

天啟追隨者(英文名:Followers of the Apocalypse), 或简称"追随者",是一個源自新加州的人道主义组织。追随者的重点是为有需要的人提供教育和医疗服务,以及在非军事领域进一步开展研究。他们曾经是新加州共和国的盟友,但由于在NCR的外交政策上存在分歧,他们后来分道扬镳。




最初,天启追随者是一个世俗的部落,在日辉城(前圣地亚哥)的郊区,由从该地区的避难所中出现的避难所居民组成。追随者最初是世俗的部落,在22世纪形成,在从日辉城迁移到晒骨场之后,由于邻近闪耀之地的缘故,一种疾病在居民中传播。[Non-game 1][4] 迁徙的艰辛经历,包括失去了妮可的父母,[1]导致她成立了晒骨场天启追随者组织。妮可希望通过分享知识和组成一个拒绝无谓杀戮的社区来恢复废土。[5]通过教育人类关于大戰的恐怖,追随者希望确保大戰的暴行永远不会再次发生。[2]最终,追随者们希望超越简单地限制暴力,走向创造一个没有战争和贫困的新世界,在那里所有人都能自由地分享知识、资源和思想。[6][Non-game 2]



放逐者摧毁了主教,清除了追随者扩张道路上唯一的障碍。追随者逐渐建立了对晒骨场的控制,作为高等教育和研究的中心。当新加州共和国成立时,这个羽翼未丰的民族国家加入了追随者的阵营。知识和教育的涌入有助于巩固两者之间牢固的关系。[Non-game 2]追随者们专注于他们的目标,最终,晒骨场成为了废土上第一个拥有大学的地方。学校由追随者提供人员和维护,将为任何愿意学习的人提供非营利性课程。[9]到2246年,追随者已经有了足够的资源和影响力,可以派出学者进行远征,收集知识,包括部落方言的信息。就在那一年,爱德华·萨隆的远征队被派往大峡谷,不可逆转地引发了一系列事件,最终导致了凯撒军团的出现。[10]

但有一段时间,一切似乎都井然有序。追随者和NCR之间的合作蒸蒸日上。麻烦始于莫哈韦战役的开始。2273年,一支由朱莉·法卡斯率领的追随者分队进入莫哈韦,协助共和国军队。总统亞倫·金博爾的计划迅速冷却了两者关系。[Non-game 2]内部分歧也加剧了两者关系的恶化。虽然追随者在共和国的土地上几乎垄断了教育,特别是高等教育,但该组织的一些成员对该组织以知识为中心的形象感到不满。[11]这最终导致了2275年的分裂,并由持不同意见的追随者组成了科学与工业办公室。他们专注于科学的实际应用,成为追随者的竞争对手,与NCR结盟,提供有竞争力的高等教育机会,尽管OSI的许多高管与追随者的理想接近。[12]NCR很快就断绝了与追随者的大部分联系,转而支持羽翼未丰的办公室。作为回应,一些追随者发起了一场运动,以削弱NCR在边境当地人中仅有的一点支持。[13]


FO01 NPC Nicole N


Julie Farkas



我们是多年前从内城区的晒骨场来的。从那时起,我们就把重建废土和对居民进行再教育作为我们的使命。我们希望通过分享知识和资源,打造一个没有战争和贫困的美丽新世界。我们的主要目标是思想的自由交流。朱莉·法卡斯, 2281

追随者们认为大戰是可以预防的,并努力提醒人们为什么首先发生大战,并确保大战不再发生。[14]核战争爆发期间,人类损失了许多东西,例如农业技术和基本生存技巧,追随者将其收集在一起,将这些被遗忘的知识拼凑起来,并将其带到了废土。[15][16] 追随者专注于知识的保存和恢复,包括科技和教育知识。他们也分享基本必需品,例如食物药品,而不是囤积它们。[17] 他们的最终目标是通过教育,研究和医疗服务逐步为废土塑造更美好的未来。[18]

在哲学方面,追随者结合了无政府主义的自愿联合、合作和平等原则,以及与和平主义惊人相似的对冲突的蔑视。当然,信仰者深知人性的缺陷,意识形态不能先于现实。[19]尽管如此,他们还是想给这片走向毁灭的废土带来和平。[20]追随者的具体意识形态差异很大,从无政府工团主义到社会主义,再到共产主义[Non-game 3]



追随者是一个高度分散的组织,等级有限。任何领导者都是非正式的,是根据他们的行为、专业知识和组织能力自然选出的。正式结构以一种有限的方式存在。上述中心和维护它们的管理员协调在该地区操作的追随者的活动[23]以及永久性的行动,如重建和救灾工作。[24]因为追随者们一直在寻找新成员,[25]他们可以根据当地行政人员的决定加入,或者成为正式成员(通常是在他们以某种方式帮助当地中心之后)[26]或者作为见习者。管理员可以为预备会员分配职责,包括初级档案管理员[27] assistant to a full member,[28]或编目战前未爆炸弹药收集新加州(如果准会员没有主要资格)。[29]



追随者为所有愿意学习的人提供免费教育,[9]作为他们哲学的一部分。[17]他们还通过中心和直接行动向有需要的人提供医疗支持和其他援助。当机会出现时,每个成员都被要求 – 而不是被命令 – 去帮助那些需要帮助的人。[18]Usanagi医生经营的新维加斯诊所是追随者尝试在更广泛的新維加斯地区提供教育和医疗服务的一个很好的例子。




作为一个从根本上来说的非营利的组织,追随者依靠各种服务来获取其业务所需的物资。在2181年至2281年之间的一百年中,追随者通过搜寻旧医院和医疗仓库,[37]以及各种捐赠,以换取他们服务的折扣。[38]慈善捐赠仍然是其资金和来源的主要来源,特别是在向不幸的人提供低成本医疗服务方面。[39]最好的捐赠规模是有能力的富人捐赠500瓶盖,[40] 尽管追随者会接受任何数额的捐赠,尤其是像医疗用品这样的物质捐赠。[41]

追随者也会出售一部分库存物资以资助其运作,但仅靠回收和捐赠不足以使其成为主要的资金来源。[42]因此,追随者非常愿意与当地提供者建立可持续的关系,例如向农场提供医疗服务以换取食物。更具体的资源,如允许追随者制造其业务和贸易所需医疗用品的原料化学品和酒類,很难获得,他们通常不得不为了更大的利益作出妥协。例如,在莫哈韦,他们可以被说服与当地的推动者合作 – 他们通常反对的人 – 维护他们的蒸馏设备,并以食物垃圾的形式提供入口。作为交换,他们将获得上述物资,使他们能够扩大服务和影响力,从长远来看,改善自由区居民的命运。[43]


最终,追随者希望自己和他们关心的人能够自我维持。这意味着只交易必要的原材料和制造他们需要的物资,特别是在药品方面。[46] Edu教育和改善基础设施有助于实现这一目标,就像当地居民能够自己获取食物和水一样,它可以释放追随者资源,然后将其分配给高优先级目标。[47]


FNV NVMed Clinic Ext









由得力于数十年的考察和研究,追随者在民用項目,包括农业,[59] 医疗,[60] IT,[61]机器人技术[62] 等方面拥有出色的知识和技术。













  • 輻射中的天啟追随者的结局中,只有他们被摧毁的那个是功能性的,因为获得积极结局所必需的任务尚未完成。他们没有在辐射2中出现,但在辐射:新维加斯中出现。
  • 该小组计划被纳入黑岛取消的范布倫,他们的生存在辐射圣经中被提及。[Non-game 6]
  • vault13.gam中的变量表明玩家原本应该能够站在大教堂之子一边,用走私到图书馆的炸弹摧毁他们。[69]这对应于未使用的角色,如Alisha,他将取代他们。
  • 另一个变量表明,妮可可能会让玩家角色潜入大教堂,而不是派遣突击部队。[70]
  • 在莫哈韦,追随者们在他们的医生外套上缝了一条缠绕在手杖上的蛇,这种设计起源于古希腊和罗马。它代表了希腊罗马医神阿斯克勒庇俄斯的权杖。
  • Joshua Sawyer评论了辐射:新维加斯中派系的缺点,分享了追随者最终承担了很多责任,他们倾向于过度投入,缺乏有效的组织导致了这些问题。尽管他们非常不信任NCR,但他们只能在NCR保持对莫哈韦的控制的情况下在自由城提供足够的服务。[Non-game 7]
  • Joshua Sawyer在辐射:新维加斯中出现的追随者是游戏中最左倾的派系,持有接近社会民主主义的哲学。[Non-game 8]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Vault Dweller: "{195}{}{What made you come up north?}"
    Nicole: "{214}{Nic_36}{There aren't many left down south. The radiation has polluted almost everything. Most of the remaining people followed us to start the organization.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{215}{}{How did your family survive?}"
    Nicole: "{217}{Nic_37}{We lived on the outskirts of the Great Glow. Sickness had started spreading, so we gathered all the people and we made our way north. [Sigh] That's when my parents were killed.}"
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Courier: "Who, Caesar?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Of course, Caesar! You can hardly even hold his men responsible, given how they're practically raised to worship him as a living deity. What's the point of surviving the war? Why did the founders of the Followers crawl their way out of vaults to bring knowledge back to the wasteland? So we could act like the last two thousand years didn't happen? Play dress up so we can fight ancient wars all over again? No way is he getting away with this. I'm not letting it happen. You're not letting it happen."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  3. See Arcade Gannon and Jerry the Punk
  4. The Vault Dweller: "{190}{}{Where did the Followers start?}"
    Nicole: "{193}{Nic_30}{Far to the south, near the Great Glow. The times were hard, but we managed to survive. We realized then the Great War must never happen again.}"
  5. The Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{So, you started the Followers of the Apocalypse?}"
    Nicole: "{196}{Nic_31}{After my parents were killed by a marauders, [sigh] it was time the killing stopped. It's our goal to make this land the way it used to be, before the war.}"
  6. The Courier: "Who are the Followers of the Apocalypse?"
    Julie Farkas: "We arose from the Boneyards of Adytum years ago. Since then, we have made it our mission to rebuild the wasteland and reeducate its inhabitants. We hope to forge a brave new world free of war and poverty by sharing knowledge and resources. Our primary goal is the free exchange of ideas."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  7. The Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{What can you tell me about the Followers?}"
    Katja: "{143}{}{The Followers of the Apocalypse are a group of peace-preachers who live in a large library near the heart of the Boneyard. Why they haven't been wiped out yet I can't say. They are lousy combatants and have no understanding of the real world, but other than that they are polite and well-educated.}"
  8. The Vault Dweller: "{323}{}{Do you have any suspicions about them?}"
    Nicole: "{185}{Nic_28}{A number of our spies have seen Nightkin coming in and out of the back room of the Children's temple. Something important is back there.}"
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Courier: "How did you rise to power?"
    Caesar: "Ironically, I was born a Profligate myself, a citizen of the NCR. My family lived not far from the great Boneyard. After Raiders killed my father, my mother sought the Followers' protection. I was two years old. She found work at their Library, cooking and cleaning. I learned how to read and soon I was taking courses, free of charge."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Courier: "What changed you from a Follower to dictator?"
    Caesar: "When I was 20, the Followers sent me East to Grand Canyon. It was my first expedition, just me and a physician named Calhoun. As an anthropologist and linguist, my assignment was to learn the dialects of the Grand Canyon tribes. What a fucking waste of time!"
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "So who *did* train you?"
    Thomas Hildern: "Before the bombs, I might have studied at any number of colleges, universities. They gave a man a chance to advance himself... or so I've heard. But after the bombs - until a few years ago - anyone with half a brain had one choice. The Followers of the Apocalypse. Didn't matter if you agreed with them or not. You either played along or you were turned away."
    (Thomas Hildern's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "Doesn't sound like a good place for a person of ambition."
    Thomas Hildern: "[SUCCEEDED] Exactly right. Imagine what the Followers could have accomplished if they were properly motivated... if they had a unified purpose! Those of us who founded the OSI... we wanted to put our knowledge to work. And we have, to some degree. But the execs at OSI Central... they're still bound to the old ideas. Society of equals, and all that. There's still too little direction. If I can make real breakthroughs here... show the what can be done when junior researchers are kept in line... kept focused on task... Who knows. Maybe I'll be sitting in OSI Central, in a few years time. And there'll be no more coddling of "free spirits" like our friend, Williams."
    (Thomas Hildern's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "Hildern mentioned the Followers of the Apocalypse..."
    Angela Williams: "My father used say good things about them, but that was years ago... back when they'd teach farmers and ranchers about crop rotation and the like. Nowadays... they've changed. They're doing what they can to discredit the NCR, give us a bad name with the locals. Dr. Hildern trained with them, years ago. Not me, though. I'm an OSI girl."
    (Angela Williams' dialogue)
  14. The Vault Dweller: "{192}{}{What are your goals?}"
    Nicole: "{113}{Nic_4}{We try to remind people why the Great War happened in the first place. And help insure it won't ever happen again.}"
  15. The Courier: "Tell me more about the Followers of the Apocalypse."
    Ignacio Rivas: "Humanity lost many things after the war. Methods of agriculture, techniques for survival. We took it upon ourselves to piece together this knowledge and bring it back to them."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "You were a Follower of the Apocalypse?"
    Caesar: "Oh yes, raised in that tradition. And the teaching stuck. I was taught it was my responsibility to bring the torch of knowledge to the wastes. I may have taken the torch part more literally than they intended."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  17. 17.0 17.1 The Courier: "What do the Followers believe in?"
    Usanagi: "We believe that technology for basic necessities, like food, water, and medicine, should be shared, not hoarded. We're also strongly in favor of proper education. I've come across more than a few "doctors" whose techniques came out of the back of a magazine."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Courier: "What does it mean to join the Followers of the Apocalypse?"
    Julie Farkas: "Our aim is to gradually shape a better brighter future for the wasteland. We seek to heal the planet through efforts not unlike the medicine and education we offer here in the Old Mormon Fort. All we ask is members and those seeking aid do their best to help those in need when the opportunity arises."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "Go on."
    Ignacio Rivas: "Other things weren't lost, but were blocked from our collective memory. Knowledge of what we're capable of, and how things spiral out of control. It's in our nature to want to forget truths that keep us awake at night. And for that reason it's all the more important that the Followers walk the wastes to remind people of them."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  20. The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{What do you worship?}"
    Nicole: "{111}{Nic_2}{We don't worship so much as follow a set of principles. We want to bring peace back to this wasteland. The world tends toward destruction, so we try to make a difference.}"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 The Courier: "Are you one of the Followers of the Apocalypse?"
    Usanagi: "Yes, I am. I received my medical training at the Angel's Boneyard Medical University back in the NCR. It's not a requirement to be a Follower to enter the university, but I believe in what they do, so I joined them."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 The Courier: "Where did you get your medical training?"
    Arcade Gannon: "The Followers taught me everything I know about medicine. Despite our humble abode here in New Vegas, we have great facilities back in the NCR. We may have over extended ourselves by setting up camp in Freeside, but the people here need help from someone. If not us, who?"
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "What is this place?"
    Julie Farkas: "The Old Mormon Fort serves as the regional hub for the Followers of the Apocalypse. I am the administrator for this region."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 The Courier: "What do you do here?"
    Julie Farkas: "The Followers of the Apocalypse aren't just interested in research. We care for our fellow man and do everything we can to help humanity. Here in Freeside, we provide food and medical services for those in need. We have also organized reconstruction efforts. With the help of Bill Ronte, we were able to install a water pump just west of here, but the Kings quickly took control of the pump."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  25. The Courier: "I met a kid who's unsatisfied with life in the Great Khans. Will you take him on as a Follower?"
    Julie Farkas: "We're always looking for new members. Does he have any particular talent?"
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  26. Induction of the Courier during Friend of the Followers.
  27. The Courier: "Well, he's a poet. Kind of."
    Julie Farkas: "Hmm. Well, I suppose we could always use another junior archivist in the library. All right, tell him we'll accept him as a probationary initiate."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  28. The Courier: "He's obviously a bright, sensitive soul, and he loves literature."
    Julie Farkas: "Excellent! Ezekiel's been after me to find him a new assistant for ages. Tell the boy we'll take him."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  29. The Courier: "None whatsoever."
    Julie Farkas: "Ah. Well... I suppose we could always find him a place. Maybe doing inventory on the Pre-War Unexploded Munitions Collection back West."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  30. The White Wash
  31. Fallout: New Vegas endings
    Note: Note: No ending has been confirmed to be canon.
  32. The Courier: "What do you do here?"
    Tom Anderson: "I'm with the Followers of the Apocalypse, and I help the locals in Westside grow crops. Unlike the NCR, the Followers don't expect anything back. The soil and the hot, dry environment don't make it easy, but we get by all right. We've even got our own food store, the Westside Co-op, complete with basic refrigeration."
    (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  33. The Courier: "Tell me more about the OSI."
    Thomas Hildern: "The Office of Science and Industry. That's a rather expansive topic. I could talk for hours, but I'm sure I'd bore you. Suffice to say, we are the leading edge of the NCR. Our work focuses on practical matters. Medicine, engineering, biology. The Dam, for instance. OSI routes its energy supply to our cities in the west. That's only one responsibility of this office."
    (Thomas Hildern's dialogue)
  34. The Courier: "Tell me about the Brotherhood of Steel."
    Robert House: "They're a terrorist group, basically. Militant, quasi-religious fanatics obsessed with hoarding Pre-War technology. Not all technology, mind you. You don't see them raiding hospitals to cart away Auto-Docs or armfuls of prosthetic organs. No, they greatly prefer the sort of technology that puts people in hospitals. Or graves, rather, since hospitals went the way of the Dodo."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  35. The Courier: "Who is Ezekiel?"
    Julie Farkas: "He's a member of the Followers like myself, but his particular field is pre-War history and tribal culture. I do recall him being fascinated by the Khans, he kept going on about parallels to some ancient historical empire or another."
    The Courier: "Where can I find this Ezekiel?"
    Julie Farkas: "He rarely stops in here these days - you'd do best to look for him out in the wastes east of New Vegas. He's always looking for new tribes to study."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  36. 36.0 36.1 The Courier: "What kind of research?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Oh, you know. Finding alternative treatments for common illnesses and injuries. Stimpaks out of barrel cacti and other fantastic improbabilities. As far as fruitless wastes of time go, it's quite noble in its aims."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  37. The Courier: "What's the goal?"
    Arcade Gannon: "For the past hundred years or so, the Followers have managed to get by using salvaged medical supplies from the Old World. But the side effect of medical success is that more people live longer. Funny how that works. Eventually, we'll run out of hospitals to loot. We need new ways to produce those supplies. Or maybe old ways, if this research goes anywhere."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  38. The Courier: "You need medical supplies?"
    Julie Farkas: "Rates of injury and illness in Freeside are very high. Supplies don't last long."
    The Courier: "What do you need?"
    Julie Farkas: "Med-X, Rad-Away, and Fixer are Freeside essentials. I can't pay you for any supplies you bring in, but I could discount the charge for our services."
    The Courier: "Seems like you need a steady supply, not just whatever I can grab for you."
    Julie Farkas: "So far the Crimson Caravan won't cut us a deal. If you can convince them or some other merchant to work with us, I'll discount supplies to you."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  39. The Courier: "Tell me about the clinic."
    Usanagi: "Everything you see is funded by the Followers of the Apocalypse. We rely a lot on charity to provide low-cost medical services to the less fortunate."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  40. The Courier: "Can I make a donation to the Followers?"
    Usanagi: "Of course! We prefer bulk donations of 500 caps - it's apparently a lot easier on the accountants, for some reason."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  41. Short-Term Treatment
  42. The Courier: "Do you sell anything here?"
    Usanagi: "I have reserved a small part of my supplies for sale. The profits go directly to the purchase of additional supplies to help the less fortunate."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  43. The Courier: "I think I found someone who will be able to cover your supplies."
    Julie Farkas: "That's phenomenal! Who did you find?"
    The Courier: "The Garret Twins."
    Julie Farkas: "They supply Freeside with drugs and liquor. From my point of view they're just better-organized pushers. Upgrading their stills would increase their supply of liquor and chems. How does that help Freeside?"
    The Courier: "You get your chems and can help anyone who gets addicted."
    Julie Farkas: "True, we could help addicts, but the cycle of addiction, recover, and relapse would remain."
    The Courier: "With a surplus of supplies, you could use your caps and influence to expand."
    Julie Farkas: "Good point. We wouldn't be paying anything for their supplies, just a portion of our food waste to make ethanol. We get food from nearby wasteland farmers in exchange for medical services, so we could put our caps back into helping Freeside. Tell the Garrets we'll keep their stills running if they provide us with supplies. Thank you for arranging this. You've been a godsend."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  44. The Courier: "Seems like you need a steady supply, not just whatever I can grab for you."
    Julie Farkas: "So far the Crimson Caravan won't cut us a deal. If you can convince them or some other merchant to work with us, I'll discount supplies to you."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  45. The Courier: "Is there anything I can do to help?"
    Julie Farkas: "There is always something needing done. A few souls here in Freeside could be great assets to the community, if they'd kick their addictions. We need to get a regular supply of medicine organized, but the Crimson Caravan wants too many caps for what we need. Lastly, tensions between the townies and NCR tourists have been going downhill fast lately. A lot of innocent people will get hurt if things blow up."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  46. The Courier: "Tell me about Jacob."
    Julie Farkas: "The Garrets hooked Jacob on chems when he was working for them. Ironic, since he used to homebrew detox chems. He's a natural chemist."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  47. Bill Ronte's installation of the water pump is an example of this in practice.
  48. 48.0 48.1 The Courier: "Do the Followers work together with the NCR?"
    Ignacio Rivas: "We did, for a time. But our goals differ. The NCR only cares to expand their wealth and their reach. For us, territorial boundaries mean nothing. And prosperity has to be for everyone, not just citizens of the NCR. So a parting was inevitable. While the NCR pushes east, we clean up the mess they leave behind. Try to provide some stability."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  49. The Courier: "I think the Followers should support NCR in the coming battle at the dam."
    Julie Farkas: "Why should we support the NCR? Their continual operational incompetence gets their soldiers killed, and they hold a monopoly on water in the mojave."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  50. The Courier: "War."
    Ignacio Rivas: "That's... an unfortunate mistake. As a Follower of the Apocalypse, I've studied it all my life, but I'll never understand how people don't foresee what lies ahead on that path."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  51. The Courier: "Peace."
    Ignacio Rivas: "That's reassuring, although many who've made that claim to the Followers of the Apocalypse over the years have had less than pure intentions. But if it's really as you say, then take my advice. This installation carries with it dangers that no one here has realized. Take care what you do here, and who you listen to. Some things are best left buried with the old world."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  52. Squatter: "I see you prefer the company of anarchic cultists to civilized peoples."
    (Squatters' dialogue) Note: This line is spoken to the Courier when Arcade Gannon is in their party.
  53. The Courier: "Julie Farkas told me to ask. She said it was important."
    Elizabeth Kieran: "You know Julie? Not everyone in the NCR sees eye-to-eye with the Followers, but they're okay in my book, mostly because of her. If you really want to know, we sent an envoy to the King offering to coordinate the relief effort."
    (Elizabeth Kieran's dialogue)
  54. 54.0 54.1 The Courier: "Are the Followers part of the NCR?"
    Usanagi: "We've worked with them in the past. The NCR became too focused on things like patents and profitability, so the Followers go their own way now. The NCR and the Followers have a cool relationship at the moment. We see them as oppressive, and they view us as anarchists."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  55. The Courier: "I'm looking for something that could inspire the Great Khans. Know of anything like that?"
    Julie Farkas: "The Great Khans? Oh, you mean those raiders that used to clash with the Vegas tribes? Yes, some years back we taught them reading, writing, basic science - we hoped they would use it to make medical supplies, but they turned to drugs. I was never much involved in the cultural side of that project, but Ezekiel was."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  56. The Courier: "I'm in the Brotherhood of Steel."
    Ignacio Rivas: "The Brotherhood? I never thought I'd say it, but I'm glad you're here. I'm a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, and for once we might want the same thing. This place houses technology beyond anything I've seen. I'm afraid it could be dangerous if either of the warring factions here learns how to use it."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  57. Fallout: New Vegas endings
  58. The Courier: "I think the Followers should support an Independent Vegas through the coming battle at the dam."
    Julie Farkas: "Why should we support Vegas? They've locked Freeside out of the city and do nothing to help their neighboring townsfolk."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  59. Tom Anderson in Westside
  60. Services provided by Usanagi and Julie Farkas
  61. The Moon Comes Over the Tower
  62. ED-E My Love
  63. New Vegas Medical Clinic
  64. Usanagi: "Welcome to the New Vegas Medical Clinic. I'm a fully qualified physician and can fix whatever is wrong with you for a reasonable fee. If you've got the caps, I've also got several implants available to enhance your physical attributes."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  65. The Courier: "Corporal Betsy from First Recon will be coming to you for mental treatment."
    Usanagi: "Mental trauma can be just as debilitating as physical injuries. Fortunately, I'm well-qualified in such treatment. I'll make time in my schedule."
    (Usanagi's dialogue)
  66. The Courier: "Why are you here?"
    Ignacio Rivas: "I'm a visiting scholar. Solar power technology may be important to our future and I was sent to research it."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  67. The Courier: "What more is there to this place than a power plant?"
    Ignacio Rivas: "I don't entirely know. Our records on the company that built this place suggest that their dealings were not only in energy, but also in weapons. And I've seen equipment here marked with symbols used by the Pre-War military. Targeting computers. Shock sensors. A codeword comes up repeatedly in the papers I've looked through here. ARCHIMEDES."
    (Ignacio Rivas' dialogue)
  68. "During the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Great Khans quickly evacuated Red Rock Canyon and headed north and east into the plains of Wyoming. There, they reconnected with the Followers of the Apocalypse and rebuilt their strength. Bolstered by ancient knowledge of governance, economics, and transportation, they carved a mighty empire out of the ruins of the Northwest."
    (Fallout: New Vegas endings; Slide 15: Great Khans)
  69. Vault13.gam: "DESTROY_FOLLOWERS  :=0; // (129) // did the player deliver the bomb?"
  70. vault13.gam: "FOLLOWER_STEALTH_HELP  :=0; // (62) // did the Followers offer to sneak player in Children of Cathedral?
    FOLLOWER_MACHO_HELP  :=0; // (63) // are Followers going to attack Children of Cathedral?"


  1. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.84: "The Followers of the Apocalypse: A small group of peace-lovers from San Diego. They are enemies of the Children of the Cathedral, and may provide help and information to the player."
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42: "Followers of the Apocalypse
    Originally, the Followers of the Apocalypse (also known simply as "The Followers") were a secular tribe formed in the Boneyard, with a purpose of educating humanity about the horrors of the Great War, and never to repeat those atrocities again. Forgoing preaching in favor of medical treatment and charity. When the Master died, they controlled the Boneyard with the help of the then-embryonic New California Republic, and accompanied a contingent of the NCR into Nevada, settling in an Old Mormon Fort, close to Freeside where they can save the wretched, and tend to those down on their luck. They take in stragglers of many creeds and colors, including the last few Enclave remnants. Despite the historic name of the place, there are no serious fortifications—just fences and gates with a few armed Followers inside."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  3. "The Followers of the Apocalypse: Libertarians, socialists, communists, or greens?"
    Joshua Sawyer: "They vary significantly, but range from anarcho-syndicatists to socialists to communists. Their general tendency to be inclusive and non-hierarchical means they don't have a single outlook or 'platform.'"
    Josh Sawyer Formspring answers
  4. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.154: "Followers of the Apocalypse: The Followers are former hippies who migrated here from San Diego. They believe in peace."
  5. Fallout Official Survival Guide p. 84: "The Followers of the Apocalypse: A small group of peace-lovers from San Diego. They are enemies of the Children of the Cathedral, and may provide help and information to the player."
  6. Fallout Bible: Question: "Another thing. While FO1 ending animation suggests Hub is destroyed, it still seems to exist. Has it been rebuilt, or did it survive, no matter what was said in FO1 ending? In latter case, is there a chance Followers of Apocalypse also survive?'"
    Answer: "The Hub survived F1, and last word was the Followers of the Apocalypse also survived, using their knowledge to help the Blades of New Adytum."
  7. Joshua Sawyer: "At least in Fallout: New Vegas, I think it's easier to find fault in what they don't do than in what they do. They tend so much toward anti-authoritarianism that they have weak internal hierarchies and a lack of clear or unified direction. In the White Wash, Anderson's activities may or may not have been noted by other Followers, but even if they were, he doesn't have a "boss" and the Followers don't have any commonly accepted methods for dealing with rogue agents. Similarly, when Edward Sallow became Caesar, he essentially just sent Bill Calhoun away and there wasn't anything he or the other Followers were prepared to do about it. In the F:NV endings where the Followers wind up with a lot of responsibility, their tendency to over-commit, and their lack of efficient organization result in a lot of problems. Even though they heavily distrust NCR, they are only able to provide adequate services in Freeside in an ending where NCR maintains control of the Mojave."
    (Josh Sawyer on Formspring)
  8. Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream (reference starts at 3:12:32)
    Joshua Sawyer: "'Any plans for a communist faction in New Vegas?' No, the Followers of the Apocalypse are probably the most 'left' you could get. And they're more like social-dem, I would say, personally."