
Atom's Champion is a non-hostile feral ghoul reaver found in the basement of the Holy Light Monastery辐射3扩展包断钢 . Atom's Champion is one of two non-hostile feral ghouls in the monastery, the other being Sun of Atom.


A mighty reaver who has truly achieved Eternal Light,[1] Atom's Champion is considered by Mother Curie III to be an exemplary disciple of her cult, who has taken in enough Atom's Glow to be transformed, rather than die a hideous death due to radiation poisoning. The fact, he does not rip everyone in the monastery apart is a result not of divine grace, but remnants of functioning brain matter, though.[Non-game 1] Atom's Champion does not have any blood relation to Curie III, unlike Sun of Atom, created from Curie's own son.[Non-game 2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions other

He will attack if any of the people in the Holy Light Monastery are killed or if the cult is threatened via dialogue.


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
63% chance caps, 12.5% chance random chem, 12.5% chance random item/ammunition


  • Despite being a feral ghoul reaver, he lacks the green "flame" effect that other reavers have.
  • Attempting to engage him in dialogue will result in him doing actions instead of speaking, eventually, he may also "have a fit," where he waves his hands around in the air and also tremble violently at times.


Atom's Champion appears only 在辐射3扩展包断钢 .


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "You mean, you turn people into Ghouls?"
    Mother Curie III: "That's a vulgar term, used only by those who are jealous of their gifts. We recognize them for the Enlightened beings they are. But to receive such Enlightenment, people need to be exposed to a tremendous dose of Atom's Glow. That's why our holy water is so important! Sadly, only a small number of supplicants truly achieve Eternal Light. The rest must be satisfied with Enlightenment and an end to their suffering."
    (Mother Curie III's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.61: "Atom's Champion
    This Feral Ghoul Reaver has some semblance of functional brain matter. Mother Curie III uses this wretched creature as an example of a follower who has given himself completely to the Eternal Light."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.97: "Son of Atom
    When a human transcends mortality and straddles the ether, they can be seen to be both living in the 'real' and 'spiritual' realm. Mother Curie III firmly believes her own son to have taken the final steps on this journey. In fact, much of her son's higher functions have disappeared, and only instinct is preventing this confused Glowing One from attacking."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)

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