
For every map marker you uncover in the Capital Wasteland, I'll pay you a fair sum in bottlecaps.Reilly

Geomapping with Reilly refers to an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3.

Quick walkthrough[]

Unmarked Quest: Geomapping with Reilly
Talk to Reilly.
Discover a new location on the map.
Return to Reilly.
Reward: 30 caps per location

Detailed walkthrough[]

After completing the quest Reilly's Rangers and offering to assist Reilly with her mapping service, she will give the Lone Wanderer a geomapper module. As long as it remains in one's inventory upon returning to the Ranger compound, Reilly will pay 30 caps per discovered location (maximum of 4,890 caps) upon being spoken to.


  • It was originally possible to exploit the Explorer perk to quickly capitalize on this quest, despite the fact that locations revealed with the Explorer perk are not technically discovered. With all add-ons and latest patches installed, rewards are only given for locations that are visited personally.
  • Reilly will not accept locations from add-ons.
  • If all the rangers die during the Reilly's Rangers quest, this quest cannot be started. Attempting to initiate dialogue with Reilly will fail.
  • D.C. Metro maps (which are downloaded from select Metro terminals) cannot be turned in with Reilly.
  • Two locations require the Lawbringer and Contract Killer perks.


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 It is possible that you won't get paid for locations you already have the first time you talk to Reilly after she gives you the geomapper module. She will say that the Rangers already know about all of the locations you have and will give you nothing. If this happens, try immediately talking to her again. You can also try dropping the geomapper module and picking it back up, then speaking with Reilly again. If she still won't pay you for the locations you have already discovered, try leaving the Ranger compound and re-entering before speaking to her again. Another alternative is to simply seek out at least one new point of interest and then return. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, if you talk to Reilly and ask for the caps for the geomapping, she will say that she will give you the caps, but will make her way to her bed to sleep. When you wake her up, she will say that she already has all those locations and will not pay you. This can be fixed by reloading a previous save. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Sometimes Reilly will claim the Rangers already know about all of the locations you have and refuse to pay, even if you exhaust all of the options listed in the first bug. [已验证]