
The Salem Volunteer Militia never rests!Barney Rook

The Salem Volunteer Militia is a post-War organization located within the Commonwealth in 2287.


After Barney Rook failed to convince Salem's town council that the training of a militia was necessary, the unprotected town was attacked by mirelurks, resulting in several deaths.[1] Rook founded the Salem Volunteer Militia to aid in his mission of protecting the town from future threats, despite the fact that he is the only remaining citizen.[1] To this end, Rook serves as commander of the militia as well as quartermaster, sergeant at arms, and scribe for all official meetings.[2]

Proud of his service, Rook will respond to gratitude by saying that no thanks are needed, as the Salem Volunteer Militia is at the service of the people of the Commonwealth, and duty is its own reward.[3] Once business between he and the Sole Survivor has concluded, he will excuse himself, explaining that has has earmarked the day for target practice, as "the Salem Volunteer Militia never rests."[4]


The Salem Volunteer Militia appears in Fallout 4


  1. 1.0 1.1 Barney Rook: "I begged the town council to let me train the militia, to teach the citizens how to shoot and fend for themselves. But they thought I was just paranoid. I knew something was coming, I just didn't know what. And when the mirelurks started rising out of the ocean, no one was ready. I saved as many as I could, sniping crabbies from my roost upstairs. But for every one I saved, three were goners. That was a couple of year ago. Ever since then, I've vowed to protect this town, and I don't plan on breaking that vow."
    (Barney Rook's dialogue)
  2. Barney Rook: "Listen, don't let an old codger like me scare you. I'm old and I'm cranky and I haven't had a guest in months. Barney Rook, commander of the Salem Volunteer Militia, at your service. I'm also the quartermaster, sergeant at arms, and scribe for all official meetings. This here is Reba. But you two already met when she saved your life."
    (Barney Rook's dialogue)
  3. Sole Survivor: "Thank you, Reba. And thank you, Barney."
    Barney Rook: "No thanks needed, sir/ma'am. The Salem Volunteer Militia is at the service of the people of the Commonwealth. Duty is its own reward. Reba says you're welcome."
    (Barney Rook's dialogue)
  4. Barney Rook: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe today is earmarked for some target practice. The Salem Volunteer Militia never rests!"
    (Barney Rook's dialogue)