

大教堂之子教会(英文名:Children of the Cathedral)是新加州的一个宗教组织,秘密地为主教的变种人邪教同一服务。他们将自己呈现为一个仁慈的宗教运动,并通过提供医疗服务渗透到废土社区,然后利用这些安排来支持主教的军队,并将潜在的皈依者送到大教堂[4] 该组织由墨菲斯管理[Non-game 1]作为同一的公众形象,通过引导人类文化来缓解权力的过渡。[5]



大教堂之子的起源存在于一个以墨菲斯为首的末日邪教中,该邪教于2152年被同一军队占领,并承诺为主教的事业服务,形成了大教堂之子的核心。[Non-game 3]

大教堂之子在2156年正式成立,因为主教看到了建立一个仁慈的宗教在废土上传播他的教义的好处,作为倡导者,渗透者,以及同一的第五纵队。传教士们慢慢地散布在废土上,充当着他们的眼睛和耳朵。[Non-game 1]他们的权力基地建立在洛杉磯避難所之上,隐藏了同一在现场的行动。[Non-game 4]虽然墨菲斯因与大墓地开膛手的关系而臭名昭著,但大教堂之子成功地隐藏了他们的出身,躲避了窥探的目光,尤其是天啟追随者[9]


大教堂之子在2162年3月3日被摧毁,因为放逐者暗杀了主教,大教堂被核火吞没。[Non-game 2]幸存的教徒逃离他们的医院,加入了在废土上撤退的同一残余部队。在随后的几年里,一些人逃到了丹恩城,许多人在途中自杀,因为无法忍受他们的领袖去世。[12]





当然,就像任何一个强大而有影响力的派系一样,大教堂之子吸引了各种各样的人。一端是该组织的首领,大祭司墨菲斯,他被认为是一个腐败的机会主义者,[Non-game 5]还有许多被大教堂用作士兵的暴徒。[17]大教堂之子还雇佣枪手,为他们提供食宿和现金,以换取他们的保护。[18]不需要相信大教堂的信条。[19]




MTG Acolyte foil crop




Trinity Test - 1945

"圣火象征着旧世界的死亡和新世界的开始。它是决定生死的力量。还有什么比这更值得崇拜呢?" --桑代克

另见: Glossary of Children of the Cathedral terms


  1. 使地球焦灼的核武器是神圣的,因为它们摧毁了旧世界的邪恶和堕落(详情见美国中國)。[28]通常被描述为正义,[29] 因而他们称呼核武器为圣火,带来旧世界的死亡和新世界的新生。[30]
  2. 人性本身是有缺陷的,这让人类变得恶毒、暴力和愚蠢。这导致了邪恶和贪婪的自我延续,[31]导致了分裂和冲突。[32]
  3. 被冲刷的星球的重生可以通过接受主教(第二次圣火)的全部来完成。跟随他的光,用无私取代自私,[33]净化不忠的人,重生的纽带就会到达,[34][35]让地球重生,让人类繁荣。[36]这将是所有人在一个旗帜下的统一,而不管他们的种族、性别或其他个人特征 - 并把不忠的人从世界上清除。[37]这种同一将把教徒提升到更高的生活水平。[38]

对主教作为圣火或夜神[6]的崇拜是教徒的共同元素,会被用来复仇、保护、宽恕和报复 - 要么是主教的头衔,要么是圣火。教徒的敌人也会以主教的名义被杀,为了信仰,为了坚信"必须用敌人的血来滋养的信念"。[39]

那些在为教徒服务的过程中进步得足够远的人,能够直接学习一些同一将被带入存在的方法: 有价值的仆人会在病毒桶变成超级变种人。虽然流失率很高,但产生的变种人比普通人更大、更强壮、跑得更快 - 最重要的是,远离了在普通人中造成如此多冲突和痛苦的恶习。[40]






FO01 NPC Morpheus N

"同一是我们对更高层次生活的追求,是我们与同胞的统一。" --神父墨菲斯





面对逆境的毅力是关键。简恩认为,教徒可以通过坚持和努力完成任何事情 - 如果需要的话,可以动用军事力量。虽然和平解决是可取的,使其他人在没有暴力的情况下加入,但那些抵抗的人将受到旨在摧毁他们的激进十字军东进,这是大教堂之子事业的障碍。[48]


另一方面,神父拉舍尔更关注个人发展,而不是服务。变异不是因素: 每个人的出生都是父母DNA的突变,每个人都是突变体: 重要的是,他们被引导在一条道德和富有成效的道路上。[49]道德的进步可以通过痛苦来实现,痛苦是宇宙中最具启发性的力量。这些忠实的信徒将被打碎,然后重新塑造成主教旨意的工具。[50]忍受痛苦可以净化心灵,防止颓废和安逸,促进在恶劣的废土上生存所必需的进化。[51]那些死于痛苦的人是必要的牺牲。[52]

拉舍尔的哲学并不专注于简单地忍受身体上的痛苦。正义也是通过斗争、创伤和恢复而获得的,直到一个人毫不犹豫地接受了主教的真理。[53]达到这种境界的奖赏是奉献。在那之上是洗礼,终极的荣誉,通过忍受痛苦、获得智慧和履行服务来完善自己: 痛苦是知识,智慧是服从,服务是勇气。最后,拒绝了毁灭人类的光,并向所有人平等的黑暗承诺自己。[54]






有能力的人会被提升到可以帮助社区的职位,[56]作为一个有序社会的一部分,让所有人都能在最适合自己的角色中脱颖而出: 雄蜂,士兵或女王。[57]



她哲学的顶点是她所认为的和平的悖论: 任何斗争都要付出代价,最大的斗争必然付出最大的代价。[64]这场斗争是一种义务,对你自己和你的孩子来说,是一种改善你生活的义务。以世界的悲惨状况为借口而放弃这种责任,是怯懦的表现。[65]


Fo1 Cathedral Front


大教堂之子教会最引人注目的努力是在废土上的聚落建立了医院网络,以通常费用的一小部分在废土上提供希望和一些最好的医疗服务。[66][67] 他们的服务在废土居民中很受欢迎,特别是当他们以低得多的成本达到当地医疗服务的质量时。例如,垃圾城莫彼得医生失去了他所有的生意,因为他自己的商业行为和价格欺诈。[68]



  • 这些大教堂之子在整个新加州的医院里都能见到。其中最大的一个位于中樞市,他们取代了赤紅商隊办公室,提供免费治疗和简恩,中枢市行动的负责人,是德克的暗杀目标。
  • 一个较小的诊所是由两个大教堂之子在大墓地运作,提供完整的治疗以换取固定百分比的瓶盖
  • 另一家诊所出现在垃圾城,在莫彼得医生的车库旁边,以极低的价格提供治疗服务。
  • 大教堂之子控制的最重要的位置是大墓地内城区南部。大教堂是其运作的中心,居住着邪教的主要成员: 墨菲斯, 拉舍尔, 医生, 当然,还有洛杉磯避難所主教



那时,大教堂之子享受着高质量的生活。大教堂是运动的中心,是一个干净、完全适合居住的地方,有食物、水和药品,有自己的发电机,工作电源,修复的Mach IV电脑,为该组织的资深成员提供舒适的住所。[73] 此外,夜行者提供的保护是无与伦比的(除了钢铁兄弟会的突击圣骑士),这是由天然的超级变种人耐力,高端武器和提供给大教堂和拱顶守军所有成员的标准发行隱形小子的组合实现的。[74]




  • 在最早的13号避难所时间轴中,大教堂被命名为城堡,相应地,邪教被称为城堡之子。
  • 最早的教徒,DumarZack Barstow似乎已经被用作脚本和消息文件系统的测试平台,Dumar的“脚本”文件只是一个未编译的纯文本文件,而Zack两者都有,但脚本文件也有硬编码的对话选项。GENINT.INT文件表明离散命名初始化的想法很快就被放弃了。
  • 在早期的设计中,在城市重新概念化之前,大教堂之子是晒骨场的第五股力量,因为激烈的地盘争夺战而分裂。在开膛手利刃帮之间,被内城区困住,天啟追随者在场边。大教堂之子将被分成几个等级,从初学者开始,然后他们可以成为学者,传播同一的教义,或者由长老领导的文士。[75]
  • 教徒将对追随者发动一场秘密战争,并最终在没有玩家干预的情况下征服他们(可能取决于希瑟]间谍情节的解决方案); 她的文本文件也充满了为翻译人员提供的上下文解释),与新人Ronald, Caroline, Myles, Alisha, Thomas, Gabriel, Charlene, Ekdar, Hopper, 和Radek领导进攻。学者TheslinSlaterauanutEikenkoffSpikavarVaraloneQuinonosZiegliffJonesSmithe出现在追随者的总部偷取情报。[76]
  • 大教堂之子侦察兵和守卫也会出现在晒骨场,对玩家的行动做出反应(如清理开膛手),并将他们引导到Orfeo,一个大教堂之子晒骨场特遣队的高级成员。[77]尽管人们普遍认为奥菲奥是墨菲斯的早期化身,但墨菲斯早在1995年2月就已经有了概念,[78]并且脚本清单都说明他与奥菲奥无关。[79]
  • 超级变种人也将是一支独立的力量,由Uthern领导,包括Thinker Nightkin,超级变种人侦察兵,[80]和普通的超级变种人,他们也会出现在追随者的图书馆里,偷他们的书。有趣的是,这些是低智商的变种人,但仍然被描述为夜行者[81]
  • 最终设计中也有删减的内容:大教堂之子最初将逐渐在城市中传播他们的影响力,从内城区到沙蔭市建立诊所。所有这些功能都被取消了,只剩下垃圾城的诊所。[82]



  1. COC badge: "A badge in the shape of the Children of the Cathedral symbol. (...)"
  2. Vault Dweller: "{1010}{}{Order}"
    Laura: "{1110}{laura85}{They are the high priests.}"
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Order}"
    Morpheus: "{1105}{MORP55}{We are the high priests of the great Dark God. Thirteen of us are so blessed to pass his mighty words to the rest of the Children. }"
  4. The Vault Dweller: "{109}{}{Tell me more about the Children and the Followers.}"
    Caleb: "{132}{}{Well, the Children of the Cathedral all live in this big black church-type building. They have some sort of big god, an' they go around tryin' to convert people to their cult.}"
  5. The Vault Dweller: " {1004}{}{Hub}"
    Jain: "{1104}{JAIN304}{Like many other cities, they will embrace the moral leadership of the Cathedral.}"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Vault Dweller: "{1016}{}{Cathedral}"
    Loxley: "{1116}{LOX_82}{Now there's a scary bunch. They strut around all day talking about their Night God, as if he's the next best thing since merchant pockets with holes. They can heal you up pretty cheap. I'll give'em that. You can find'em in that hospital of theirs downtown.} "
  7. PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout): "{COC Badge}"
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{150}{}{Where did the Children come from?}"
    Nicole: "{165}{Nic_22}{They showed up around the same time we did, but no one knows how they came about. We've heard rumors that their leader, Morpheus, was part of the Rippers before he was 'enlightened' by their Dark God.}"
  10. The Vault Dweller: " {111}{}{A hospital?}"
    Julio: "{113}{}{The Children of the Cathedral run a small hospital here in the Hub. They seem like a decent bunch.}"
  11. Nicole: "{144}{Nic_16}{The Children of the Cathedral. We believe in bringing peace to the land, but there's some things that just can't be helped.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{145}{}{What do you mean? What did they do?}"
    Nicole: "{147}{Nic_17}{Ever since the Children showed up, anyone who doesn't believe in their vision disappears. They say that they are here for peace, but we know differently.}"
  12. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{So, tell me what you know about the Master.}"
    Leanne: "{144}{}{Well this might take a bit. Be a gentleman and buy me a drink, wouldn't you please? Not whiskey though, Nuka-Cola please.}"
    The Chosen One: "{147}{}{Sure.}"
    Leanne: "{149}{}{Thanks. Now let's see... I remember my mom telling me about this huge migration that happened 70... or was it 80 years ago...}"
    The Chosen One: "{150}{}{Please, go on.}"
    Leanne: "{151}{}{Really big mutants with weapons as tall as you and me came from the south. Mom said it looked like a big migration of some sort.}"
    The Chosen One: "{152}{}{How many?}"
    Leanne: "{153}{}{Don't know, but there were multiple groups of them. Some would continue north, others headed east. No one knew where they were going.}"
    The Chosen One: "{154}{}{Go on.}"
    Leanne: "{155}{}{They were quite upset and seemed to be fleeing from something.}"
    The Chosen One: "{156}{}{Really?}"
    Leanne: "{157}{}{Yeah, there were also others in dirty, tattered purple robes... they kept babbling about how the Master was dead...}"
    The Chosen One: "{158}{}{Interesting.}"
    Leanne: "{159}{}{Some of them even committed suicide right here in town!}"
    The Chosen One: "{160}{}{So?}"
    Leanne: "{161}{}{Well don't you see. They were talking about the Master, the one your ancestor killed.}"
    The Chosen One: "{162}{}{Thanks for the story.}"
  13. Jain: "{163}{JAIN27}{Blessings of the Holy Flame to you, my Child.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{Who's the Holy Flame?}"
    Jain: "{183}{JAIN202}{There is no one greater then the Holy Flame and we are His servants.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{184}{}{Really? Wow. So, what's the reason for someone to join your order?}"
    Jain: "{136}{JAIN14}{A lifetime of contentment. Fulfillment in the knowledge you're working to rebuild the planet and make a better place for those that follow.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{137}{}{Sounds very interesting, could you tell me more? I seek fulfillment.}"
    Jain: "{148}{JAIN20}{You are in the right place for spiritual fulfillment. The Children of the Cathedral seek a peaceful resolution of our world's problems and could use your help.}"
  14. 14.0 14.1 The Vault Dweller: "{262}{}{How does one become an initiate?}"
    Viola: "{254}{}{You should spend several weeks of meditation and fasting here, and then approach one of the elders. Or you could volunteer for service work.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{255}{}{I've noticed some of your people in other towns...}"
    Viola: "{304}{}{We perform many services for people. Healing the sick, feeding the hungry, teaching the young. I am quite proud of them. If you corner Father Morpheus, he may be able to tell you how to get involved with our hospices. Farewell, friend.}"
  15. The Vault Dweller: "{126}{}{I'm looking for large quantities of liquor. I'd like to remove them from the premises . . .}"
    Francis: "{137}{}{My goodness! Alcohol and chems here! You must be mistaken. The Master would never tolerate it. He wants all of his followers to keep their minds healthy and pure.}"
  16. Thorndyke: "{159}{}{I am a healer, not a moneylender. The Cathedral sees to my needs, so I might see to the needs of others. Now, let me see to your injury, shall we?}"
  17. Children with real attitudes, Ton, and others are a prime example.
  18. Guard: "{103}{}{What do you want?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Tell me about your work.}"
    Guard: "{110}{}{I'm a hired hand. If anyone bothers these space cadets, I kill em. You got a problem with that?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{What are you making?}"
    Guard: "{143}{}{Room and board and not much else. These religious types are cheap!}"
    (Guard's dialogue)
  19. The Vault Dweller: "{105}{}{What's this place about?}"
    Guard: "{117}{}{Something called a Holy Flame. Don't listen to this bullshit, it'll rot your brain!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{119}{}{Man, are these people ever stupid!}"
    Guard: "{147}{}{Yeah. It's a good thing that they aren't paying me to agree with them. Holy flame, my ass!}"
    (Guard's dialogue)
  20. The Vault Dweller: "{133}{}{How much?}"
    Thorndyke: "{148}{}{There were a few wise ones among the ancients who believed virtue is its own reward. That is my belief as well. Perhaps if more people shared this opinion, there would have been no need for the Holy Flame… Forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please excuse me.}"
    (Thorndyke's dialogue)
  21. The Vault Dweller: "{121}{}{Where did these guys come from?}"
    Guard: "{148}{}{I dunno. I can tell you one thing, whatever you can say about the religion, they're not amateurs. They came in and organized this place like clockwork. This isn't just another band of mindless zombies.}"
    (Guard's dialogue)
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{What did they do to you?}"
    Dane: "{198}{}{Dumped me in chemicals, filled me full of holes, played loud noises for me. That sort of shit. Tried to make me into something I'm not. Parents do that all the time.}"
  23. The Vault Dweller: "{165}{}{What's going on around here?}"
    Dane: "{170}{}{This is the baptismal. They make Servitors here. When acolytes have been indoctrinated, they bring them here and they go through the process. A few of them survive . . .}"
    "{171}{}{Most lose their minds, but they're still useful. They throw them downstairs, rant at them about the Master and walk around in a stupor. You've seen the zombies. Great slave labor -- and soldiers . . .}"
  24. The Vault Dweller: "{1003}{}{Sanctum}"
    Morpheus: "{1103}{MORP53}{Don't concern yourself with that. Only the High Priests may enter. }"
  25. Francis: "{135}{}{I think that's one of the Inner Mysteries that the priests discuss upstairs in the Inner Sanctum. I have not been privileged enough for that revelation yet, but I'm working at it!}"
  26. The Vault Dweller: "{1009}{}{Lasher}"
    Morpheus: "{1109}{MORP59}{He is another High Priest. He spends much of his time in the studies. }"
  27. Jain: "{101}{JAIN00}{Why do you disturb an elder of the Cathedral?}"
  28. Vault Dweller: "{197}{}{If the Holy Flame is so great, why don't you want to see it all the time?}"
    Thorndyke: "{194}{}{The old world was filled with evil and decadence. The Holy Flame destroyed it. We can either fear the Holy Flame, or worship it and attempt to understand it. The Children have chosen understanding. Although we do not wish to see the Holy Flame unleashed again.}"
  29. The Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{War}"
    Jain: "{1100}{JAIN300}{It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice.}"
  30. Vault Dweller: "{196}{}{Worship? The Bomb? What's so great about a bomb?}"
    Thorndyke: "{204}{}{The Holy Flame is a metaphor for the death of the old world and the beginning of the new. It is the power of life and death. What is more worthy of worship than that?}"
  31. Vault Dweller: "{140}{}{What have you learned?}"
    Thorndyke: "{176}{}{I have learned we are a spiteful, violent and stupid species, unworthy of the Holy Flame. I have seen greed and evil everywhere. And unless we do something drastic, we shall be burned by Holy Flame again…}"
  32. 32.0 32.1 Viola: "{109}{}{I'm glad you came to talk to me. I heard what you said to Laura. You mustn't do this.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{What do you think I'm going to do?}"
    Viola: "{151}{}{Attempt to take the key to the secret entrance from Morpheus and kill the Master.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{152}{}{Why wouldn't I want to do that?}"
    Viola: "{166}{}{Because the Master is a necessary evil. Because somebody has to unite the world, and he's the only one in the area who has a chance to unify it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{Why?}"
    Viola: "{179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{183}{}{And why is the Master the best one to lead us?}"
    Viola: "{202}{}{I've looked at the locals. The Brotherhood of Steel and the Children of the Apocalypse just want to be left alone. The Hub thinks they can buy the world - what a pack of fools! Only the Master has the strength to do what must be done. Think about it!}"
  33. 33.0 33.1 The Vault Dweller: "{261}{}{I was wondering what the Cathedral is all about.}"
    Viola: "{247}{}{We have very similar interests. You have slain monsters and brigands and made the world a safer place. We plan to do the same, on a larger scale.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{248}{}{What sort of scale?}"
    Viola: "{288}{}{As large as possible. The world is in chaos. It needs order, or it will not survive. We will bring order, and prevent the monsters from hurting it again, as they did in the Apocalypse. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{249}{}{Who are the monsters and brigands that you're planning to slay?}"
    Viola: "{289}{}{Those who would let their selfish desires oppose the better good of humanity. The Apocalypse was caused by human selfishness. If the world is to survive, this madness must be purged from the human heart. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.}"
  34. The Vault Dweller: "{1001}{}{Master}"
    Jain: "{1101}{JAIN301}{There is no Master but the Holy Flame. He is our master, He is the Master of all.}"
  35. The Vault Dweller: "{1007}{}{Holy}"
    Jain: "{1107}{JAIN308}{The Holiest of Holies. He is the guiding light we follow. He shall cleanse those unfaithful when the Nexus of Rebirth is reached.}"
    (JAIN.MSG) Note: The same reply is offered to the query "Flame" (node 1010) at node 1110.
  36. The Vault Dweller: "{1002}{}{Cathedral}"
    Jain: "{1102}{JAIN302}{The will of the Holy One brings a rebirth to the planet. We are His Children and carry out His plan.}"
  37. The Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Unity}"
    Jain: "{1108}{JAIN309}{It is the uniting, by the Holy Flame, of all people, of all races and the cleansing of the heathens from this world.}"
  38. The Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Unity}"
    Morpheus: "{1108}{MORP58}{The Unity is our search for a higher level of life, and unity with our fellow man. }"
  39. COMBATAI.MSG (Fallout): "# 15. Children, Brainwashed (Cathedral) (...)
  40. The Vault Dweller: "{178}{}{Do you want to die? I can put you out of your misery.}"
    Dane: "{181}{}{I'm screwed, but this is only Phase 1 of the Cathedral Screwover Plan. When servitors get completely brainwashed, they got to Phase 2. That's when the Master baptizes them in the FEV-2!}"
    "{182}{}{Most die right there. But those who survive become mutants. BIG mutants. Nightkin! The Master thinks that only the Nightkin can survive. He wants to make everyone Nightkin because they're tough!}"
    "{183}{}{You know all this peace and unity bullshit? It really isn't bullshit to the Master. He really thinks that he's saving the world!}"
    "{184}{}{Sterile! We're all going to be hideous, sterile freaks! Sterile! Sterile! Sterile! My name's not Errol! Sterile!}"
  41. The Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{So where is this Master?}"
    Lieutenant: "{173}{LIEUT23}{He's busy with the Children of the Cathedral. They actually consider us gods. But then, who can blame them.}"
  42. The Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{Nightkin}"
    Morpheus: "{1100}{MORP50}{The Nightkin came to us a while ago. They might be hideous mutants but they are extremely loyal to the Children. As we all are.}"
  43. The Vault Dweller: "{1003}{}{Mutants}"
    Jain: "{1103}{JAIN303}{They are holy for they bear marks of past sins for present witnesses.}"
  44. Morpheus: "{192}{MORP31}{ Our plans? We are the messengers of evolution, my child. We follow the Master in his endless quest to heal the land and the people.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{193}{}{Really? Just what kind of evolution are you teaching?}"
    Morpheus: "{195}{MORP32}{ We know there is a higher level, a glorious place humanity should strive to reach. Ours is the goal to find the life better, more fulfilling, than the present one, marred by hardship and strife. }"
    Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{What kind of healing?}"
    Morpheus: "{210}{MORP39}{ We cure the physical body to start. You've certainly seen our hospitals. Then we offer hope and healing for the spirit. }"
  45. Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Unity}"
    Morpheus: "{1108}{MORP58}{The Unity is our search for a higher level of life, and unity with our fellow man. }"
  46. Morpheus: "{1101}{MORP51}{It is he who brought me the vision of the Unity and it is he who will bring peace to this troubled land.}"
  47. Jain: "{133}{JAIN13}{Are you interested in converting to our faith? We can offer you what no one else can...}"
    Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{And what's that?}"
    Jain: "{136}{JAIN14}{A lifetime of contentment. Fulfillment in the knowledge you're working to rebuild the planet and make a better place for those that follow.}"
  48. Jain: "{148}{JAIN20}{You are in the right place for spiritual fulfillment. The Children of the Cathedral seek a peaceful resolution of our world's problems and could use your help.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{149}{}{What are the Children's plans for mutants?}"
    Jain: "{151}{JAIN21}{Those that can be brought into the fold, shall be. Those that resist will suffer.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{150}{}{How can Children find peace in this wasteland?}"
    Jain: "{156}{JAIN22}{With perseverance, the Children can accomplish anything. We will not fail.}"
  49. Lasher: "{155}{}{I instruct the children. It is my duty. All children are wicked beasts. It is my duty to force them into evolve into human beings. Perhaps you have heard that I do not tolerate frivolity. This is true. I want my charges to suffer as much as possible.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{156}{}{And are mutants more evolved than human beings?}"
    Lasher: "{201}{}{Mutation is nothing to fear. Every birth is a mutation of our parents’ DNA. We are all mutants. The only thing that matters is that the mutant is guided on a moral and productive path. This is my job. And this also ends this discussion. Leave me now.}"
  50. Vault Dweller: "{116}{}{I seek the guidance of the Cathedral.}"
    Lasher: "{168}{}{Learn to embrace pain as your closest friend, for pain is the most instructive force in the universe. Break yourself until you can exist no longer as an individual, then remake yourself into the Master’s tool. That is the solution to all of your problems.}"
  51. Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{Nice rod you’ve got there! Is that why they call you "Lasher?"}"
    Lasher: "{151}{}{The rod is a holy instrument, through which I instruct my charges. Pain clears the mind of evil thoughts and allows them to better comprehend the glory of the Master.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{153}{}{That’s a horrible thing to do to children!}"
    Lasher: "{200}{}{Decadence and ease prevents evolution, evolution that is necessary for survival in a harsh world. Fortunately, I am a hard man who cares nothing for seductive pleasures. I see that you disagree with me. I do not care about your opinion. Get out of here!}"
  52. Vault Dweller: "{159}{}{Tell me more about your teaching methods.}"
    Lasher: "{202}{}{I deal out pain. If the animal is worthy and can learn from it, it evolves into a righteous soul. If it does not, it does not deserve to exist. On rare occasions, the animal is removed the genetic pool, although not as often as I would like. This happens more often with failed grown animals.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{203}{}{And the Master approves of the teaching methods?}"
    Lasher: "{186}{}{I have not consulted him, but I am certain he is pleased with the righteous souls I have brought him. It is difficult work, but I do it well. Unfortunately, it is also quite time consuming, which is why I must order to you to leave right now.}"
  53. Lasher: "{114}{}{Why have you come, initiate? You know that I do not like to be disturbed.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{115}{}{Forgive me, Father, but I am troubled.}"
    Lasher: "{162}{}{You are a woman, and therefore you are always troubled. It is an endemic condition of your breed. Tell me your problem, madam, and I will resolve it for you.}"
    Lasher: "{163}{}{If your heart was not so full of wickedness, sir, you would be at ease. A righteous heart knows no cares. Tell me your problem, but be quick!}"
    Vault Dweller: "{164}{}{Tell me how to attain righteousness!}"
    Lasher: "{211}{}{Righteousness is attained through struggle, trauma, and recovery. We are animals who must be continuously be broken until we accept the Master’s truth without hesitation. Now that you have heard the truth, seek it with the body of your experiences. Get out of here.}"
  54. Lasher: "{131}{}{My quarters are not open to those who have not been consecrated. I must ask you to leave at once.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{I wanted to ask you about consecration.}"
    Lasher: "{138}{}{That is a privilege reserved for only the most faithful servants. Only baptism is a higher honor.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{139}{}{And how does one earn baptism?}"
    Lasher: "{183}{}{By the endurance of pain, by the acquisition of wisdom, and the performance of service. Pain is knowledge, Wisdom is obedience, and Service is courage. }"
    Lasher: "{185}{}{You must reject the Light that nearly destroyed us all, and pledge yourself to the Darkness in which all are equal. Now that I have told you this thing, go seek it. Seek the Master and his wisdom.}"
  55. The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{What's so special about the flower?}"
    Flower child: "{121}{}{It's a Unity Rose. It's the color of the Holy Flame, and represents the peace and harmony we'll have when the Children of the Cathedral helps everyone in the whole world become friendly and strong! Uh, do you want one?}"
  56. The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{Why?}"
    Viola: "{179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{220}{}{You seem a little too intelligent for this pack of zombies.}"
    Viola: "{199}{}{Maybe I'll be so intelligent that when the Master takes power, I'll be able to do something to help. Maybe you will too! Join us! Join us and change the world! Just think about it, that's all I ask!}"
  57. The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{Why?}"
    Viola: "{179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{221}{}{You want everyone to act like the people in this room? That's worse than being dead!}"
    Viola: "{200}{}{There have always been drones in any society. Forget them! We need drones, but we also need soldiers and queens. And you look like a good soldier at least. Consider what you could do, you could be very useful to our cause. Help us. Think about what I've said, that's all I ask!}"
  58. The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{Why?}"
    Viola: "{179}{}{Look at the people who caused the Apocalypse! They didn't believe in peace and unity, and look what they did to us! Unity is the only way to prevent this from happening again, and Unity must happen NOW, before the other Vaults around the world have a chance to muster their forces.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{223}{}{You're crazy! That'll just lead to another Apocalypse.}"
    Viola: "{201}{}{Or maybe we can overwhelm their defenses before they have time to build up again. Maybe we can unite the other Vaults and cities with one swift, clean stroke. A united world won't be perfect, but it will have a better chance of holding itself together. Think about it!}"
  59. The Vault Dweller: "{192}{}{A world where I can be free to live my own life as I choose.}"
    Viola: "{207}{}{The world won't stay like that. It never does. And if all we do is build packs of powerful enclaves, eventually one of them will get powerful enough to start the Apocalypse over again. Join us and unite the world before this happens! Think about it!}"
  60. The Vault Dweller: "{169}{}{I don't believe in necessary evils.}"
    Viola: "{184}{}{You've never taken a life? You aren't packing enough firepower to give the Brotherhood of Steel gun envy? Stop being such a hypocrite! You feel it's justified to defend yourself. The Master's defending humanity from another attack of self-destruction. It's all the same!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{188}{}{That's bullshit, Lady!}"
    Viola: "{205}{}{Is it? Think about it. Think real hard. If you continue to oppose us, you'll die. You've seen our forces, you know there's more where that came from. A lot more! You can't stop us! But If you join us, you could save lives. Just think about it!}"
  61. The Vault Dweller: "{187}{}{So mass slaughter is all right if you intend to save the world?}"
    Viola: "{204}{}{No. It isn't all right. But it's the only option that has a chance of saving us over the long term, which is why I'm with these people. There's no better way! Think about it!}"
  62. The Vault Dweller: "{152}{}{Why wouldn't I want to do that?}"
    Viola: "{166}{}{Because the Master is a necessary evil. Because somebody has to unite the world, and he's the only one in the area who has a chance to unify it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{170}{}{I like this world just fine.}"
    Viola: "{189}{}{What the Hell kind of world do you think this is? It's a nightmare out there!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{192}{}{A world where I can be free to live my own life as I choose.}"
    Viola: "{207}{}{The world won't stay like that. It never does. And if all we do is build packs of powerful enclaves, eventually one of them will get powerful enough to start the Apocalypse over again. Join us and unite the world before this happens! Think about it!}"
  63. The Vault Dweller: "{152}{}{Why wouldn't I want to do that?}"
    Viola: "{166}{}{Because the Master is a necessary evil. Because somebody has to unite the world, and he's the only one in the area who has a chance to unify it.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{I don't think I like this conversation.}"
    Viola: "{194}{}{Tough. I don't like radiation and the FEV virus, but I didn't have a choice about it. You can't always get what you want in this world. Sometimes you have to make compromises. And sometimes you have to open your mind to unpleasant ideas.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{196}{}{There's compromises, and there's genocide.}"
    Viola: "{209}{}{Or maybe there's salvation disguised as genocide. Maybe the world won't be such a bad place if people work for the Master's vision. Perhaps we can even find ways to do it with less bloodshed. Think about it!}"
  64. The Vault Dweller: "{124}{}{I was a little nervous about our long range plans.}"
    Viola: "{227}{}{We have many things planned. The Holy Flame came first, which purged the world of evil. Then came the Master. Now we are at the time of Unity, when we struggle to conquer the divisions of the world. After Unity shall come Peace. The Age of Peace is the reason for all our struggles.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{228}{}{Why must so many people die to attain peace?}"
    Viola: "{268}{}{No struggle comes without a price, and the greatest struggle inevitably enacts the greatest cost. That is the paradox of peace, I fear. Words to think about, at any rate. Good-bye.}"
  65. The Vault Dweller: "{193}{}{Life ain't pretty, sister. Never has been, never will be.}"
    Viola: "{208}{}{And that's just a cowardly excuse that solves nothing. If life is shitty, we should try to change it. We owe it to ourselves and to our children. Do you think the world will stay the same when we divide ourselves into warring pieces? Think about it!}"
  66. The Vault Dweller: "{1007}{}{Hospitals}"
    Morpheus: "{1107}{MORP57}{The Children of the Cathedral hospitals provide the best care in all of this blasted, torn land. This care is vital to the Unity.}"
  67. The Vault Dweller: "{189}{}{What are the Children's plans?}"
    Morpheus: "{192}{MORP31}{ Our plans? We are the messengers of evolution, my child. We follow the Master in his endless quest to heal the land and the people.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{193}{}{Really? Just what kind of evolution are you teaching?}"
    Morpheus: "{195}{MORP32}{ We know there is a higher level, a glorious place humanity should strive to reach. Ours is the goal to find the life better, more fulfilling, than the present one, marred by hardship and strife. }"
    The Vault Dweller: "{194}{}{What kind of healing?}"
    Morpheus: "{210}{MORP39}{ We cure the physical body to start. You've certainly seen our hospitals. Then we offer hope and healing for the spirit. }"
  68. Morbid: "{153}{}{My business has dropped off recently. I'm happy to see any customers, these days. Not that I mind your company, of course.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{155}{}{Why has your business dropped off?}"
    Morbid: "{158}{}{In case you haven't noticed, I got some competition.}"
    Morbid: "{160}{}{ Those damn Children have moved in next door, and all, um, much of my business has gone to them. I don't like it, but I can't lower my prices to match theirs. I can only provide better service.}"
  69. The Vault Dweller: "{1010}{}{Followers}"
    Morpheus: "{1110}{MORP60}{My heart bleeds for them. Led down a false path. They don't know their efforts will bring only pain and suffering to their fellow beings.}"
  70. The Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Steel}"
    Jain: "{1105}{JAIN305}{They claim a religious foundation, but lack that which would make them truly righteous. Their zeal is refreshing, however.}"
  71. Hub hospital storeroom
  72. Thorndyke
  73. Cathedral layout and amenities.
  74. Nightkin inventory at the Cathedral and the demonstration Vault.
  78. Early character concepts from February 1995.
  79. SCRIPTS.LST (Fallout): "Morph.int  ; Morpheus (not relation to Orpheus) of the Children (power hungry) "
  82. The Vault Dweller: "{212}{}{Where are these hospitals?}"
    Morpheus: "{213}{MORP40}{ Our glorious effort has just reached Adytum and, of course, the Hub shines with our efforts there. But, I have a feeling there's more you wish to ask. }"
    Morpheus: "{214}{MORP41}{ These are wondrous days. Junktown now joins in Adytum and the Hub in our quest to save body and soul. Is there more you wish to know, my child? }"
    Morpheus: "{217}{MORP42}{ The Children's vision now stretches from Adytum, to the Hub, Junktown, and now gently caresses Shady Sands. Why do you ask? }"


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout Bible 0: "2156 The Master sees advantages in establishing a benevolent "religion," the Children of the Cathedral, and using them as spies in settlements throughout the wastes. Missionaries from the Children of the Cathedral spread slowly across the wasteland, acting as eyes and ears for Morpheus and the Master."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2162 March 3 Vault Dweller kicks the Master's ass."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2152 As their influence slowly spreads throughout the wastes, the Master finds humans, doomsday cultists, and rather than dip them in the vats, he demands their obedience as spies - their leader is a man named Morpheus, and he pledges his followers to the Master. Morpheus and his cultists form the future core of the Children of the Cathedral."
  4. Fallout Bible 0: "2155-2156 After capturing a caravan of strange-garbed travelers (vault dwellers), Master learns the location of the Boneyard Vault, the future site of the Cathedral. He conquers the inhabitants and sets up operations there, and the human cultists begin to use the Vault as their powerbase. Within the Vault, the Master learns of other Vaults, and realizing their human occupants are ripe for transformation, begins to send out patrols to Vault locations in search of these other Vaults."
  5. Scott Bennie, Fallout Bible 8: "I almost regret not doing more with the Cathedral, but I did my best not to throw in side quests because I thought at that time the player would be pretty much streaking for the endgame and any quests at this point would be more annoying than useful. There's a time for speed bumps, and there's a time when you have to let them cut loose. So the Cathedral's mostly for color. I tried to come up with a few NPCs there who weren't despicable; I thought it'd be more interesting if the cult attracted a few people who weren't stupid and thuggishly evil. That way, they'd contrast better with people like Morpheus (whose dialogue was written before I came on the project) who *was* an opportunistic scumball."