Jimmy Hats is a very reliable pre-War brand of condoms. They are still very reliable even 200 years after the Great War. They usually cost about $2.
Jimmy Hats condoms are available in three different variants. The ones in blue package are ribbed for her pleasure, the ones in green package contain phosphorous green dye #2 and are slathered in spermicidal lubricant for added protection, and the ones in red package contain phosphorous red dye #5 and have a yummy cinnamon bun flavor... or so you heard. These can be placed in your inventory prior to having sex with Angela Bishop or Leslie Anne Bishop.
- Large amounts (more than 50 each) of the green and blue condoms are sold by Jenna on the Tanker.
Jimmy Hats condoms appear only in Fallout 2.
Behind the scenes[]
Jimmy Hats is an urban vernacular for condom.