The Big Dig is a side quest in Fallout 4.
- 在室內與芭比對話。
- 加入挖掘行列。
- 解決出現的三隻泥沼蟹。
- 與芭比對話。
- 在鑽石城與芭比會合。
- 幫梅爾離開監獄。
- 招募梅爾。
- 與團隊在挖掘現場會合。
- 與團隊在地下室會合。
- 離開地下室。
- 進去金庫。
- 選擇幫助芭比或是幫助菲倫海特。
房間裡充滿了鎮長的心腹。玩家隨後可以選擇說服芭比離開並投降、殺死所有守衛並留下芭比或者背叛芭比並為鎮長殺死她。 (如果玩家角色穿著有鎖定HUD效果的頭飾,那麼菲倫海特和她的手下會自動敵對,迫使玩家殺死他們。如果在完成任務後仍然穿著頭飾,芭比也會立即敵對。)
Quest stages[]
- 要解鎖漢考克成為同伴就必須完成本任務。
- 通常情況下,芭比會打開門上的槽,並在玩家靠近門時開始交談(不需要與門進行互動)。如果僅存者已經在漢考克的僱傭下調查皮克曼畫廊,那麼這可能不會發生,並且與門的互動只會顯示需要鑰匙。
- 當試圖通過放出保護者來殺死鑽石城警衛時,保護者可能無法獲勝,特別是如果守衛等級高的情況下,例如玩家50等。然而,在這種情況下,與梅爾交談,然後退出警衛室到鑽石城,將繼續推進任務到“招募梅爾”的階段。返回警衛室後,唯一倖存者將在牢房外找到梅爾,而衛兵不會敵對。
- 在梅爾的機器人在牆上開出第一個洞後,直走到一個沒有門,有著核融合核心的房間。那裏的牆機器人可以爆破,在它後面,玩家將遇到一個泥沼王和一套不完整的等級化動力裝甲。梅爾會告訴唯一倖存者回到剛剛那個房間試試看另一堵牆。那座牆位於房間的西南方,芭比會解釋其通往儲藏室。
- 如果玩家穿上了動力裝甲,但在任務結束前退出,芭比或梅爾可能會穿上它,這樣就拿不到那副動力裝甲骨架了。
- 地下室有兩條路線:一條充滿泥沼蟹,另一條則是屍鬼。後者的起點可以通過站在地鐵站的夾食物機前面,並在核口可樂販賣機附近觀察左側的牆壁找到。兩條路線之間有個脆弱的牆壁,桑妮雅可以打通這條捷徑。
- 在到達最後一個脆弱的牆壁後,唯一倖存者必須與梅爾交談並選擇“我準備好”的對話選項,就算對牆按激活鍵可能也不起作用,對話完後桑妮雅將爆破牆壁。一旦最後一面牆被炸毀,就無法返回挖掘現場。
- 這個任務也可以透過一起隨機事件觸發,當一個流氓接近你並講述一些輕鬆賺錢的事。他會指向芭比,並開啟任務。
- 在爆破金庫的地板後,可以直接略過芭比和菲倫海特的談話,直接從對角的門出去,然後發現NH&M貨運倉庫的位置,如果還沒探索過的話。這會允許玩家快速旅行返回並有更充足的時間,例如觸發涉及漢考克的另一個任務。(如果本任務完成有可能導致無法觸發該任務)
- 凱特、壯壯和麥奎迪不喜歡玩家說服芭比離開。然而,凱特和麥奎迪喜歡背叛或支持芭比(意即非中立的選擇)。嘎抓、居禮、派普和尼克·瓦倫坦喜歡說服芭比,但如果說服失敗而背叛她則不喜歡;在說服失敗後立即射擊芭比可以阻止這一點。丹斯不喜歡背叛或幫助芭比。
- 在漢考克鎖定的火車車廂內,裡面睡袋旁邊的架子下有一組字母積木,拼出“漢考克(Hancock)”。
- 如果激活地鐵站的夾食物機,梅爾會評論說他不會相信任何保存200年後還看起來完好的東西。
- 在金庫之前的最後一個房間裡,有著放射桶躺在地上,芭比會說“it's no flesh off my face”,但人類夥伴應該遠離輻射。
- 在和平解決對峙,通過口才檢查將沒鼻子芭比送回家後,在任務完成前,有兩個保鑣都會一直留在現場,對玩家沒有敵意。
- 任務的名稱靈感來自現實波士頓的大開挖計畫,這是一項大型公共基礎建設計畫案,內容核心為高架橋地下化。該計畫以其巨額的工程款和通車後不久即出現死亡事件而聞名。施工期間挖掉的土壤囤積在奇觀島上並用來填在昆西採石場。
- 在地鐵車廂內找到的四個字母積木拚寫出Gary,是致敬了108號避難所的Gary複製人。
- setstage ms16 15 to forcefully skip this stage of the quest. If this does not work then replace 15 with 20, 25 or 30. To open the door that requires a key to unlock, use console command unlock (It may be hard to "target" the door in the console, try using setscale 0 to verify you have the door targeted and not a dust cloud, setscale 1 to undo). This can be solved by using console command and entering
Bobbi may not initiate conversation through the door, preventing the Sole Survivor from continuing the quest.[已验证]
- tcl to toggle clipping off, walk through the wall and kill the mirelurk. Use tcl again to turn clipping on again. An explosive may also work.[已验证] One of the mirelurks during the "Exterminate the Mirelurks (0/3)" part may get stuck behind the first destructible wall and be unreachable, thus making it impossible to continue the quest. Try to leave the room, talk to Bobbi, and re-enter. Alternatively, reloading an earlier save before entering this stage of the quest will fix it. If you're playing on PC, you may use console command
- Mel might be released just when you enter or leave the Diamond City Security building, without the player having undertaken any action to free him. [已验证]
- After pickpocketing the guards and freeing Mel, Mel may become unresponsive and the quest will not be able to be completed. This can sometimes be fixed by reloading multiple times, and waiting for Mel to leave the security office before the player.[已验证]
- 11fc2e.moveto player to teleport her to you.[已验证] Sonya may occasionally get stuck in walls or objects during fights, terminal accesses and other events, preventing her from removing walls. You can walk into her to move her, reload an earlier save or leave and re-enter the tunnels to get her out again. If playing on PC, you can enter
- Mel may disappear along with Sonya during the quest, making optional walls unable to be destroyed. Activating walls related to the quest will have the walls reappear.[已验证]
- When asking to break a wall, Mel will call Sonya but it will just make a quick turn and stop completely, no matter what. Saving, quitting and then reloading can fix this.[已验证]
- When trying to break the final wall, activating it will make Mel glitch and unresponsive. Shoot Mel and then talk to him to resume the quest.[已验证]
- When trying to break down the final wall, it is not able to be knocked down. Instead, talk to Mel to knock it down.
- If this does not work, you can also use the disable command in the console to disable the wall. Alternatively, using tcl in the console will allow you to walk through the wall. The NPCs will follow you through.
- When entering the strongroom, the option to open the door may disappear, making it impossible to enter. Reloading your game from the main menu usually solves this problem.[已验证]
- After killing the guards, Bobbi and Mel will become unresponsive and the quest will not be able to be completed. Reloading an earlier save may resolve this issue.[已验证]
- Virgil's Cure [已验证] At several points in the strongroom, Bobbi (and sometimes Mel) or Fahrenheit and her men may suddenly become hostile. The cause may lie with the targeting HUD power armor upgrade. To prevent this from happening, get out of the power armor before entering the strongroom. This bug also appears in
- When siding with Bobbi No-Nose she may become unresponsive after opening the train cart and only say "Let me check it out first" without ever going to it. To fix it just leave the safe house and re-enter it.[已验证]
- Sometime Mel will disappear or Sonya will get stuck, a simple workaround is to run back to the entrance and stare at any wall for a bit and they will reappear/get unstuck.[已验证]
- On the last door, Mel and Sonya tend to break, and will not remove the wall. (PC: Works to leave the tunnels, go back to the last room and then sleep for a hour (sometimes))[已验证]
- The door to the strongroom may be bugged preventing the player character from entering. [已验证]