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關於an overview of vertibirds,參見Vertibird。 |
Vertibirds were used by the Enclave to transport personnel and materials between the mainland and the Enclave Oil Rig. Vertibird range was at least 175 miles distance between the Enclave Oil Rig and California. Their known reach includes locations such as Klamath, New Reno and Vault 13. According to the Shi, Vertibirds flew over San Francisco on the way from Navarro to the Enclave Oil Rig.
The Vertibird has a heavily armored fuselage and can be outfitted with a variety of offensive weapons and defensive countermeasures, the most common being Gatling lasers, missile racks, and a mini nuke bay. Enclave remnants indicate a combustible fuel source was used to power the aircrafts.[1] It has a winch that can haul several tons of equipment - or a large deathclaw cage.
There are two known versions of the craft used by the Enclave, however only the transport-oriented version is seen in Fallout 2. It has a glass canopy, six legs, a large cargo bay, and seven blades on each rotor to provide extra lift. This was the variant used before the Destruction of Control Station Enclave.
- In 2241, Daisy Whitman's Vertibird crashed near the trapper town of Klamath due to a rotor malfunction; it was the first sign of the Enclave encountered by the Chosen One.
- Vertibirds can be found in the Enclave camp of Navarro, used to return to the main base of the group, the Enclave Oil Rig.
Behind the scenes[]
Timothy Donley was the artist who designed the Vertibird model for Fallout 2[2].
- ↑ Daisy Whitman's dialogue - line 21: I never was happier than when I was in the cockpit. I was able to go just about anywhere and everywhere, limited only by the fuel I could carry.
- ↑ Fallout Official Survival Guide, p. 338: Additional Art; Tim Donley, TheVerti-Bird 3D model