

可汗帮(英文名:Khans)是一个掠奪者部落,来自15号避难所的居民,[Non-game 1]2161年的废土中被发现。他们在新加州沙蔭市东南部露营。最初的可汗帮在放逐者的行动中面临濒临灭绝之后,[1]他们的继任者是新可汗帮大汗帮






可汗帮是2141年春天从15号避难所出现的三个掠夺者部落之一,随着冬天的到来,他们联合起来成为掠夺者部落。[Non-game 2][Non-game 3]可汗帮采取了战士的生活方式,袭击城镇掠夺财物,并将幸存者捕获为奴隶。力量成为一种关键的美德,在肉搏战中得到了证明。强者统治,弱者灭亡。由于这个原因,可汗帮也会与其他掠夺者部落、他们的战团和更大的战争团体在致命的战斗中发生冲突。其中一个冲突发生在豺狼幫从避难所出现仅仅四年之后。2155年,可汗帮残酷地镇压了敌人的掠夺者部落,迫使他们逃离新加州东北部。[Non-game 1]


新加州的可汗帮只统治了20年,在2161年,可汗帮犯了一个严重的错误,伽尔的统治梦想戛然而止: 他们绑架了沙蔭市首领亚拉德什的女儿坦蒂。这引起了放逐者的注意,他们来到聚落屠杀了掠夺者。随着最大的掠夺者团伙的消失,随之而来的稳定使得新加州共和国得以出现。[16]然而,灭绝并不完全。达里安,伽尔·死亡之手的儿子,躲过了放逐者的愤怒。唯一的幸存者将继续慢慢改革可汗帮,承受着幸存者的内疚和计划对坦蒂的报复。这些新可汗帮最终会对当总统的坦蒂构成挑战。[Non-game 4]






在形成可汗帮之前,他们是15号避难所的一部分居民,其他部分最终形成沙蔭市, 豺狼幫和毒蛇幫。[Non-game 1]然而,由于不同的理想和竞争,这些"友好"关系已被切断。可汗帮在沙蔭市祈祷以维持生计,沙蔭市的许多居民非常害怕他们。[4]奇怪的是,一些农民知道可汗帮是在模仿过去的历史群体,[23]尽管不清楚他们是从哪里得到这个信息的。尽管他们对沙蔭市充满敌意,但伽尔不希望这个小镇被摧毁。[24]

尽管他们有袭击的倾向,据说可汗帮会去垃圾城放松一下,[25][26]然而,基利安·达克沃特声称他们多年来一直试图占领该镇,但没有成功。[27] 可汗帮也与中枢市交换水和弹药。[28]





  • 可汗帮是计划在辐射中出现的三个掠夺者团体中唯一的(毒蛇幫豺狼幫成了其他的)作为一个阵营出现在游戏中。




  • 他们的名字是指蒙古统治者可汗,主要是成吉思汗




  1. The Chosen One: "{241}{}{I'd like to hear your story.}"
    Tandi: "{242}{tand29}{Figures. (sigh) Well, I was pretty young when we met. There was a gang of raiders - The Khans - Who'd gotten hold of me. Things were looking pretty bad when, all of a sudden, this stranger shows up and rescues me. Your Vaultdweller游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法.}"
    (Tandi's dialogue)
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Why has your band of Raiders attacked Shady Sands?}"
    Alya: "{109}{}{We do not attack those of Shady Sands. We are from the same place they are. It is only right that they share with us!}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{But you are hurting their livestock and terrifying them.}"
    Alya: "{113}{}{You sound just as wimpy as they are. Look, if they were in any trouble of starvation, then it is their own fault for not planning ahead. Consider what we do a trade in talents.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{A trade in talents?!? How can this be a trade in talents? You don't give them anything.}"
    Alya: "{118}{}{We give them the most important thing possible. We give their dreary lives excitement.}"
    (Alya's dialogue)
  3. Tolya: "{101}{}{Hello, I am Tolya. Looks like you just wandered in from the desert. Who are you?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{I'm } {103}{}{. What do you do?}"
    Tolya: "{106}{}{As a raider, I explore the lands in search of new supplies. There have been some towns which have been graced by our presence.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{109}{}{What places have you been to?}"
    Tolya: "{118}{}{I've been to many places in the wastelands. The closest places that I've been to are Shady Sands and Junktown. They are very grateful for the trips we make to them.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{119}{}{You visit Shady Sands?}"
    Tolya: "{123}{}{Yes, we go to Shady Sands from time to time. It adds a little excitement to the lives of everyone concerned.}"
    (Tolya's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Aradesh: "{258}{Ara_56}{Umm, yes, yes. The Khans are nastier then the Vipers, let me tell you. These barbarians attack from the southeast.}"
    (Aradesh's dialogue)
  5. Garl Death-Hand: "{181}{}{The Raiders only accept the meanest and toughest SOBs around. You have to be bloodthirsty, violent, extreme. I don't think you can handle that. Can you?}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  6. Join the Khans
  7. Garl Death-Hand: "{168}{}{Fine. We shall settle this with no weapons. Knock me out, and I'll let you take the woman and leave. I knock you out, you leave without her.}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Khan raider: "{102}{}{It's the Death-Hand. He's returned!}"
    Khan raider: "{103}{}{Excuse me, Death-Hand. I'm sorry to disturb you.}"
    Khan raider: "{104}{}{Have you come back to kill your son?}"
    Khan raider: "{105}{}{Aiyeee! A ghost!}"
    Khan raider: "{106}{}{The dead walk again! The Death-Hand has returned!}"
    (Khan raider dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Garl Death-Hand: "{150}{}{You think a man such as I believes in the afterlife? This world is dying, and I shall take what I want! You will never realize the strength required to make such a decision!}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  10. Garl Death-Hand: "{113}{}{Don't tell me what I should have done, father. I rule the Khans now, and you are but worm meat.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{I still live.}"
    Garl Death-Hand: "{120}{}{I can see you standing before me, but I don't believe it. What do you want?}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  11. The Vault Dweller: "{118}{}{I should have killed you when you were a child.}"
    Garl Death-Hand: "{119}{}{You should have. Now it's too late. I am Garl Death-Hand. I rule the Khans. You should be dead in your grave, and you will be again!}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  12. Garl Death-Hand: "{110}{}{You would if you were my father, but you are not. You look like he did, but act different. No image of him remains to this day. You will just have to be removed.}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  13. The Vault Dweller: "{116}{}{Can you tell me about the bandits?}"
    Ian: "{120}{}{There are several. They come from various groups. They steal our food and occasionally shoot a few people. Seth organized the guards to help fight them off.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{122}{}{There are different groups? Who are they all?}"
    Ian: "{128}{}{There are three groups: the Khans, the Vipers, and the Jackals. They pretty much hate each other, but they all raid Shady Sands.}"
    (Ian's dialogue)
  14. The Vault Dweller: "{133}{}{Tell me about the raiders.}"
    Ian: "{128}{}{There are three groups: the Khans, the Vipers, and the Jackals. They pretty much hate each other, but they all raid Shady Sands.}"
    (Ian's dialogue)
  15. The Vault Dweller: "{1044}{}{Khans}"
    Ian: "{1144}{}{They're a sorry group of raiders who attack Shady Sands and think that they're gonna take over the world or some such crap.}"
    (Ian's dialogue)
  16. Fallout ending: "In Shady Sands, Tandi helps her father Aradesh bring a new community and new life out of the broken remains of the world. They are responsible for the New California Republic, whose ideals spread across the land."
  17. Gwen: "{101}{}{I am Gwen. I'm one of Garl's advisors. Who are you?}"
    (Gwen's dialogue)
  18. Vault Dweller: "{15407}{}{Alya}"
    Raiders: "{15507}{}{She is an advisor. She plans the raids.}"
    (Raiders Tell-Me-Abouts)
  19. Garl Death-Hand: "{160}{}{Right?! I determine what is right around here. You are treading on dangerous ground.}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  20. The Vault Dweller: "{137}{}{One of your followers told me.}"
    Garl Death-Hand: "{139}{}{I hate it when they do that. I will have to make that loudmouth pay for his crimes. After I finish up with you.}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  21. Khan raider: "{100}{}{The Raider is too frightened of Garl to speak to you anymore.}"
    (Khan raider dialogue)
  22. Petrox: "{128}{}{I have told you all that I am permitted. Please go.}"
    (Petrox's dialogue)
  23. The Vault Dweller: "{16000}{}{Khans}"
    Shady Sands East Tell-Me-Abouts: "{16100}{}{They are a lawless group who pretend to be some people from the far past.}"
    (Shady Sands East Tell-Me-Abouts)
  24. Garl Death-Hand: "{129}{}{That's what I like. Initiative. But you should not have killed them without my orders. I don't like too much initiative.}"
    (Garl Death-Hand's dialogue)
  25. The Vault Dweller: "{15402}{}{Junktown}"
    Raiders: "{15502}{}{They are to the southwest. We sometimes go there to relax after a hard day pillaging.}"
    (Raiders Tell-Me-Abouts)
  26. Petrox: "{123}{}{Junktown is a little bit south of here. They have many good women.}"
    (Petrox's dialogue)
  27. Killian Darkwater: "{249}{Kill71}{Well, the Khans are a bunch of bullies who live outside to the east. They've been trying to take over Junktown for as long as I can remember, but they never make it past the gates.}"
    (Killian Darkwater's dialogue)
  28. The Vault Dweller: "{15404}{}{The Hub}"
    Raiders: "{15504}{}{They are to the south. We will trade with them. Mostly for water and ammo, but sometimes they get better weapons, too.}"
    (Raiders Tell-Me-Abouts)
  29. Aradesh: "{1110}{Ara_61}{The Vipers and Khans both use spears. We know this from their attacks.}"
    (Aradesh's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout Bible 6: "In some ancient design documentation that I think was written by Scott Campbell, one of the original designers (I'm still checking if it was him, so I may need to print a retraction on the credits), there was actually supposed to be three groups of raiders: The Jackals, the Khans, and the Vipers. Not only did they raid local towns and caravans, but they also preyed on each other - as you'll see from the descriptions below, their behavior and habits in F1 dictated (or were dictated by) their name choice.
    The Khans: The last group, the Khans, is probably the most dangerous. They live the lifestyles of Mongol warriors, raiding towns, burning what they cannot take and capturing the survivors for use as slaves. They usually travel in small scouting bands, but sometimes they roam as full war parties. The Khans above all else respect strength. They are eager in combat to prove their worthiness to the clan by engaging in hand to hand combat with fists or clubs. The Khans carry very few firearms (since they are for cowards). Anyone showing superior strength is worthy of their respect. The leader of the Khans is so because no one has beaten him in combat.
    One interesting thing listed in the original documentation is that all raider bands were supposedly all from Vault 15 after it opened, but they all splintered off into different groups from the overpopulated Vault.
    All of these raider groups officially exist in the Fallout universe, though only the Khans are in southern California at the start of Fallout 1. The handful of Vipers that survived Rhombus' campaign of extermination in 2155 fled North and East, following the same path the Jackals took after they had their asses handed to them by the Khans thirty years before."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2141 Spring Vault 15 opened."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2141 Winter Raiders begin to form in the region as food supplies run low. The Khans and the Vipers begin terrorizing local settlements."
  4. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.201-202: "10. Doc Jones. The good doctor here in the medical bay (see Figure 10.9) is a prisoner of the gang. From him, you can find out that this gang of Raiders is none other than the descendants of the Khans, the Raiders who kidnapped Tandi in Fallout 1. Darion, the leader of the reborn Khans, is the son of Garl and would like to destroy Tandi for the havoc she, and your ancestor the Vault Dweller, visited upon his father's band of Raiders. After you learn of that from the doc, he'll heal you if you need it, as long as you haven't hurt any of the squatters (#1)."