

Harpers Ferry, historically stylized as Harper's Ferry, is a town in the Mire region of Appalachia in 2102.



In the decades leading to the Great War, Harpers Ferry became a focal point of the Free States movement. Skeptical of the U.S. government vault program, the group used the town as a staging area and supply point for the construction of personal bunkers across the Mire.[1][2] The movement's conspiracy theories and ideals unnerved patriotic visitors, disrupting the small tourism-dependent town's economy.[3]

As the Sino-American War escalated in 2077, minor conflicts between the Free States, loyalists, and police began to grow into open violence, catching the eye of the government.[4][5] Soon, local Harpers Ferry business owners were visited by government agents and coerced into providing the names and addresses of suspected Free States members.[6] By May, the clinic began to refuse services to those known to be involved with the group.[7] By June, the military staged a propaganda campaign in the town and began to seize the property of Free States members, citing seditious activity.[8]


After the Great War, Harpers Ferry was largely abandoned as emergency services and local survivors struggled to cope with the influx of refugees. In 2078, Vault 94 opened and sent an ambassador to the town to invite survivors back to the vault.[9] By November, the mayor of Harpers Ferry, Miranda Vox, agreed to sent a group of survivors with an ambassador to investigate the vault's claims.[10][11] Certain that the dwellers' hospitality was a trap, the Harpers Ferry group massacred the vault's leaders and attacked its G.E.C.K. unit, triggering a massive nuclear explosion and further mutating the Mire.[12][13][14]

After the Free State members emerged from their bunkers in 2079, the mayor contacted the leader of the movement for assistance.[15][16] Despite previous conflicts, the movement agreed to provide aid.[17] The rebuilding effort began, turning the town into a major fortress and trading post near the heart of the Mire. By 2084, the town was a prosperous outpost, providing support and food to those in need.

Already struggling with an ongoing mass paranoia about an outbreak of an unknown "disease" causing people to change into ghouls,[18] Harper's Ferry was hit hard by a new outbreak in 2086. The Scorched Plague reached the town, causing some Free States members to abandon the town and return to the safety of their bunkers.[19] After scorchbeasts breached the automated anti-air perimeter and began to spread into adjacent regions, Harpers Ferry was rapidly destroyed, forcing the remaining members back into their bunkers as well. The leader of the movement, Raleigh Clay, issued a general order to abandon all recovery efforts of the town.[20]


Harpers Ferry is a large town consisting of densely-packed residential buildings with a number of overlooks created through the damaged structures. The hill surrounding the local chruch-turned-barracks is fortified with large defensive barriers and guarded by automated turrets. The barricades extend to enclose the street northeast of the hill, though they have fewer defenses. A large armory lies to the southeast of the fortified hill.

At the northern edge of town, a Free States trading post lies at the end of Shenandoah Street behind a cluster of buildings. It contains vendor bot Wallace and has a nearby chemistry station to the north.

The outer areas of Harpers Ferry are bounded by Route 65 to the west and two converging railways to the north- and southeast. Train cars line the town's eastern perimeter, with several having been derailed onto the adjacent road. Manhole covers leading to the Burrows can be found near the town's western perimeter.

Harpers Ferry sits at the confluence of two rivers, where the Shenandoah River flows into the larger Potomac River. The Potomac River, located northeast of the town, can be crossed by using the railroad bridge leading into a collapsed tunnel. At the mouth of the tunnel is a wooden walkway leading under the bridge and to a path between the cliff and the water which leads to the ransacked bunker.

Points of interest[]

  • St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, an 1896 Gothic Revival church, serves as a prominent feature on the fortified hill.[21] It contains the Free States barracks and two workbenches for weapons and armor. Slightly to the north lies a small garden and cooking station.
  • A clinic can be found near the southeastern gate of the fortified area. The trapped bottom floor contains a medical lab and chem storage area.
  • Harpers Ferry Armory, an early 19th-century arsenal, is found to the south of the town. Requiring an access code, the complex contains a sizable amount of weapons and loot, along with three different types of workbenches.
  • John Brown's Fort, a mid to late 19th-century firehouse, can be found on the eastern outskirts of the town. In 1859, the building was used as a last stand for the abolitionist's militia during his raid on Harpers Ferry.[22] It has since been turned into a museum with numerous civil war-era items.
  • Jefferson Rock, a buttressed stack of shale rock on which Thomas Jefferson stood in 1783, lies to the west of the church.[23]
  • A dead vault dweller can be found sitting on an upstairs sofa in the northern side of the town.


  • 莉迪亞的日記第1頁 - 在城鎮最西部的637號房子旁邊的圓桌上。
  • 莉迪亞的日記第4頁 - 在北門南邊的106號房子一樓,後門旁邊的金屬架上。
  • 莉迪亞的日記第12頁 - 在城鎮西南部的398號房子屋頂上,就在南門旁邊,對面是診所。必須從394號房子的屋頂過去才能抵達。
  • 莉迪亞的日記第20頁 - 在城鎮北門南邊的114號房子樓上。
  • 莉迪亞的日記第24頁 - 在上述診所(126號房子)的二樓。
  • 辭職信 - 同上。
  • 安全避風港 - 上述114號房子的桌上。
  • 保護自己人 - 城鎮東南部的軍械庫,南翼二樓的羅利的終端機旁。
  • 恢復秩序 - 北門終端機旁。
  • 艾拉的日誌:哈珀斯費里 - 在城鎮南部的教堂,裡面桌上。
  • Harpers Ferry postcard - Obtained during the quest A Mark in the Past - Harpers Ferry.
  • 雪倫的憤怒信件 - 教堂桌上。
  • 傑德的信 - 上述位於軍械庫的保護自己人的隔壁房。
  • 李奧納德的日記 - 診所隔壁棟樓上。
  • 赫蘇斯·桑戴的全像卡帶(一) - 城鎮東南部的402號房子屋頂。
  • 赫蘇斯·桑戴的全像卡帶(二) - 南門終端機旁。
  • 防禦工事鑰匙 - 教堂中央的桌上。用來打開分布在城鎮林林種種的門。
  • Being followed - Note, in a cooler on the river northeast of Harpers Ferry.
  • Wild Appalachia 每月案件紀錄,十月 - 上述的106號房子一樓。
  • One Wasteland For All 搬遷公告 - 在原本小販機器人華勒斯所在的地方桌上,at the end of Shenandoah Street behind a cluster of buildings.
  • Potential weapon mod plan - Inside the church, to the right of the weapons workbench, on a makeshift metal table.
  • Three potential armor plans:
    • On the first floor of house #394, inside and open display case on the northwest wall.
    • On the third floor of house #394, next to the bathroom, inside an open square display case.
    • Inside the church, to the left of the armor workbench, on a metal barrel. (Armor mod plan)
  • Two potential recipes:
    • On the third floor of house #394, inside and open display case on the northwest wall.
    • On the third floor of house #106, on the shelf of a set of lockers.
  • A significant number of chems can be found in the basement of the clinic.


Harpers Ferry appears only in Fallout 76.





  1. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Paranoid that the government was lying to its people about the Vault program, the Free States movement built their own concrete bunkers to survive in case of nuclear devastation."
  2. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; manager's terminal, 11.16.76
  3. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Harpers Ferry was a small town that depended on tourism. This put them at odds with the growing "Free States" movement, whose conspiracy theories put off patriotic visitors."
  4. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; manager's terminal, 01.01.77
  5. The Sam Blackwell interview
  6. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; manager's terminal, 03.20.77
  7. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Ella's terminal, The Carson Family
  8. Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Senator Blackwell's terminal, Subject: No Luck
  9. Vault 94 terminal entries; exterior security terminal, User Log - 10/24/78
  10. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Miranda's terminal, Vault 94
  11. Vault 94 terminal entries; reception log, 11/20/78
  12. Vault 94 community council recording
  13. Vault 94 G.E.C.K. recording
  14. Vault 94 terminal entries; G.E.C.K. monitoring station terminal, G.E.C.K. System Log
  15. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; Raleigh's terminal, All Clear
  16. Harpers Ferry proposal
  17. Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Holbrook's terminal, They've left their bunkers
  18. Harpers Ferry terminal entries
  19. Abbie's bunker terminal entries; Niraj's terminal, The Scorched
  20. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; outgoing notifications station, Scorchbeasts
  21. St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church on Wikipedia
  22. John Brown's Fort on Wikipedia
  23. Jefferson Rock on Wikipedia
  24. The Making of Fallout 76 - Noclip Documentary