本文介紹的是出现在辐射3辐射4远港中的派系. 關於地点,參見原子神教徒

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原子神教(英文名:Church of the Children of Atom,被远港的某些居民称为原子教徒并被嘲笑为食辐射者[1])是一种围绕崇拜辐射和核毁灭作为创造和生命的载体而建立的宗教崇拜


原子神教徒的历史与核彈鎮的历史密切相关。原子神教的創始人是在大戰時躲藏在春谷東面彈坑中的一部分難民,他們非常崇拜位於彈坑中心的未爆核彈。[2]在彈坑附近安頓下來後,這些狂熱分子協助其他難民修建圍牆並清理殘骸為未來的核彈鎮打下了基礎,條件是不要動彈坑中的未爆核彈。由於他們的聖物看起來完全無害,鎮民們默認了,[3]並讓原子之子成為該鎮的永久居民。到了2250年代中期,原子神教的大司祭已經有足夠的影響力可以為來到兆噸鎮的人傳教,其中,一位名叫克倫威爾的年輕人從中受益,並成為原子神信仰的狂熱擁護者,最終他繼承了大司祭的位置。到了2277年,大多數鎮民都認為44歲的克倫威爾大司祭是一個怪人,[Non-game 1]同時教堂的出席人數也在不斷減少。[4]

但是,對原子之神信仰的擁護者來說,克倫威爾是原子神教的先知。在他的主持下,一群原子神教徒在2260年代末至2270年代初從核彈鎮出發向北遷移,前往聯邦小島的远征队最终分道揚鑣,以伊索爾德教母領導的一支定居在了發光海的原子神彈坑[5]第二组由马丁司祭泰克图斯大烈士率领,登陆远港。最初被岛上的居民所容忍,当2270年代中期迷雾开始侵蚀人类住区时,他们被驱逐出境。镇上的医生安娜被暴徒赶出荒地而受伤。[6] 他们的流放时,被迷雾之母带到了沙漠岛海军设施,这是一个古老的潜艇围栏,被迪瑪占领。[7][6][8]


信徒们的力量越来越大,在新的栖息地中茁壮成长。随着人数的增加,他们开始出动小队寻找辐射物品返回原子核会。在2277年的其中一次探险中,泰克图斯大烈士救了布莱恩·理奇特中尉,意外地被密封在一个收容掩体中。在因辐射中毒而失去他的部队后,免疫的理奇特成为了该信仰的狂热追随者,一个狂热者。[11] 然而,随着迷雾的不断扩大,教徒们的影响力越来越大。自2279年以来,远港人的情况变得越来越戏剧化,最终导致岛上所有剩余的非儿童人类涌入远港的码头。[12][13]

这让教徒走上了与岛上其他居民发生冲突的道路,因为他们试图让放射性迷雾覆盖岛上的每一寸土地。另一方面,迪瑪和法拉第想要拯救远港的人们,并为他们提供迷雾冷凝器以防止雾气进入。 结果,局势在2287年升级,安德鲁斯修士冒着迷雾向远港人民传教,让他们接受命运。他几乎立即被艾伦·李开枪打死,成为众多伤亡中最新的一个。然而,作为一名和平的传教士,他的死激怒了教徒,并破坏了和平的马丁司祭已经摇摇欲坠的权威。[14] 虽然他竭力压抑着怒火,但他自己的信念同样摇摇欲坠。[15]

最后一击来自葛妮絲修女。翻阅一本古老的科学文献,她发现了原子究竟是什么。发现它是巨大空虚中的一粒物质,毁了她的信仰。马丁尽最大努力安慰她,但这个启示使他震惊。[16][17] 2287年的一个晚上,他从原子核会中消失了,再也没有出现过。泰克图斯大司祭接替了他的位置,理奇特大烈士是他的副手。 从那以后,泰克图斯大司祭变得越来越偏执,那些不盲目遵循他的意志的人被视为异端。为了剔除不忠的人,他设置了忠诚测试。[18]


看哪!他驾云而来!所有的眼睛都将被他的荣耀蒙蔽!每只耳朵都将被震耳欲聋!让地球上的男人、女人和孩子们出来集合,看看原子的力量!让那些居住在他所喜爱的土地上的人们现在留心听亚当先知的话!出来喝光辉之水,因为这古老的战争武器是我们的救赎,它是原子荣耀的象征!让它成为过去发生过的分裂的提醒,以及我们分裂在未来时代的辉煌!把你的身体交给原子,我的朋友们。释放自己的力量,感受他的光芒,然后分裂。没有眼泪,没有悲伤,没有痛苦,因为在分裂中,我们将看到我们从这个世界的痛苦和苦难中解脱出来。是的,你的痛苦将不复存在;它会在原子的光辉中被冲走,在他的光辉之火中从你身上燃烧。我们每个人都将产生十亿颗恒星,这些恒星是由我们肮脏的躯体所形成的。我们每个人都将是万亿文明的母亲和父亲。我们每个人都将懂得和平,都将知道痛苦的终结,都将认识亚当的光辉。我劝你,我的朋友 -- 来,和我一起喝,一起祈祷... 光荣的原子,我把这些脆弱的骨头给你。我将这虚弱的身体呈献给您。我求你把我当作你的容器,引导我看到你的光辉,分割每一粒,解救这腐烂的肉体。把这短暂的身体脆弱的形式铸造在你的辉光锻造的新生命里。原子,来 -- 把你的觐见赐给你不配的仆人。 我们保持真实,直到分裂之日 -- 直到你回到他卑微的世界。— 克伦威尔司祭的布道,2277年

顾名思义,原子教徒是围绕着原子之神创建的宗教,该教的教义是万事万物的原子中都存在着完整的宇宙。随着原子之神的裂变宇宙也会一分为二。因此,原子教认为原子是造物主之神,[19]通过原子核裂变反应来创造新的世界(分裂的世界被原子教徒称为大分裂,原文為Division)。在原子教徒的观念中,大戰被推崇为一件瞬间创造无限多新世界的神圣创举,这代表着原子之神的统一和创造,即辐射的产生。[20][21]原子教徒通过崇拜辐射,祂的爍光(glow),来表达对原子之神的推崇,他们认为其有能力对现实事物进行转化,创造出更好的世界,[22] 这使得上述的大分裂得以产生,[23]原子之神通过爍光来分裂世界并使它们得以重生。[24]尽管通过核爆进行“净化”是完成大分裂的最佳选择,但由辐射或自然原因造成的伤亡也刚好符合原子教徒的教义。[25] 为了保持他们的虔诚和崇拜,教徒倾向于寻找受辐射的地区来建立神殿和其他崇拜中心,它们兼作传教努力和讨伐不忠者的集结地。[26] 他们还将寻找并保护任何核武器库存,以防止以不符合原子之神教义原则的方式处置或使用核武器。[27][Non-game 2] 该宗教强调禁欲主义和自我废除,因为凡人的躯壳仅被视为创造新生命的手段。[28] 然而,教徒不是和平主义者。受辐射影响的领土被认为是原子之神的神圣领域,环绕在他的爍光中。教徒被他们的宗教所驱使,通过任何必要的手段来保护他们的救赎之路(分裂)。[29] 因此,任何干扰辐射传播的企图都被视为亵渎神明。[30][31] 然而,理性确实在某种程度上缓和了宗教热情。例如,抗辐射药物被接受,因为它被视为对那些被拒绝具有辐射免疫力的人 (被视为一种特殊的原子之神祝福) 为原子之神服务的一种方式。事实上,它被视为一种忏悔,努力重新拥抱爍光。[32] 启示是原子神教徒信仰的一个重要方面。原子之神的启示通过各种使者传达给其信徒,其中迷雾之母是最受尊敬的,至少在原子核会分支中是这样。教母以女性形象出现,笼罩在黑雾和烟雾中,预示着最重要的事件。事实上,是她在从远港被放逐到原子核会后领导了他们的社区。[7] 微小的启示可以通过其他信使传递给个人,比如辐射牡鹿。[33] 这种对个人启示的信念也意味着原子神教的确切信条不断变化,足够有魅力的司祭可以从根本上改变他们社区的道路,从和平共处到激进扩张,反之亦然。[34] 教徒的宗教图像基于代表原子的科学图表。[35]


教徒有一个松散的等级结构,以精神领袖为中心。被称为司祭或教母,取决于性别,[Non-game 3]他们拥有绝对的权威,可以随意颁布诫命。原子神教徒都发誓要服从他们,否则后果自负。[36] 为了消除异议,原子之神的审判官可以由领导者自行决定。[37]

教徒的激进分子被称为烈士,发誓要捍卫信仰并保护其追随者和他们的圣地。[38] 烈士通常是前雇佣兵或掠夺者,他们皈依了信仰并在大烈士的指挥下行动。大烈士通常指定一名副手,负责确保其他烈士的健康。[39]

许多教徒对辐射表现出先天免疫,但只要他们的信仰是真实的,该信仰就会接受所有皈依者。[40] 潜在的转化者通常是通过饮用辐射水,[41] 由司祭提供,或者在荒漠山小岛的情况下,通过饮用原子之神泉水并体验异象。自然而然,这会淘汰弱者和体弱者,并识别出适合为原子之神承担更危险任务的免疫人员。[42]







  • 居里三世永恒之光使徒的创始人和领袖是前原子神教徒。 或者,她也可以作为狂尸鬼遇到。
  • 杰拉德修士,永恒之光使徒的副手,曾是原子神教徒。 他也可以作为尸鬼遇到。


  • 伊索德教母是原子神弹坑群体的领导者,在任务發光海中与之互动。
  • 教会成员,他们对眼前的独存者充满敌意。
  • 維雷娜修女
  • 格里菲斯修士
  • 蕾拉修女
  • 佛斯德修士
  • 瓦德修士
  • 奧格登修士
  • 亨利修士
  • 派普·萊特 (不情愿地)[45]
  • 霍伯曼修士 Mentioned
  • Atom's Wrath (reprogrammed assaultron)
  • Mercy (从前) Creation Club



  • 原子神教徒对屍鬼没有很高的评价,[46][47]唯一的例外是金斯波特燈塔的孩子们将發光種称为“塔中的祝福者”,[48]以及可以说是异端的永恒之光使徒
  • 核弹镇中指向教堂的标志上写着“当地文化”,表明该镇的居民对这场运动并不关心。
  • 与在首都废土中遇到的大部分和平的原子神教徒不同,联邦分会的成员将积极尝试通过向他们喷射致命量的辐射来“转变”所有非信徒,包括独存者。他们不分青红皂白的敌意通常会导致玩家角色、教徒和其他任何遇到他们道路的东西之间的三方战斗,无论是动物还是其他派系的成员,如槍手義勇兵。唯一可以交谈的原子神教徒是在原子神彈坑发现的那些人和在前哨站内的亨利,即使是那些人对非信徒的脾气也相当反复无常。
  • 忠于他们的信仰,联邦的教会成员在战斗中几乎完全依赖辐射武器,主要是非常危险的伽马枪和更具破坏性的核子手雷。他们还随意使用核子地雷来保护他们的据点,使攻击这些据点成为一项更加危险的工作。虽然教徒通常只穿破布,但与类似的NPC类型相比,他们拥有更高的血量。此外,他们可以造成的伤害量是惊人的,特别是考虑到他们用伽玛枪几乎准确无误的瞄准。
  • 与他们的信仰完全相反,他们在金斯波特燈塔饲养和喂养一只發光種
  • 许多原子神教徒对辐射的不利影响免疫,并在发光海火山口等高辐射区域自由生活,而不必遭受尸鬼化或其他突变,有些甚至可能通过靠近他们便能消除其他人的辐射 。原子神教徒声称这是原子之神给他们的“礼物”,但他们从来没有进一步阐述他们的适应问题或入会者如何获得这样的“礼物”。
    • 然而,这个“礼物”并不是原子神教徒成员所独有的,因为婴儿玛丽布莱恩·理奇特(在加入教会之前发现了自己的免疫力)等非成员也对辐射具有免疫力。
  • 一些原子神教徒确实使用抗辐射药物,将使用它的行为称为“擦洗”。他们这样做要么是因为他们需要它(因为“原子神对分享他的祝福很挑剔”),要么是出于宗教动机作为一种忏悔的形式:“审视自己,重新拥抱辉光。”
  • 一小群核弹镇的原子神教徒在忏悔者克伦威尔的指导下向北旅行,他们在缅因州的岛上定居。最终占据了旧潜艇基地的据点,从而创建了教会的远港分部。





  1. The Sole Survivor: "If you manage to survive despite all that, you must be tough."
    Avery: "*chuckle* Ornery, more like. I-"
    Allen Lee: "I'm done cowering behind your damned Hull, Avery. Time you let me deal with the real problem. With the right people and my guns I can end those Children of Atom cultists for good."
    Avery: "The Fog's been here forever. The Children didn't make it."
    Allen Lee: "Before the rad eaters came, the Fog was under control. They come and it all goes wrong. It's time we do something!"
    Avery: "No need to burden the stranger with all this... nonsense."
    (Avery and Allen Lee's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "So it was just a collection of traders in the beginning?"
    Manya Vargas: "Not at first. It was a collection of people trying to get into the vault, people worshipping the bomb, and a few other refugees. Then the traders came. Now the caravans take care of most of the trading, but before they were set up, it was all Megaton. I worked on the caravans with my father for a while. That's how I met that worthless bag of liver spots I call a husband."
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "So why didn't they move the bomb?"
    Manya Vargas: "Some of us wanted to. But the Church of Atom was just getting its start then. We needed their help to build the walls and clear the wreckage. If we'd have tried to move the bomb, they would have refused to help. Besides, a lot of people just wanted to leave it alone. It didn't seem to be hurting anything and who knows what would happen if we messed with it."
  4. Confessor Cromwell: "Ah, my dearest wife..."
    Mother Maya: "Yes, husband?"
    Confessor Cromwell: "I've been concerned about church attendance lately, Mother. The town's inability to fully accept Atom's promise is... most discouraging."
    Mother Maya: "Do not despair, dearest husband. Soon, all of Megaton will bask in Atom's glow."
    (Confessor Cromwell and Mother Maya's dialogue)
  5. The Sole Survivor: "How did you find this place?"
    Mother Isolde: "We'd seen the glow, beckoning us in the distance. Where others ply the Glowing Sea with fear, we strode into this land... ...knowing that Atom would guide us through unharmed. In return for our faith, we were granted this haven, abandoned, pristine, a blessing from Atom. We built here to show our thanks for his grace."
    (Mother Isolde's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Sole Survivor: "How is it you came to this place?"
    Tektus: "We were guided here, many years ago, after our exile from Far Harbor. The first of us, my predecessor Martin and I, had come north at the behest of Atom's great prophet, Confessor Cromwell... ...from a small refuge in the Capital Wastes. When we arrived on the island, we found a few souls receptive to Atom's message. Anna... the Archemist... was formerly Far Harbor's doctor before she found the Light. But most... they thought us a menace. We were chased from the town, driven into the wilds. Barely escaped with our lives. Some of us were... never the same. It was only thanks to the grace of Atom that we survived... and finally found a place that we could call home."
    (High Confessor Tektus' dialogue)
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Sole Survivor: "What can you tell me about the Mother of the Fog?"
    Tektus: "The Mother is one of Atom's most revered messengers. Many years ago, when we were driven from Far Harbor, it was she who guided us through the wilds to this sanctuary. We might all have been lost if it wasn't for her. You should be honored she found you so... interesting."
    (High Confessor Tektus' dialogue)
  8. Brian Richter: "Hmph. You're back. More than I expected. Did Atom reveal something to you?"
    The Sole Survivor: "I drank from the spring and a woman led me to this icon. Does this mean something?"
    Brian Richter: "A woman? Led you to that icon? What woman? What did you see?"
    The Sole Survivor: "Is there something special about this thing?"
    Brian Richter: "I think it may be a message from someone very important. So I need you tell me what you saw."
    The Sole Survivor: "It was... otherwordly. The woman, she was like a living shadow, cloaked in mist."
    Brian Richter: "Atom above. You really did see her. The Mother of the Fog. The Mother is a messenger from Atom. Acts as a guide to those important to His plans and the future of this family. She's the one who led the first of us to this place. And if she revealed herself to you... then I'd say the path He's lain for you is clear. If you are prepared to take the next step, then I believe there is a place for you among Atom's children."
    The Sole Survivor: "So what exactly happened to me at the spring?"
    Brian Richter: "Seems Atom granted you a vision. Only those deemed worthy of joining the Children have them... and live. But for some rare souls, he sends... more. A messenger. Or in your case, the Mother."
    The Sole Survivor: "So was the Mother real?"
    Brian Richter: "Most believe she's some sort of spirit, a creature of the wilds, though a few claim she's just an old hermit. Regardless, our family wouldn't be here without her. If she figured in your vision... well, there are few signs clearer you're meant to be one of us."
    (Grand Zealot Brian Richter's dialogue)
  9. The Sole Survivor: "If this thing involves the whole island, then you need help. I can be your problem-solver if you let me in."
    迪瑪: "I suppose there's something to be said about refusing help even when it's offered and you're in need. There's a conflict that's been brewing on this island, shortly after we built Acadia. Between Far Harbor and the Children of Atom."
    Chase: "Simply put: They want to kill each other, and each side wants us to help them."
    Faraday: "We've tried to stay neutral, but Far Harbor was going to be wiped out by the Fog, so that's when we built the Condensers for them."
    DiMA: "And I was friends with the previous leader of the Children of Atom, Confessor Martin. I even gave them their headquarters, the submarine base they named the Nucleus."
    Chase: "Which was a mistake, because Martin is gone and the new Confessor, Tektus, is completely insane."
    DiMA: "He's been threatening us, to force us to choose a side. I left behind something very important in that submarine base I gave them."
    Faraday: "DiMA's earliest memories are stored in the military computer banks in that base. The prewar security systems and Confessor Martin's good will were supposed to keep them safe."
    Chase: "But now Tektus is in charge, and he's after DiMA's memories. We don't even know what's in them."
    迪瑪: "But we do know that I spent nearly a century on this island, alone. Whatever's in there is too dangerous to allow Tektus to get his hands on them."
    (DiMA, Chase, and Faraday's dialogue)
  10. The Sole Survivor: "What's your beef with Avery?"
    Mitch: "Avery was born on the island, but she left for a good long spell. Didn't come back until, well, ten? Eleven years ago? And since then she's been trying to make us adopt all sorts of mainland nonsense. I ain't arguing she doesn't do good or her heart being in the right place, but why change what ain't broke."
    (Mitch's dialogue)
  11. The Sole Survivor: "You seem... different, from most of the people here. Why is that?"
    Brian Richter: "Brazen thing, aren't you. All right. I was a soldier before I came to Atom. Lieutenant Brian Richter. Recon, Captial Region. Had been on a long-term scouting mission up north when we picked up the trail of a reserve of Fusion Cores from an old disposal facility. We'd made our way into the containment cellar, only our team engineer hadn't set the door locks right. Fifteen inches of lead-wrapped steel slammed shut behind us and locked tight, not to open again until Division. And I got to watch them all crumble and die while I lasted on two sips of water a day and the occasional roach. The High Confessor - he was still a zealot back then - he eventually turned up a couple weeks later. They cracked the seal on the door, pulled me out, dragged me back here where the Archemist nursed me back to health. It's only thanks to Atom's blessing that I didn't die vomiting my guts onto the floor, forced to eat my own shedding hair. Now, did you have any other questions?"
    (Grand Zealot Brian Richter's dialogue)
  12. The Sole Survivor: "You've lost the whole island?"
    Captain Avery: "The Fog's been here forever. There are good years when it recedes and the island's almost normal. Then there are times where it spreads all over. And people have to cling to any patch of land free of the Fog. For the past... oh, eight years or so, it's been getting... as bad as it's ever been. Now, Far Harbor's one of the only places left that's safe."
    (Captain Avery's dialogue)
  13. The Sole Survivor: "I heard the Children are responsible for the Fog? Is that true?"
    Tektus: "Of course. The Fog predates our arrival on the island, certainly, but before us, it was but an occasional presence. Yet through our faith, our devotion to family, Atom saw fit to reach across the land... ...claiming for us more, year after year, until near all lay beneath His grasp. Now, was there something else I could answer for you?"
    (High Confessor Tektus' dialogue)
  14. The Sole Survivor: "What happened to this missionary?"
    Tektus: "A foul atrocity. Our good Brother Andrews had decided to brave the Fog and attempt to bring Atom's Light to that ghastly town... and remind the heathens of their trespasses. From what I hear, he'd barely spoken a word before they cut him down in cold blood. For nothing more than his devotion. Beasts."
    (High Confessor Tektus' dialogue)
  15. Acadia terminal entries; Faraday's terminal, Faraday's journal
  16. The Sole Survivor: "What caused Gwyneth to turn her back on Atom?"
    Theil: "I can only tell you what I saw. She was praying quietly, when she suddenly leapt up and began to shout that Atom is a lie. When Tektus confronted her, she struck him with such force that she knocked him to the ground. When she realized what she'd done, she fled. Tektus wanted to send someone after her, make an example, but at the time it was not his decision. Confessor Martin insisted we wait... ...hope for her return. Sadly, that never happened and we gave her up for dead. That was the end of Gwyneth, or so we thought. One of the acolytes spied her at a holy site, but she escaped in the Fog. It was not long after that the blasphemous messages appeared... ...and we knew it had to be her."
    (Zealot Theil's dialogue)
  17. Sister Gwyneth's visit
  18. The Sole Survivor: "Are you willing to tell me what was happening between you and those two Children when I showed up?"
    Brian Richter: "Our family is built on trust. Many people on this island would kill us without thought. Those two needed to prove they could be trusted. One did."
    (Grand Zealot Brian Richter's dialogue)
  19. The Sole Survivor: "Atom's children? Who are they?"
    Brian Richter: "We are the Children of Atom, servants of the creator of this and all worlds. You walk through His domain."
  20. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you believe?"
    Cromwell: "The Church of the Children of Atom is based on the idea that each single atomic mass in all of creation contains within it an entire universe. When that atomic mass is split, a single universe divides and becomes two -- thus signifying the single greatest act of Atom's creation. Occasionally, a divine event occurs and trillions upon trillions of new universes are created. The last such event took place here, 200 years ago. Where most of the lost children of Atom see that event as simple war and devastation, we see creation and unification in Atom's Glow."
  21. Fallout 3 loading screens: "The Church of the Children of Atom believe the war of 2077 was actually a great holy event perpetuated by their god, Atom."
  22. The Sole Survivor: "So you worship radiation?"
    Brian Richter: "We worship its ability to transform. To create something better. Why? That idea call to you?"
  23. The Sole Survivor: "What can you tell me about the Children's beliefs?"
    Brian Richter: "Our belief is in holy Atom, who struck this world two centuries ago, wreathing it in His Glow. That Glow is the Children's way out of this place. To Division."
  24. The Sole Survivor: "What's Division?"
    Brian Richter: "Release. Release of your potential. Of all the worlds locked away inside you. Broken apart and reborn a thousand times over through the Glow. Island's the perfect place for it, thanks to the Fog, the Nucleus. Glow everywhere. With patience, we'll all find Division in this place."
  25. The Sole Survivor: "What can you tell me about Division?"
    Tektus: "Atom's greatest gift. Locked inside us all are billions of invisible worlds, waiting only to be touched by His Glow in order to be born anew through Division. During the Great War, it was granted to many, though they certainly didn't realize it. But today it is often a slow process, taking years of exposure in order to be realized. We are all here to spend our lives seeking the promise of Division, however long it may take. Now, did you have another question?"
    (High Confessor Tektus' dialogue)
  26. Crater of Atom, crater house, etc. are examples of this practice.
  27. The Sole Survivor: "I'm looking for some bombs... nuclear bombs."
    Brother Henri: "You trivialize that which resides here. This place is holy. The Children of Atom have sworn to guard this place until the time of the Great Divide. None shall enter."
    (Brother Henri's dialogue)
  28. The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you worship the bomb?"
    Confessor Cromwell: "Those who were called to Atom during the Great Division were very fortunate. They were permitted to aid in the process of Atom's creation. We seek the same, both in symbol and in fact and the "bomb", as you call it, represents Atom's capacity for creation. We kneel before it and ask that Atom call us to aid him. We pray that out of our meager bodies, he will create new life."
    (Confessor Cromwell's dialogue)
  29. The Sole Survivor: "What do you mean "His domain"?"
    Brian Richter: "The island. You've seen the Fog. Heard the Geiger counter on your little bracelet pipe up? That is Atom, spreading His Glow across this land. And that Glow is the path to our salvation."
    (Grand Zealot Brian Richter's dialogue)
  30. The Sole Survivor: "What's your problem with Far Harbor?"
    Brian Richter: "Those heathens persecute our missionaries and use profane technology to steal land that rightfully belongs to Atom. Not sure which sin is worse. And I want you to assure me you're not here to do their bidding."
    (Grand Zealot Brian Richter's dialogue)
  31. The Sole Survivor: "What profane technology are you talking about?"
    Brian Richter: "Acadia's little lifeline to that den of sin. The Fog Condensers. The only reason they're able to hang onto that blasted dock. ... information you'd be well aware of if they'd sent you... So, explain to me why you're trespassing on sacred ground. Unless... you're here seeking a place among Atom's children?"
    (Grand Zealot Brian Richter's dialogue)
  32. The Sole Survivor: "You mentioned scouring? What's that?"
    Sister Mai: "Oh. Right. Well, most of us here, the Glow doesn't harm us. But Atom's picky about sharing His blessing. We keep some anti-rad meds on hand, for those in need. Most folks around here, High Confessor included, consider it a kind of... penitence. Scour oneself and embrace the Glow anew. So did you want to peruse the goods?"
    (Sister Mai's dialogue)
  33. Devin: "Holy Atom. From this spot I-- I-is that you? Oh holy... ... oh. I-I'm sorry, brother/sister. I thought you were... never mind. Did you need something?"
    The Sole Survivor: "You seem like you're expecting someone?"
    Devin: "I am. Atom came to me. And I will follow His command."
    The Sole Survivor: "Atom came to you? What'd you see?"
    Devin: "My saving grace. Jet has been my crutch for many years. One day, I was in the woods, polluting myself, when a figure strode from the sky before me. A verdant stag, wreathed in holy Glow. It commanded me to return to the Nucleus, to leave behind my iniquities and give myself fully to Atom. For my dedication, Atom would send another messenger, who would free me from my shackles once and for all. That, brother/sister, is why I must wait."
    The Sole Survivor: "How do you know your vision of Atom's messenger wasn't just a hallucination brought on by the drugs? "
    Devin: "What if it was? Holy Atom spoke to me. Promised to free me from my weakness. He gave me a task. And I will obey."
    (Brother Devin's dialogue)
  34. Reformation
  35. Banners, carvings and other imagery throughout Far Harbor.
  36. The Sole Survivor: "There must be another way we could make things right."
    DiMA: "None that I can see. The authority of the High Confessor is absolute. The Children of Atom won't see the need for peace unless he... changes his mind."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  37. Witch Hunt
  38. The Sole Survivor: "So you're a Zealot? What is that exactly?"
    Theil: "We are defenders of Atom's faith and guardians of the Nucleus. Most were mercenaries or Trappers before they finally came to Atom. Though Richter apparently was actually a soldier of some rank in his old life, if the rumors are true."
    (Zealot Theil's dialogue)
  39. The Sole Survivor: "The Grand Zealot sent me. Tell me what you can about Sister Gwyneth"
    Theil: "I'm the Grand Zealot's second. It's my job to ensure the Zealots are fit for the conflict to come against all those who offend Atom."
    (Zealot Theil's dialogue)
  40. The Sole Survivor: "There's so much radiation on the island. How come people here don't get sick?"
    Tektus: "Some do. But most of our family has been blessed at birth with an affinity for the Glow. It's no more to us than a May rain. Warm. Comforting. It's why a place like this island truly is meant for His children. Others simply whither away while we gladly await Division."
    (High Confessor Tektus' dialogue)
  41. Confessor Cromwell: "Behold! He is coming with the clouds! And every eye shall be blind with his glory! Every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice! Let the men, women, and children of the Earth come forth to gather and behold the power of Atom! Let those who dwell here in his favored land attend now to the words of the Prophet of Atom! Come forth and drink the waters of the Glow, for this ancient weapon of war is our salvation, it is the very symbol of Atom's glory! Let it serve as a reminder of the Division that has occurred in the past and the resplendence of the promise of our division in the times to come! Give your bodies to Atom, my friends. Release yourself to his power, feel his Glow, and be Divided. There shall be no tears, no sorrow, no suffering, for in the Division, we shall see our release from the pain and hardships of this world. Yea, your suffering shall exist no longer; it shall be washed away in Atom's Glow, burned from you in the fire of his brilliance. Each of us shall give birth to a billion stars formed from the mass of our wretched and filthy bodies. Each of us shall be mother and father to a trillion civilizations. Each of us shall know peace, shall know an end to pain, and shall know Atom in his glory. I urge you, my friends -- come, drink with me and pray... Glorious Atom, I give unto you these feeble bones. I present to your will this frail body. I beg of you to use me as your vessel, guide me to your brilliance, divide each particle and give relief to this rotten flesh. Cast the fragile form of this ephemeral body into new life in the forge of your Glow. Atom, come -- bestow your presence on your unworthy servant. We stay true, until the Day of Division -- until the dawn of your return to His humble world."
    (Confessor Cromwell's dialogue)
  42. Visions in the Fog
  43. Children of Atom appearances in Fallout 4.
  44. Far Harbor appearances.
  45. The Sole Survivor: "Seems that execution didn't quite take, huh?"
    Piper Wright: "Thank god. I'd been working on this story about irradiated drinking water in Bunker Hill. I traced the water back to its source, through these old sewer tunnels, and what do I find? The Children of Atom, setting up like they own the place. Unfortunately, they found me just as quick. Turns out they were not fond of reporters. So to atone for my trespassing, they decided to make a sacrifice to Atom - me. I'm kneeling there, about to get the boot into this huge sewer pipe... ...when I suddenly blurt out: "Atom! He reveals himself!" And they buy it. They pulled me back from the ledge... and then gave me their induction ceremony. You are looking at an official acolyte of Atom. Took me a couple more days before I managed to sneak away, get Bunker Hill security to finally clean the place up."
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  46. Child of Atom: "Ugh. Ghouls. Unfit for Atom's grace."
    (Children of Atom's dialogue (Far Harbor))
  47. The Sole Survivor: "Who?"
    Ware: "Brother Devin. Skinny guy near the entrance to the bay, starting to look like a ghoul with hair. You can't miss him. See, Brother Devin, he's been on a fast. A long one. No food. Only irradiated water. Waiting for a sign from Atom. Most folks would say that's real admirable, giving yourself to Atom like that. What do you think?"
    (Zealot Ware's dialogue)
  48. Kingsport Lighthouse terminal entries; terminal, Heretics
  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.66: "Confessor Cromwell
    Little is known about Cromwell's past: He arrived in his early 20s (he's now 44) and was granted permission to stay due to the blessing and high standing of his successor游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 in the church, who fostered him in the ways of Atom. Eventually, Cromwell proved to be a valuable resource in protecting and aiding the town, and he became an eccentric distraction to most of the citizens of Megaton."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.34: "CHILDREN OF ATOM
    Considered a cult by most outsiders, the Children of Atom worship nuclear material and the radiation it emits. While most members are compelled to spread the word of Atom, Children of Atom are wary of strangers and generally attack trespassers on sight. Unless important business takes you into their territory, approaching a Child of Atom will trigger a firefight.
    Children of Atom congregate in the Crater of Atom, but smaller groups can be found throughout the Commonwealth.
    Children of Atom wear rags that offer very little protection, but prolonged exposure has left them immune to radiation and able to withstand a considerable amount of punishment. Although some Children of Atom rely on a variety of handmade pipe guns, others favor the radiation damage offered by gamma guns. Whenever possible, equip armor that offers radiation resistance or stock up on RadAway before engaging these fanatics."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Groups, Gangs, and Factions)
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 86: "Mother Maya
    Mother Maya is 41 and Confessor Cromwell's female counterpart. She and Cromwell are actually husband and wife, but they don't go out of their way to advertise the fact, because they're both so busy promoting the ideals of the church."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)