



雖然關於卡戎的過去很少提及,但阿澤魯坎會告訴獨行者他是由一群人撫養長大的,這些人洗腦了他,讓他服從任何與他簽訂合同的人。[1]阿澤魯坎堅持說他不是奴隸,並暗示卡戎過去做了一些事情配得上他在阿澤魯坎的「僱傭」。[2]雖然合同條款從未顯示,但如果卡戎被要求取回87號避難所中的G.E.C.K. ,他說他只擅長戰鬥服務並且他是「不是任何人的跑腿小弟」。[3]





Paving the Way
FO76 ui icon quest


  • 聘請幫手: 玩家可以通過為阿澤魯坎殺死格麗塔或支付大量瓶蓋來免費獲得卡戎的合同。獲得合同後,卡戎將接近阿澤魯坎,冷血地殺死他,以報復他讓他做的所有骯髒工作。
  • 奪回!: 安裝了斷鋼後,儘管卡戎之前拒絕取回G.E.C.K.,但仍可以在87號避難所命令他啟動淨化器。


  • 玩家角色可以通過支付阿澤魯坎2,000或1,000瓶蓋來獲得卡戎的合同(交易 50),或者同意殺死格蕾塔。獲得卡戎的合同使他成為潛在的夥伴。 一旦他不再受榮譽約束為阿澤魯坎服務,卡戎就會殺了他。
  • 儘管雇用他沒有業報要求,但卡戎遵循個人道德道路。在地下世界偷竊會使他充滿敵意。如果獨行者在卡戎面前殺死了一個優秀的非玩家角色,卡戎會變得心煩意亂,如果隨後被解僱,就會變得敵對。


服裝 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
皮甲 卡戎的霰彈槍


  • 當他的合同被購買時,卡戎說他必須與他的前雇主「聊天」。之後,他走到酒吧,與阿澤魯坎短暫交談,然後開槍打死了他。如果被問及此事,卡戎回答說:「阿澤魯坎是個邪惡的混蛋。」[4]
  • 如果玩家在卡戎拔出霰彈槍殺死阿澤魯坎時攻擊卡戎,卡戎會轉而攻擊玩家角色,立即殺死他們。此時攻擊卡戎仍被視為一種侵略行為,並將使地下世界NPC敵對。然而,在卡戎殺死阿澤魯坎之後攻擊他不會使任何人敵對。
  • 在殺死阿澤魯坎時,他總是會用他獨特的霰彈槍開兩槍,即使他的前雇主在第一槍後立即死亡。
  • 卡戎將加入獨行者,不管業報如何。
  • 卡戎在嗶嗶小子中的僱傭合同上寫著:"注意 - 一張紙,上面有一些文字。"
  • 卡戎比獨行者和大多數人類/屍鬼非玩家角色高,身高修正為1.11。
  • 在完成特佩尼大廈任務之前,卡戎將與獨行者一起進入特佩尼大廈。
  • 卡戎是唯一一個能使用炸藥的同伴。如果給予標準手榴彈,他會在敵人躲藏時有效地使用它們,以將他們趕出去。
  • 如果卡戎被激怒了,你試著和他說話,他說,"你的暴力行為使我們的合同無效。"
  • 如果有斷鋼擴展包,他是可以被送到傑斐遜紀念圓形大廳激活淨化器的3個同伴之一。在獨行者說他必須按照合同說的任何事情做之後,他不情願地進去了。[5]






  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 對於某些玩家來說,在卡戎射殺阿澤魯坎後,卡戎可能會自動成為你的隨從,即使你已經有隨從(包括是否也雇用了狗肉)。 [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC 如果在完成任務之前殺死阿澤魯坎,則無法招募卡戎,因為只有完成任務才能獲得卡戎的合同。 即使阿澤魯坎死了,卡戎也會簡單地告訴獨行者去與阿澤魯坎交談。 [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果你僱傭卡戎作為追隨者,他可能不會跟著你穿過大廳,但會再次出現在博物館入口外。 [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有時,卡戎不會在地下世界之外跟隨你,但仍會出現在歷史博物館之外。這可以通過在地下世界之外保存然後加載存檔來解決,他就會出現。 [已驗證]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 卡戎可能無法離開第九圈,甚至進入地下世界。 [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果你只給卡戎裝備中國隱形盔甲並離開對話,他將裝備它並能夠隱形。如果你在隱身時與他交談並給他動力裝甲(可能是任何盔甲),而他隱身並離開交易裝備界面,他將穿上動力裝甲並且仍然能夠偷偷摸摸讓你抓住現在沒有裝備的中國隱身盔甲,自己穿中國隱形盔甲。[已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When buying Charon's contract from Ahzrukhal, a bug can occur during their interaction that leaves one, or both of them, unable to respond to the player (i.e. Charon will not follow you and/or Ahzrukhal will not talk to you). This bug may happen if Ahzrukhal is asleep. When Charon goes to wake him, Ahzrukhal will say his first line of dialogue and Charon will stay in place. Ahzrukhal will then go to the area he is in originally when you walk in during the day. It can be solved on the PC by using the in-game console command "resurrect" to reset the problematic non-player characters. On the Xbox 360, this bug can sometimes be solved by exiting and re-entering the game. [已驗證]
    • This bug can be avoided altogether by simply waiting for Ahzrukhal to wake up before telling Charon you now own his contract.
    • To fix the bug, just type in the console "select Charon", type "disable" then "enable". Charon should continue to kill Ahzrukhal.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 At times, he may shoot dead bodies the same way he shoots Ahzrukhal. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If fired, he may become stuck on something while walking and be unable to return to the Ninth Circle. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC If Charon is equipped with a power helmet, his dialogue options 'cut out' due to a bug related to the sound files of Charon's voice and the voice modulation of the power helmet (requires further confirmation for Xbox 360). [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If Charon dies when he is still under the contract, you cannot fire him or drop his contract from your inventory, this result makes the player permanently unable to acquire a human companion. This bug can be fixed by loading an auto-save/save file or using the console to remove his contract. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you enter the Outcast Base from Operation: Anchorage, Charon will disappear and not come back. The game will still act as if he is still in your party, so you cannot get another companion. A fix to this is to fast travel to Underworld, wait for 24 hours, then fast travel back to the Outcast Base. Charon will be outside the lift and act as if he was told to wait. Simply talk to him and tell him, "Let's go" to get him to follow again. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Taking shotgun shells out of his inventory can cause it to seem as if his shotgun has disappeared. As his shotgun ammo constantly fills back up as he fires, sometimes 2 shotguns will appear in his inventory, one damaged and the other in perfect condition, which is his personal shotgun. Do not remove it from his inventory except in the case of giving him the Terrible Shotgun. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Before entering the Tranquility Lane pod, if one has Dogmeat and Charon in their party, they will receive a message saying something about Dogmeat returning to Vault 101. However, they do not receive a message for Charon. This creates a bug that possibly makes Charon disappear. One solution, if The Pitt add-on is owned, is to travel to the Pitt itself, where a message stating that Charon has gone back to the Ninth Circle will display. This should fix the problem and reset Charon.[已驗證]



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "He's a loyal employee? What do you mean?"
    Ahzrukhal: "I hold his contract, which makes me his employer. He will do what I ask when I ask, without question. You see, Charon grew up around a very interesting group of individuals. They... well, I guess you could say that they brainwashed him. He is absolutely loyal to whomever holds his contract. Unfailing, unflinching, until the day that employment ends. Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt that he holds no end of animosity towards me. But so long as he is my employee, he is as gentle as a teddy bear."
    (Ahzrukhal's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "So he's your slave?"
    Ahzrukhal: "No, he is not. Sir/Ma'am, you insult me. I do not believe in slavery. It is an abomination. I am a firm believer in personal choice. To force another person into bondage is unthinkable. Chains are earned, never forced. Charon made some choices that landed him in my employ. The matters of our contract is between him and I no one else."
    (Ahzrukhal's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Charon, you think you could retrieve the G.E.C.K. for me?"
    Charon: "The contract entitles you to my services in combat. I'm nobody's errand boy. I'm afraid you'll have to get it yourself."
    (Charon's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "Whoa! What the fuck was that?"
    Charon: "Ahzrukhal was an evil bastard. So long as he held my contract, I was honor bound to do as he commanded. But now you are my employer, which freed me to rid the world of that disgusting rat. And now, for good or ill, I serve you."
    (Charon's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "This contract says you're going. The code is 2-1-6. Now get."
    Charon: "If you insist..."
    (Charon's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "I want you to use ranged weapons."
    Charon: "If that is what you wish, then it is what I shall do. I must say, that I find happiness in a warm gun."
    (Charon's dialogue)


  1. Fred Zeleny on Twitter: "@q0rt @leighalexander Once, @DoctorSpooky found a CL fantasy-hookup request for Charon, the ghoul he wrote in FO3. He considered responding."