基利安·达克沃特(英文:Killian Darkwater)于2161年是垃圾鎮的鎮長。[1][Non-game 1] 他经营着自己的杂货店达克沃特店,并担任垃圾城守卫的负责人。[2][3][Non-game 1]
垃圾城创始人的孙子及其前任市长的儿子,[4][5][Non-game 1]基利安·达克沃特年轻时曾与商队一起旅行,但最终安顿下来并在垃圾城开设了一家杂货店“达克沃特店”。[6][2]基利安在他父亲去世后担任垃圾城的市长,[5]公众普遍认为他是一个坚强坚强的人,行事公平,会尽其所能保护垃圾城。[7][8][Non-game 1]
作为领导者,基利安严厉打击犯罪和阴暗行为,专注于吉斯莫和他的赌场,[9][10][Non-game 1] 尽管他并不擅长与当地帮派达成交易以帮助维持和平。[11]这种态度让他激怒了吉斯莫,吉斯莫认为他的赌场是在基利安升任市长后垃圾城繁荣的唯一原因。[12]
互动 | ||
此角色是一位临时的同伴。 | ||
此角色有一个面部特写。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
该角色是一名商人。 | 卖: 各种商品 |
- 让吉斯莫招供:放逐者決定幫助基利安獲取吉斯莫的犯罪證據。
- 制止吉斯莫:對基利安的刺殺行動失敗後,他打算向吉斯莫復仇。
- 杀死基利安:吉斯莫要讓基利安鎮長死亡。
- 拯救基利安:吉斯莫僱了人刺殺基利安,保護基利安。
基利安的告诉我关于 | |
询问 | 回答 |
大教堂 | "没什么好说的。莫彼得医生很生气,因为他们的医疗用品价格更低。他们在西边。" |
爪 | "死亡爪?哦,那是睡前故事。在满月时喝血和嚎叫。对,没错。" |
Crash | "获得便宜房间的好地方。也不会太脏。但是不要惹主人,Marcelles,如果你对她无礼,她会把你的胳膊拉出来的。" |
达克沃特,基利安 | "嗯,那就是我。你去哪儿了?" |
Darkwater's, Darkwaters | "这是我的商店。你需要,我来。" |
莫彼得医生 | "嗯,医生在镇中心有一个小地方。如果你需要它,做一个很好的补丁工作。相当合理的价格。" |
吉斯莫 | "吉斯莫在东边拥有赌场。以他自己的名字命名。在他身边要非常小心。" |
吉斯莫的,吉斯莫 | "啊,吉斯莫的是入口处的赌场。我很惊讶你在进来的路上没有注意到它。你通常可以闻到几英里外的地方。但是,嘿,它带来了游客。" |
中樞市 | "嗯,中樞市是主要的贸易场所。你在此处找不到的任何内容都可能会在中樞市中找到。不知道现在有多安全,所有这些奇怪的事情都在发生。" |
可汗帮 | "好吧,可汗帮是一群住在东边外面的恶霸。从我记事起,他们就一直试图接管垃圾城,但他们从未越过大门。" |
拉斯 | "哦,拉斯领导这里的守卫。他是个好人。挺靠谱的。" |
古城墓地 | "那个城市已经死亡。我派了两个巡逻队去那里,他们一个都没有回来。" |
Pit, Pitt, Skum | "那是我们常驻的酒吧。食物还可以,但啤酒很棒。主人尼尔,没有说话,甚至对一些进来的掠夺者都没有。" |
掠奪者 | "嗯,有两种,可汗帮和毒蛇帮。我们通常不会遇到毒蛇帮的麻烦,其中一些实际上会经过城镇。可汗帮,不过,他们是一群卑鄙的人。他们认为他们可以征服世界,或者一些这样的废话。" |
Sands, Shady | "沙蔭市?那是北边的一个小地方。我想和他们做更多的交易。" |
骷髅党 | "骷髅党是一群为吉斯莫工作的朋克。他们不会造成那么多麻烦,但我和拉尔斯会密切关注他们。" |
奇怪的 | "好吧,中樞市传出一些谣言。商队消失,人被屠杀,甚至有人谈论吃人肉的巨大绿色怪物。各种稀奇古怪的东西。" |
维尼 | "维尼,他是问题儿童之一。他领导着一群叫做骷髅党的朋克。尽管如此,他们还是付了房租,并没有过多地打扰任何人。" |
毒蛇幫 | "毒蛇帮是来自北方的一群疯子人。他们崇拜蛇,什么的。" |
战争 | "过去100年你去了哪里?在壁橱里?我父亲曾经给我讲过关于战争的故事。在创立垃圾城之前,他的父亲是一名士兵。" |
- 每次加载游戏或进入该区域时,他库存中的随机瓶盖数量都会重置。
- 第一次和他说话后 - 當贤治進入建築物,第一次和他說話時,基利安的库存發生變化。具體細節個不同,但他總是會有一把新的沙漠之鷹,即使之前那把被買走或偷走。
- 无论吉斯莫是否要求提供死亡证明,基利安的狗牌都可从他的尸体中找到。
- 基利安與他的配音員外表非常相似。
- 如果在店裡開鎖被抓到,他會阻止放逐者。進入對話然後放逐者會被關進監獄。
- 基利安佩戴的狗牌很可能属于他的祖父,他是一名军人。[4][13]
- ↑ The Vault Dweller: "Who are you?"
Killian Darkwater: "The name's Killian. Killian Darkwater. I'm the mayor of this fine town. And who might you be?"
(Killian Darkwater's dialogue) - ↑ 2.0 2.1 The Vault Dweller: "Darkwaters"
Killian Darkwater: "That's my store. You need it, I got it."
(Killian Darkwater's dialogue) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "So you pretty much have the run of the town, eh?"
Sherry: "You bet! Nobody messes with us! Well, except for Killian, but he's cool and all. He's like the sheriff man. We do whatever we want."
(Sherry's dialogue) - ↑ 4.0 4.1 Killian Darkwater: "Where've you been for the last 100 years? In a closet? My father used to tell me stories about the War. His father was a soldier before starting Junktown."
(Killian Darkwater's dialogue) - ↑ 5.0 5.1 "Killian is the mayor. He took over when his dad died."'
(Junktown Casino Tell-Me-Abouts) - ↑ Caravan driver: "Oh, and stop on by Killain, and tell him 'Hi" for me. Man, the times we used to have on the caravans."
(Caravan driver's dialogue) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "What do you know about Junktown?"
Patrick the Celt: "Junktown? A small trading city. Strange place until you get used to it. They are run by mayor Killian Darkwater, a hard but fair man."
(Patrick the Celt's dialogue) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "That's a pretty long trip."
Tycho: "Yeah, it was. Decided to take it easy for a while. This place shows some promise, just as soon as someone cleans up some of the scum."
The Vault Dweller: "Why don't you?"
Tycho: "Not my place. I'd rather not cross Killian, after all. He'll clean up this town when he gets around to it. A good man, mark my words. But watch out for that fellow Gizmo. Reminds me of another fat freak my father told me about back in Las Vegas."
(Tycho's dialogue) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "Who's your boss?"
Sinthia: "Gizmo, of course. He runs all the sin in this town. Killian sure as hell wouldn't put up with me or my kind. If it wasn't for the fact that I make Giz a whole hell of a lot of money, I'd have to do other things to him."
Sinthia: "And, honey, those thoughts just don't do my stomach a whole lot of good.."
(Sinthia's dialogue) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "So, what keeps you lawboys from just busting Gizmo and the Skulz?"
Lars: "Got to do it all proper like. We know that Gizmo runs a rigged operation and all, but we need hard evidence to bring him down. Same with the Skulz; they rough someone up, we bring one or two of 'em in, but nothing changes. We just don't have any direct evidence tying them to any of the killings or muggings."
(Lars's dialogue) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "You have some sort of deal with Killian?"
Vinnie: "We don't bother Killian and he doesn't bother us as long as we keep it low-key. You get me?"
(Vinnie's dialogue) - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "You're right, I'm sorry. So let's talk business."
Gizmo: "All right, [Gizmo snorts] here's the deal. Junktown, it ain't what it used to be. The only reason it's still here is because of my gambling establishment. Even so, Killian's been breathing down my neck, and I'm starting to take it personal. [Gizmo snorts] And that's where you come in, slick."
(Gizmo's dialogue) - ↑ "狗牌"
"A set of military dog tags. The name Darkwater is readable, but not much else is."
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Fallout Official Survival Guide p.91: "Killian Darkwater: One of the Good Guys"
"Killian is mayor of Junktown and owner of the General Store. He is also head of the local guard force, and a thorn in the side of Gizmo, who would like to see Killian eliminated. He is tough and strong, a decent man who hates bullies. Though not a violent man, he will fight to the death to protect himself and his town. Knowing that Gizmo is trying to kill him, he always keeps two guards outside the door to his store."