
我们的祖先 -- 他们是秘密民兵的一部分 -- 把他们自己和他们的家人封印在这里以求保护。几代人以来,我们一直在这里,安全地隐藏在地球母亲的子宫内。"维吉尔.



地底人是一个秘密民兵组织的后裔,当大戰来临时,他们将自己和他们的家人密封在地下以保护自己。这个事件被称为封印。[1] 自封印以来,人口发生了变异。他们的皮肤变得苍白,瞳孔放大,[2]让他们适应地下生活。虽然它们对太阳光的敏感是它们留在地下的主要原因,但它们对夜空的恐惧使它们瘫痪。他们认为这是一片虚无的黑色海洋,他们向上坠落的感觉是如此强烈,以至于他们躺在那里,紧紧地抓着地面。[3]



为了摆脱入侵者,生性不暴力的地底人们想出了鬼主意,用发光的真菌涂抹自己。[7]过了一段时间,卡尔开始讲述看到奇怪发光的人在晚上照料庄稼和喂动物的故事。[8] 摩多克的其他人都嘲笑他,以为他在编故事。 然后有一天,卡尔不再进城了。[8]

当摩多克的人来寻找他时,他们发现了尸体,有些被钉在十字架上,而另一些则在阳光下腐烂。[8]实际上,这些尸体只是地底人制造的道具,用来吓跑那些试图从他们身上偷窃的人,主要是双头牛内脏和假人。 虽然摩多克的居民相信卡尔已经死了,但他只是逃到了丹恩城











  1. The Chosen One: "{178}{}{Tell me about your people.}"
    Vegeir: "{197}{}{Once, long ago, we were once like the surfacers. We too dwelled above ground, until the world above caught fire. Our ancestors -- who were part of a secret militia -- sealed themselves and their families down here for protection. For generations, down here we’ve remained, safely hidden within the womb of Mother Earth.}"
  2. Slag guard: "{150}{}{Besides the pale skin and enlarged pupils, he looks to be an ordinary person.}"
  3. The Chosen One: "{177}{}{Why don’t you send one of your own people to deliver the message?}"
    Vegeir: "{194}{}{Since the Sealing, we, as a people, have changed. Few can bear to be on the surface because they are not used to having a black sea of nothingness above them. The sensation of falling upward is so great for them that they lie frozen, clutching the ground. But that is not the main reason. All of us cannot stand the bright light of that which you call the sun; living underground for so long has made our eyes too sensitive to light. We cannot travel far from the safety of our homes beneath the ground.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{190}{}{Why did you come back to the surface?}"
    Vegeir: "{200}{}{Our population steadily increased since the Sealing. It soon became apparent that we could no longer survive down here without further supplies. So the Seal was broken, and we once again looked to the surface for survival.}"
  5. Jo: "{194}{}{There’s this farm at the outskirts of town, where no farm should be. Some years back it just ‘appeared’ out of nowhere.}"
  6. Jo: "{196}{}{A group of us were out hunting when we noticed the new farm. But that wasn’t the strange thing. Soon after, some of us got together to visit our new neighbor, only to discover that there wasn’t anybody there.}"
    The Chosen One: "{197}{}{Go on.}"
    Jo: "{198}{}{After many months of trying to contact the owners with no success, it was decided that the farm must have been abandoned soon after it was built. So instead of letting the crops rot in the fields, young Karl moved in.}"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Chosen One: "{191}{}{Why the big ghost charade on the surface?}"
    Vegeir: "{203}{}{Years ago, someone tried to take over our farm, harvesting crops and stealing animals they had no right to. We are not a violent people by nature, but something had to be done. Our survival at the time depended on those crops. That’s when we came up with the ghost idea. Smearing ourselves with glowing fungus, we were able to scare away this person and any other nosy neighbors. Unfortunately, this has been a little too effective. Lately, we’ve been seeking to make contact with the surfacers, but no one comes to the farm anymore for fear of the ghosts. Luckily, you dropped by.}"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Chosen One: "{209}{}{What do you know about the Ghost Farm?}"
    Rose: "{217}{}{[She shivers involuntarily.] Stay away from there! I’ve heard tales from travelers about rotting bodies tied to stakes, and glowing shapes moving through the fields at night. I don’t know how much of this is true, but I do know a while back Karl moved out there and hasn’t been seen since.}"
  9. The Chosen One: "{192}{}{What is the purpose of your message?}"
    Vegeir: "{210}{}{With the completion of the new irrigation systems, our food supply far exceeds our needs. We wish to establish trade with the surfacers and exchange surplus foods for much needed medicines.}"
人物 · 葛力斯韩 · 巴尔萨斯 · 比夫 · "鸡" · 科尼利厄斯 · 法雷尔 · 罗丝 · 强尼 · 达宾 · 麦丽雅 · 拉迪 · Balthas' wife  · Modoc citizen · Modoc trader · 维吉尔 · Slag guard · Slag citizen (鬼农场 地底人) · Stable boy
地点摩多克大街 · Modoc brahmin pastures · Rose's Bed and Breakfast · 法雷尔的花园 · 摩多克洞穴 · 屠宰场农庄 · 鬼农场
任务摩多克东北部的农场发生了一些奇怪的事情。调查并向乔报告 · 科尼利厄斯已经失去了他的金怀表。查找并把它归还给他 · 法雷尔要你找到科尼利厄斯的金怀表。找到它并还给法雷尔 · 乔尼失踪了。找到他并将他带回给巴尔萨斯 · 强尼在地底人洞穴中。想办法带强尼回到巴尔萨斯的家 · 法雷尔的花园里有啮齿动物。驱除侵扰 · 将地底人的消息传递给摩多克中的乔 · 乔对地底人产生怀疑。查明鬼农场的尸体以及卡尔的遭遇 · 去丹恩城告诉卡尔回家没事了 · 杀掉"鸡" · 帮助贝丝的双头牛