吉布森老奶奶 runs a scrap yard north of Novac in the year 2281.
A lifelong scavenger, Gibson has made her life as a trader and repairwoman.[1] In her youth, she traveled with caravans, meeting and getting to know Doctor 亨利 during these travels.[2] She subsequently settled with her husband in the Novac area. Together they scavenged the REPCONN test site for the better part of their lives, scrapping and selling everything they could from the location.[3][4][5] She mentions that her chair, the "O" from the REPCONN sign, is her favorite.[3]
Continuing to operate the scrapyard after her husband's death, she offers repair services and sells a variety of items.[6][7] If asked about her nickname, she shares that it does not bother her, as she believes living long is an accomplishment.[8] Living with her at the scrapyard are several pet dogs, including Rey, Colmillo, Fiel, and Audaz.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
互动 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
该角色是一名商人。 | 卖: ammunition, cards chems, clothing, explosives, misc. items, weapon mods | 911-7299|
此角色可以修理物品。 | 修理 瓶盖: 79 |
- 伴我飞翔: Old Lady Gibson will sell the Courier the thrust control modules.
- 不过是条猎犬: Old Lady Gibson may be approached about using Rey's brain to cure Rex. She will ask for 700 caps or will agree for free with a Barter check of 70.
- ED-E我的爱: Talking to Gibson will activate ED-E's first audio log.
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 | 死 亡 |
Wasteland settler outfit | Big Boomer | Food Old Lady Gibson's key |
- She carries the unique sawed-off shotgun Big Boomer and stocks the components for the weapon repair kit.
- To the west of the scrapyard place is Gibson's shack, which serves as a part of the quest I Could Make You Care.
- If the Courier attacks one of Old Lady Gibson's dogs while she is inside the scrapyard building, she will not become hostile.
Old Lady Gibson appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
- 她可能会出售多张扑克牌。如果玩家全部购买会导致崩溃,但如果只买一张,则下次来时其他的会消失。[已验证]
- setstage 001572E8 10 console command to reset the dialogues and continue the quest. [已验证] It appears that if you come to Gibson Scrap Yard and talk to Old Lady Gibson before obtaining ED-E, she will not give you the unique dialogue options required to continue the quest, and ED-E merely ignores her. Use
- 吉布森老奶奶与玩家交易时,可能会出现玩家交出物品却得不到钱的现象,此时吉布森老奶奶也未收到货。[已验证]
- If your quest marker leads you to Helios One Solar Array area it may point you to the ground meaning that you may have killed Old Lady Gibson. The only way to finish the quest is to return to her garage and obtain the thrust control components from one of the containers. Note that the quest marker will be stuck in place and will not show you back to the garage. Simply ignore it, get the components from her garage, and the quest will update from there. [已验证]
- At some point later in the game fast traveling to Gibson Scrap Yard may cause there to be a Legionary Assassin sitting outside in Old Lady Gibson's seat. She will still come out in the morning but will stand near the door. If you fast travel away and back again you will find Old Lady Gibson is now seated and the assassin is now standing beside her. When she goes to bed at night he will sit again. It is unknown if he will ever leave. [已验证]
- 罕见地,吉布森老奶奶在室内吃饭时会隐形,但仍可互动。[已验证]
- Occasionally when leaving Helios One through the room near Fantastic, you will find Old Lady Gibson and her dogs accompanied by several mole rats, all hostile. Loading the auto save will get rid of her however. Also if you walk around a bit you'll bump into invisible items that came from the Gibson Scrap Yard. [已验证]
- Before any patches when you ask Old Lady Gibson to repair an item the console will crash and freeze. [已验证]
- Occasionally when Old Lady Gibson is killed while sleeping her body will appear on the opposite side of the room. [已验证]
- When you talk to her with ED-E, and she activates his Enclave data, she will be gone the next time you come to see her. She could just pop up after that at HELIOS 1 but it is not for sure. This can be very annoying because you will not be able to buy or sell anything to her ever again. [已验证]
- Sometimes when trying to sell an item to Gibson, your item will be removed from your inventory, but you will not receive the caps. This can cost players lots of money if they don't make sure the caps are being received. [已验证]
- If you kill her and steal the key, then take her items from her safe, she will shout "Don't take that!". [已验证]
- Old Lady Gibson can appear walking in mid air and then land on the ground between Helios One and Camp Forlorn Hope. [已验证]
- When using the repair option when talking to her it is possible for the game to freeze. [已验证]
- Occasionally after you kill Old Lady Gibson she will not have the Big Boomer in her inventory. [已验证]