
Welcome to Tenpenny Tower! Don't do anything stupid.

Chief Gustavo is the security chief of Tenpenny Tower in 2277.


Gustavo was born in 2235.[需要引证] Prior to becoming security chief of Tenpenny Tower, Gustavo worked his way up to become leader of a mercenary band of professional fighters. Mister Burke was rescued by Gustavo and his band, and quickly hired him and his men to form the security force at the Tower. His personality is gruff, but also good natured in a "Don't give me grief, I'm just doing my job, ma'am" sort of manner. However, he soon becomes a loud no-nonsense hard-ass when his team or his charges are in immediate danger. He is particularly hostile to ghouls. "The only good ghoul is a dead ghoul," is a fond saying of his, particularly if ghouls are nearby. He expressed that "it's only a matter of time before they go zombie" and people shouldn't take the risk. He even goes as far to say that you would be doing them a favor by putting a bullet between their eyes.[Non-game 1]

In charge of the protection of Allistair Tenpenny as well as the other residents, Gustavo is naturally concerned with the intentions of Roy Phillips and his gang, and speculates that he is planning to rush Tenpenny Tower with hordes of feral ghouls. While Tenpenny is a massive bigot and "doesn't care how big their pile of bottle caps is," Gustavo might not even care about the ghouls, but they are really starting to get on his nerve with their amount of pleading.[1] Considering his past and his quick temper, he is not someone to rile up.[2]

Daily schedule[]

After the Lone Wanderer's first encounter with Gustavo, he is found sitting in the lobby of the hotel or sleeping outside during the night, most of the time he will stand guard at the entrance.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap 160-390
卖: weapons and ammunition


Tenpenny Tower: Gustavo will task the Wanderer with getting rid of the ghoul menace if asked.

Armory merchandise[]

Ammunition Armor and clothing Drugs and edibles Weapons Misc
  • .308 caliber rounds
  • .32 caliber round
  • .44 round, Magnum
  • 10mm rounds
  • 5.56mm rounds
  • 5mm rounds
  • Electron charge pack
  • Energy cell
  • Microfusion cell
  • Missile
  • Shotgun shell


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Tenpenny security uniform Assault rifle Allistair Tenpenny's suite key Tenpenny armament key


  • Despite having his own locker, he does not have the key to it.
  • During the Tenpenny Tower quest, he will give the Lone Wanderer an assault rifle and a small amount of ammo, regardless of which side the Lone Wanderer decides to be on.
  • Occasionally he may give the Lone Wanderer a Chinese assault rifle instead of a regular one. This happens more often when the player character starts the quest at a higher level.
  • Gustavo will take over Tenpenny Tower if Allistair Tenpenny is killed. If he does, he hates the ghouls much more than Tenpenny and the player character will need to kill Gustavo for a 'diplomatic' solution on the quest.

Notable quotes[]


Chief Gustavo appears only in Fallout 3.


  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If all humans and Chief Gustavo are killed and the ghouls are living in Tenpenny Tower, then the ghoul residents will still comment about Chief Gustavo as if he was still alive. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Chief Gustavo has been seen wandering around near Springvale. This was seen after the Megaton bomb was detonated and the ghouls were killed. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Talon Company mercs will sometimes attack Tenpenny Tower, and if this happens, Chief Gustavo can be killed. This will render the Tenpenny Tower quest unable to be completed even if you kill Roy Phillps and the ghouls in the tunnels. [已验证]


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Have you even tried talking to the Ghouls? I bet you can work something out."
    Gustavo: "Tenpenny doesn't care how big their pile of bottlecaps is. He won't let Ghouls live here. Those Ghouls need to give up and go bother someone else."
    (Gustavo's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"
    Herbert Dashwood: "Well, it does get a trifle bit boring around here, and to spice things up I like to do a little... exploring. Oh, I always put everything back! Well, almost everything. I occasionally keep a memento... like Gustavo's key to the generator room. Have you noticed how he turns a delightful shade of purple when he's angry? Well, kid. There're two keys floating around. Which one do you think you can nab without getting caught? Good luck!"
    (Herbert Dashwood's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition pp.95-96: "Security Chief Gustavo
    Prior to becoming security chief of Tenpenny Tower, Gustavo worked his way up to become leader of a mercenary band of professional fighters. Mister Burke was rescued by Gustavo and his band, and quickly hired him and his men to form the security force at the Tower. Personality: Gruff but good natured in a "Don't give me grief, I'm just doing my job, ma'am" kinda way. However, he soon becomes a loud no-nonsense hard-ass when his team or his charges are in immediate danger. He is particularly hostile to Ghouls. "The only good Ghoul is a dead Ghoul," he is fond of saying, particularly if Ghouls are nearby. If it is pointed out that not all Ghouls are mindless killing machines, he responds "It's only a matter of time before they go zombie. Dead now or dead later. Why take the risk? Besides, you're doing them a favor.""
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)