
Gametitle-FO4 AUT
Gametitle-FO4 AUT
My communications are down and I can't call them back, but I can tell you where they are. If you're interested.Mechanist

Rogue Robot is a radiant quest given by the Mechanist or 亞達 in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron.


  1. 機械大師或是亞達(如機械大師已死)交談。
  2. 前往指定地點。
  3. 消滅機器人。




Quest stages[]

30 Destroy the rogue robotAda has located another one of the Mechanist's robots. OR
Isabel has located another one of her Mechanist's robots.
200Quest finishedQuest Completed


  • 不像其他重複任務,這個任務在消滅目標後即自動完成,不須回報。
  • 不像其他重複任務,機械大師有時候會表示她暫時還沒找到新的目標,要玩家等等。之後再找她對話就可以接了。
  • 本篇遊戲的同伴除了羅伯特·約瑟夫·麥奎迪X6-88凱特狗肉以外,其他同伴都會喜歡玩家承接本任務。
  • 有时机器人会攻击村民。如果在它们杀死定居者之前将它们消灭,老冰棍可以招募定居者到指定据点(掠夺者据点除外),且无视据点人口是否已满,因此可以利用这一任务无限增加据点人口。据一些玩家提供信息,这种情况在赫根堡加油站、刽子手的小巷以及安德鲁车站最常遇到。有研究显示,如果玩家加入了民兵组织(可能需要推进任务到占领城堡,因为游戏中明确表示小黑是最后的民兵),这个任务中的居民会变成不可招聘的民兵。


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sometimes after killing the rogue robot, the quest will not complete and it will stay in the Pip-Boy. However, it is possible to talk to Ada or the Mechanist again, and after exhausting all other dialogue options, they will give you another quest which can be completed.[已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC Using the following console commands will resolve the issue:
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantAssault01
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantAssault02
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantAssault03_Min
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantAssault04_Inst
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantAssault05_BOS
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParent
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantScene01
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantScene02
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantTravel01
      • CompleteQuest DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantTravel02
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One You may have to talk to Ada or the Mechanist several times before their dialogue will suggest another rogue robot.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sometimes there will be no robots, or corpses of said robots, at the location, so the quest completes upon reaching the quest marker.[已验证]