
What are we going to do now? You've ruined everything!

Officer Steve "Stevie" Mack is a security officer in Vault 101 in 2277.


Stevie is 25 years old as of the events of Escape! He is a sadistic and gung-ho member of the Vault's security force, and willing to do anything to gain favor with his boss, including being particularly overzealous during emergencies.[Non-game 1]

He is responsible for the killing of Jonas Palmer.[1][2]


He is Susie and Wally Mack's brother, and Allen Mack and Gloria Mack's son.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest

* He will only drop a finger during Escape!


  • Escape!: Officer Mack is found in the security office interrogating Amata. If the Lone Wanderer took the overseer's gun from Amata, they have no choice but to fight Mack, due to the fact that he attacks them on sight. If one insisted Amata keeps her father's gun to protect herself, she will shoot Mack in self-defense, killing him. If you interrupt before Amata fires on him, she will escape and the player character will again be responsible for killing Mack.
  • Trouble on the Homefront: If not killed in Escape!, Mack is found in the vault upon returning. He is not hostile.


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Vault 101 security armor
Vault security helmet*
Police baton

* He will only wear the helmet during Trouble on the Homefront.

Notable quotes[]


Stevie Mack appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

A teenaged Stevie was originally slated to appear during the birthday party in Growing Up Fast. An unused model exists in the G.E.C.K., and a single line of dialogue for the quest can be found in the files, as well.



  1. Stevie Mack: "Jonas cried while we beat him, did you know that?"
    (Stevie Mack's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Thanks, Officer Gomez. I always liked you."
    Officer Gomez: "It's a real shame it's come to this. I can't believe what they did to Jonas... Officer Mack was just out of control... But you're a good kid. You didn't do anything to deserve this. Go find your dad, if you can."
    (Herman Gomez's dialogue)

Non-game sources

  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.96: "Officer Steve "Stevie" Mack
    Stevie is the gung-ho new guy in security. He's been waiting his whole life to join the force and is willing to do whatever it takes to get in good with "the boss" (Chief Hammond)游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法, including being particularly overzealous during emergencies."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)

Template:Navbox Vault 101 Security Template:Navbox Mack family
