關於 避难所科技吉祥物在“辐射战略版”中称为“ 哔哔小子”,參見避難所小子。 |
这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 |
哔哔小子是发放给所有避难所科技公司避难所的标准设备[1]要注册这种设备,居民将参加避难所监督者举办的培训研讨会,以解释哔哔小子提供的功能和改善日常生活,并在个人信息处理器责任表中填写有关此类信息。 诸如手的控制,个人喜好,手臂周长和和避难所连身裤尺寸之类的东西。 [Non-game 1]一些避难所收到了该设备的较新型号,而其他避难所则获得了较旧的版本。
避难所居民生存指南将“Pip”作为首字母缩写(Personal Information Processor,个人信息处理器),[Non-game 2]尽管游戏内置的设备使用的首字母是“Pip- boy”,而不是“PIP-Boy”。[2]
哔哔小子1.0配备了一个小显示屏、一个16键键盘、一个拨动开关、多个指示灯和一个至少有三种设置的拨盘。组成这个装置的组件被连接到一个基本的金属框架上,这个框架环绕着一个前臂长度的袖口。突出的电线和设备显得笨重,发现较新的哔哔小子型号可能已经去掉了保护外壳。 在羅伯科工業开发实验室,技术工程师们正在研究哔哔小子 1.0,这张存档照片揭示了原型阶段。[Non-game 3]
哔哔小子2000在黑色的5英寸x 3英寸单色屏幕上显示信息。 它可以录制声音和视频素材以供以后播放。 使用简单但优雅的声纳和卫星跟踪形式(如果可用),该模型可以绘制出用户旅行的区域。 尽管输入速度很慢,但用户也可以在其哔哔小子2000s上手动输入和编辑文本消息。哔哔小子2000戴在用户的手腕上。
[Non-game 2]这些型号,包括其他,都是放逐者和获选者拥有的。勇士使用的是一种印有B.E.的改进型号。
哔哔小子2000 Mark VI[]
哔哔小子Mark VI代表了羅伯科工業旗舰个人计算机产品的更符合人体工程学版本的开发方面的进步。 每位离开76号避难所的避难所居民都获得了Mark VI,以协助他们在大战后25年重建阿帕拉契亚的目标。
Mark VI地图的操作方式不同于以前版本的嗶嗶小子2000,它利用了缺少局部区域概览选项的纸质风格化地图。 除了这些地图功能之外,哔哔小子还具有用户状态跟踪功能。 它能够跟踪穿戴者的状态以及任何活动或已完成的任务,并且还可以组织穿戴者的库存。 数据的覆盖也是可用的。 此外,该设备还具有无线电升级模块,盖革计数器,高级罗盘(可显示发现的位置以及附近的人和生物)以及照明功能。[Non-game 4]全息播放器安装在显示器下方。
与2000型一样,3000型在黑色单色屏幕上显示信息。像2000型一样,它能够保持用户健康状况的标签,绘制区域,记录和存储笔记。 与之前的产品不同的是,它还具有附加功能,例如内置收音机,盖革计数器和哔哔小子灯,用于照亮黑暗区域。[4] 这是用字母表示的哔哔小子3000的几种型号,即哔哔小子3000A。[5] 外观相似,但硬件不同。与2000型的主要区别在于,它需要作为护手戴在身上,护手用生物识别锁密封[6],3000A的护手用螺栓锁住,可以批量拆卸、更换或临时更换,以便衣服能从护手下面穿过。[Non-game 5][7]
奢侈的皮条小子30亿是由标准版哔哔小子3000A手工修改而成,是纯金的并镶有钻石。它可以从自由城的Mick & Ralph's处从Mick获得,作为说服Omertas 为了武器需要归还Mick的奖励。根据要求,Mick将在3000A和30亿之间切换玩家的哔哔小子。狂野废土的特征会在每次装备迪斯科音乐时播放。
哔哔小子3000 Mark IV[]
哔哔小子 3000 Mark IV是哔哔小子 3000系列的第四次迭代,包括许多设计增强功能。控制拨盘从设备的左侧移至右侧,以提高可访问性,生物识别锁和手套被一个简单的闩锁取代,可快速轻松地取下。Mark IV还采用了经过改进的显示界面,带有动画图像,并且能够玩最新的视频游戏,例如Atomic Command和Red Menace。与之前的产品不同,Mark IV能够手动解锁避难所的主要入口。
哔哔小子3000 Mark IV被分发到波士顿附近的几个避难所,包括75号避难所、81号避难所、95号避难所、111号避难所和114号避难所。由于111号避难所的居民处于低温停滞期,避难所科技的工作人员没有向他们发放哔哔小子;这个避难所的獨存者能够从一位早已死去的避难所技术科学家的尸体中找到一个哔哔小子。
以下内容基於范布倫设计文档 和 并非正史. |
小哔哔3000提供了哔哔小子2000 Plus的所有功能,但由于采用了集成电路,尺寸大大减小。 尽管具有优势,小哔哔仍不如其更耐用的前身受欢迎。
超级哔哔小子是Victor Presper穿着的一款独特的哔哔小子型号。它有一个内置的健康监视器,运动传感器,程序创建和编辑工具。
關於范布倫设计文档的内容到此作結。 |
- 在《Fallout 3》和《Fallout: New Vegas》中,所有佩戴哔哔小子3000的NPC都会把设备调到状态界面。
- 在经典的Macintosh版本的辐射中,在打开哔哔小子2000的菜单时会使用PlainTalk讲“欢迎使用羅伯科工業哔哔小子2000”,并叙述您打开的菜单。
- 公司吉祥物避难所小子在图像中显示,这些图像说明了SPECIAL角色系统的所有特征,在《辐射战略版》中被称为“ 哔哔小子”。
- 在 辐射:避难所,探索废土的居民配备了哔哔小子。
- The Pip-Boy is included as a promotional item for the Engineer in Team Fortress 2. A Pip-Boy appears in Valve Software's multiplayer FPS Team Fortress 2 as a promotional miscellaneous cosmetic item for the Engineer class. When equipped, it will change the Engineer's construction PDA display to a green-and-black display, and adds an image of the Engineer in the style of the Vault Boy art.
以下内容基於非正典的幕后信息. |
- Van Buren characters such as the Prisoner, Symm, other Tibbets prisoners and Dr. Presper's party (Coleridge, Briggs, Davidson and Pierce) were also planned to be equipped with Pip-Boys.
關於非正典的幕后信息的内容到此作結。 |
- ↑ Vault-Tec Workshop loading screens: "In the years before the war, RobCo and Vault-Tec forged a powerful corporate alliance. Residents of Vault-Tec's Vaults would each be provided with a RobCo Pip-Boy personal computer, a device which made extensive use of the popular "Vault Boy" mascot."
- ↑ The Pip-Boy 2000, Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI, Pip-Boy 3000, and Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV all use "Pip-Boy" on their nameplates.
- ↑ The Courier: "What do you mean?"
Elijah: "That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain. It may have helped you find the Sierra Madre broadcast, but it's just as much a crutch today as it was in the Old World."
(Elijah's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "Press and hold the Pip-Boy button to turn on its light and illuminate dark areas."
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Wally said my Pip-Boy was a piece of junk!"
Stanley Armstrong: "Don't you listen to him. The A series may be a bit heavier than the luxury models, but they were built to last. Solid as a vault, they are. And I fixed her up myself. Shouldn't need to open her up again for a decade or two."
The Lone Wanderer: "It's all right. Seems kind of old, though."
Stanley Armstrong: "Of course it is. Just like everybody else's. They don't make 'em any more now, do they? That one I've been saving just for you, though. The A series is a bit heavier than some of the fancier models, but it won't let you down. I bet you could drop a bomb on one and it would still work. As a matter of fact, I know you could."
(Stanley Armstrong's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I hate it. How do I get it off?"
Stanley Armstrong: "Get it off? Why in the world would you want to do that? Your Pip-Boy's the best friend you'll ever have! Besides, you can't get it off. Biometric seals et cetera. I could tell you some stories about trying to take 'em off the old folks... ...ah, well, that's hardly a fit subject for a kid's birthday party. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Pretty soon you'll wonder how you ever got along without it."
(Stanley Armstrong's dialogue) - ↑ However, this portrayal is inconsistent, as clothing in Fallout 3 is depicted as fitting under the Pip-Boy, with sleeves coming out on the other sides, while in New Vegas this issue is not mentioned at all. The Courier receives Doc Mitchell's old Pip-Boy and can freely switch between the regular and the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion version; the 3 Billion also appears loose on the player's arm. Ricky in Honest Hearts wears a Pip-Boy 3000 that he claims to have found, though he doesn't mention the biometric lock though his Pip-Boy is revealed to be broken. Notably, the intro for the Pip-Boy concept art section in The Art of Fallout 3 says that the 3000 model is fastened with bolts rather than a biometric lock.
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- ↑ Pip-Boy Operational Instructions
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.4–20—4–21: "ROBCO PIPBOY 2000
To help Vault Dwellers record information (and information is extremely valuable, in fact, it might be the most valuable weapon we have against the end of civilization, so pay attention!), Vault-Tec has selected the RobCo Industries RobCo PIPBoy 2000 as the Personal Information Processor of choice for its Vault Dwellers.
The RobCo PIPBoy 2000 (hereafter called the PIPBoy), is a handy device that you wear on your wrist. It’s small, especially by today’s standards, and it will store a goodly amount of information for you. And using modern super-deluxe resolution graphics to boot!" - ↑ Pip-Boy Operational Instructions pp. 4-5: "Archive photo of technical engineers hard at work on an early Pip-Boy prototype in the RobCo development laboratory."
- ↑ Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI FM Radio Module, Bethesda gear store
- ↑ The Art of Fallout 3 p. 14: "Pip-Boy:
The Pip-Boy was one of the first three iconic elements we wanted to nail-down in terms of look and feel, the other two being the Vault suit and Brotherhood of Steel power armor. This was a good exercise in determining the approach we would take with all industrial design in the game; a blend of classic 50's aesthetics with a futuristic twist. This is a delicate balance; swing too far towards the retro and you end up with something campy and unrealistic, but too far with the futurism and you risk a generic look.
After much iteration the design was eventually narrowed down to a basic look. Once Adam's drawings all start looking too similar we know we've honed in on the most likely design. The overall design isn't too over-styled, as this is meant as a tough piece of field equipment. The device clamps on the user's arm, fastened via bolts (which implies that it doesn't come off very often). It prominently features a bulky mini-CRT display, hooded to prevent glare from the hot wasteland sun. There are various buttons and knobs, slightly oversized to facilitate handling with a gloved hand. The grill indicates that the circuitry within can get pretty hot, and proper ventilation is required. Also note the gloved hand with a control-box mounted on the back, it has a large knob and coiled wire connecting with the main unit. That knob is the primary controller for the user to manipulate the on-screen cursor. It's only years later that I realized that we should have put the knobs and control on the right side of the screen as opposed to the left, this would have been considerably more ergonomic. Oh well, ergonomics were never a priority in design for this era."