



12號避難所建於龐大的貝克斯菲爾德大都市下,被宣傳為"為未來的避難所居民考慮了所有便利設施",並且"配備了最新的避難所淨水系統。甚至能夠吸收位於 在貝克斯菲爾德的下水道中,該系統每天能夠提供超過15,000加侖純淨、清爽的飲用水。"那些為這個特殊的避難所簽約的人非常重視他們的準備工作,他們的努力獲得了"緊身避難所套裝"獎。[1]然而,避難所的真正目的是研究放射線對居民的影響。為確保這一點,避難所科技設計了不能關閉的避難所門。[2]

2077年10月23日,貝克斯菲爾德的民眾得知其他避難所已被密封。絕望之下,他們來到當地的避難所,強行進入以保護自己和家人。門按設計工作:輻射湧入; 那些倖存下來的人遭受了屍鬼化的折磨。[3]2083年的夏天,倖存者將離開避難所。選擇留下的人[4]建立了古城墓地。


2162年二月,放逐者在古城墓地回收了淨水芯片[7]伊恩在戰鬥中被一個超級變種人殺死並化為灰燼。[8][9]同年三月,變種人軍隊為了報復一些被放逐者殺死的變種人而襲擊了古城墓地; 這迫使大部分屍鬼逃離,留下的人也未能倖免。[10][11][12] 變種人大軍推進後,他們身後留下了一座真正的死城。 然而,墓地並沒有變得完全空無一人,一些屍鬼仍然住在那裡。[13]



這個希臘詞的意思是「死亡之城」,指的是這個奇怪的寂靜的鬼城。旅行者報告說,似乎沒有人住在那裡,到達定居點的人要麼最終患上輻射病,要麼就消失了。 事情的真相涉及到城市街道下的一小群屍鬼。

古城墓地位於13號避難所以東 6 個方格和以南 12 個方格處。墓地遭受了極大的破壞。街道上到處都是垃圾,幾乎無法航行。這些下水道連接着城市的各個部分。墓地分為三個區和三個下水道部分。

分水嶺 分水嶺下水道 12號避難所
亡靈大廳 亡靈大廳下水道
古城墓地旅館 旅館下水道


Fo1 Necropolis Motel of the Dead


主頁面: Necropolis motel

這個區是一個虛擬的射擊場,到處都是屍鬼。 它們是遠距離射手的輕鬆體驗選擇。 如果放逐者試圖交談和/或掃蕩他們的儲藏室,屍鬼很容易變得敵對。有通往城市下水道的檢修孔。


Fo1 Necropolis Hall of the Dead


主頁面: 亡者大廳



Fo1 Necropolis Watershed



A 屍鬼囚犯


FO1 Necropolis Hall of the Dead sewers




FO01 NPC Set G



  • 地表居民可以稱為古城墓地的公眾面孔,因為他們是迄今為止三個群體中人數最多的,並且控制了城市的大部分地表。它們通常是外人在古城墓地遇到的第一件事物,很可能是上述關於死亡之城的謠言的原因。他們的行動基地是亡者大廳,他們的首領塞特就是在那裡做生意的。地表居民偏執且不能容忍外來者和非屍鬼,他們經常是暴力的,一見到陌生人就會攻擊,並且對超級變種人懷有特別深的仇恨。 這很可能是由於在古城墓地的重要分水嶺周圍新建了超級變種人駐軍。儘管塔利烏斯提到賽特的地表居民對超級變種人在城市中的存在有強烈的抵抗,但當放逐者到達時,這兩個群體之間似乎出現了某種僵局,儘管賽特毫不猶豫地雇用了局外人來消滅超級變種人駐軍。
  • 發光種是住在舊12號避難所的屍鬼受到嚴重了輻射,即使是他們自己的同類也避而遠之,他們不喜歡其他屍鬼,就像他們討厭普通人類一樣。
  • 所謂的地下屍鬼被迫住在城市的下水道中,具有諷刺意味的是,迄今為止,古城墓地居民中最和平,並且比其他任何一個群體都更能容忍外來者。






  • 在《輻射》中,根據避難所科技避難所地點全息磁帶,12號避難所位於貝克斯菲爾德。 然而,雖然古城墓地位於洛杉磯的東北部,但貝克斯菲爾德的實際城市距離失落山丘地堡的西南不遠。古城墓地的位置與巴斯托鎮大致相符。
  • 在古希臘語中,墓地 (νεκρόπολις) 的字面意思是「死者之城」,在這種情況下,指的是居住在城市廢墟中的屍鬼。




  1. Vault locations v34.129
  2. Fallout Bible 0 Vault system: "Vault 12 In order the study the effects of radiation on the selected population, the Vault Door was designed not to close. This is the Necropolis Vault... and the ghouls were the result."
  3. Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2077 October 23 Necropolis Vault [Vault 12] never closes. Once it becomes known that the other vaults have sealed, people within Bakersfield attempt to force their way into Vault 12 to protect themselves and their families."
  4. Fallout Bible 0 Answer me these questions three: "1. Why was it that so many ghouls left necropolis between Fallout 1 and 2 to settle in Broken Hills and Gecko? Is necropolis empty now? Also, why was it that Harold joined the ghouls? I remember him talking as if he weren't a ghoul; When you type in "ghouls" in the question box in the first Fallout he refers to the ghouls as "them"."
    • Ghouls still have the human need to expand and move on - and in the 80+ years between Fallout 1 and 2, the ghouls spread out from Necropolis in all directions... and some had even left before the events in Fallout 1.
    • Necropolis is not empty now; ghouls are still said to reside there, though Set is no longer their leader. It is not clear whether he is alive or dead.
    • Harold joined the ghouls in Fallout 2 because Harold is a kindly sort who likes to help people - when he sees a group of people trying to make their way in the wasteland, he tries to step in and give them a leg up, especially when it can benefit life for everyone.
      Wherever a key event in Fallout has occurred, Harold always seems to be right there in the middle of things, helping to push the world along and make it a better place. His wit is a little dry and raspy, but he's got a good heart.
    • Harold is not a ghoul, but he is a mutant. What happened to him inside the military base during his assault with Francine, Mark, and Richard Grey is unknown, but it is likely he was exposed to the FEV virus and changed. His last known memory after the attack was passing out then waking back up in the wasteland... changed."
  5. The Vault Dweller: "{1000}{}{Set}"
    Ghoul leader: "{1100}{}{He tries to control Necropolis, and has forced us underground.}"
  6. Ghoul leader: "{101}{}{Thank you for not shooting first. Can I help you with anything?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{102}{}{Yes, I'm looking for water.}"
    Ghoul leader: "{111}{}{The surface of Necropolis and the water is controlled by Set and his Ghouls. We are a much more peaceful group - which disgusts Set.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{171}{}{How do you survive down here without water?}"
    Ghoul leader: "{119}{}{He does not speak of it, however Set is afraid of not having enough people to defend Necropolis if it ever needed it. So, he gives us what water we need.}"
  7. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{Lenny, have you ever heard of something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?}"
    萊尼: "{150}{}{A G』garden of Eden C』creation K』kit? I heard that Vault City had one of those. That’s the only one I’ve ever heard of, though.}"
    The Chosen One: "{153}{}{Well, my ancestor, the Vault Dweller, said that Vault 13 owes us one. I need to find it.}"
    Lenny: "{190}{}{W』well. I didn’t actually m’meet the V』vault Dweller. But I saw them. Once. }"
    The Chosen One: "{191}{}{You saw the Vault Dweller? Where?}"
    Lenny: "{270}{}{I’it w』was a long time ago. In a place called N』necropolis. A lot of us g』ghouls lived there. One, day I saw someone running through the city.}"
    The Chosen One: "{271}{}{Running?}"
    Lenny: "{280}{}{Yes, running. You see, we ghouls c』can’t run too much anymore. So, I knew it was an outsider when I saw them. They ran by so close I could have touched them. I wish that I had joined the Vault Dweller.…}"
    The Chosen One: "{281}{}{You wanted to join my grandsire?}"
    Lenny: "{290}{}{Yes. I h』had the chance of a lifetime and I blew it.}"
    The Chosen One: "{291}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Lenny: "{300}{}{L'later, I h』heard that the Vault Dweller had fixed our water system. The V』vault Dweller saved us -- all of us. Do you understand? It didn’t matter that we were ghouls. For once it didn’t matter. We w』were people again. W』worth saving.}"
    The Chosen One: "{301}{}{My ancestor was the founder of our tribe. That memory is revered amongst my people.}"
    Lenny: "{310}{}{Later, I heard that the Vault Dweller destroyed the source of the m’mutant army. The Vault D』dweller saved all of us. Human and ghoul alike… I could have been a part of that, but I lacked the c』courage. I’ve never forgiven m’myself.}"
  8. Vault Dweller's memoirs
  9. Fallout Bible 0: "2162 February 13 Vault Dweller recovers the water chip in Necropolis. Ian is killed by a super mutant and reduced to a cinder, ending his tendency to shoot the Vault Dweller in the back with SMG bursts."
  10. The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{What happened here?}"
    The ghoul refugee: "{115}{}{The super mutants attacked. We were slaughtered. They had guns and bombs, even some steam trucks. They killed my friends. The mutants just butchered us.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{117}{}{How did you survive?}"
    The ghoul refugee: "{133}{}{I hid until most of the mutants left.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{118}{}{Do you know why?}"
    The ghoul refugee: "{122}{}{I heard they was pissed that some human killed their men here.}"
  11. Fallout Bible 0#Answer me these questions three: "1. Why was it that so many ghouls left necropolis between Fallout 1 and 2 to settle in Broken Hills and Gecko? Is necropolis empty now? Also, why was it that Harold joined the ghouls? I remember him talking as if he weren't a ghoul; When you type in "ghouls" in the question box in the first Fallout he refers to the ghouls as "them"."
    • "Ghouls still have the human need to expand and move on - and in the 80+ years between Fallout 1 and 2, the ghouls spread out from Necropolis in all directions... and some had even left before the events in Fallout 1."
    • "Necropolis is not empty now; ghouls are still said to reside there, though Set is no longer their leader. It is not clear whether he is alive or dead."
    • "Harold joined the ghouls in Fallout 2 because Harold is a kindly sort who likes to help people - when he sees a group of people trying to make their way in the wasteland, he tries to step in and give them a leg up, especially when it can benefit life for everyone."
      "Wherever a key event in Fallout has occurred, Harold always seems to be right there in the middle of things, helping to push the world along and make it a better place. His wit is a little dry and raspy, but he's got a good heart."
    • "Harold is not a ghoul, but he is a mutant. What happened to him inside the military base during his assault with Francine, Mark, and Richard Grey is unknown, but it is likely he was exposed to the FEV virus and changed. His last known memory after the attack was passing out then waking back up in the wasteland... changed."
  12. Fallout Bible 4: I am wrong. Most ghouls were forced to leave Necropolis, leading to the Great Migration across the wastes.
  13. Fallout Bible 1,6
  14. Fallout Bible 5 Questions: "14. One thing - what's happened to Junktown? Was it just too little to be it's own state? Or maybe it has managed to survive as an independent enclave inside NCR, a hive of scum and villainy, so to speak. And what kind of folks would live in Glow? After all, that place must still, well, glow, at least somewhat. Ghouls?"
    "Junktown became part of NCR as part of the state of Shady, and it was one of the first provisional states, considering it was one of the first (and most trustworthy) of the Shady Sands trading partners during its early formation. Its alliance with Shady Sands did cause some alarm from the caravans in the Hub, but it didn't hurt the Hub communities any... and the Hub eventually became part of NCR as well."
    "As for the Glow (or the state of Dayglow), most of the state is actually north and west of the glow, but they are still able to see the Glow from their borders. A number of ghouls are rumored to live there now, as part of the Great Migration from Necropolis - once the ghouls learned of West Tek, they were eager to see if they could scavenge technology from the abandoned center. Some ghouls formed partnerships with scavenging companies from New Adytum and the Hub and have built quite a profitable corporation from their salvage efforts. At least one super mutant, a refugee from the Cathedral, was also rumored to be working with the ghouls and humans in Dayglow."
  15. Denver design document