
I don't have much to offer, but... Those raiders that killed Mary, they took her locket, too. It's been in Connie's family for generations. If you could get it back, it'd mean a lot to us.Blake Abernathy

報答恩情 is a Minutemen side quest in Fallout 4.

Quick walkthrough[]

Minutemen side quest: Returning the Favor
Speak with Preston Garvey or Blake Abernathy to initiate the quest.
Retrieve the locket from the USAF Satellite Station Olivia.
Return to Blake Abernathy.
Reward: 300+ XP
Abernathy farm as a settlement

Detailed walkthrough[]

普雷斯頓·加維或在阿柏納西農場的布萊克·阿柏納西交談可以開始該任務。 布萊克告知玩家他的女兒瑪麗被掠奪者殺害,她的項墜也被掠奪者奪走,並要求玩家幫忙拿回項墜。 玩家被派去美國空軍奧莉維亞衛星站拿回項墜。

進入房間後,there is an advanced terminal which unlocks the intel room. 如果玩家無法解鎖電腦,the intel room key can be found in an instrument case through a novice door by where the locket is found. Inside the intel room there is a novice safe, a duffle bag, a 行李箱, a mini nuke, and a copy of U.S Covert Operations. One can go either right down the stairs or left down the hallway. Turning left leads to a metal walkway, passing a bathroom with a first aid kit in it. There is a novice chem box at the farthest right end of the walkway. Descending down the walkway leads to an encounter with Ack-Ack, who carries a minigun. In the room with the lockers, on the table with the radio, there is an 逾期圖書. 在一道由新手級鎖鎖住的門前地上的工具箱中取得瑪麗的銀項墜。

打開門之後, the player will be attacked by radroaches. 將瑪麗的銀項墜帶回給布萊克即可完成任務,獲得經驗和錢,並可以開啟阿柏納西農場據點。

Quest stages[]

50 Travel to 阿柏納西農場I heard a broadcast over Radio Freedom about a settlement that needs help. I need to speak with someone at <Alias=ActualLocation> who can give me more details on the trouble they're having. OR
Preston Garvey had word that <Alias=ActualLocation> has requested help from the Minutemen. I should go there as soon as possible and see what I can do to help them.
100 Retrieve Mary's Locket in 美國空軍奧莉維亞衛星站Blake Abernathy asked me to retrieve his late daughter's locket from the Raiders that murdered her. He believes I'll find them at USAF Satellite Station Olivia.
200 Report your success to 布萊克·阿柏納西I was able to retrieve the locket that the Raiders stole. I need to return to Abernathy Farm and make sure Blake gets it. He'll be grateful to have it back.
450 Talk to Preston Garvey - if Preston started questNow that I was able to help the Abernathys, I need to let Preston know the good news.
500Quest finishedQuest complete


  • 殺死布萊克·阿柏納西將導致任務失敗。
  • 理論上可以通過普雷斯頓·加維或者電台接到此任務,但似乎該任務沒有出現在其隨機序列裡面,導致必須和布萊克·阿柏納西對話。
  • 可以使用 機器人廢棄廠的鐵衛機器人來清理美國空軍奧莉維亞衛星站外部的敵人,但內部的敵人仍然需要自行清理。
  • 如果玩家在該任務之前就先行去了美國空軍奧莉維亞衛星站並拿到銀項墜,可以直接去阿柏納西農場與布萊克交談,當談到銀項墜的時候,可將其交給布萊克,會直接完成任務。
  • 如果在首次和布萊克·阿柏納西對話時玩家拒絕了此任務,將無法再次開啟此任務,也無法以正常方式控制 阿柏納西農場(不包括使用控制台、殺死阿柏納西農場全家,or taking over the settlement with Nuka-World raiders). 即使後續找到了瑪麗的銀項墜也無法開啟對話。
  • 由於阿柏納西農場緊鄰庇護山丘與紅火箭維修站,部分新手玩家可能會在這裡觸發自己的第一個任務.美國空軍奧莉維亞衛星站由一群首領為艾克-艾克(Ack-Ack,高射機關炮的意思)的掠奪者占據,艾克-艾克手持旋轉機槍,如果防禦較低會很容易被其打死。

