

喬安·琳娜特(英文名:Joanne Lynette)是2241地下掩體都市第一公民








琳娜特利用任何涉及外来者的负面情况来强化她的信念,而忽视或忽略任何积极的方面;她一门心思,固执己见。事实上,当他们从8号避难所出现时,她(和避难所居民)有一个"环境欢迎垫"为他们(与GECK)展开,这意味着与其他挣扎中的社区相比,他们遭受了很少的困难,但她根本没有意识到这点。她相信地下掩體都市和避难所居民之所以能够生存和繁荣,是因为他们是人类的优秀品种 - 比徘徊在废土的人类垃圾更聪明,更好,更有能力。




Icon talkinghead
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest





  • 琳娜特起初高度怀疑获选者对G.E.C.K.的了解。并要求解释。一旦她发现获选者说的是真话,她的态度很快就改变了。这可以通过向她展示13号避难所连身衣,然后让她检查Vic's water flask来展示。她在根除约翰·毕索普与NCR和掠夺者的联系方面扮演了更光荣的角色。
  • 如果獲選者把琳娜特的馬屁拍得恰到好處并且给地下掩體都市和她个人一个足够大的帮助,她就會封玩家為警衛隊長


  • 喬安·琳娜特著名的死亡动画:
Joanne Lynnette death animation


服装 武器 其他 物品
Joanne Lynette's jumpsuit 敏達
治疗针 x2*

* One equipped
** Equipped


  • 在地下掩體都市的结局幻灯片中,她的名字拼写为"Joann",[1],而华莱士在对话中称她为"Joanne"。 [7]
  • 如果玩家角色告诉她他们是13号避难所的后裔,并向她展示他们的水壶和连身衣,他们在地下掩體都市的声望就会提高。
  • 如果获选者受到地下掩體都市的崇拜,她会说"是的?有什么我可以帮你的吗?"而不是"是的?是什么?"
  • 她是辐射2中的几个角色之一在对话中打破了第四面墙。[8]
  • 通关后,如果出现提示,琳娜特会拥抱智力低的获选者[9]
  • 她的脚本包括授予解决蜥蜴城动力问题的选择公民身份,但由于互斥检查而无法访问。




  • 在一個被刪去的結局中,在美國政府殘黨毀滅之後的選舉中,高級議會成員麥克盧爾被任命為第一公民。在他的统治下,地下掩體都市与NCR合作制定法律。[10]
  • 虽然敏達在地下掩體都市被禁止,但可以使用偷窃技能并发现她携带一些。这些旨在向玩家传达她是一个滥用药物的伪君子。[11]
  • 辐射2的第一个版本中,琳娜特的面部特写应该被用作居住在51区废墟中的一群科学家的发言人。[12]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Vault City independent, Westin and Lynette marry: "... He moved north to Vault City for medical treatment and eventually married Joann Lynette in the following year."
  2. Joanne Lynette: "{100}{}{You see a stern-looking woman with thick glasses, wearing a Vault City jumpsuit. Judging from her bearing, she seems important.}"
  3. Fallout 2 appearance and behavior.
  4. Mercenary: "{263}{}{Lynette's a good-looking woman. Well, in a aristocratic, domineering, slave-advocating kind of way.}"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Fallout Bible 0: "1. Here's a question that everyone would like to have answered. Why is Lynette such a bitch? Is she a jet baby? Was she abused as a youngster? Did she have a series of sordid love affairs that all went horribly wrong and warped her into a domineering cynic? Or she just acting like a typical Vault City citizen? - Albert."
    "Answer: Yes, Lynette is a bitch if you're not a Citizen. As the figurehead for Vault City, she was supposed to embody the worst arrogance and condescension that Vault City has to offer (traits that are not present in all the citizens, as McClure and others prove). Furthermore, I suspect that she was made a black character to add an additional edge to her hypocrisy over slavery, but I guess you'd have to ask the original designers about that - Mark O'Green and I wrote Lynette's dialogue, but we were working off of an older design that (I think) Jason Anderson had written.
    As for why Lynette's a bitch... well, Lynette does have an extreme managerial, economic, and efficient soul, and she's used to getting her way. She wasn't abused, tortured, or twisted in any way when she was young, she just got a certain privileged and superiority complex hardwired into her head around five or six years old, and she's never been the same. She's always known that she was destined to lead the Vault 8 Citizens, and that power has gone to her head.
    She's been the leader of Vault City for many, many years, and she's seen the worst that the wasteland has to offer - but rather than taking sympathy on the poor souls that have come to Vault City for protection, she has instead taken the view that these "outlanders" were simply not strong or smart enough to achieve what Vault City has, and thus, are inferior. She tends to work too much and too hard, and she sees all her time as precious, so she has little patience for socializing without a purpose (i.e., if it doesn't involve politicking, she's going to be working late at the office instead) or for people dropping in and wasting her time.
    As expected, Lynette has had no positive romantic relationships up until her potential relationship with Westin from NCR in the endgame of Fallout 2. She's had little time for anything other than her job, and that's her focus - if anyone throws her job or decisions into question, buckle up, because she takes it as the worst sort of personal attack.
    Lynette uses any negative situation involving outlanders to reinforce her beliefs and disregards or ignores any positive aspects - she's single-minded and set in her ways. The fact that she (and Vault City) had an "environmental welcome mat" stretched out for them (with the GECK) when they emerged from Vault 8 meant they suffered little hardship in comparison to other struggling communities, but this simply doesn't factor into her thinking. She believes that Vault City and the Vault citizens have survived and thrived because they are a superior breed of human - smarter, better, and more capable than the human trash that prowls the wasteland. Anyway, there you go."
  6. Vault City travel log
  7. Vcwalace.msg: {297}{}{Our First Citizen is Joanne Lynette. She has done many good things for our city in her ten years of service.}
  8. Vclynett.msg: "{108}{}{I don't know what you intend to gain by clicking on me, but I won't tolerate it much longer.}{109}{}{Perhaps you find clicking on me... amusing. Perhaps you will find the Corrections Center just as humorous.}{117}{}{Do you like my little dreadlocks? I think Scott Rodenhizer has a strange sense of humor.}"
  9. Vclynett.msg: {119}{}{Wahr? Wahr whar?}{122}{lyn003}{From the simplest things - and that certainly is you - even greatness may grow. Take care, my sweet imbecile... all Vault City thanks you.}{123}{}{Hug her.}{125}{lyn004}{Awwwww... there, there. Anytime you need a hug, you come see Aunt Lynette, all right?}
  10. Fallout Bible 0:Lynette: "The Vault City that I helped establish was to outlast me and continue on for many more years. In the elections that occurred after the destruction of the remnants of the United States government, Senior Council Member McClure was appointed First Citizen and I retired to honorary council member status. With my new free time, I traveled south to NCR and met the NCR President. I was responsible for much of the legislation that followed in the years between NCR and our City."
  11. Chris Avellone Duckfeed.tv interview
  12. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.334-335: The Doodling in Your Head Stage
    "... A second set of drafts hypothesized the army of the Master (from Fallout 1) roaming the Wastes in a huge, armored land fortress, scooping up muties to use as slave labor. As you can see, neither of these stories made their way into the final game. Although some parts of them did—Lynette's head, for example, was once going to be the spokesperson for a group of scientists living in the ruins of a base in Area 51."
FO2 VC sign