slavery through a needle is what that is. I earn less out here, but I keep more."
    (Sweetie's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "What happened between you and the Omertas?"
    Comm Officer Lenk: "I talked to the cashier at Gomorrah into forwarding me some chips - I was convinced I was due for a hot streak. It, uh, didn't go so well. The Omertas were nice and said they'd give me some time to pay them back. They also said if they had to talk to me about my debt again, they wouldn't be nice the next time."
    (Comm Officer Lenk's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "So tell me about your plan."
    Big Sal: "Caesar asked us to provide a distraction on the Strip. So when he gives the word we're going to launch an all out assault on the Strip. First we're going to blow the Embassy, then we're going to use soldiers to kill every last motherfucker on the Strip. Then we'll run this joint. That'll teach Not-At-Home what can go on while he sits in his fucking ivory tower lording down from on high."
    (Big Sal's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip?"
    Gomorrah receptionist: "It's hard to believe that not too long ago most of the families on the Strip were little more than warring tribes. The Omertas even had a big war with the Khans, once upon a time."
    (Gomorrah receptionist's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Maybe you could give me the short version."
    Papa Khan: "In a hurry, are you? Very well then: The Great Khans came east out of the NCR 14 years ago. We ruled the Wastes, then, and called no man master. But we underestimated the Families of the Strip, and they drove us back to Bitter Springs, where we remained until the NCR arrived and drove us here."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  9. J.E. Sawyer on forums.bethsoft


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide, p. 41: "The Omertas"
    Base of operations: Gomorrah [2D.01]
    A highly organized and deadly tribe of Raiders, the Omertas murdered and looted all they encountered, sometimes holing up in a stronghold for years, other times leading a nomadic existence in restless pursuit of their next big score. The Omertas have just one rule: never betray the family. Everything else is permitted. Their casino, Gomorrah, is a sleazy vice den on a grand scale, and as such embodies the ruthless exploitation beneath the glitz and glamour of the Strip’s neon signs. While by outside appearances the Omertas seem content with their lot, the family’s penchant for treachery and murder is alive and well, and the tribe’s leadership is collaborating with Caesar’s Legion to bring about the Strip’s downfall."
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42: "Freeside"
    "Las Vegas wasn't heavily damaged during the Great War, but people didn't immediately "settle" into the remnants of the old city. The various Vault tribes that emerged years later, hunted and fought among the ruins, but it was not until the "return" of Mr. House that they ceased (most) of their hostilities. Mr House directed the tribes to use his sizable quantities of pre-war construction materials to build the crude (but effective) outer walls that separate The Strip and Freeside from the rest of New Vegas. While Mr. House valued the area around Fremont Street, he ultimately viewed it as secondary in importance to the Strip itself and he had a second, inner wall that separated the two areas. When NCR prospectors (and eventually the army) arrived in the region, people typically went straight for The Strip, leaving Freeside (as it had become known by locals) as an informal stopping point. Eventually Mr. House recognized that he could use Freeside as a filter for undesirables, and pulled his favored tribes and all Securitrons into the Strip, leaving Freeside to fend for itself."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)