
墨菲老媽说到做到,孩子。没有藥物。就没有天眼了。— 墨菲老媽

墨菲老媽(英文名:Mama Murphy)是一个藥物瘾者算命師,在2287年与普雷斯頓·加維和他的定居者团队在联邦旅行。









Perk nociception regulator color
Icon quest starter


  • 聯邦之寶: 在任务自由鐘聲響起中帮助她的团队逃离康科德后,墨菲老媽会建议玩家角色去鑽石城寻找更多关于尚恩的信息。
  • 天眼: 作为毒品的交换,墨菲老妈将用她的礼物来透露独存者未来的部分情况,这一过程总共可以完成五次。给她最后的药物,賽柯,会导致她死亡。
    • 在任务怪客瓦倫坦中给予墨菲老妈药物将揭示通过Skinny MaloneDarla的密码,而无需使用暴力。没有它,将不得不通过口才检查或挣扎着通过。
    • 在任务取得線索中给予墨菲老妈药物将显示克罗格的钥匙的位置。没有它,就需要从麥多那的书桌上撬开锁或偷钥匙。第二次给她的药物将显示进入克罗格藏匿的开关的位置。
    • 在任务重逢中给予墨菲老妈药物将获得"预知"技能,使克罗格对玩家角色造成的伤害减少25%。这项辅助能力没有图标,即使在克罗格死后也会保留。这项辅助能力的描述中有一个轻微的拼写错误,把克罗格的名字拼写成了一个“g”。
    • 在任务獵人與獵物中给予墨菲老妈药物将会给玩家角色提供所遇到的追猎者的停用代码,并提供与他的新互动。


  • 自由鐘聲響起任務里,如果玩家和她對話,她會直接說出狗肉的名字。
  • 在自由鐘聲響起任務里通過口才鑒定可以得知會有一隻死亡爪進行攻擊,完成任務後,她可能会评论自己年轻时是如何在没有"炫酷的动力装甲旋转机枪"一枪击杀死亡爪。
  • 自由鐘聲響起任務后,墨菲老媽會讚揚玩家的功劳並告知玩家角色他的兒子還在聯邦活着。
  • 主線任务完成後,墨菲老媽会获得一些药物,帮助她了解玩家角色选择的结局,前提是她没有被说服放弃药物。


服装 武器 其他 物品
Beaded blazer


  • 普雷斯頓·加維、派普丹斯居礼壯壯嘎抓尼克·瓦倫坦以及康复后凱特不赞成为墨菲老媽提供或同意寻找药物。相反,说服她辞职将导致支持率大幅上升。
  • 汉考克和康复前的凱特同意给墨菲老媽药物。
  • 如果墨菲老媽死于賽柯的过量服用,朱恩和玛西·隆将会为她的去世而哀悼,玛西经常会痛斥独存者,并进一步指责普雷斯頓·加維没有阻止她。朱恩会显得更加沮丧,哀叹定居者在旅途中所遭受的损失。
  • 戒毒后,墨菲老媽将像其他定居者一样在庇護山丘工作。如果玩家角色试图改变她的服装,她的标准服装和独特的头巾(这是套装的一部分)将保持隐藏,无法在她的库存中获得,并且无法通过传统方法再次佩戴。她的衣服对她来说是独一无二的,不能被游戏中的任何其他角色看到。
  • 根据辐射:避难所的说法,墨菲老媽是个通灵者。
  • 墨菲老媽的旧公寓,里面有墨菲老妈的便条和药物储藏柜,可以在昆西公寓的顶层找到。
  • 墨菲老媽出现在辐射:避难所Online任务"神秘奶奶"中。在这次任务的事件中,她遇到義勇兵时而被一群掠夺者挟持为人质,他们认为她是一个神的转世,但也想献祭她给他们认为是真神的"面包机"神。在此期间,她也被一个叫汤米的尸鬼挟持在鼓丘食堂。她被義勇兵救出并加入了他们。


墨菲老媽出现在辐射4辐射:废土战争辐射:避难所Online。她也在辐射:避难所Game Show Gauntlet中被提及。


  • 墨菲老媽的一些概念图将她塑造成非裔美国人。在游戏中,她是高加索人。
  • 墨菲老媽原本会使用轮椅。当开发者意识到她需要在楼梯上行走时,这个角色元素经历了几次改变,轮椅被改成了她可以乘坐的悬停的巧手先生。后来人们认为这样做太让人分心了,所以让她能够正常走路(尽管需要经常坐着休息)。[Non-game 1]
  • Ray Lederer,辐射4的一名美工为许多角色创造了视觉概念,他指出,在他的心理设计背景故事中,墨菲老媽为派普·萊特、普雷斯頓·加維和其他与他们相关的角色所穿的衣服编织了绿色围巾。[Non-game 2]
  • 在游戏的本地化版本中,墨菲老媽的声音是由Silvana Fantini(意大利人)配音的。


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 如果不能很好地制作墨菲老妈的椅子,她将会被困在避难所房子天花板上的椅子上,这个房子有主工作台。她会站在厨房楼上,(通常)只露出脚。必须射击她的脚,直到她从椅子上掉下来,然后进入“编辑”模式,把椅子从天花板上搬到地板上。然后她会正常刷出,并像往常一样坐在椅子上。如果玩家不能射击她的脚,他们就需要找到一种方法去点击行动按钮与她对话并说服她放弃毒品。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 她可能变得不可分配,就像司特吉。在PC上,可以对她使用类似解决司特吉问题的方法修复:在她身上使用控制台命令setpv bcommandable 1,快速旅行到很远的地方,过一会儿再回到庇護山丘。在工坊模式下,“命令”选项应该可以在她身上使用。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 她可能会拒绝坐在椅子上,只是站在旁边。当玩家试图与她交谈时,她会告诉玩家她需要坐下,而不能与她进行其他互动。有两种方法可以解决这个问题: [已验证]
    • 拆卸和重建椅子可能会修复这个错误。一旦被废弃,这把椅子在等待或睡觉一个小时后就可以重新组装。[已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC 通过打开控制台,选择墨菲并键入 setpqv ebe71 var_MamaInChair 1[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 有时候玩家角色从她那里获得的幻景并不是关于当前的任务,而是指一些较早的任务。例如,在獵人與獵物中,她可能会给玩家一个线索,让他们获得克罗格钻石城房子的钥匙,这对应于已经完成的重逢任务。[已验证]



  1. The Sole Survivor: "That's incredible."
    Mama Murphy: "I can see a bit of what was, and what will be. And even what is, right now. And right now I can see there's something coming. Drawn by the noise, and the chaos."
    (Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  2. Game Show Gauntlet - "Who is the old psychic with the Minutemen?"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mama Murphy's note
  4. The Sole Survivor: "Isn't there any way you can use the Sight without chems?"
    Mama Murphy: "Let me tell you a story, kid. Once, there was beautiful young girl, with a special power. Used to get in all kinds of crazy adventures. She meets a handsome young boy, but he doesn't like her power. Thinks it makes her a slave to something evil. And so the power goes away, and it's not there when the girl and the boy need it most. Now the boy's gone, and the girl's old. But she has friends. And her power keeps them safe. That's all that matters."
    (Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  5. The Sole Survivor: "No. You're an addict. You need help."
    Mama Murphy: "Oh not this again. Kid. Listen to me. I'm old. Even older than you'd think. If the chems are gonna kill me, then I say I've had a good run. We'd have never made it this far without the Sight. We need it. You need it. It's part of who I am."
    (Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  6. Mama Murphy: "I'm afraid I'm not much use in a fight anymore, but back in the day, folks used call me Murphy the Madwoman."
    (Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  7. The Sole Survivor: "Buffout now?"
    Mama Murphy: "Surprised a frail thing like me wants a muscle chem? What if I told you I used to pack a pair of arms thicker than both your fists put together? Ripped a Raider's head clean off once, I'll tell you. He he he. Buffout doesn't do much for me now, except help the Sight do its thing."
    (Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  8. Sturges: "That Deathclaw in Concord was bad news huh Mama? You ever seen one of those suckers before?"
    Mama Murphy: "Oh sure, plenty. One time I killed a Deathclaw all by myself, no power armor and fancy minigun, just a pipe pistol...and one bullet."
    Sturges: "You're telling me you killed a Deathclaw? With one bullet? Come on, who do you take me for?"
    Mama Murphy: "It's true. I might not look it, but back in the day I had quite the shot."
    Sturges: "Yeah or quite the imagination..."
    (Sturges' and Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  9. Marcy Long: "Hey Mama, how are you getting along?"
    Mama Murphy: "Just fine. It's nice to finally settle down after spending so much time moving around."
    Marcy Long: "Oh yeah? You spent a little time on the run when you were younger? Oh yes, you have to when there's a bounty on your head. A little elderly advice, don't double cross a raider. They hold long grudges."
    Marcy Long: "Yeah, that's good advice...Sounds like quite the adventure."
    Mama Murphy: "It was. Some day I'll tell you all about it."
    (Marcy Long's and Mama Murphy's dialogue)
  10. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Long's terminal, Mama Murphy
  11. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Sturges's terminal, Mama Murphy's vision
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Sole Survivor: "What was the Quincy Massacre?"
    Preston Garvey: "I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now. Where the Minutemen betrayed each other, and the people they were supposed to protect. I was with Colonel Hollis's group. A mercenary group called the Gunners was attacking Quincy; the people there called for the Minutemen to help. We were the only ones that came. The other groups... they just turned their backs. On us, and the folks in Quincy. Only a few of us got out alive. Colonel Hollis was dead. So I ended up in charge of the survivors. We never found a safe place to settle. One disaster after another... you saw how it ended, in Concord."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  13. The Sole Survivor: "What happens now?"
    Preston Garvey: "For the longest time, Mama Murphy's had a vision of a place called "Sanctuary." Some old neighborhood... but one we can make new again. Why don't you come with us? I could really use your help."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  14. Corvega assembly plant terminal entries; Jared's terminal, Stumped
  15. Corvega assembly plant terminal entries; Jared's terminal, She's Here!

