
Here we have prospered and multiplied. Here our mighty guns destroy any savages who might try to harm us before they can even reach our gates!Pete








其中一間機庫里放著一架B-29轟炸機的部分機體, 而另一間機庫則是生活區。生活區里有一些訓練飛行員用的模擬艙,食堂和倉庫也在這裡。白天的時候,基地的幾位首腦人物都會在這裡出現。



  • 老尤家
  • 食堂和军火库
  • 太阳能发电站
  • 轰隆帮展览馆
  • 儿童宿舍
  • 机库
  • 医务室
  • 男生宿舍
  • 学校
  • 女生宿舍
  • 工作間
  • 老波尔家


  • 医生
  • 军火库管理员
  • 傑克
  • 琳賽
  • 老尤
  • 波尔
  • 彼特
  • 拉寇兒
  • 轰隆帮的孩子们
  • 老师
  • 厨师
  • Janet (if the quest Young Hearts is completed)


  • 內里斯空軍基地雪景球 - 在展覽館桌上。
  • 榴彈炮擊發裝置 - 工作間某槍櫃
  • 臥倒並掩護!在老波爾家書架,混在一堆書里; 要用偷的
  • 鄧恩電子書在老尤家桌上; 要用偷的
  • 胖子發射器和3個微型核彈 - 可以從一個傢伙身上偷來,趁這傢伙在食堂東南的三個帳篷里睡覺的時候。此外,2個微型核彈和一批其它軍火在太陽能發電站底層大貨架子.,另外1個微型核彈 can be stolen from the Boomers' munition store. It is inside a wooden box on the top shelf.
  • Thump-Thump - 一隻有名字的40毫米榴彈發射器。在太陽能發電站的底層,一個躺了一具骷髏的螞蟻丘那裡。
  • 2個夕陽沙士星星瓶蓋 - 在食堂東北角的桌上,混雜在一堆瓶蓋里。
  • A key to a locked gun case (very hard) in the armory of Vault 34 that can open the gun case for the pulse gun that can be found in a filing cabinet in Pearl's barracks.
  • 基地裡有至少九本技能書, 包括學校內的六本(其中三本在老師的桌上,另外三本在抽屜裡).¡La Fantoma!Patriot's Cookbook, 和 Tæles of Chivalrie技能書在展覽館Pete床上。

Related quests[]


  • 在抵達轟炸區的路上,你會遇到喬治,提供賭注如果玩家安全度過轟炸區。他開價300瓶蓋,如果交易技能過40,可以降為200。無論如何,用交易技能降低賭注無異於減少獎賞(600瓶蓋和400瓶蓋).
    • 當玩家安然從轟炸區返回喬治身邊, 如果口才過60, 可以威脅或撒謊說大炮族改變他們的轟炸範圍,逼使喬治加碼100瓶蓋。
    • 如果玩家賭300瓶蓋, 在不使用技能書情況口才過60,可以建議喬治將報酬提高到1000。如果使用技能書暫時提高口才,則只能依照先前的開價作加倍計算。
  • 你可以通過給傑克廢金屬以提高本地聲望,大概50個可以到崇拜。然後就可以直接作「飞得更高!」( Volare!)這個任務。(工作間有10個廢金屬)
  • 你可以搞定那個有小核彈的大炮族傢伙,因為他是可刷新角色,就可以無限領核彈,3-5天左右刷新。
  • 火線的廢墟里有二個兄弟會聖騎士,基本上你看到他的時候,他都已經掛了。他們在任務仍在黑暗中; one of them carries a statement that McNamara wants.
  • 基地東北角有一座墳墓,如果你呆在那,能聽到一個鬼魂的聲音,反反覆復低說「我要重生,我要復仇」
  • 一旦和基地有了交情後,你過火線就不會挨炸了,或者無論什麼人穿上基地的制服也能安全通過。不過,偶爾你可以看到基地的孩子通過火線時,依然受到炮火洗禮。
  • The VR simulators in the second hangar cannot be used.
  • With Veronica Santangelo as a companion during Pete's narration of the Boomers' history, 她会提起大炮族和钢铁兄弟会的相似之处。 The Boomers recognize her affiliation to the group.
  • If the player character tells the guard that they ran through the artillery field, people will comment on it.
  • With Cass as a companion, Boomers will walk up to her and say, "Whatever you're selling, we have plenty of it."
  • With ED-E as a companion, both Boomers and the Mister Gutsies in the base will comment "I can take care of your robot problem. Just saying."
  • Nellis has by far the most children in the game, with a total of eight.
  • There are patrolling Mister Gutsy units around the base.




  • 為了紀念威廉姆.哈勒.奈利斯中尉,奈利斯空軍基地以他的名字命名。奈利斯中尉是P-47「雷電」戰鬥機駕駛員,他在第二次世界大戰中著名轉折點亞爾丁戰役(又名突出部之役.1944.)中陣亡。
  • 奈利斯空軍基地是真實存在的。與遊戲內同樣擁有大規模太陽能板,供應基地大部分的用電。不同的是,現實裡基地位於拉斯維加斯的西北,靠近著名的「51區」,遊戲中的基地在維加斯以東。
  • The posters found for Nellis Air Force Base show an aircraft that bears a similarity to post World War II bombers such as the B-45 Tornado. This is in keeping with the style of the game.
  • A replica of the real world Nellis Air Force Base welcome sign can be found along side the South Gate. This sign shows a target, four triangular fighters and the words 「Testing, Training, Tactics」 and is nearly identical to the real world sign, only difference being 「Home of the Fighter Pilot」 does not appear.


  • Has platform::PCPC 門口的警衛會轉過身去,不理會你。[已验证]
    • 如果在柵欄附近攻擊警衛和Mr. Gutsys。。警衛可能會出問題,打不死。也沒別的警衛來給你開門了。解決辦法:站大門口,進入VATS模式,攻擊警衛的武器。用火箭筒的傢伙最容易攻擊,如果你成功了,進入戰鬥,你只需要收回武器,戰鬥就結束了。戰鬥一結束,無敵警衛就會定在原地,你需要他定在離門很近的位置,然後和他對話,遊戲就恢復正常了。
    • Has platform::PCPCThis can be fixed by opening the console (~), selecting the gate by left clicking it and typing unlock into the console. This will unlock the gate and allow the player character to walk in and initiate conversation with the guard, then proceed normally from there.
  • Has platform::PCPC Shelling may continue when near the Nellis fence and just inside the base. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 At times, the textures and layout maps fail to load correctly, leaving any character or robot that wanders into the afflicted area stuck in the ground if it reverts to normal. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC有個綠房子,大門上釘著木板,貌似可以互動,其實不然。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 如果你把基地大門打開,而不關上,孩子們就會跑出去,然後享受炮火洗禮。不過,這些小金剛是刀槍不入的,只不過一去不回而已。如果你和他們一起出去,就不會有炮擊,稍微離開他們幾步遠,炮彈就來了。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC At times, the guards at the front gate or in the guard towers will randomly attack, even at accepted status. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Boomers will pile up just inside the west entrance/exit door of the mess hall & munitions storage, vibrating and stuttering off of each other. Companions will be "lodged" inside the cluster upon entrance, and it takes several minutes for them to work free. Sometimes upon exiting, the Boomers will all "burst free" and exit at the same time as the player character and their companions, to then roam the base normally. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, after completing most or all of the quests for the Boomers and then making a trip back to the base, a random infamy gain will be incurred with the Boomers for no reason. None of the Boomers will be hostile, and no evidence or bodies of what could have happened can be found. It could possibly be caused by the completion of Heartache by the Number, and choosing to kill Alice McLafferty, which in turn can turn Janet from the Young Hearts quest (if she was brought to Nellis) hostile and force the Boomers to put her down at the player character's expense. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 By going near the base, discovering it, and leaving it without approaching the Boomer who was firing the missiles, Raquel will appear later at some point (usually after fast traveling) and ask the player character to meet Mother Pearl. They will then be forced to go back to the base with her to see Mother Pearl. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Female Boomers at Nellis may have facial hair, despite being female. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, nobody will ever come to the gate, leaving the rail tunnel as the only viable entrance. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 There is a howitzer near Raquel that sometimes when jumped on or walked over can send the player character flying into the sky, although it is enough height that when the Courier comes back down they will die.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Petes dialogue files