Carlyle St. Clair III is a character living in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.
Carlyle St. Clair III is the heir to an influential merchant house. St. Clair cut ties with his family and was completely ostracized for something he refuses to talk about.[1][2] After leaving the family estate, St. Clair began to wander until he found himself a little nook north of New Vegas where no one knew about his reputation.[3]
With his originally well-off lifestyle and near complete seclusion, he was a natural choice after weeks of scouting as the main course for Mortimer's banquet at the Ultra-Luxe. However, when Mortimer's men attempted to capture Carlyle, they failed and he escaped. Since the attempt, he hasn't slept or barely left the area around his house, ever wary that another attempt to kidnap him might be made.[4][1]
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
互動 | ||
此角色參與任務。 |
- Beyond the Beef: The player character needs to find him in order to use him as an acceptable replacement for Ted Gunderson, if choosing to take the path of saving Ted Gunderson.
- With the Confirmed Bachelor/Black Widow perk, he can be lured into the dumpster by proposing to have sex with him there.
- With 7 Strength, one can apply a sleeper hold.
- With 45 Medicine skill, one can tell him to breathe deeply three times then blow on his thumb, which causes him to pass out.
- With 45 Guns skill, one can pistol-whip him.
- With 45 Unarmed skill, one can knock him out by striking a nerve in his neck.
服裝 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
Dirty pre-War spring outfit Sunglasses |
- Carlyle will disappear after Beyond the Beef is completed.
- One can eat him with the Cannibal perk, but this will cause Beyond the Beef to fail.
Notable quotes[]
- "Keep your distance. Who are you, and what do you want?" – Carlyle St. Clair III upon meeting the Courier
- "Really? Is that some kind of ancient Chinese secret or something? Well, what the hell. I'll try anything once. Here goes..."
- "That obvious, huh? Yeah I'm not from around here. But where I'm from, they don't want me, so that's just as well. Really with my reputation, there aren't many places I can go that'll have me. My own family's blackballed me, and they've got a lot of clout."
Carlyle St. Clair III appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
- prid 127dd7, disable, enable. However, his dialogue tree may not be available.[已驗證]
- Knock out Carlyle, drag his body to the dumpster, and see if the dumpster will allow the player character to put his body in. If this does not work, enter resetquest 0010d2c6 into the console just after the lines above and then try to knock him out again after starting the quest over. This means that one will have to go back to Mortimer and start the events over, and the characters that may have died previously will still be dead.
Upon arriving at the shack, he may not be present. On PC, enter the following into the console: - Choosing to pistol-whip Carlyle St. Clair can sometimes kill him, causing immediate failure of Beyond the Beef. [已驗證]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "The main course is a person?"
Mortimer: "Yes. The wrong person. We scouted the right one for weeks. The heir to a mercantile empire. Sort of a black sheep. He cut ties with his family and left their estate to wander. He was ideal. Corn-fed and well-to-do, but no one to miss him if he were to disappear. Unfortunately the trap my subordinates set for him failed. And as he escaped, he saw their faces. Now he's wary."
(Mortimer's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "You. You don't seem like you fit in here."
Carlyle St. Clair: "That obvious, huh? Yeah I'm not from around here. But where I'm from, they don't want me, so that's just as well. Really with my reputation, there aren't many places I can go that'll have me. My own family's blackballed me, and they've got a lot of clout."
(Carlyle St. Clair's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What's so bad about your reputation?"
Carlyle St. Clair: "Oh, sure. That's all I need. Someone telling people around here about my reputation. I'll be run out of here before dawn. Forget it."
(Carlyle St. Clair's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "You keep tilting your head to one side. Is your neck okay?"
Carlyle St. Clair: "It's been stiff lately. Since I was attacked I've been afraid to sleep in my bed. I know it's irrational. Now I can't hardly sleep at all. I just nod off from time to time. I'm so tired."
(Carlyle St. Clair's dialogue)