
National Park HQ is a location on the Island in 2287.


Before the Great War, National Park HQ was a large building used as the administration offices for Acadia National Park. By 2287, it had become a hideout for several super mutants, former members of the group that inhabits the Vim! Pop factory.


The site consists of a two-story building, a large V-shaped barn, and a central parking lot. There is a steamer trunk just inside the barn's east entrance. The building itself contains an Advanced-locked safe behind the front counter and numerous meat bags, but little else of note. Entering the barn will trigger the arrival of a super mutant suicider and another super mutant.

Several hundred yards west of the site at the northern end of a short north-south path are three ruined houses inhabited by feral ghouls. One of the houses is equipped with a mattress inside and a cooking station on the front porch. The house with the mattress also has an Expert-locked floor safe under the trash can in the kitchen.

Related quests[]

  • Treasure Hunt: Uncover a stash of caps mentioned in a raider's note.


National Park HQ appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

