从外型上看,这把枪外壳的上半部被涂成了红色,背部的聚焦调节按钮上有一个画着五角星的夕阳沙士瓶盖,是用螺丝钉强行钉上去的。按钮下面的外壳上刻着一行字“HAD IT COMMIN”,下面还刻着8个数字符号;类似的符号在枪身两侧和下方也能看到,大概表示他收集到了多少星星瓶盖……从划痕数来看,他的记录似乎是48个。
Pew Pew has the same trademark colors (red and yellow) as the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company, further highlighting the obsession of its previous owner, Allen Marks.
When fired, the first laser will cause a yellow-orange burst of light from the barrel, yet the second shot will most often be red, with no flash, just the laser.
If the player has less than 5 energy cells, Pew Pew can still fire.
It is the second-most powerful improved holdout weapon that is not an explosive (in terms of base damage).
When aiming with true iron sights on, the player will still have a crosshair.
In the GECK, an unused script can be found that was meant to make this weapon fire in a 2-shot burst.
Behind the scenes[]
"Pew Pew" is a commonly used onomatopoeia representing the sound of a laser being fired.[1]
Has platform::Xbox 360 When changing ammo types in third person, Pew Pew doesn't make any reloading sound.[已验证]