關於其他名叫哈罗德的角色,參見Harold (disambiguation)







哈羅德在大戰五年前的2072年出生,然後就进入了29號避難所。[Non-canon 1] 他仍然记得那天的警报声以及随后可怕的日子,他住在一个人满为患的避难所里,没有足够的食物和水可以四处走动。[1]原因是他的29号避难所里住着与父母分离的幼儿,并由戴安娜照顾,戴安娜是一位人类科学家,通过将她的人脑与控制避难所和托儿所的超级计算机相结合而永生。在全球热核战争中保存的种子和基因记录。戴安娜将通过定期释放年轻居民来侦察地表并报告定居是否安全来控制动乱。他们再也没有回来,因为戴安娜会带他们去托儿所,在那里他们要么可以加入她,要么在被限制在不能谈论托儿所或避难所后离开。[Non-canon 2]

他于2090年18岁离开,并开始以商人的身份发家致富,在整个新加州出现的生存主义社区之间建立联系。[2][Non-canon 3][Non-canon 4][Non-canon 5] 在接下来的十二年里,他赚取了可观的利润,在中樞市中崭露头角。然而,一切都是有代价的,由于帮派、拾荒者和变异生物的攻击,哈罗德为成功付出了沉重的代价,因此有必要雇用整支守卫军队来阻止他们。[3] 自从他在 2096 年成为自己的商队装备的负责人以来,这对他来说更加明显。[Non-canon 6]

最终,他受够了,并于2102年5月22日与来自中樞市的神秘科学家兼医生理查德·格雷一起资助了新加利福尼亚州的第一批冒险派对之一。[Non-canon 7]探险队从中樞市出发,追踪变种人到西北部,深入加州中央山谷。在经历了似乎源源不断的变种人之后,他们终于在6月23日到达了玛丽博萨军事基地[Non-canon 8] 事实证明,突破基地的防御是一项不小的壮举,最终,整个团队被缩减为只有哈罗德和理查德·格雷。弗朗辛受了伤,马克被送到了水面,再也没有消息。他们两人一路深入到基地的中央核心,那里是FEV的大桶所在。当机器人起重机撞向他们时,探险队终于被击溃,将格雷送入FEV大桶,并严重伤害了哈罗德。他昏倒了,几天后在废土中醒来,在因接触FEV而改变的阵痛中,他在基地处理了一件受污染的物品。[Non-canon 5][3][4][5] 四天后,即6月27日,他被商人发现,并带回了中樞市。他可怕的转变使他失去了生意,因为员工和合作伙伴都疏远了他。 不久,他就沦为乞丐,住在旧城区的一处废弃废墟中。[Non-canon 9]


Fo1 Harold


他的决心和毅力使他能够在贫困中生存。当他在2161年左右遇到放逐者时,他是整个中樞市中最年长的人,以他的故事和知识而闻名,不仅是关于过去的日子,还包括当代事件。例如,他知道如何找到涉嫌攻击商队的死亡爪,并且知道德克的手下最近抓获了钢铁兄弟会乔纳森,并且很乐意分享这些知识,以获得适量的瓶盖以保持自己的漂泊生活。[Non-canon 5]

哈罗德在2162年之后的某个时候离开了,他设法让旧城区的贫困人口和城市其他地区之间实现了一定程度的平等。他向北旅行,伴随着一棵在他脑海中生根的树苗(鲍勃)。2238年,他到达蜥蜴城,发现发电厂的管理粗心大意,他决定留下来,尽最大努力帮助尸鬼管理设施,成为事实上的市长和当地社区的领导者。[Non-canon 10]他将成为尸鬼与地下掩體都市顽固居民之间为解决蜥蜴城动力问题而斗争的关键参与者之一。随后,他再次出发。从他头上长出来的那棵树继续长大,结果越来越多。它非常坚韧的种子能够承受最恶劣的环境并茁壮成长。[Non-canon 11]


FOBOS Harold


主教的军队被摧毁后,哈罗德离开了中樞市,成为了一名旅行者,走遍了废土的各个地方。据了解,2208年左右,他在德克萨斯州前往Carbon,与Carbon的妓女Ruby以及发生了性关系并且到了尸鬼之城洛斯。 离开Carbon后,他想在洛斯过得愉快些,但超级变种人的到来以及他在这座城市失去的手、脚趾和眼睛改变了交易。新兵帮助哈罗德找回了他的身体,这样他就可以在城市毁灭之前离开。哈罗德的旅行于2238年在蜥蜴城结束。[Non-canon 12]


Fo2 Gecko Good Ending


在2241年,哈罗德是一个非常老但看起来仍然活泼的尸鬼。[6] 获选者在距离地下掩體都市不远的尸鬼小镇蜥蜴城遇到了哈罗德。 古城墓地被毁后,该镇的大部分尸鬼人口向北迁移,在大战前由海神石油公司建造的旧核电站周围形成聚居地。

当哈罗德到达时,工厂正在危险且低效地运行。哈罗德迅速接手并修理了反应堆。 当获选者到达蜥蜴城时,哈罗德请他们帮助解决随后的动力装置问题


FO3 Harold

哈罗德不知疲倦的双腿最终将他带到了大陆的另一端,首都废土。被鲍勃压得喘不过气来的他停下来休息,才发现自己再也动弹不得,被同伴扎在了地上。他成为这棵树的一部分,靠它的光合作用和从地下获取的养分来维持。他在首都废土北部扎根,在2250年代后期被一个流浪者发现。[7][8]这位后来改名为桦树的流浪者目睹了哈罗德的荣耀,并且知道其他流浪者会试图伤害救世主。他创立了护树人组织,这是一群心地纯洁的人,他们将保护伟人作为他的最后一道防线。[9] 一旦哈罗德和鲍勃真正成为环境的一部分,就会从树上蔓延出一片青翠的山谷,用生机和绿色冲刷着贫瘠的山坡,并吸引着动物栖息在该地区。[Non-canon 13][10][11]

在护树人的关心和关注下,鲍勃开始进一步扎根; 随着时间的推移,他的根系将哈罗德的内脏带到了下方的整个洞穴系统中,很明显,如果没有仁慈的死亡,哈罗德将永远留在一个地方。[12][13]哈罗德利用自己散播赫伯特种子的能力来吸引流浪者,起初是为了自娱自乐,然后是想办法解决他所遇到的问题。关键问题是,外人接触哈罗德所需的净化仪式涉及饮用来自鲍勃的致幻汁液,导致大多数来到绿洲的人出现精神病和其他严重的精神问题。[14]

他一直在努力,希望能吸引到能够帮助他度过难关的人。最终,在2277年,他成功吸引了独行者。在他们被异教接纳后,哈罗德要求他们杀了他,以免他永远扎根在一个地方的痛苦。[15] 患有抑郁症的他恳求独行者结束他的生命,这是护树人无法做到的。[16][17] 他对他们结束生命的要求最终被解释为对他们道德和精神能力的考验,而不是真正的请求怜悯。[18]

他和鲍勃真的很喜欢有一群中最年轻的紫杉陪伴,她毫无保留地聆听他的话。[19]另一些人把他当作神,总是在寻找他隐藏的意义,或者对他有自己的想法。树父桦树叶母月桂树对应该发生的事情持有两种相反的看法: 桦树希望遏制鲍勃的传播以保护绿洲和哈罗德,而月桂树则希望与所有人分享他们的上帝的礼物。可以决定实现哈罗德的愿望,对他实施安乐死,或者说服他继续活下去,要么让鲍勃分散开来,要么被控制。[20][21][22][23]


与大多数接触 FEV 的人不同,哈罗德并没有成为超级变种人,而是持续低水平环境暴露和接触FEV的辐射损伤的独特组合的结果,从而产生了杂交类型的物种。[Non-canon 14]


主页面: 鲍勃(树)

长出并最终压倒哈罗德的树被命名为鲍勃。鲍勃在玛丽博萨军事基地接触FEV后的某个时候从哈罗德的头上长出来了。一开始,鲍勃是一棵小树枝,但它的生长速度很快,变成了一棵大树,超过了哈罗德,在首都废土地区扎根。[24] 到2277年,两者已经扎根于该地点超过二十年。[25]

哈罗德将鲍勃视为他的朋友,并像在大声思考一样对他说话。哈罗德有时会开玩笑地称鲍勃为赫伯特,并对他们关系的字面和比喻上的亲密程度发表了一些评论。[24][26]独行者第一次接近鲍勃和哈罗德时,哈罗德会分享说他能够透过其他树的叶子看到他们的接近,虽然令人印象深刻,但让鲍勃嫉妒。 [27]



图标 任务 细节
Fallout 寻找失踪的商队 贝丝告诉放逐者去找哈罗德,以获得更多关于失踪商队的信息。
Fallout 2 解决蜥蜴城动力问题 哈罗德担心,如果污染持续下去,地下掩體都市将会攻击蜥蜴城,杀死所有的尸鬼。
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 寻找丢失的碎片 哈罗德失去了他的三个身体碎片,他要求玩家角色找回它们。
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 和露比嬉戏 新兵可以提醒哈罗德他与来自Carbon的妓女露比的冒险,得到300XP。
Fallout 3 绿洲 桦树想要阻止哈罗德对废土的影响,月桂树想扩大他的影响力,而哈罗德只想死。




  • 他被计划出现包括范布倫, 被黑島工作室取消的辐射3互动娱乐輻射:鋼鐵兄弟會2中。
  • 辐射:桌面游戏,哈罗德可以通过任何具有耐力玩家角色在商店获得。当与他作为活跃伙伴一起购物时,玩家角色可以耗尽他,以便为他们出售的每件物品获得额外的两个瓶盖。当玩家角色执行营地行动时,他将变得精疲力竭。但是,如果玩家角色此时没有魅力,则必须将其丢弃。
  • 一个名为"哈罗德"的变种人头上长出一棵树出现在辐射战略版
  • 一个名为“哈罗德教”的团体被Adam Adamowicz的概念艺术作品提及,这是在Adamowicz死后发布的。它描绘了三个穿着与护树人相似的服装的角色。
  • 哈罗德是出现在多个游戏中的少数角色之一。其他示例包括麥蒂森·梨麥奎迪亞瑟·麥克森








Chris Taylor, Fallout聖經5
我知道我们把他当成尸鬼,但不是古城墓地里的尸鬼。他可能在之前或之后接受过辐射。我只记得他和一个我忘了名字的人一起进去了(就是掉在病毒桶里并成为主教的人),只有哈罗德出来了,他的记忆完全被破坏了。 ...大多数人都不知道自己什么时候受到辐射,所以他[哈罗德]可能不知道自己发生了什么事。我知道辐射和FEV不能混合。变种人对辐射免疫,但受辐射的人会因暴露于FEV而死亡。所以有一件事是肯定的:哈罗德不是辐射和FEV的混合体。他肯定是其中一个,我觉得他是个尸鬼。Tim Cain, Fallout聖經5



  1. The Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Vault}"
    Harold: "{1105}{hrold305}{Yeah, I came from a Vault. Too many people, not enough food and water. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?}"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  2. Harold: "{101}{HROLD0}{Spare change, old friend, old pal? Can you help a poor mutant down on his luck? [Cough]}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{Yeah, here's $25. Good luck to you.}"
    Harold: "{108}{HROLD2}{Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{109}{}{Why is that?}"
    Harold: "{111}{HROLD3}{[Cough] Rest of the Hubbers' been picking on me like a bad booger since I came back to town. I can't leave, though. When the deals are done [wheez] it's still my home.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{What happened to you?}"
    Harold: "{115}{HROLD4}{Well, after the Great War, my Vault was one of the first to open. [Takes a deep breath] Whew. Long time.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{116}{}{Tell me more about those days.}"
    Harold: "{118}{HROLD5}{All started with the sirens. I was young, but ohh, I do remember that. Lotta terrible years followed. And I remember walking outta the Vault late one morning.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{120}{}{Where was your Vault located?}"
    Harold: "{122}{HROLD6}{You know, [cough] I'm not real sure anymore. West, I think. Uh wait - east? Ooh I don't know. [Hacking cough]}"
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Vault Dweller: "{119}{}{What did you do then?}"
    Harold: "{124}{HROLD7}{Well, I was a trader. Did pretty good making a circuit between survivors. Lost a lotta good people, though. [Coughs]}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{125}{}{How?}"
    Harold: "{126}{HROLD8}{Gangers got'em. Scavengers attacking the caravans. And mutants, son of a dog, if they weren't springing up like rabbits with a mission. [cough] Had to have an army of guards with, just to do a deal.}"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  4. The Vault Dweller: "{128}{}{Where were the mutants coming from?}"
    Harold: "{133}{HROLD10}{Everywhere! Hell, seemed like you couldn't fart without hitting one. But mostly in the northwest.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{134}{}{Did you explore that area?}"
    Harold: "{138}{HROLD11}{We mounted an expedition. God, Richard. Richard Grey. Led a small group of us up there.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{139}{}{Richard Grey?}"
    Harold: "{146}{HROLD14}{Richard Grey was a doctor. Little older than me, and friend was he smart. He found the source.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{147}{}{And what was that?}"
    Harold: "{160}{HROLD18}{Some sort of old military base. We lost a lotta folks getting in there.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{161}{}{How did you know this base was the cause?}"
    Harold: "{165}{HROLD20}{Because it was like someone went bargain shopping at mutantland! Geez! Cheaper by the dozens! Can't figure any other reason except that being the factory.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{166}{}{Did you examine the base closely?}"
    Harold: "{167}{HROLD21}{We got pretty far inside. Wasn't a lot of us left by then. Grey, me and couple of others.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{168}{}{And then?}"
    Harold: "{169}{HROLD22}{One of them robots got Francine. Mark was wounded, sent him back to the surface. Then it was just me and Grey.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{170}{}{What ever happened to Mark?}"
    Harold: "{172}{HROLD23}{To this day, I don't know. He never made it back here, and...well I...couldn't face the wasteland again, so I...I never looked.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{173}{}{What about you and Grey?}"
    "Harold: {174}{HROLD24}{We made it to some sort of central core, like a plant of some sort. That's when it happened.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{175}{}{What?}"
    Harold: "{176}{HROLD25}{A robot crane crashed into us. Last I saw of Grey, he was flying through the air in-into some sort of acid bath. I was in bad shape and...well I passed out.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{177}{}{How did you survive?}"
    Harold: "{181}{HROLD26}{Well, I have no idea. Woke up in the wasteland, barely hanging on. Got lucky and some traders I knew found me days later. Good thing, since I was already changing. They brought me here, and here I've been since.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{182}{}{How did you mutate?}"
    Harold: "{190}{HROLD28}{All's I know, is it was something inside that base.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{191}{}{Do you think it could have been radiation?}"
    Harold: "{193}{HROLD29}{How the hell should I know? Grey would've known if anybody could. [sigh] Anyway, that's how the deal went down.}"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "How did a tree end up growing out of your head?"
    Harold: "It was a long time ago... I tend to lose track. I was exploring some sort of a military base with some other people... I think it was called Mariposa. We were pretty deep inside and we found some weird vats of this nasty green goo. Right when we were about to leave, I think we were attacked. Last thing I remember before blacking out was something knocking my friend into the stuff."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  6. Harold's dialogue, line 102
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "You don't actually seem that sad. Why do you want to die?"
    Harold: "I've been literally rooted to this spot thanks to Bob for maybe twenty or thirty years... I can't even remember anymore. Can you imagine being stuck in one place for that long not being able to eat or to read or to sleep or anything? In the meantime, I have these Treeminders bothering me every day about things I don't even care about. I can't stand it anymore."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you call yourselves Treeminders?"
    Birch: "We care for this place and keep it safe from those who would seek to exploit it. He gives to us, so we give back to Him. It's an arrangement that's worked well for almost two decades. We shun technology and embrace nature. That's the life of a Treeminder."
    (Birch's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "How did the Treeminders begin?"
    Birch: "When I first beheld the glory of the Great One, I knew there'd be others who would seek to do Him harm. I also knew He would be calling others that he felt were pure of heart to protect Him. Right then and there I created the Treeminders... the Great One's last line of defense."
    (Birch's dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "How is it you're causing all of these things to grow around you?"
    Harold: "It's kind of embarrassing really. Once a year, Bob decides he's going to go ahead and start growing these weird pods filled with tiny seeds. Well, all it takes is a good wind and the seeds just fly everywhere. I call them Herbert's Seeds. He hates that!"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "Amazing, this place seems so abundant with animal life."
    Birch: "The innocent creatures are drawn here by His gifts. They come from across the Wasteland to live in this sanctuary. This part of the world is healing, my friend, and it's all thanks to Him."
    (Birch's dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "Hey, maybe if you tell me what Harold is scared of I won't be scared either."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me, too! Then I won't be scared either."
    Yew: "Awww, I never knew an Outsider could be scared of anything! Harold told me that he's scared of fire. If fire ever got on him, it would burn him and Bob until they were all gone. That's why we keep the fires far away from him."
    (Yew's dialogue)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "How would I be able to kill you? You're a tree."
    Harold: "How to put this? ...I've been feeling rather "spread out" lately. I think Bob's kinda shoved my insides around some. It's hard to tell where everything is, but it's always that way with one's insides, isn't it? Anyway, I believe Bob's carried some of my organs into his root system. I want you to go underground and destroy my heart."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "How do the Treeminders normally handle other Outsiders?"
    Harold: "Oh, you wouldn't believe how they handle them. They make them drink this gunk that Poplar makes. Sometimes they just go nuts and start running around, and sometimes when they wake up and see me they run for the hills! I'll tell you, Outsiders are almost as entertaining as the Treeminders!"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "Well, hopefully your troubles will be over. I'm here to help."
    Harold: "You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. Or, we're glad to hear that... me and Bob. I had you brought in here to ask a very simple favor. Would you please kill me?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "You want me to murder you?"
    Harold: "Oh no, no, no. It wouldn't be murder. You'd be doing me a favor. You see, I've been stuck here for over two decades now... rooted right into the ground. The only friends I've got are Bob and those weirdos out there who think I'm a god."
    The Lone Wanderer: "You don't actually seem that sad. Why do you want to die?"
    Harold: "I've been literally rooted to this spot thanks to Bob for maybe twenty or thirty years... I can't even remember anymore. Can you imagine being stuck in one place for that long not being able to eat or to read or to sleep or anything? In the meantime, I have these Treeminders bothering me every day about things I don't even care about. I can't stand it anymore."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "Hey, life is a gift. Even if it lasts a long time, be glad you have it!"
    Harold: "I've tried to stay happy, really I have. Bloomseer Poplar thinks I'll live for hundreds of years... maybe even more! Can you imagine THAT? Stuck here for centuries? I can't do it, I just want to be alone. Just me and Bob until the end. When I saw you coming towards Oasis, I thought I felt that you'd understand me. I guess I was wrong."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  17. The Lone Wanderer: "If people thought I was a god, I'd exploit it for all it's worth!"
    Harold: "Hey, I thought that too... at first. I had them sing me songs, I made them do stupid dances and things like that. Bob even told me to make Maple stand on his head for a whole day! After a while though, it just gets boring. Then it becomes a nuisance and now it's completely driving me nuts! When I saw you coming towards Oasis, I thought I felt that you'd understand me. I guess I was wrong."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  18. The Lone Wanderer: "Had you ever asked one of them to kill you before?"
    Harold: "They wouldn't listen to me at all! If I told them something simple, then it got done. Otherwise, Birch spent a week looking for a hidden meaning. Plus, he used to just pop in whenever he wanted and started chanting this nonsense. Sometimes I used to just sit there silently just to make him mad! That was fun for a while. Hopefully this will all change now that things are different... thanks to you!"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "Which Treeminder do you get along with the best?"
    Harold: "Actually, the kid is the nicest one of all. Yew's her name. She sneaks in here sometimes and just lets me talk about stuff I wanna talk about. Bob really likes her too, cause she makes me happy."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  20. The Lone Wanderer: "You've become an important part of their life. Without you, they're lost."
    Harold: "So, they really need me that badly, huh? I guess I never thought of it that way. Awfully selfish of me. Should we give them another chance, Herbert? Fine, fine. I mean Bob. I still think it's funny when I call him Herbert."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  21. Lone Wanderer: "Hey, life is a gift. Even if it lasts a long time, be glad you have it!"
    Harold: "I've tried to stay happy, really I have. Bloomseer Poplar thinks I'll live for hundreds of years... maybe even more! Can you imagine THAT? Stuck here for centuries? I can't do it, I just want to be alone. Just me and Bob until the end."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  22. Lone Wanderer: "Ok, I'll do it."
    Harold: "You will? Oh! You've made us so happy! Isn't that right Bob? Just give me a little time to say goodbye to good old Bob and then I'll be ready."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  23. Lone Wanderer: "Well, hopefully your troubles will be over. I'm here to help."
    Harold: "You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. Or, we're glad to hear that... me and Bob. I had you brought in here to ask a very simple favor. Would you please kill me? "
    Lone Wanderer: "Kill you? You can't be serious!"
    Harold: "Completely serious. You'd be doing me a favor. You see, I've been stuck here for over two decades now... rooted right into the ground. The only friends I've got are Bob and those weirdos out there who think I'm a god."
    Lone Wanderer: "Look, I really don't want to kill you..."
    Harold: "Of all the Wastelanders I had to bump into it has to be one with a conscience. Let's keep it an open invitation then. I don't want to wait until the next person visits, it could be years."
    Lone Wanderer: "Can I have some time to think about it?"
    Harold: "Of course. I know this is an unusual request, but hey, I'm an unusual tree. Well, Bob is anyway... We'll just keep it an open invitation then. I don't want to wait until the next person visits, it could be years... you're all I've got."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Lone Wanderer: "What's with all the names? Bob, Herbert and Harold? I don't get it."
    Harold: "I was once a man a long time ago named Harold. Something in me changed and a weird little tree started growing right out of my head. It kept getting bigger until I ended up stuck inside. When people would ask about it, I decided to name it Bob. You know, like a friend or something. Sometimes I call him Herbert instead of Bob, because I get bored and I think it's funny. So long story short, call me Harold!"
    (Harold's dialogue)
  25. Lone Wanderer: "You want me to murder you?"
    Harold: "Oh no, no, no. It wouldn't be murder. You'd be doing me a favor. You see, I've been stuck here for over two decades now... rooted right into the ground. The only friends I've got are Bob and those weirdos out there who think I'm a god."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  26. Lone Wanderer: "Um... I must be dreaming."
    Harold: "Sigh. I wish I was too. Then me and Herbert could be the best of friends and live side by side. He's the tree, you see. We're old pals... the best of buddies and we know each other inside and out; literally. Well, his name's really Bob. I think it's funny to call him Herbert. But I don't think he thinks it's that funny."
    (Harold's dialogue)
  27. Lone Wanderer: "Seeing me approach Oasis is quite a feat for a living tree."
    Harold: "Maybe I'm just losing my mind from all this boredom. I swear if I try real hard, I can see all around me like my eyes are in every leaf on every tree. I think it's making Bob kind of jealous, cause he was the first tree in my life and all that."
    (Harold's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout Official Survival Guide p. 97: "Harold: An Old, Old Mutant"
    "Harold is the oldest person alive in the Hub. In fact, he was five years old when the war started. After his vault opened and its inhabitants made their way out into the wasteland, he became a merchant."
    "At some point many years ago, he handled an artifact contaminated with the FEV virus that caused him to mutate . He is now very old, sick, and he tends to ramble on a lot. Some of his information may be out of date. He can be cranky at times, but he likes to tell stories. He could be a good source of information on people and things within the Hub, and it's worthwhile talking to him to find out what he knows."
    "Be patient with Harold and draw him out. He has one critical piece of information that may be of use: He knew the Master when the Master was still human, and he has been to the lost military base."
  2. Nursery design document
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2090 Vault 29 opens. Harold (now human) sets out to make his fortune as a trader, making the circuit around the survivalist communities in the wasteland."
  4. Fallout Bible 5: "2090 Vault 29 opens. Harold (currently human) sets out to make his fortune as a trader, making the circuit around the survivalist communities in the wasteland."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Fallout Official Survival Guide p.97: "Harold: An Old, Old Mutant
    Harold is the oldest person alive in the Hub. In fact, he was five years old when the war started. After his vault opened and its inhabitants made their way out into the wasteland, he became a merchant.
    At some point many years ago, he handled an artifact contaminated with the FEV virus that caused him to mutate. He is now very old, sick, and he tends to ramble on a lot. Some of his information may be out of date. He can be cranky at times, but he likes to tell stories. He could be a good source of information on people and things within the Hub, and it's worthwhile talking to him to find out what he knows."
    "Be patient with Harold and draw him out. He has one critical piece of information that may be of use: He knew the Master when the Master was still human, and he has been to the lost military base."
  6. Fallout Bible 0: "2096 Harold rises to the level of a caravan boss in the Hub. His caravans suffer occasional attacks in the wastes, but Harold's caravan outfit survives and prospers... until the mutant attacks begin to pick up a few years later."
  7. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 May 22 Increasing mutant attacks on Harold's caravans cause Harold to get so pissed he finances one of the first adventuring parties of Fallout to try and find out where these dagnab mutants are coming from. Consulting with a scientist and doctor at the Hub, a man by the name of Grey, the two of them decide to join forces."
  8. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 June 23 Richard Grey's Expedition [including Harold] finds the Mariposa Military Base and the Expedition is scattered and defeated by mutants at the base. Grey is knocked into one of the vats of FEV by a robotic arm, and Harold is knocked unconscious, only to awaken later out in the wasteland."
  9. Fallout Bible 0: "2102 June 27 Harold, already mutating, is found by traders and taken back to the Hub. His former caravan partners and employees, horrified by his condition, abandon him and he is soon left without even two bottlecaps to rub together."
  10. Fallout Bible 0: "2238 Harold arrives in Gecko, and (with a lot of shaking of his head) he does his best to help the ghouls with the running of the Nuclear Power Plant."
  11. Fallout Bible 0: "You still hear mention of Harold from time to time. Apparently, the tree growing from his head has gotten larger, and if rumors are to be believed, fruit is growing from it. The seeds are said to remarkably tough, and several of them have taken root even in the most barren stretches of the wasteland."
  12. Fallout Bible
  13. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition pp. 319-320: "2.01: OASIS (LAT -03/LONG 28)
    Oasis is a fertile, verdant dot in the center of all the desolation. This odd hidden vale is home to a strange, tribal-like people who call themselves the Treeminders. You are welcomed into Oasis with open arms, and their leader, Tree Father Birch, invites you to meet their god. Oasis is tucked away inside a giant rocky outcrop in the mountains just northeast of the monorail and freeway skeletons, and the entrance is close to a rope bridge."
    (Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition Tour of the Capital Wasteland)
  14. Fallout Bible 5: "27. I disagree with making Harold not a ghoul. During Fallout 1 the name "ghoul" was not yet as widely used as in F2. Harold could have disagreed with calling his mutant kind with such a name (which is not very nice). When you ask him about the ghouls he says:
    {1102}{hrold302}{Mutants. Doesn't matter what they call themselves.}
    I think it doesn't necessarily mean that he's not a ghoul. It just means that he doesn't want to be called a 'ghoul'. He says, that the ghouls are mutants, just like him, and it doesn't matter how they call themselves.
    I think the name 'ghouls' was either created for them by the Necropolis ghouls themselves, or by people who considered them monsters. As he looks like a ghoul, i think he would be considered one by both. Ghouls are not like supermutants, they are not all the same. It's only a name for people twisted by radiation or FEV (or both). There may be ghouls created only by radiation, and ghouls created only by FEV.
    I also think, though Harold was mutated in the Vats, that if you say that all the ghouls were created by the FEV, then there isn't much difference between Harold and other ghouls.
    Chris Taylor wrote:
    "Actually, a dip in FEV has a chance of modifying Intelligence, but it doesn't always increase it. Some people do gain increased intelligence, a larger majority lose intelligence and most people remain the same. It also depends if people have enough radiation damage to be turned into ghouls or super mutants.
    If so, then people dipped in the Vats can become ghouls instead of supermutants, if they are radiated. I think that easily matches Harold's case...
    Fallout 2:
    {100}{}{You see a particularly leathery-looking Ghoul.}
    {101}{}{You see Harold.}
    {102}{}{You see a very old but still spry-looking ghoul.}
    {172}{}{Put a sock in it ya smelly old ghoul. Goodbye.}
    Loxley (F1):
    {244}{LOX_69}{Harold? He's a good enough sort, for being a ghoul an all. Lives on the south side.}
    As you can see, Harold is called a ghoul in the game.
    Butch (F1):
    {233}{BUTCH46}{Alright, so it wasn't the Death Claw. But what would the mutants in Old Town want with our caravans? Unless it's some kind of conspiracy.}
    As you can see, there are more muties in the Hub Old town, not only Harold (though we don't see them in the game). And they are all called both 'mutants' and 'ghouls'.
    I think the point is that you call 'ghouls' only the ones that were exposed to 'wild' FEV in the air and radiation, and not the ones that were screwed-up results of dipping (like Harold and Talius). I think both kinds should be called 'ghouls', because, though they were created with different methods, the result is identical, and they were both result of radiation and FEV (ghouls of Necropolis are radiated people that were exposed to mutated FEV in the air, and Harold and Talius are result of dipping people with radiation damage - think this is what Chris Taylor meant)."
    "All good points - Tim Cain and Chris Taylor agree with you, and they say Harold's a ghoul. To quote statements within the past week: Chris Taylor: Ghouls are a type of mutant. Harold is a ghoul. He's also a little special. Super Mutants are humans with no or minimal radiation damage who have been exposed to FEV. Ghouls are humans with significant radiation damage exposed to FEV. Harold is, well, Harold. Tim Cain: I know we treated him as a ghoul, but not a Necropolis one. He may have been irradiated before or after. All I remember was that he went in there with the guy whose name I forget (the one who fell into the vat and became the Master), and only Harold came out. Harold's memory is totally whacked, btw. ...most people don't know when they get irradiated, so he [Harold] just may not know what happened to him. I do know that radiation and FEV do not mix. Mutants are immune to radiation effects, but an irradiate human is killed by exposure to FEV. So one thing is sure: Harold is not a mix of radiation and FEV. He's got to be one or the other, and I think he's a ghoul. According to Chris, ghouls are irradiated humans exposed to FEV.
    According to Tim, ghouls are due solely to radiation.
    Both agree Harold is special. And I don't mean handicapped.
    Officially: Ghouls are a mix of FEV and radiation. Harold is a mutant who resembles a ghoul. Harold may have had some radiation damage before he was exposed to FEV, but his mutation (outside of his surface appearance) makes him different than a ghoul. Most ghouls are the result of extreme radiation + FEV exposure, but Harold's change was due primarily to FEV exposure (again, he could have sucked up a few rads in the wastes without him knowing, especially considering how long he ran caravans in the wastes).
    He is hideously mutated enough so that he looks like a ghoul, but he's not technically one, and this is the mistake that Loxley makes (Loxley only judges a book by its cover, and he knows nothing about genetics or anything beyond a surface appearance).
    You can call him a ghoul if you want, but the official answer is:
    "Harold is Harold." Harold's special.
    BTW, glowing ghouls are ghouls that suck up too many rads after they have become ghouls. We originally wanted Lenny in F2 to be able to turn into a glowing ghoul when he drinks too much radioactive liquor, but we didn't put it in."

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