XVB-02垂直飛行機是美國軍方在戰前使用的多用途傾轉旋翼機(VTOL:Vertical Take Off and Landing),通常稱為垂直飛行機(飛鳥,英:Vertibird)。儘管該機型在戰前沒有全面服役,但它依然衍生出了多種不同型號,並且為各地軍事、民營機構所使用。在戰後,飛鳥成為了英克雷、鋼鐵兄弟會和新加利福尼亞共和國等勢力的主力飛行器。
在大戰爆發的2077年,飛鳥直升機仍處於原型機階段,並計劃於2085年進入軍隊服役。[1] 不過,有一些原型機似乎還是提前進入了美軍服役,其中一架就墜毀在了自由博物館的屋頂上。It appears the Commonwealth Coast Guard was also in possession of one before the war, as a destroyed Vertibird with Coast Guard insignia can be found at the Coast Guard Pier.另外,在波士頓防空警報響起時,一架飛鳥直升機正飛過庇護山丘,並通過廣播呼籲居民疏散至111號避難所。
在安克雷奇戰役的模擬機中可以看到有冬季塗裝的原型機在執行運送士兵的任務。However, whether any Vertibirds were ever used during the Alaskan reclamation is uncertain as General Constantine Chase was known to implement his own, fictional content to the simulation.[2]
Following the war, 已生產的和現役的飛鳥直升機很快就全數被英克雷徵用,用於轉移英克雷與「忠誠分子」的成員到安全的軍事基地與避難所。自此英克雷開始秘密地量產飛鳥直升機,如今,飛鳥直升機已經成為投送英克雷軍事力量的主要載具。飛鳥直升機可執行運送傷員,撤離部隊,近距離空中支援等一系列任務。飛鳥直升機已經成為了英克雷勢力的代名詞,它們的形象也常常出現在各種描述其軍事力量的傳聞中。
There are two known versions of the craft used by the Enclave:
- A transport-oriented version with a glass canopy, six legs, a large cargo bay, and seven blades on each rotor to provide extra lift. This was the variant used before the Destruction of Control Station ENCLAVE.
- A dedicated gunship version with a more heavily armored hull, four-bladed rotors and four retractable landing struts as well as greater maneuverability. This is the variant in use by the Enclave Remnants and the Enclave operating in the Capital Wasteland. This is the variant seen after the Destruction of Control Station ENCLAVE.
There is one known model used by the pre-war United States Armed Forces and Arthur Maxson's Brotherhood of Steel:
- A bulkier transport model with a glass cockpit, retractable side doors, collapsible wings, and two additional jet engines behind the main cabin.
Based on evidence from the Museum of Freedom, the Vertibird (at least in its early / pre-War versions) lacks shielding and is susceptible to an EMP. Its armarments consist of two frontfacing cannons and dual miniguns. The Vertibird's crew consists of two pilots, but can be piloted just as smoothly with only one. Based on the size of their deployment, it is possible this variant is a separate model than the VB-02.
飛鳥直升機在多數情況下作為一個支援單位存在,但有些時候——得益於防護良好的機身——它們也被投入到進攻行動中去。綜合而言,飛鳥直升機是個極其致命的對手,而它所裝備的一系列武器則是對這個結論最有利的支持。飛鳥直升機的武器包括機鼻部位的一挺加特林激光槍, a minigun on the left side of the Vertibird for passengers,導彈發射架,以及微型核彈彈倉。導彈可以對爆炸範圍內的敵人造成重大傷害,並用衝擊波掀翻距離稍遠的目標,加特林激光則因其射速與精準度在遠距離就可以造成客觀的破壞, the minigun is used to mow down large amounts of infantry,而微型核彈則被用於對付大型或固定目標——並且乾脆利落地摧毀它們。
Fortunately, the Vertibirds the player character faces are usually set for a specific assignment - either dropping Enclave troops off, or flying racetrack circles and providing fire support. Vertibirds on insertion/extraction duty are not capable of attacking, but their dropping off troops can be problematic, as Enclave soldiers are one of the toughest hostile factions in the Capital Wasteland.
Vertibirds tasked with fire support are the biggest threat, as they eliminate engaging hostile forces to back up Enclave troops on the ground. These Vertibirds often perform bombing runs, and make several passes to eliminate any resistance in the area. Vertibirds on these support flights may open fire with their missile launchers or Gatling lasers, though they do not use them as much as their mini nukes.
Vertibirds can sometimes be encountered on the ground. One noteworthy instance is on the steps of the Capitol Building in the Capital Wasteland. In these cases, upon finding one of the parked Vertibirds, there should be a cage containing a deathclaw inside. When engaged in combat, the Enclave officer nearest to the cage will often let the deathclaw loose.
In Fallout 4, Vertibirds lack the large armament package seen in Fallout 3 and are armed only with two fixed forward-firing 5mm cannons and a crew-operated minigun mounted on the left-hand side.[3] When dropping the Sole Survivor off in an area inhabited with hostiles, the Vertibird will sometimes provide support by firing on the hostiles with its machine guns.

Daisy Whitman's crashed Vertibird
On the West Coast, Vertibirds were used by the Enclave to transport personnel and materials between the mainland and the Enclave Oil Rig. Vertibird range was at least 175 miles distance between the Enclave Oil Rig and California. Their known reach includes locations such as Klamath, New Reno and Vault 13. According to the Shi, Vertibirds flew over San Francisco on the way from Navarro to the Enclave Oil Rig.
Vertibirds are known to have appeared on the East Coast in 2277, when the Enclave came out of hiding to secure Project Purity. It is unknown if the Vertibirds were brought over by the Autumn Senior, when he led the Enclave forces east, or had been sequestered there by the Enclave before the War.
After the defeat of the Enclave on the west coast and sacking of Navarro, the NCR captured several Vertibirds and started to operate them in a cargo transport role. One is known to have been converted to a presidential transport, labeled Bear Force One. It is unknown if the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel also recovered Vertibirds from Navarro.
Between the events of Broken Steel and entering the Commonwealth in 2287, the Brotherhood has established a vast arsenal of Vertibirds, with the ability to manufacture more. The Vertibirds have been modified so that they can be docked on the Brotherhood airship, The Prydwen.
Although the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave are the 2 factions known to have fleets of Vertibirds, the Gunners and NCR are also confirmed to own at least one. The Minutemen and the Railroad, may also come into possession of a single Vertibird.
In the Commonwealth the Vertibird's seen are significantly different compared to those seen in New California and the Capital Wasteland. It is larger in appearance and has a transparent cockpit, sliding doors on the cabin, a pintle mounted minigun on the left hand side and folding wings and rotors. The Vertibird also has a docking hook along the top near the tail, that links with the docking hook/arm on the flight deck of the Prydwen. Different from previous models are the model's retractable landing gear, in a different configuration with one along the center line at the front of the aircraft and the other three in a tricycle layout at the rear of the fuselage.
- The name "Vertibird" is the trademark for a toy helicopter playset popular in the 70s.
- Many design aspects of this aircraft in Fallout 2 appear to be inspired by the Dragonfly. For example, the six legged landing gear and twin bulges in the forward fuselage.
- Both the design and designation VB-02 are inspired by the tilt-rotor Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, as well as the tilt-wing LTV XC-142.
- Timothy Donley was the artist who designed the Vertibird model for Fallout 2. [需要引证]
- ↑ Museum of Technology
- ↑ Outcast outpost terminal entries
- ↑ Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide : "Passengers use the side-mounted miniguns... and each Vertibird is also equipped with two front-mounted 5-mm cannons."