關於an overview of all weapons in the Fallout world,參見Weapon
辐射3Frag mine
Pulse mine
辐射:新维加斯Frag mine
Pulse mine
Fat mine Gun Runners' Arsenal
辐射4Fragmentation mine
Pulse mine
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV GRAGametitle-FO4
Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV GRAGametitle-FO4

Land mines are explosive devices found in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout Tactics. When armed, the mine is placed on the ground, where it will lie dormant until an enemy strays too close, upon which its proximity fuse will trip, detonating the mine shortly thereafter.

In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, the player's skill in Explosives will reduce the length of the fuse on a player's mines, and increase the time on enemy mines before detonating. In Fallout Tactics, the chance of spotting a mine before detonation increases with your ranks in Traps, as does your ability to successfully disarm them.

In Fallout and Fallout 2, mines could not be directly used by the player. However, some locations such as the Glow and Sierra Army Depot have working anti-personnel mines that will detonate if the player steps on them. They can be disarmed using the Traps skill, but could not be picked up or moved.



反步兵地雷是一種針對人員的地雷,炸藥較少。While the explosive blast of an anti-personnel mine may be large enough to damage small vehicles, they also utilize some form of fragmentation or other means to damage soft tissue outside of the immediate blast area.



反坦克地雷是一種用於破壞或摧毀裝甲戰鬥車輛的地雷,通常擁有更高份量的爆炸物。Much of the damage of an anti-tank mine is done from blast of the more powerful explosives. While anti-tank mines are primarily deployed to combat a vehicle threat, if triggered by personnel, can be very effective on large groups.


Satchel charge

Demolition charges are explosives primarily designed for construction or civil engineering use, or for combat use by engineers to destroy fortifications or other hardened targets. They differ from anti-personnel mines in that they have no wounding fragments to disperse, and from anti-tank mines in that they are designed as general purpose explosives, rather than armor piercing.

  • 關於爆破炸藥的種類一覽,詳見:爆破炸藥



游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4

Pulse mines are a variation of normal proximity mines. The mine consists of a powerful EMP device wired to a proximity fuse and then secured inside a heavy metal casing. 对于血肉之躯没什么杀伤力,但对电子设备和機器人會造成相当严重的损伤,stunning or even permanently disabling them.



Fat mine
游戏文章: 军火贩的武器库

The fat mine is a powerful improvised explosive found in the Gun Runners' Arsenal add-on. 使用迷你核彈作為核心。
