
不是吗?凯撒的代表则讲述了一个不同的故事。大汗帮的荣耀将会恢复,一旦NCR被赶回加州,从这里到科罗拉多的所有土地都将是我们的。父汗, 辐射:新维加斯

大汗帮(英文名:Great Khans)是2281年间莫哈韋廢土中的掠奪者部落。他们是可汗帮的第三个化身。大汗帮是莫哈韋中唯一一支真正有组织的掠奪者,与他们的战士文化相符合,男女都可以在战斗中坚持自己的立场,无论是打斗还是枪战。然而,作为一个部落,大汗帮只是他们以前的影子。他们的人数和士气都因一系列的屠杀和流离失所而遭到破坏。在他们位于红岩峡谷的岩石据点,他们靠贩毒和偶尔的突袭或拾荒工作为生。[Non-game 1]





凭借着他们的战斗力,统治技巧和追随者提供的专业知识,大汗帮成为了废土上最有组织的部落,并且实际上成为了它的统治者。[3]然而,他们的霸权不会持续太久。当羅伯特·豪斯2274年发现NCR侦察兵在大坝,他移动到新維加斯,结束部落冲突,建立他的统治。他让部落在他的庇护下经营自己的赌场。他把所有效忠他的部落都赐给了他们(莫哈韋 靴骑兵莫哈韦的食人族粘滑族裔) 武器, 彈藥,药品和其他必需品,从而形成了三大家族。这些家族,尤其是黑手党[11],与可汗帮交战。寡不敌众,武器匮乏,可汗帮最终被击败[12],先是被赶回北维加斯,然后被完全赶出维加斯,迫使他们定居在苦泉镇[13][3]


新加州共和国到达莫哈韦时,可汗帮继续着对他们的商队、城镇和营地进行掠夺的传统,因为多年来他们似乎都很容易下手。[14]2278年间发生了变化。在第一次胡佛大坝之战和击败军团兄弟会之后,新加州共和国几乎无可匹敌。大汗帮袭击仍在继续,但绑架并杀害了四名士兵[Non-game 2],影响了在共和国有很大关系的定居者[15]导致了NCR的报复在后来被称为苦泉镇大屠杀的事件中,NCR对可汗帮的大本营苦泉镇发动了袭击。当主力被发现后,可汗帮疏散了他们的孩子、老人和体弱多病的人[14]通过他们唯一的逃生通道,Red Pass[16]。NCR第一侦察营驻扎在峡谷的尽头,杀死了所有逃跑的无辜民众。[17][18]

幸存的大汗帮被NCR军事当局允许在红岩峡谷重新定居,不受干涉。[19]为了创造收入来源,可汗在荒凉的峡谷里建立了一个药物实验室。到2281年,这个实验室生产的药物形成了他们的经济基础,提供了在荒凉的峡谷中无法获得的急需的基本生活必需品,那里没有食物,几乎没有水,什么都没有。[20][Non-game 1]不幸的是,毒品交易摧毁了他们与他人之间的友好关系,因为这些毒品已经到达了维加斯西部的几十个村庄,[21]多亏了他们对土地的了解,使得运送货物和逃避NCR的愤怒变得容易。共和国不愿意直接解决这个问题,因为进攻红岩峡谷无论在金钱还是兵力上都要付出高昂的代价。[8]留在峡谷外的可汗帮残余对共和国发动了一场绝望的游击战,进一步消耗了他们的补给。[22][23]




卡尔私下里鄙视大汗帮,认为他们不配成为军团的一员,是次等战士。[31]他完全相信大汗帮必须先被消灭才能让他们就范。[32]可汗帮对此毫不知情,他们也不知道还有什么别的办法可以继续前进。他们正在灭绝,他们的敌人每天都在向他们发动攻击。成为凯撒的精英军团的梦想是诱人的,以至于可汗帮对被军团吸收的现实视而不见。[Non-game 1]







Red Rock Canyon arena


为了成为可汗帮,或从童年到成年,如果一个人出生是可汗,[38]必须通过一系列入会仪式,[39]最后以被击倒为高潮。一众可汗帮聚集在启蒙者周围,并殴打他们整整一分钟。[40]如果初入者请求宽恕,他们将被取消资格,但如果他们存活下来,他们将被允许成为一个完全成熟的可汗帮。随之而来的是选择一个新名字。[38]这些入会仪式对这种团体感至关重要。他们是为了展示每个可汗帮的韧性,可能会留下疤痕 - 这是每个熬过难关的人的骄傲。[39]














大汗帮在信使与他们的整个过程中使用了非常随机的武器组合。虽然大多数大汗帮都吹嘘自己强大的力量,但很少有人使用近战武器作为主要武器,只有里吉斯和Chance。在较低的等级,大汗帮使用10mm9mm冲锋枪,在较高的等级,他们使用狩猎左轮手枪trail carbine镇暴霰弹枪。他们可以使用自己的军械库,包括一个reloading bench工作台,这表明可汗帮至少能够制造一些自己的武器。




# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Great Khan end slide 01
几代人被打倒后,大汗帮终于被信使打垮了。那些避开信使之怒的少数人向北迁移,进入爱达荷州的荒野,在那里他们再次尝试东山再起。 杀死父汗里吉斯
Great Khan end slide 01
第二次胡佛大坝之战后,大汗帮曾一度返回红岩峡谷。事实证明,NCR对扩张的迫切需要超出了其大赦的承诺,不久政府决定大汗帮必须离开。幸存的大汗帮被重新安置到NCR贸易路线以北的一个孤立、贫瘠的保留地。 说服父汗与凯撒军团解除联盟,在为了共和国,第2部分中让里吉斯替代父汗,并完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Great Khan end slide 01
由于支持NCR,大汗帮被胜利的军团无情地追杀。凯撒销毁了他们在红岩峡谷存在的所有证据,并禁止在任何历史中提及他们的名字。大汗帮的遗产很快就被遗忘了。 说服父汗打破与凯撒军团的联盟,完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服
Great Khan end slide 02
作为对他们忠诚服务的奖励,凯撒强行将大汗帮整合到军团中。老弱病残被杀,妇女被卖给上级军官作为妻子,部落的身份被消灭。尽管许多大汗帮为他们部落的死亡哀悼,但更多人最终以他们对NCR的报复感到满意。 不要说服父汗打破他与凯撒军团的联盟,完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服。
Great Khan end slide 01
在将军团赶出莫哈韋廢土之后,胜利的NCR将注意力转向了那些与凯撒结盟的人。大汗帮是最早遭受这种命运的部落之一,在胡佛大坝幸存下来的少数被驱赶到北方,进入爱达荷州的荒野。 不要说服父汗打破他与凯撒军团的联盟,完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Great Khan end slide 03
在胡佛大坝之战期间,大汗帮迅速撤离了红岩峡谷,向东北进入怀俄明州的平原。在那里,他们与天啟追随者重新建立了联系并重建了他们的力量。 在古代治理、经济和交通知识的支持下,他们在西北的废墟上建立了一个强大的帝国。 说服父汗打破他与凯撒军团的联盟,但不要用里吉斯取代他。之后,说服父汗,大汗帮应该拥有自己的遗产。这个结局与所有4个结局任务兼容,如果两个条件都满足,则将覆盖其他任务。
Great Khan end slide 03
在胡佛大坝自杀式的最后一战之后,大汗帮不再作为一个部落存在。少数幸存的成员分散了,加入了莫哈韦的其他部落和帮派,并很快忘记了他们的遗产。 完成豪斯先生孤注一掷或独立新维加斯的没有神,没有主人,或者让父汗相信部落没有真正的遗产。







  • 这个部落的文化是建立在成吉思汗统治下的蒙古战士的基础上的。
  • 这个部落还借鉴了美国机车亚文化,这种文化在70年代末到90年代初萌芽,包括加利福尼亚的蒙古MC,它启发了最初的可汗帮。


  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you convince Papa Khan that his people should claim their own destiny, the game can regard this as if you killed them all instead. NPCs will remark that "I heard the Great Khans got massacred at Red Rock Canyon; no survivors this time," and relevant dialogue will be the same as if the Khans had all been killed.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 It has been reported that at Nellis Air Force Base, after trying to convince the Boomers to aid the NCR, coming out of Pearl's shack there were two generic Great Khans.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When trying to complete the Why Can't We Be Friends? quest, the dialogue option needed from Papa Khan may not show up especially if you are near the end of the Oh My Papa quest.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When completing and turning in the portion of the 药品生意 quest that involves the delivery to Motor-Runner when already "Idolized" with the Khans, the player may gain reputation with them, but somehow be cycled back down to "Accepted." This may be related to keeping the Khans faction uniform on when handing the quest in.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 After killing Oscar Velasco in the side quest Climb Ev'ry Mountain, the player might find three Great Khans watching over them while they sleep. Three different Great Khans will appear at each bed and will not move or interact with the player. When talking to them, they will say 'Hi' and nothing else. Their appearance is probably due to the player's Great Khan reputation going down after murdering one of their clan; however, no attempt is made by them to attack or confront the player.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 A Great Khan may run up to you at any place in the Mojave and try to enter conversation but will not say anything. The screen zooms into her face and zooms back out. This may interrupt resting times as well, except when resting at places such as the Lucky 38 presidential suite.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Three Great Khans may come with the Courier through the elevator to the presidential suite one day seemingly at random, after completing Oh My Papa and convincing the Great Khans to leave Red Rock Canyon. They wander around and interact with any companions that are staying in the Suite.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 After becoming the leader of the Great Khans, the armorer in the Great Khan armory will stop selling you weapons and the option to engage in trading will not even show up.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 The Khans will also spawn in areas that don't accept them (behind the Securitrons at the Strip Gate for example), this will generally result in them engaging whomever is hostile to them.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 During fast travel or when waiting, one, two, or three Great Khans will appear - even in NCR camps. This bug is related to reputation combination for Great Khans. The bug occurs consistently and repeatably when Great Khan reputation is Mixed, Unpredictable, Soft-hearted Devil, Dark Hero or Wild Child. (Fix on PC: use console to set fame/infamy so reputation is not one of the problem reputations.)[已验证]



  1. Novac terminal entries; terminal, Message: Khan Hospitality
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Courier: "Tell me about Papa Khan."
    Regis: "Papa is one of the best leaders the Khans have ever had. He's kept us together through all of our hardships, ever since we left California. Bitter Springs changed him, though. He started to really hate the NCR after the Massacre, and sometimes I worry that's poisoned his mind."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The Courier: "Maybe you could give me the short version."
    Papa Khan: "In a hurry, are you? Very well then: The Great Khans came east out of the NCR 14 years ago. We ruled the Wastes, then, and called no man master. But we underestimated the Families of the Strip, and they drove us back to Bitter Springs, where we remained until the NCR arrived and drove us here."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Courier: "I'm looking for something that could inspire the Great Khans. Know of anything like that?"
    Julie Farkas: "The Great Khans? Oh, you mean those raiders that used to clash with the Vegas tribes? Yes, some years back we taught them reading, writing, basic science - we hoped they would use it to make medical supplies, but they turned to drugs. I was never much involved in the cultural side of that project, but Ezekiel was."
    (Julie Farkas' dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Courier: "How'd you get into this business?"
    Jack: "Guess I just had a natural talent for it. When I was a kid, these cats called the Followers of the Apocalypse came to our camp. They knew all kinds of kooky scientastical stuff, so I ate up all the chemistry they could teach. Diane had the head for business, so we teamed up."
    (Jack's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "What do you know about the Great Khans?"
    Bitter-Root: "They're scum. Lazy, trumped-up Raiders. Most of the time, they're drunk or high, and when they're not shooting chems, they're selling them. Used to have a settlement up at Bitter Springs, 'til they pissed off NCR and got slaughtered for their trouble. Lot of us got killed at Bitter Springs. Lot of them, I mean. My parents died, too."
    (Bitter-Root's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "You don't really mean that, do you?"
    Bitter-Root: "Don't I? Mister, you never met my parents./Don't I? Beg pardon, ma'am, but you never met my parents. My dad, he got himself fucked up, every chance he got. Always started with folk for no reason. Hell, he was the one who taught me to shoot. You know how? By taking potshots at NCR. And not just soldiers. Civilians, too. Even kids. Then he'd get high with his buddies and swap tales about the folk they killed. Bunch of animals. And my mom... couple times she tried to sell me to some waster, just to score some Jet. Even the other Khans said she was useless. Only reason they kept her around was because she was a... how'd my dad say it... "a smokin' piece of ass.""
    (Bitter-Root's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Courier: "What can you tell me about the Great Khans?"
    Dhatri: "We know they supply the Fiends with illegal chems, but they never stick around in NCR territory for long. They know the land, and move quick. There's talk from time to time about taking out their base at Red Rock Canyon, but nothing ever comes of it. The Great Khans are tough fighters. If we ever did go up against them on their home turf, we'd win, but casualties would be high."
    (Dhatri's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "What's going on in Westside?"
    Motor-Runner: "I try to keep my people out of Westside. Apart from trying to stay on good terms with the Khans, who do business there. There's Mean Son of A Bitch. That fucking mutant is more trouble to kill than to avoid. Having someplace for my people to sleep reduces the chances of drifting into Westside."
    (Motor-Runner's dialogue)
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Courier: "What is it you do here?"
    Diane: "We keep the Great Khans from falling apart, essentially. Jack manufactures the chems, I organize the runners and the shipments."
    The Courier: "So you're drug dealers?"
    Diane: "We're supplying things people want in exchange for things our tribe needs. Don't judge us."
    (Diane's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "What can you tell me about what's going on around the Strip?"
    Receptionist: "It's hard to believe that not too long ago most of the families on the Strip were little more than warring tribes. The Omertas even had a big war with the Khans, once upon a time."
    (Gomorrah Recptionist's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "How did the Three Families defeat you?"
    Papa Khan: "They allied with Mr. House, the self-proclaimed master of New Vegas. He supported them with the resources of New Vegas: weapons, technology, caps. They were better equipped, and we could not stand against them."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "Tell me what you know about the Great Khans."
    Yes Man: "They've been kicked around a lot, but no one's finished them off! Not yet, anyway!"
    The Courier: "How have the Khans been kicked around?"
    Yes Man: "They were one of the tribes the Three Families pushed out of Vegas! A whole bunch got killed! So they settled at Bitter Springs, but they kept being so obnoxious, the NCR had to kill a whole bunch more of them! So then they settle at Red Rock Canyon! There's just no getting rid of them!"
    (Yes Man's dialogue)
  14. 14.0 14.1 The Courier: "What happened at Bitter Springs?"
    Papa Khan: "When the NCR came to the Mojave, we thought they would be easy pickings. We raided their caravans, their towns, their camps - they couldn't stop us. At least, that's what we thought. They tracked us to Bitter Springs and surrounded us. When our children, our sick and old, fled through a nearby pass, the NCR gunned them down."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  15. Boone: "This is the place. We got sent from Camp Golf, looking for some Khans who'd been making trouble with one of our settlements. I guess one of the settlers was connected, because we sent everything we had. We figured this was a gang hideout, but... they'd led us to their home."
    (Craig Boone's dialogue)
  16. Boone: " Canyon 37. That's what the NCR calls the pass down there. It was the Khans' only escape, so we set up here to guard it while the main force attacked from the front. Standing orders were to shoot on sight."
    (Craig Boone's dialogue)
  17. The Courier: "Any idea why a Great Khan would be so far from Red Rock Canyon?"
    Gilles: "About three years ago, NCR's 1st Recon launched an attack on the Khan encampment here. There was a communication mix-up that resulted in some noncombatants being killed. I guess he was still bitter about it. It was a tragic mistake, but we've done all we can to make amends."
    (Gilles' dialogue)
  18. The Courier: "It was a Great Khan named Oscar Velasco. His family was killed by the NCR, and he wanted revenge."
    Gilles: "Ah. I should have expected as much. There's still a lot of bad blood between the Khans and the NCR, ever since the incident here."
    The Courier: "What incident?"
    Gilles: "About three years ago, this canyon was the main encampment for the Great Khans. NCR's 1st Recon tracked them here after a raid and made an attack. There was a communication mix-up that resulted in some noncombatants being killed. It was a tragic mistake, but we've done all we can to make amends."
    (Gilles' dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "Like what? It looks to me like the NCR ran the Khans out of Bitter Springs altogether."
    Gilles: "We provided medical aid to the wounded - all the wounded - and permitted the Khans to resettle at Red Rock Canyon."
    (Gilles' dialogue)
  20. 20.0 20.1 The Courier: "Tell me a little about the Great Khans."
    Diane: "I'll spare you the history lesson - talk to Papa Khan if you want to hear that story. Things have been rough for a while now, even with Jack working all the time and my runners making deliveries daily we're barely getting by. Maybe this alliance with Caesar will help, but I don't know."
    The Courier: "Why are things so tough?"
    Diane: "Red Rock Canyon isn't exactly the most hospitable place - there's no food, barely any water, and nothing anybody wants. We used to send patrols out to acquire supplies, but ever since Bitter Springs there just aren't enough of us left."
    (Diane's dialogue)
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "These boys and girls can really down the bottles."
    "Whiskey and liquor don't last long around here, by the sight of it."
    "Wonder if any of these folks would be up for shots of courage - and a wager."
    "Be *really* careful what you say here."
    "Should have heard stories of the Khans years ago - they were one tough bunch, now..."
    "Khans lost their strength after Bitter Springs, came here to lick their wounds."
    "Let's not split up here, all right?"
    "Don't take any chems here - hell knows what they're laced with."
    "Won't trade with Khans - they've poisoned most of the villages west of Vegas with chems."
    "Fiends would suffer withdrawal and die without the Khans."
    "Place would be beautiful... without the chem addicts and dealers."
    "Even the flies here are chemed."
    "God, you can smell the Brahmin shit from the jet all over this place."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue) VCassLocationRedRock
  22. The Courier: "Take revenge on the people actually responsible: Go attack Camp McCarran."
    Oscar Velasco: "You're right. A Khan's vengeance should be direct and bloody. No more skulking in caves - I'll remind the NCR why they feared us!"
    (Oscar Velasco's dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "The Khans won't be a problem to anyone ever again."
    Cassandra Moore: "Good riddance. We've had reports for years that they're the ones who supply the Fiends with chems, but no one's done anything about it. In any event, no one will miss them. And I've got another mission for you."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 The Courier: "Who do you sell to?"
    Diane: "We make regular shipments to a lot of settlements around the Mojave - a lot of our business comes from the Fiends lately. Personally, I think they're kind of creepy, but Papa likes the fact that they get hopped up on Psycho and harass NCR patrols."
    (Diane's dialogue)
  25. The Courier: "What does the Legion want with the Great Khans?"
    Karl: "Though they have been cruelly oppressed by the NCR, the Khans remain great warriors. The Legion is honored to have such allies in battle."
    (Karl's dialogue)
  26. 26.0 26.1 The Courier: "What's your role in Caesar's Legion?"
    Karl: "I am one of the frumentarii: it is my duty to scout the Wastes in Caesar's name and make contact with any tribes that might serve a useful purpose. You might say I'm somewhere between a scout and an ambassador. I'm assigned here as part of the alliance between the Legion and the Great Khans."
    (Karl's dialogue)
  27. The Courier: "Caesar is only using you, he doesn't actually care about the Great Khans."
    Papa Khan: "Doesn't he? Caesar's representative tells a different tale. The glory of the Great Khans will be restored, and once the NCR is pushed back to California, all the land from here to the Colorado will be ours. I won't hear any more talk against Caesar or his alliance. The Great Khans will answer Caesar's call to war, and the NCR will pay for their crimes."
    The Courier: "Do you really think Caesar is going to restore your tribe to glory? You'll be made slaves."
    Papa Khan: "Hah! The Great Khans will not be slaves. Caesar himself has promised us the land from here to the Colorado and the freedom to raid as we see fit. I won't hear any more talk against Caesar or his alliance. The Great Khans will answer Caesar's call to war, and the NCR will pay for their crimes."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  28. The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Karl: "My name is Karl. Glorious Caesar has sent me as an emissary to the Great Khans as a token of our alliance."
    The Courier: "What alliance?"
    Karl: "In exchange for great Caesar's promise of all the lands west of New Vegas, the Khans have agreed to fight alongside the Legion when the time comes."
    (Karl's dialogue)
  29. 29.0 29.1 The Courier: "What about Melissa?"
    Regis: "Ah, Melissa. She's a bit of a dreamer. Last time she was in camp, Karl filled her head with stories of serving the Legion as a speculatore. Personally, I've never seen a woman in Legionaire's armor, so I have my doubts."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  30. 30.0 30.1 The Courier: "Regis says I should talk to you about speaking against the Great Khans' alliance with Caesar."
    Melissa Lewis: "You can ask, but why would I do that? Karl's told me all about life in the Legion! He says I've got all the makings of a speculatore."
    The Courier: "Did he also tell you women aren't permitted to serve in the Legion?"
    Melissa Lewis: "What? No, he... what do you mean, aren't allowed to serve? Why would he lie about that?"
    The Courier: "If the Great Khans join the Legion, you'll be sold as a slave. An officer's wife, if you're lucky."
    Melissa Lewis: "That lying little weasel! I almost fell for it, too! All right, you've got a deal. You can tell Papa I won't support an alliance."
    (Melissa Lewis' dialogue)
  31. 31.0 31.1 The Courier: "What do you think of the Great Khans?"
    Karl: "They're a tribe of fine warriors, with many proud traditions and a glorious history. They will be worthy additions to the Legion."
    The Courier: "I've been wondering why you don't petition the Khans for membership as a show of allegiance."
    Karl: "[SUCCEEDED] Join? Oh, no, I simply couldn't. That is... I'm not worthy of such an honor."
    The Courier: "But surely a warrior in service of glorious Caesar is the equal of any tribe's finest?"
    Karl: "[SUCCEEDED] Of course I am! That is to say, Caesar has many fine warriors, and I wouldn't wish to compare them to the Great Khans."
    The Courier: "Because you know they'd come up lacking?"
    Karl: "[SUCCEEDED] Enough! How dare you compare Caesar's finest to this tribe of savages? The mightiest Great Khan is scarcely a match for a Legion recruit! The Burned Man would leave their mightiest shitting themselves in terror! I would... Uhhh, that is...."
    (Karl's dialogue)
  32. 32.0 32.1 The Courier: "You should look at this. It's Karl's journal, and it's very revealing of his true opinions."
    Papa Khan: "Let me see that... "filthy savages? Probably have to decimate the lot of them?" Are these the words of our "friend," Caesar? Great Khans! Drive Caesar's dog out of our camp! If he's too slow to flee, kill him!"
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  33. 33.0 33.1 The Courier: "So what do I do?"
    Regis: "Papa can be a stubborn man, but he's not a tyrant. He listens to his tribe, and to four voices in particular: me, Jack and Diane, and Melissa. If you can convince all of us that allying with Caesar is a bad idea, you might be able to sway him."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  34. The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Regis: "Name's Regis - I'm Papa Khan's advisor and right-hand man. I'm also the chief enforcer of the tribe's laws - so watch your behavior."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  35. The Vault Dweller: "One of your followers told me."
    Garl: "I hate it when they do that. I will have to make that loudmouth pay for his crimes. After I finish up with you."
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  36. Papa Khan: "I understand you dealt the NCR a crushing defeat at Forlorn Hope. I hope that trend continues. That's why I've made a decision: I'm naming you my heir. When I die, leadership of the Great Khans will pass to you."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  37. The Courier: "I don't want that kind of responsibility."
    Papa Khan: "Then when I die, you can pass control of the Great Khans on to Regis. For now you are my heir, and will be accorded the honor of that position."
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  38. 38.0 38.1 The Courier: "So your name... it comes from Bitter Springs."
    Bitter-Root: "In the Khans, you're not fully grown 'til you've taken a beat-down. Everybody gathers round and hits you until you're damn near dead. After that - if you haven't begged for mercy - you get to choose a new name. One you'll use for the rest of your life. When NCR slaughtered the Khans at Bitter Springs, I hadn't got my beat-down yet. I was still too young. Way I see it, Bitter Springs was my beat-down. So afterward... I gave myself a name. It's all I've got from the Khans, and it's all I ever want."
    (Bitter-Root's dialogue)
  39. 39.0 39.1 The Courier: "How did you end up joining the Great Khans?"
    Melissa Lewis: "It wasn't easy. There's a lot of initiation rituals to go through, and I've got the scars to prove it. But, in the end, I was tough enough to be made a member. Proudest day of my life."
    (Melissa Lewis' dialogue)
  40. The Courier: "What is this initiation?"
    Jerry the Punk: "Everybody has to do it. Well, everybody who wants to be a Khan, anyways. They toss you into the ring there and beat on you for a solid minute. If you survive, you're in."
    (Jerry the Punk's dialogue)
  41. The Courier: "That doesn't sound so bad."
    Jerry the Punk: "Sure, maybe not if you're some hulking reprobate like Regis or baked to the gills like Jack. I've tried five times and still haven't made it."
    (Jerry the Punk's dialogue)
  42. "After the majority of the Vault 19 Powder Gangers joined the Great Khans, the weaker members scattered throughout the Mojave Wasteland. Though a few managed to erase their pasts, most never survived the journey."
    (Powder Ganger endings)
  43. The Courier: "Why don't you go there and find out?"
    Jerry the Punk: "I don't know. I mean, I'd go myself, but what if they said no? The Khans wouldn't take me back, and then I'd have nobody."
    (Jerry the Punk's dialogue)
  44. The Courier: "What's going on in Westside?"
    Motor-Runner: "I try to keep my people out of Westside. Apart from trying to stay on good terms with the Khans, who do business there. There's Mean Son of A Bitch."
    (Motor-Runner's dialogue)
  45. Why Can't We Be Friends?


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43: "Great Khans
    The Great Khans are the only truly organised band of raiders in the Mojave, and as befits their warrior culture, men and women both can hold their own in a fight, whether a brawl or a shootout. As a tribe, however, the Great Khans are but a shadow of their former selves, their numbers and morale ravaged by a series of massacres and displacements. From their rocky stronghold at Red Rock Canyon, they eke out a living by drug-trafficking and the occasional raid or salvage find.
    Since the Bitter Springs massacre, the tribe has aspired to little more than survival and isolated, petty acts of vengeance on the occasional NCR citizen or deserter. The arrival of a Legion emissary, Karl, has changed this. Papa Khan, the tribe's leader, wants to believe Karl's assurances that the Great Khans will be absorbed intact by the Legion, assuming an honored place as one of its elite cohorts. To lead the assaults on Hoover Dam and the Vegas Strip would make for fine acts of vengeance. The rest of the Great Khans are not so convinced.
    Much as they want to exact revenge on the NCR and Mr. House's Three Families, they know that they lack the strength to do so. Indeed, they believe it is only a matter of time before their enemies track them down, and that the Great Khans would be unlikely to survive such a confrontation. The looming conflict between Caesar's Legion and the NCR and the message from Karl offers the possibility of a new way forward."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.458: "2278 Following the abduction and killing of four soldiers, NCR troops assault the Great Khans' settlement at Red Rock Canyon and massacre several dozen men, women, and children. This event goes unreported in NCR press."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide; Behind the Bright Lights & Big City) Note: The Guide states that Red Rock Canyon, rather than Bitter Springs, was attacked by the NCR.